fall 2013

More Taste of Academia

...continued from previous page.

"Alien, the Predator and E.T.-- Encounters of a Third Kind"

Prof. Yoav Yair has always believed in aliens. And, he has transformed that childhood interest into his profession, as a senior member of the Open University of Israel's Avinoam Adam Department of Natural Sciences. Prof. Yair attracted a wide group of youth and adults to his lecture entitled, "Alien, the Predator and E.T. -Possible Encounters with Alien Cultures".

Prof. Yair posed the scientists' question of the 21st century: "Is there life in other solar systems, and if there is are they intelligent forms of life?" Most people in the audience believe that there is such life. They do not believe that we, here on planet Earth, are the only living creatures in this universe.

Nor does Prof. Yair. "I believe that within the next decade we will discover living organisms beyond planet Earth. I believe the galaxy is bustling with life. Will life on some planets show intelligence? That's hard to know, and even harder to predict."

Prof. Yair is often called upon to verify 'sightings'. Not too long ago he was called by one of Israel's leading radio stations to explain the fact that some people claimed to see UFO's on the Dome of the Rock. Prof. Yair quickly dispelled this 'vision' explaining that it was a powerful laser that had been shone at the Rock. "With digital cameras prevalent everywhere and photoshop capabilities easy enough to manage, it's no wonder that there isn't a greater proliferation of strange sightings. Some 99.9% of what has been reported has been proven false."

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