Inauguration of Academia in High School
The youth participating in the Open University of Israel's "Academia in High School" Program from all over the country spent a good deal of time learning more about university life and resources. They visited the logistics center (where textbooks and study materials are dispatched to students) the studios (where courses are broadcast to students all over Israel and across the globe) and the book store. They also heard lectures from the University's academic faculty in the auditorium.
A demonstration of the laboratory staff brought color and action to the auditorium. Greetings were delivered by Dr. Eugene Kendel representing the Prime Minister's office, who spearheaded the Project recognizing its importance in promoting the early development of young people's academic potential; the Director of the Ministry of Education, Dalit Stauber, Dr. Shimshon Shoshani, Deputy Director of the Council for Higher Education, who decades ago recommended initiating the academic program for high school students, and Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron, President of the Open University.
"This is harder than I thought, but I am glad that I have the chance to learn academic studies at such a young age. At my age my brain is still fresh and therefore more open to learning. I'm anxious to take advantage of these good years. N., 15 years old, is studying computer sciences.
"I find high school too easy, so I am glad for this opportunity. I hope to take as many courses as possible. I'm already doing programming, so I want to continue with computer sciences." Y.R., 15 years old.