The College of Computer Science presents:

The COOL (Comprehensive Object-Oriented Learning) Project

and the first:

COOL International Exchange Workshop (COOLIE-1) 

18-19 April, 2002
College of Computer Science
Northeastern University
Boston MA 02115

The First COOL International Exchange (COOLIE-1) Workshop will be held at Northeastern University on 18-19 April 2002, in 149CN. (If necessary, the workshop may be extended by lectures also on Saturday 20 April.)

Program Organizer

Kristen Nygaard, Professor (emer)
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo.

Prof. Kristen Nygaard is the originator of the COOL Project and will be its Senior Researcher. Kristen Nygaard is also a consultant to the Norwegian Computing Center and the Simula Research Laboratory.

Kristen Nygaard invented object-oriented programming together with Ole-Johan Dahl at the Norwegian Computing Center. He has also done research on societal consequences of information technology and is regarded as the founder of the "Scandinavian School" in system development and participative design. He has received (together with Dahl) ACM's A.M. Turing Award, IEEE's John von Neumann Medal, and has been named Commander of the Order of Saint Olav by the King of Norway.

Kristen Nygaard's coordinates are:

Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
P.O.Box 1080 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
Tel.(Norwegian Computing Center and Department of Informatics): +47
Tel.(fax): +47
Tel.(Simula Research Laboratory): +47
Tel.(office at home): +47 Tel.(private): +47 Tel.(cellular): +47
e-mail: Web site:


Local Organizer

David Lorenz, Assistant Professor
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University.

David Lorenz's research interests center on concepts of object-oriented programming languages, design patterns, and aspect-oriented and component-based programming. At Northeastern University, he has taught essentials of programming languages, object-oriented design, and component-based programming. His current research involves software components and component-based software engineering.

David Lorenz's coordinates are:

Northeastern University
College of Computer Science
288 St Botolph Street
Room 111 CN (Cullinane Building)
Boston, MA 02115-5000
Tel.(work): +1-617-373-20.76
e-mail: Web site:


Participants need to make their own arrangements for staying in Boston. See David's proposal for a reasonable and good hotel.


The agenda is tentative and may be revised. The participants are asked to give their own proposals and comments to Kristen Nygaard and other participants. (Address list will appear soon.)

What is the COOL project?

The COOL Project (Comprehensive Object-Oriented Learning) is a 3-year research project proposal launched by by a consortium of four Norwegian research institutions, supported by research institutions in Aarhus in Denmark, and co-operating with test sites around the world.

COOL will contribute to a unifying process- and object-oriented platform for informatics, and produce a "Learning Landscape" of pedagogical and organizational components to be used in a modern and system-oriented education in informatics and related fields. It will provide an alternative to the current pedagogical approach used, commonly regarded as unsuccessful.

COOL will co-operate with research institutions in Denmark and with test sites (universities and colleges) around the world, representing a number of language/cultural worlds (Spanish/South American, English/North American, Scandinavian, and perhaps Chinese and others). COOL will produce an introductory course, supported by a textbook and DVD records containing integrated multimedia material. The COOL Learning Landscape shall allow for alternative courses, adapted to local cultures and conditions.

The consortium partners in Norway are: the new InterMedia center, the new Simula Research Laboratory, the Department of Informatics, all at the University of Oslo, and the Norwegian Computing Center. The consortium is headed by InterMedia.

Latest news:

People now regard it as VERY probable that COOL will get funding from the Norwegian Research Council soon - this spring. Funding for the coming years will have to be applied for, but we feel that it will be unlikely that NFR gives us money for this year if they do not intend to continue the support for the coming (three, four or five) years.

The COOL Web Page: 

Information for COM1204 students:

What is the Turing Award?

The A.M. Turing Award is ACM's most prestigious technical award. It is given to an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the computing community. The contributions should be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field. Below you will find the ACM Press Release about the award that Kristen Nygaard will receive in Toronto on 27 April 2002.



Norwegian Team Developed Concepts for Software Now in Home Entertainment Devices

New York, February 5, 2002...The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has presented the 2001 A.M. Turing Award, considered the "Nobel Prize of Computing," to Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard of Norway for their role in the invention of object-oriented programming, the most widely used programming model today. Their work has led to a fundamental change in how software systems are designed and programmed, resulting in reusable, reliable, scalable applications that have streamlined the process of writing software code and facilitated software programming. Current object-oriented programming languages include C++ and Java, both widely used in programming a wide range of applications from large-scale distributed systems to small, personal applications, including personal computers, home entertainment devices, and standalone arcade applications. The A.M.Turing Award carries a $25,000 prize.

The discrete event simulation language (Simula I) and general programming language (Simula 67) developed by Dahl and Nygaard at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo, Norway in the 1960's, led the way for software programmers to build software systems in layers of abstraction. With this approach, each layer of a system relies on a platform implemented by the lower layers. Their approach has resulted in programming that is both accessible and available to the entire research community.

"The work of Drs. Dahl and Nygaard has been instrumental in developing a remarkably responsive programming model that is both flexible and agile when it is applied to complex software design and implementation," said John R. White, executive director and CEO of ACM. "It is the dominant style for implementing programs with large numbers of interacting components." The awards committee noted that the core concepts embodied in their object-oriented methods were designed for both system description and programming and provided not just a logical but a notational basis for their ideas. The benefits of their work are not limited to software but are applicable to business processes as well.

Drs. Dahl and Nygaard are professors (emeriti) of informatics at the University of Oslo. They developed their object-oriented programming concepts at the Norwegian Computing Center from 1961-67. Professor Nygaard was involved in large-scale simulation studies at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment from 1949-60. He continued his work on object-orientation, and did research on systems development, participative system design, and societal consequences of information technology. With Danish colleagues, he invented Beta, a general object-oriented language.

Professor Dahl also worked at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, and joined the Simula project as an experienced designer and implementer of basic software as well as high level programming language. In 1968, Dahl became the first professor of informatics at the University of Oslo, responsible for establishing research and education programs in this rapidly expanding field. His focus on computer program verification led to the development of his theory of constructive types and subtypes based on computer-aided concept formation and reasoning.

ACM will present the A.M. Turing Award, its most prestigious technical honor, at the annual ACM Awards Banquet April 27, 2002, at the University of Toronto. The award was named for A. M. Turing, a pioneer in the computing field. Financial support for the award is provided by InterTrust Technologies Corp.'s Strategic Technologies and Architectural Research Laboratory.

About ACM
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students. ACM serves its global membership by delivering cutting edge technical information and transferring ideas from theory to practice. ACM hosts the computing industry's leading Portal to Computing Literature. With its world-class journals and magazines, dynamic special interest groups, numerous conferences, workshops and electronic forums, ACM is a primary resource to the information technology field. For additional information about ACM and the ACM Portal, see

 D. H. Lorenz Last Modified: $Date: 2002/05/03 00:43:55 $