What are you currently researching?
My current projects are focused on rock weathering processes in extreme environments. These include a study on the thermos-hydro-mechanical processes in high mountains, and how they are linked with climate change and slope stability, rock cracking in dry, salt-rich environments such as the Dry Valleys in Antarctica and Mars, and also the effect of forest fires on rock weathering and soil transport.
How did you become involved in your research field?
I've always been deeply curious about the natural world. After spending most of my 20s traveling and climbing mountains, I decided to pursue a BSc to gain a deeper understanding of the landscapes I explored. That decision set me on the path to where I am today.
What inspired you to become a researcher?
My inspiration comes from direct observations of natural landscapes, where I encounter intriguing phenomena that spark my curiosity. I’m driven by the desire to understand the processes behind them. For me, the journey of discovery is often more exciting and fulfilling than the final answer itself.
Which of your research findings would you like to highlight?
Two recent findings stand out to me: (1) Alongside my colleagues, I demonstrated how salts can deliver moisture to rock cracks even in seemingly dry environments. (2) Through a novel experiment in the French Alps, I provided the first insights into how and when surface water infiltrates steep, frozen rock at high altitudes.
How does your research link to the challenges of today?
My research directly addresses the impact of climate change on surface processes, particularly in extreme environments, which are often the most sensitive and vulnerable. It also contributes to natural hazard mitigation by improving our understanding of processes like slope stability, rock cracking, and soil transport under changing climatic conditions.
What excites you regarding your research field?
The same curiosity that led me to research continues to drive me today. While I’ve gained a much deeper understanding of the natural world, every discovery opens up new questions, making the pursuit of knowledge endless and exciting.