The field of educational administration, leadership, and policy hosts several conferences worldwide. The prominent international conferences include the AERA (American Educational Research Association) annual meeting in the United States, the UCEA (University Council for Educational Administration) annual meeting in the United States, the CIES (Comparative and International Education Society) annual meeting, and the BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society) annual meeting in the UK. In Israel, there is an annual meeting of educational administration departments, as well as the bi-annual meeting of the Israeli Comparative Education Society.
In my academic pursuits, I actively engage with various journals such as Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Management Administration and Leadership, Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of Educational Change, Leadership and Policy in Schools, Journal of Education Policy, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Comparative Education Review. Furthermore, I am a subscriber to several mailing lists of AERA, including Division A: Administration, Organization, & Leadership, Educational Change SIG, and School Improvement SIG.
By actively participating in conferences and staying up-to-date with influential journals and mailing lists, I ensure that I remain informed about the latest research, trends, and developments in the field of educational administration, leadership, and policy. This enables me to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge and practice in this domain.