Mice Models

Alzheimer's Disease Model

5xFAD mice express APP and PSEN1 genes with five mutations linked to Familial Alzheimer's disease. These mutations lead to AD-related phenotypes, amyloid plaques, and neuron loss as well as a range of cognitive deficits.

Preterm Birth Model

Treatment of pregnant mice with the progesterone receptor antagonist RU486 is successful at inducing long-living premature mice. Our data indicates that this mouse model demonstrates cognitive difficulties and vulnerability to anxiety-like behavior in adulthood, as well as differences in BDNF levels at birth and adulthood.

Anxiety and Depression

In human depression and anxiety, the accumulation of stressful life events has been reported to be a significant cause. To simulate this effect, a model of unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) is used to induce depression and anxiety-like behaviors in mice.

Old Age

Mice are considered old between 18-24 months of age. Although housing mice of such an advanced age is uncommon, the lab has conducted experiments on improving cognitive deficits related to old age.

Behavioral Tests

Puzzle Box

Puzzle Box

The Puzzle Box is a problem-solving test in which mice try to get into a darker section of the box. The entrance to the darker section is blocked by tasks of increasing difficulty that the mice are required to pass within a limited amount of time. This test provides a measure for higher-order cognitive executive functions.

Novel Obje​​​​​ct Recognition

Novel Obje​​​​​ct Recognition

Long-term (24 hours) recognition memory can be assessed by comparing the level of interest shown by the mice between two objects, one that is new and the other one with which they were acquainted the day before.

Location Object Recognition

Location Object Recognition

Similar to the Novel Object Recognition test, the Location Object Recognition test is based on the mice’s tendency to prefer and explore new stimuli over familiar ones. Long-term (24 hours) recognition memory can be assessed by comparing the level of interest shown by the mice between two objects, one that remains in the same location and one that is located in a new place.

Morris Water Maze

Morris Water Maze

This test requires the mice to rely on visual cues to navigate from starting locations at the perimeter of an open swimming arena to locate a submerged escape platform. The Morris Water Maze is designed to test for hippocampal-dependent learning. This includes the acquisition of spatial memory and retaining spatial memory in the long term. Spatial learning is assessed over repeated trials and is evident by reduced duration in the navigation to the platform over time. Reference memory is determined by a preference for the platform area when the platform is absent.

Sucrose Preference

Sucrose Preference

The sucrose preference test is an indicator of anhedonia, a decreased ability to experience pleasure. Anhedonia is one of the core symptoms of depression. The mice are presented with a sweet solution and plain drinking water. Since mice are born with a natural preference for sweet tastes, a decrease in their preference for the sweet solution over the plain drinking water is a measure for depression in mice.

Elevated Plus Maze

Elevated Plus Maze

The elevated plus maze is one of the most widely used tests for measuring anxiety-like behavior in mice. The test is based on the natural aversion that mice have for open and elevated areas, as well as their natural curiosity and exploration of any novel environment. The maze is elevated off the ground and consists of open and closed arms crossed in the middle perpendicularly to each other. The number of entries into the open arms and the duration spent in them is used as a measure of open-space anxiety. Increased anxiety will lead to a preference for closed arms and reduced exploration of open arms.

Open Field

Open Field

The open field is a square shaped enclosure in which a measure can be made of exploratory behavior and general activity. The mice have a natural aversion to open spaces that make them feel exposed. The open-field test exploits that by measuring the length of time spent in the center of the arena as a measure of anxiety-like behavior. Increased anxiety will lead to a preference to avoid the center and remain in the margins of the field.



Mice are driven by an innate curiosity to explore any previously unvisited areas. This can be used to assess short term memory in mice. Spatial reference memory, which is dependent on the hippocampus, can be tested by placing the mice in the maze with one arm closed off during training. After an interval, the mice should remember which arm they have not explored previously and should visit this arm more often during the test. With a second version of the Y-Maze test, spontaneous alternations can be assessed by allowing the mice to explore all three arms which is a measure of spatial working memory. Good working memory is dependent on the prefrontal cortex, and the mice should remember the arms previously visited and choose to enter a less visited arm each time they enter one of the arms for the duration of the test.

forced swim test

forced swim test

The FST is used to monitor depressive-like behavior and is based on the assumption that immobility reflects a measure of behavioral despair. Its sensitivity to a broad range of antidepressant drugs makes it a suitable screening test and is one of the most important features leading to its high predictive validity

Biological Assays



RT-qPCR (Reverse Transcription Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a highly sensitive technique used to quantify RNA expression levels. It involves converting RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) through reverse transcription, followed by amplification of specific DNA targets using quantitative PCR. This method allows precise quantification of gene expression, making it invaluable for studies in gene regulation and molecular diagnostics.



ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is a widely utilized technique to detect and quantify proteins, such as antibodies, hormones, and antigens, in various samples. The assay involves binding the target protein to a surface, and then using an enzyme-linked antibody that reacts with a substrate to produce a measurable signal that reflects the protein's concentration.

Western Blotting

Western Blotting

Western blotting is a widely used analytical technique for detecting specific proteins in a sample. The process involves separating proteins by gel electrophoresis, transferring them to a membrane, and probing with antibodies specific to the target protein. This technique enables the identification and semi-quantification of proteins, facilitating insights into protein expression and function.

Stereotaxic Surgery

Stereotaxic Surgery

Stereotaxic surgery is a precise and minimally invasive surgical technique used in neuroscience research to target specific areas of the brain in animals. By referencing a stereotaxic atlas and using a stereotaxic atlas, we can accurately position probes, and electrodes, or inject substances into localized brain regions for experimental purposes.