Selected studies carried out within the Center for Research on Innovation in Learning Technologies during the year 2023-2024

Caspi, A., Shmuel, E., & Chajut, E. (2024). A quantitative examination of half-belief in superstition. Journal of Individual Differences, 45 (1), 16-31.

Caspi, A., & Raz, G. (2024). Using Emojis That Alter the Meaning of Written Messages to Communicate Interpersonal Relations. Media Psychology, 1–27.

Hadad, S., Shamir-Inbal, T., & Blau, I. (2024). Pedagogical strategies employed in the Emergency Remote Learning Environment during the COVID-19 pandemic: The tale of teachers and school ICT coordinators. Learning Environments Research, 1-24.

Heng, M. A., Blau, I., & Anwar, N. D. (2024). Big lessons from Singapore and Israel. In M.A. Heng (Ed.), Inspiring Purpose in High-Performance Schooling (pp. 108-131). London: Routledge.

Olenik-Shemesh, D., Heiman, T., & Wright, M. (2024). Problematic Internet Use and well-being: A mediated-moderated model of socio-emotional factors. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 185 (2), 91-113.

DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2023.2277319

Rabin, E., Goldberg, S., & Blau, I., (2024). Mediation of work-and-family conflict in the relationship between social-and-organizational support and teaching self-efficacy: The case of parent-teachers working remotely. Education and Information Technologies.

Sidi, Y.& Ackerman, R. (2024). Opting out as an untapped resource in instructional design: Review and implications. Educational Psychology Review, 26 (2), 41.

Winer, A., & Geri, N. (2024). Towards learning analytics for student evaluation in the Metaversity. Joint Proceedings of LAK 2024 Workshops (pp. 284-291) co-located with 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2024) Kyoto, Japan, March 18-22, 2024. (Vol. 3667).

Eden, S., Yablon, K., Olenik-Shemesh, D., & Heiman, T. (2023). Cyberbullying and PIU among adolescents before and during COVID-19 Pandemic: The association with adolescents' relationships. Youth and Society, 1-24.

Eyal, L., Rabin, E., & Meirovitz, T., (2023). Pre-Service Teachers, attitudes toward integrating digital games in learning for developing higher-order thinking and lifelong learning –Insights for training. Education Sciences, 13 (12), 1165.

Kasperski, R., Blau, I., & Ben-Yehudah, G. (2023). Social capital in high-schools: teacher-student relationships within an online social network and their association with in-class interactions and learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(2), 955-971.

Shoval, R., Gronau, N., Sidi, Y., & Makovski, T. (2023). Objects’ perceived meaningfulness predicts both subjective memorability judgments and actual memory performance. Visual Cognition, 31 (6),472-484.

Selected studies carried out within the Center for Research on Innovation in Learning Technologies during the year 2021-2022

Avidov-Ungar, O., Hadad, S., Shamir-Inbal, T. & Blau, I. (2022). Professional development processes of teachers in different career stages and in different Covid-19 pandemic periods. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference – SITE 2022 (pp. 312-318). San Diego, CA, nited States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


Olenik-Shemesh, D. (2021). Exploring the relationship between problematic internet use and well-being among adolescents: The mediating role of resilience, self-control, negative mood and loneliness. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior, 8(4), 1-8.



Olenik-Shemesh, D., & Heiman, T. (2021). Resilience and self-concept as mediating factors in the relationship between bullying victimization and sense of well-being  among adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth26 (1), 158-171. DOI:



Becher, A. (2022). When context meets knowledge in University professional education: organizational factors influencing coherence in teaching and social work. Higher Education83(3), 577-595.


Blau, I., Shamir-Inbal, T., & Kesler, A. (2022). How instructivist versus Constructivist Pedagogical Perspectives of Code Teachers Affect Visual Programming Artifacts of Students?. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1131-1136). NY, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).



Heiman, T., & Olenik-Shemesh, D. (2022).  Cyber-victimization experience among higher  education students: Effects of social support, loneliness, and self-efficacy. International Journal of  Environmental Research and Public Health Manuscript : ijerph-1662053


Silber-Varod, V., Alfon, E., & Amir, N. (2022). Perception of the strength of prosodic breaks in three conditions: Explicit pause, implicit pause, and no pause. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, 475-479.


Tuvi‐Arad, I. (2022). Computational Chemistry in the undergraduate classroom–pedagogical considerations and teaching challenges. Israel Journal of Chemistry62(1-2), e202100042.


Caspi, A., Sayag, M., Gross, M., Weinstein, Z., & Etgar, S. (2022). The effects of personal values and message values on vulnerability to phishing. Personality and Individual Differences, 186B, 111335.


Feldman-Maggor, Y., Blonder, R., & Tuvi-Arad, I. (2022). Let them choose: Optional assignments and online learning patterns as predictors of success in online general chemistry courses. The Internet and Higher Education, 55, 100867.


Feldman-Maggor, Y., Barhoom, S., Blonder, R., & Tuvi-Arad, I. (2021). Behind the scenes of educational data mining. Education and Information Technologies26 (2), 1455-1470.


Niebuhr, O., & Silber-Varod, V. (2021). How versatility performance influences perception of charismatic speech: A study on two Israeli politicians. Interaction Studies22(3), 303-342.


Peled, Y., Blau, I., & Grinberg, R. (2022). Crosschecking teachers' perspectives on learning in a one-to-one environment with their actual classroom behavior–a longitudinal study. Education and Information Technologies27(4), 4841-4864.


Sidi, Y., Blau, I., & Shamir‐Inbal, T. (2022). Mapping active and collaborative learning in higher education through annotations in hyper‐video by learning analytics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Sidi, Y. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2022). Social-emotional and cognitive aspects of online teaching during Covid-19. In: Y. Eshet-Alkalai, I. Blau, A. Caspi, S. Etgar, N. Geri, Y. Kalman, V. Silber-Varod (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies: Learning in the Technological Era, Raanana: The Open University of Israel

Shamir-Inbal, T., & Blau, I. (2021). Facilitating emergency remote K-12 teaching in computing-enhanced virtual learning environments during COVID-19 pandemic-blessing or curse?. Journal of Educational Computing Research59(7), 1243-1271.


Shamir-Inbal, T., Blau, I. & Hadad, S. (2022). Which pedagogical strategies are prevalent in emergency remote teaching? Crosschecking teachers and ICT coordinators' perspectives. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference – SITE 2022 (pp. 692-696). San Diego, CA,  United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).