Rapoport, Tamar and Zeev Rosenhek. 1989. “Complex Role Experiences and Personal Differentiation: a Real Life Experiment”, Journal of Adolescence, 12: 207-219.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1992. “Desarrollo Controlado: La Economia Politica del Desarrollo en la Region Atlantica de Costa Rica”, Nordic Journal of Latin-American Studies, 23, 2: 21-46.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1995. “New Developments in the Sociology of Palestinian Citizens of Israel: An Analytical Review”, Megamot, 37, 1-2: 167-190 (in Hebrew).
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1998. “New Developments in the Sociology of Palestinian Citizens of Israel: An Analytical Review”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 21, 3: 558-578.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1998. “Policy Paradigms and the Dynamics of the Welfare State: The Israeli Welfare State and the Zionist Colonial Project”, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 18, 2-3-4: 157-202.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1999. “The Exclusionary Logic of the Welfare State: Palestinian Citizens in the Israeli Welfare State”, International Sociology, 14, 2: 195-215.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1999. “The Politics of Claims-making by Labour Migrants in Israel”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25, 4: 575-595.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 1999. “Labor Migrants in the Israeli Welfare State: Exclusionary and Inclusionary Trends”, Bitachon Soziali, 56: 97-112 (in Hebrew).
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2000. “Migration Regimes, Intra-State Conflicts and the Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion: Migrant Workers in the Israeli Welfare State”, Social Problems, 47, 1: 49-67.
Reprinted in:
- Noah Lewin-Epstein and Moshe Semyonov (Eds.). 2004. Stratification in Israel, New Brunswick: Transaction Books, Pp. 253-278.
- Anthony Messina and Galya Lahav (Eds.). 2005. The Migration Reader: Exploring Politics and Policy, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Pp. 494-523.
Rosenhek, Zeev and Erik Cohen. 2000. “Patterns of Migrant Workers’ Incorporation and the Israeli Migration Regime: A Comparative Analysis”, Soziologia Israelit, 3, 1: 53-77 (in Hebrew).
Ajzenstadt, Mimi and Zeev Rosenhek. 2000. “Privatization and New Modes of State Intervention: The Long-Term Care Program in Israel”, Journal of Social Policy, 29, 2: 247-262.
Ajzenstadt, Mimi and Zeev Rosenhek. 2001. “Privatization and New Modes of State Intervention: The Long-Term Care Program in Israel”, Bitachon Soziali, 60: 113-128 (in Hebrew).
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2002. “Globalization, Domestic Politics and the Restructuring of the Welfare State: The Unemployment Insurance Program in Israel”, Avoda, Chevra V’Mishpat, 9: 155-174 (in Hebrew).
Joppke, Christian and Zeev Rosenhek. 2002. “Contesting Ethnic Immigration: Germany and Israel Compared”, Archives Europeennes de Sociologie, 43, 3: 301-335.
Abbreviated version reprinted in:
- Takeyuki Tsuda (Ed.). 2009. Diasporic Homecomings: Ethnic Return Migration in Comparative Perspective, Stanford: Stanford University Press, Pp. 73-99.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2002. “Social Policy and State-Building: The Dynamics of the Israeli Welfare State”, Journal of Societal and Social Policy, 1, 1: 15-30.
Reprinted as:
- “The Welfare State in Israel”, in Christian Aspalter (Ed.). 2003. Welfare Capitalism Around the World, Hong Kong: Casa Verde Publishing, Pp. 219-239.
Rosenhek, Zeev, Daniel Maman and Eyal Ben-Ari. 2003. “The Study of War and the Military in Israel: An Empirical Investigation and Reflective Critique”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 35, 3: 461-484.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2003. “The Political Dynamics of a Segmented Labour Market: Palestinian Citizens, Palestinians from the Occupied Territories and Migrant Workers in Israel”, Acta Sociologica, 46, 3: 151-169.
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2007. “The Politics of Institutional Reform: The ‘Declaration of Independence’ of the Israeli Central Bank”, Review of International Political Economy, 14, 2: 251-275.
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2008. “Making the Global Present: The Bank of Israel and the Politics of Inevitability of Neo-liberalism”, Soziologia Israelit, 10, 1: 107-131 (in Hebrew).
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2009. “The Contested Institutionalization of Policy Paradigms Shift: The Adoption of Inflation Targeting in Israel”, Socio-Economic Review, 7, 2: 217-243.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2009. “L’Etat-Providence, Agent D’Integration ou D’Exclusion?”, Les Temps Modernes, 64, 652-653: 246-272.
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2012. “Mobilizing Globalization in Local Political Fields: The Strengthening of the Central Bank in Israel.” Review of International Political Economy, 19, 2:317-340.
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2012. “The Institutional Dynamics of a Developmental State: Change and Continuity in State–Economy Relations in Israel.” Studies in Comparative International Development, 47, 3:342-363.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2013. “Diagnosing and Explaining the Global Financial Crisis: Central Banks, Epistemic Authority and Sense-Making.” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 26, 3:255-272.
Rosenhek, Zeev and Michael Shalev. 2013. “The Political Economy of the 2011 Protests: A Class and Generational Analysis.” Theory and Critique, 41:45-68 (in Hebrew).
Rosenhek, Zeev and Michael Shalev. 2014. “The Political Economy of Israel’s ‘Social Justice’ Protests: A Class and Generational Analysis.” Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 9, 1:31-48.
Reprinted in:
- Giovanni Travaglino (Ed.), 2016. Protest, Movements, and Dissent in the Social Sciences. Abingdon: Routledge.
Rosenhek, Zeev. 2016. “State-Building and Welfare Policy in Contexts of Colonization: The Israeli Case.” Storia Urbana, 150:51-66.
Hutten, Moritz, Daniel Maman, Zeev Rosenhek and Matthias Thiemann, 2018. “Critical Financial Literacy: An Agenda.” International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 9, 3:274-291.
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2019. “The Making of Homo Financius: Conventions, Emotions and Morality in Financial Education.” Soziologia Israelit, 20, 1:23-49 (in Hebrew).
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2019. “Responsibility, Planning and Risk Management: Moralizing Everyday Finance through Financial Education.” The British Journal of Sociology, 70, 5:1996-2019.
Maman, Daniel and Zeev Rosenhek. 2020. “Facing Future Uncertainties and Risks through Personal Finance: Conventions in Financial Education.” Journal of Cultural Economy, 13, 3:303-317.
Mandelkern, Ronen and Zeev Rosenhek. 2021. “The Politics of Welfare State
Financialisation: The Case of Israel’s ‘Saving for Every Child’ Programme.” Critical Policy Studies, DOI: