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Motti Regev, Professor

Contact Info

The Open University The Dorothy De Rothschild Campus One University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office: 972-9-778-1721 Fax:972-9-778-0660 Email:mottire@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

My field of study is cultural sociology and the sociology of the arts. I focus primarily on knowledge and insights concerning processes of cultural globalization. Most of my research and publications are in popular music studies. I researched the field of popular music in Israel, particularly the emergence of Israeli pop and rock music. I wrote about the artistic legitimation of pop and rock music in general, and researched the globalization of pop-rock – how this musical realm was domesticated to become local music in many countries around the world. I also wrote theoretical articles where I developed the notions of aesthetic cosmopolitanism and cultural cosmopolitanism. 

Pop-Rock Music: Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism in Late Modernity, Cambridge: Polity, 2013

Popular Music and Culture in Israel, Raanana: The Open University of Israel, 2013 (Edwin Seroussi, co-author; Hebrew translation of Popular Music and National Culture in Israel) 

Sociology of Culture: A General Introduction, Raanana: The Open University of Israel, 2011 (in Hebrew)

Popular Music and National Culture in Israel, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004, (Edwin Seroussi, co-author)

Rock: Music and Culture. Tel-Aviv: Dvir, 1995. (in Hebrew)

Üd and Guitar: The Musical Culture of the Arabs in Israel. Beit Berl: The Institute for Israeli Arab Studies, 1993. (in Hebrew)

2020 In the World: Beyond The English-Speaking West. In Moore, Allan and Carr, Paul (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rock Music Research. New York: Bloomsbury, pp.559-570 ​

2020 The Condition of Cultural Cosmopolitanism. In Cicchelli, Vincenzo, Octobre, Sylvie and Riegel, Viviane (eds), Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism in a Global World. Leiden: Brill, pp. 27-45​

2019 Postlude: World Culture after Cultural Globalization. Poetics 75​

2019 Pop-Rock, Cultural Cosmopolitanism and the Global Cultural Market of Youth Identities. Youth and Globalization 1: 88-106​

201Musical Cosmopolitanism, Bodies and Aesthetic Cultures. In: Smudits, Alfred (ed), Roads to Music Sociology. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 79-94

2017  Pop-Rock as Musical Cosmopolitanism, Journal of World Popular Music 4: 290-300

2017 Elor, Tamar and Regev, Motti. The Making of Israeli Style 1967-1973. In Israeli Society 1967-1977: New Readings (Iyunim Bitkumat Israel Thematic Series no.11), edited by Ofer Schiff and Aviva Halamish. Beer-Sheva: The Ben Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, pp. 308-333 (in Hebrew)

2015 "World Music and Cultural Globalization: The Case of Pop-Rock and Musical Cosmopolitanism," in The Routledge Reader on The Sociiology of Music, edited by John Shepherd and Kyle Devine.  London: Routledge, pp. 201-209

2015 Notes on Sociological Theory and Popular Music Studies," in The Sage Handbook of Popular Music Studies
edited by Andy Bennett and Steve Waksman. London: Sage, pp. 33-47

2014 "Electric Guitars, Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Uniqueness in Israel," in Music in Israel (Iyunim Bitkumat Israel Thematic Series no.8), edited by Tuvia Friling, Gideon Katz and Michael Wolpe. Sede Boker: The Ben Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, pp. 29-49 (in Hebrew)

2011 "International Festivals in a Small Country: Rites of Recognition and Cosmopolitanism," in Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere, edited by Gerard Delanty, Liana Giorgi and Monica Sassateli . London: Routledge, pp. 108-124

2011 "Pop-Rock Music as Expressive Isomorphism: Blurring the National, the Exotic and the Cosmopolitan in Popular Music," American Behavioral Scientist 55: 558-573

2009 "Internet and Globalization," by Lior Gelerenter and Motti Regev, The Handbook of Globalization Studies, edited by Bryan Turner. London: Routledge, pp. 62-76

2008 "Pop-Rock Music: Knowledge Community, File Sharing and Global Microstructure,"Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación 14: 63-75 (Mexico)   

2007a "Cultural Uniqueness and Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism," European Journal of Social Theory 10: 123-138

2007b "Popular Culture," in New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age, edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel and David Shaham. Tel Aviv: Keter, Volume 3 (Dan Miron and Hanan Hever, eds.), pp. 281-283 (in Hebrew)

2007c "Ethno-National Pop-Rock Music: Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism Made From Within," Cultural Sociology 1: 317-341

2006a "Cultural Capital," in In/Equality, edited by Uri Ram and Nitza Berkovitch. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press, pp. 133-139 (in Hebrew)

2006b "Introduction," to the special issue on "canonization and cultural capital," of Popular Music 25(1): 1-2

2006c Guest Editor, special issue of Popular Music 25(1) on "canonization and cultural capital"

2006d "Electricity, Amplification, Voice and Recording: 'Israeli Song' and the Rock Aesthetic." Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature XX: 87-93 (in Hebrew).

2006e "Rock Aesthetics and Musics of the World." [Abridged version of 1997b], in The Rock History Reader, edted by Theodor Cateforis. London: Routledge. Pp.303-308

2005 "Israel," "Tel Aviv" and "Jerusalem" in EPMOW, The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. VI: Africa and the Middle East), edited by John Shepherd, David Horn and Dave Laing. London: Continuum

2004a "Rock Aesthetics, Israeliness and Globalization," in Israelis in Conflict: Hegemonies, Identities, and Challenges, edited by: Adriana Kemp, Uri Ram, David Newman, and Oren Yiftachel. Sussex University Press, pp.188-200

2004b "Rock Aesthetics and Musics of the World," [Reprint of 1997b] in Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, edited by Simon Frith. Volume 2: The Rock Era, pp.125-142. London: Routledge.

2003a "Introduction to Israeli Culture," in Trends in Israeli Society, edited by Ephraim Ya'ar and Zeev Shavit. Tel-Aviv: Open University Press, pp.823-898 (in Hebrew)

2003b "Cultural Uniqueness and Connectivity in Late Modernity: The Case of Popular Music," Teoria ve-Bikoret 23: 115-140 (in Hebrew)

2003c "Keisar studios" and "Triton studios" in EPMOW, The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (vol. I: Media, Industry and Society), edited by John Shepherd, David Horn and Dave Laing. London: Continuum

2003d "'Rockization': Diversity within Similarity in World Popular Music," in Global America? The Cultural Consequences of Globalization, edited by Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider and Rainer Winter. University of Liverpool Press, pp. 222-234

2003e "Rock Aesthetics and Musics of the World," [Reprint of 1997b] in Globalization: Key Concepts in Sociology, edited by Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White. Routledge, pp. 212-230

2002a "The 'Pop-Rockization' of Popular Music," in Studies in Popular Music, edited by Dave Hesmondhalgh and Keith Negus. London: Arnold; New York: Oxford University Press, pp.251-264

2002b "'Alles Rock': Vielfalt und Ähnlichkeit im Bereich der globalen Popmusik," in Globales Amerika? Die Kulturellen Folgen der Globalisierung, edited by Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider and Rainer Winter. Transcript. pp.284-299. [German translation of 2003d]

2001"Einstein, Arik," "Kaveret," "Poliker, Yehuda," in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by S. Sadie and J. Tyrrell. London: Macmillan

2000a "To Have a Culture of our own: On Israeliness and its Variants." Ethnic and Racial Studies 23: 223-247

2000b “Popular Music in Israel: A General Review,” in Pluralism in Israeli Society, edited by Yaakov Kopp. Jerusalem: The Centre for the Study of Social Policy in Israel. pp. 199-212 (in Hebrew)

1999a "Popular Music: Scenes, Identities and Cultural Capital," in Musical Visions, edited by Gerry Bloustein. Kent Town (South Australia): Wakefield Press. pp.115-119

1999b "’The Orange Season is Over’: Israeli Rock in the 1970’s," in Fifty to Forty Eight: Critical Moments in the History of the State of Israel, edited by Adi Ophir. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Institute. pp.251-259 (in Hebrew)

1997a "Who does what with Music Videos in Israel." Poetics 25:225-240

1997b "Rock Aesthetics and Musics of the World." Theory, Culture and Society 14:125-142.

1997c "Organizational Fluency, Organizational Blocks, Cultural Relevance: The Case of the Music Industry in Israel." Teoria ve-Bikoret 10:115-132 (in Hebrew)

1996 "Musica Mizrakhit, Israeli Rock and National Culture in Israel." Popular Music 15:275-284

1995 "Present Absentee: Arab Music in Israeli Culture." Public Culture 7:433-445

1994 "Producing Artistic Value: The Case of Rock Music." The Sociological Quarterly 35:85-102

1992a "Popular Music Studies: The Issue of Musical Value." Tracking (Journal of Popular Music Studies) 4:22-27

1992b "Israeli Rock or, A Study in the Politics of 'Local Authenticity'." Popular Music 11:1-14

1989a "The Field of Popular Music in Israel," in World Music, Politics & Social Change, edited by Simon Frith. Manchester: Manchester University Press. pp. 143-155

1989b "L'ambiente come luogo di contesta tra I diversi generi musicali: 'Musica orientale' e musica leggera israeliana a confronto" in Fabbri, F. (ed.), Musiche/realta, Milano: edizioni unicopli. pp.427-442 [Italian translation of 1986]

1986 "The Musical Soundscape as a Contest Area:'Oriental Music' and Israeli Popular Music." Media, Culture & Society 8:343-356

Review of Connecting Sounds: The Social Life of Music, by Nick Crossley. Manchester University Press 2020. In Popular Music 40: 184-185, 2021​

Review of Perspectives on German Popular Music, edited by Michael Ahlers and Christophe Jacke. Routledge, 2017. In Popular Music 36: 472-473, 2017

Review of Made in Korea: Studies in Popular Music, edited by Hyunjoon Shin and Seung-Ah Lee. London: Routledge, 2017. In Popular Music and Society, 2017

Review of Made in Italy: Studies in Popular Music, edited by Franco Fabbri and Goffredo Plastino. London: Routledge. In Journal of World Popular Music 2: 131-134, 2015

Review of Banding Together: How Communities Create Genres in Popular Music, by Jennifer C. Lena. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. In Sociologica 2014/1 (online journal).

Review of China with a Cut: Globalisation, Urban Youth and Popular Music, by Jeroen de Kloet. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010. In European Journal of Cultural Studies  14: 123-125, 2011

Review of Sound, Society and the Geography of Popular Music, edited by Ola Johansson and Thomas L. Bell. Farnham (Surrey): Ashgate, 2009. In International Sociology  26: 250-253, 2011

Review of Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic, by Amy Horowitz.  Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010. In Musica Judaica Online Reviews, August 2010.

Review of Please, Please Me: Sixties British Pop, Inside out, by Gordon Thompson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. In Popular Music 28: 451-453, 2009

Review of  Palestine, Israel and the Politics of Popular Culture, edited by Rebecca Stein and Ted Swedenburg. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005. In the International Journal of Cultural Studies 9: 253-255, 2006

Review of Rockin' Las Américas: The Global Politics of Rock in Latino America. Edited by Deborah Pacini Hernandez, Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste and Eric Zolov. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004. In Popular Music 25: 131-132, 2006

Review of Popular Music in Contemporary France: Authenticity, Politics, Debate, by David Looseley. Oxford: Berg, 2003. In Popular Music 23: 382-384, 2004

Review of The Invention and Decline of Israeliness: State, Society, and the Military, by Baruch Kimmerling. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001. In Contemporary Sociology 32: 365-267, May 2003

Review of Between Reggae and Rap: The Integration Challenge of Ethiopian Youth in Israel, By Malka Shabtay. Tel-Aviv: Cherikover, 2001. In Megamot 42: 150-152, 2002 (in Hebrew)

Review of Performing Rites: Evaluating Popular Music, by Simon Frith, Harvard University Press, 1996. In Popular Music 21: 135-138, 2002

Review of Reading Rock and Roll: Authenticity, Appropriation, Aesthetics, edited by Kevin J.H. Dettmar and William Richey, Columbia University Press. In Notes, December 2000, pp. 420-422

Review of Global Pop: World Music, World Markets, by Tymothy Taylor, Routledge 1997. In Popular Music 19: 259-260, 2000

Review of Topics in Sociology of Art, by Moshe Zuckermann, Ministry of Defense Publishing Unit, 1996. In Israeli Sociology 1: 182-184, 1999. (in Hebrew)

Review of Whose Master’s Voice: The Development of Popular Music in Thirteen Cultures, edited by Alison J. Ewbank and Fouli T. Papageorgiou, Greenwood Press 1997. In Popular Music 17: 351-352, 1998

Review of Pungent Sounds: Constructing Identity with Popular Music in Austria by Edward Larkey, Peter Lang Publishing 1993. In Popular Music 14:275-276, 1995

Review of Music at the Margins: Popular Music and Global Diversity, by Deanna Campbell-Robinson, Elizabeth B.Buck and Marlene Cuthbert, Sage 1991. In Popular
Music 12:85-87, 1993