Available positions for Research and Post-doctoral students

The OUI welcomes research students and post-doctoral students to join an existing research group or a research field, for a period of 1-3 years.
The application process is handled directly by the supervisor of the research project.
The International Office is responsible for all academic and administrative aspects pertaining to foreign academic staff.

Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Field of Research

Combinatorial markets, multi-sided markets, fair division,
and voting schemes

Faculty Name
: Prof. Rica Gonen
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Management and Economics

Field of Research

Social influences in the marketplace

Faculty Name: Dr. Edith Shalev
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Natural Sciences

Field of Research
Animal Locomotion, Behavioral, Brain

Faculty Name: Prof. Anat Barnea
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Field of Research

Supramolecular and Polymer Chemistry

Faculty Name: Prof. Ofer Reany
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Field of Research

Genomics, Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics

Faculty Name
: Prof. Einat Hazkani-Covo

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Field of Research
Dynamics of the atmosphere

Faculty Name
: Dr. Orli Lachmy

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Field of Research
Exoplanets, Cosmology, General relativity and its extensions, Dynamics

Faculty Name
: ARCO- The Astrophysics Research Center of the Open University

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