
The Open University of Israel Gallery Artistic director Prof. Hava Aldouby , The Department of Language, Literature, and the Arts Oren Eliav The Island was a World Curator Carmit Blumensohn May-October 2024 The exhibition was produced by the Open University Digital Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences with the assistance of all OUI academic departments Catalogue Editing Karin Eliyahu English translation Tova Shany , Oren Eliav Design and Layout Ilana Broitman Akselrod , Oren Eliav Photos Elad Sarig English Editing Lillian Cohen , Jean Vermel Cover image from The Island was a World , 2024 May - October 2024 © 2024 The Open University Gallery The Open University of Israel, The Dorothy de Rothschild Campus,1 University Road, Ra’anana P.O box 4353701, Israel Tel: *3500 or 09-7782222