
23 Oren Eliav (born 1975 in Israel), his works have been exhibited in museums and galleries in Israel and abroad, among them the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Haifa Museum of Art, Braverman Gallery, BUILDING Gallery in Milan, Suzanne Tarasieve Gallery in Paris, and others. Eliav is a recipient of numerous awards, including the Ministry of Culture Award (2017), America Israel Grant Award (2004), Ministry of Culture Award for Young Artist (2008), Rappaport Prize, Tel Aviv Museum (2010), Cité Internationale des Arts residency (2013 Paris), Schir Art Concepts (2013, Berlin), and Leipzig LIA Program (2014). Eliav's paintings are part of important collections in Israel and abroad, including the Washington National Gallery, the Phillips Collection in Washington, the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo collection in Torino,Tony Podesta Collection, Washington, the Eckhart Collection in Netherland, the Israel Museum collection in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Art Museum collection, and numerous other private collections. He holds a B.A. and M.A. from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. Represented by Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv.