
22 The exhibition hosts artist Oscar Abosh with video stills referring to a pre-cultural, primordial world. What brought you together? I first met Oscar when he helped me with video editing for "The Moon is a Mirror". The project didn't come through eventually, but we became good friends. I saw his works from the series "Beginning", which touched me, and now some of them are displayed in the exhibition. I felt that Oscar's screens exist in the unique space between a still and a moving picture, between a painting and a film. I think Oscar uses the camera in the same way we open windows. He chooses a frame, and whatever happens in it is open to reality, naturally changing before our eyes like wavelets on a lake. I particularly like the work that shows the lit mouth of a cave from inside the cave. You can see birds nesting there, and at a certain moment, two birds fly by. My film has a similar scene. Mine is a fabrication, while Oscar's intends to show things as they are, that is, the truth. I present an image, and he presents a documentation. He goes out to nature, chooses his vantage point, and shoots for a while. Every screen testifies that Oscar stayed in a certain place for some time and saw what we are now watching. I wonder how long we can distinguish between fabrication and documentation. Oscar Abosh, Beginning , 2020-2024, single channel video