
15 periods. Eliav enlists AI to plunge into the enormous reservoir of culture, juxtaposing images from the realm of art history, defined by rules and patterns, with animations that celebrate primordial formlessness. Culture and nature confront each other as two poles of human existence. This essay opened with the Surrealists, who gave up the artist's exclusive stand to access the Freudian unconscious. In the third decade of the 21 st century, AI allows accessing a collective unconscious of unprecedented scope and depth. By somewhat relinquishing exclusivity in the creative process and through a dialogue with generative AI models, the artist gains access to new, unexpected suggestive reservoirs. The interface between art and AI is not a new, disconnected chapter in art history. Rather, it opens a new channel through which to mediate existential experience, with which art has engaged since the early days of humanity.