Yoram Kirsh

Updated: December 2006









   Visiting appointments


   Functions at the Open University of Israel


   Scholarships, awards and grants


   Memberships and other activities


   List of Publications
     Scientific articles
     Works presented at scientific meetings
     Encyclopaedia entries




     Office: 972-9-778-1776


     Email: yoramk@openu.ac.il

    Born: 31 October 1945, Tel-Aviv
    Marital Status: Married; 4 children




B.Sc., Physics and Mathematics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem


M.Sc., Physics (with distinction)
Thesis: Electrical properties of doped alkaline earth fluorides
Supervisor: Professor N. Kristianpoller


M.A., Management Science (Operations Research), Tel-Aviv University School of Business Administration
Thesis: "Optimal financial strategy for pension plans and sinking funds
Supervisor: Dr. Zvi Lieber


Ph.D., Physics, Tel-Aviv University
Dissertation: "Effects of UV radiation on optical and electrical properties of alkaline earth fluorides
Supervisor: Professor N. Kristianpoller


B.A., Social Sciences, The Open University of Israel



Oct. 1971

Assistant, Physics Department, Tel-Aviv University

Oct. 1974

Instructor, Physics Department, Tel-Aviv University

Oct. 1976

Lecturer, the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv

Oct. 1979

Senior Lecturer, the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv

Aug. 1987

Associate Professor, the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv

Dec. 1991

Professor, the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv


  Visiting Appointments

June 1981

Research Associate, the University of Maryland, USA

June 1987

Senior Research Fellow, the University of Sussex, UK

Jan. 1990 - Dec. 1992

Visiting Professor, the University of Sussex, UK


  Functions at the Open University of Israel

Chair, Ad-hoc Committee for Criteria of Course Level, 1978

Member, Committee for Accreditation of Previous Studies, 1978-1981, 1988-1998

Chair, Discipline Committee, 1979-1981

Chair, Scholarships Committee, 1980

Chair, Committee for the Approval of Study Programs, 1980-1981

Member, The Academic Committee, 1981-1983, 1986-

Chair, Subcommittee for Natural and Life Sciences, 1983-1985

Member, Steering Committee for the OUI School of Technology, 1984-

Member, The OUI Council, 1986-1991

Chair, OUI Court of Appeal, 1987-1992

Chair, Ad-hoc Committee for the 13th Anniversary Celebrations, 1989

Member, Ad-hoc Committee of the OUI Council for Checking the New Discipline Regulations, 1991

Member, Committee for Academic Appointments for Professors, 1991-1994

Coordinator of OUI Studies in the Air-Force Flying-School, 1989-1992

Head of the Project for Young Students, 1985-1999

Head of the Physics Group, 1982-1999, 2004-2006

Head, Department of Natural Sciences, 1997-1999

Member, Department of Sociology and Political Science, 1999 -


  Scholarships, Awards and Grants

Scholarship of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, The Hebrew University; 1966, 1967, 1968

Grant from the Shenkar Fund, Tel-Aviv University, 1971

Shenkar and Lubinger Scholarships, Tel-Aviv University, 1974

Aharon Katzir Prize for popular science writing, Jerusalem, 1975

Grant from the British Council for visiting the OU in Britain, 1978

Grant from the Basic Research Foundation of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, for research on the Mineralogy and Petrography of Pottery from the Land of Geshur (with S. Shoval and P. Beck), 1989-1992


  Memberships and Other Activities

Member, the American Physical Society,1973-1987

Member, the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis (ICTA), 1985-1995

Affiliate Councilor to ICTA Council, 1985-1989

Member, Organizing Committee of the 9th Int. Congress of Thermal Analysis (Jerusalem, August 21-25, 1988)

Referee for Thermochimica Acta (Special Issue - Proc. 9th Int. Congress on Thermal Analysis, Vols. 133, 134, 135, 1988)

Member, Editorial Board of the Journal Mada (Science), Jerusalem, 1990-1991

Referee, The Journal of Thermal Analysis, 1990-1996

Member, National Committee for Scientist-Teachers Project, 1989-1996


  List of Publications

  v  1. Books


R. Chen and Y. Kirsh
Analysis of Thermally Stimulated Processes, 361 pp., Pergamon, Oxford (1981).


Y. Ne'eman and Y. Kirsh
The Particle Hunters, 269 pp., Cambridge University Press, 1986; 2nd ed., 1996. [Translations: Hebrew: Massada, Tel Aviv 1983; Spanish: Gedasia, Barcelona 1988; Italian: Boringhieri, Torino 1988; Japanese: Keigaku, Tokyo 1990; German: Springer, Berlin, 1995; French: Odile Jacob, Paris 1999].


Y. Kirsh
Revolutions in the Halakha (Hebrew), 320 pp., Ma'ariv Books, Tel Aviv (2002).


Y. Kirsh
The Universe of the Modern Physics (Hebrew), 480 pp., Am-Oved, Tel Aviv (2006).


  v  2. Textbooks


R. Aviv, N. Ben-Zvi, D. Kedem, Y. Kirsh
"The Kinetic Theory of Gases" (Hebrew), Unit 9 in Introduction to Natural Sciences (R. Aviv and N. Ben-Zvi, eds.) 48 pp., Everyman's University, Tel Aviv (1976).


Y. Kirsh and N. Ben-Zvi
Atoms, Molecules and the Properties of Matter (Hebrew), 4 vols., 752 pp., Everyman's University, Tel Aviv (1977).


Y. Kirsh
"Fundamentals of Magnetism" (Hebrew), Unit 5 in Introduction to Electricity and Electronics (R. Aviv, ed.), 37 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1978).


Y. Kirsh (Ed. and main author)
Topics in Modern Physics (Hebrew), 3 vols., 823 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1979).


U. Maor, Y. Kirsh and O. Bareket
Mechanics (Hebrew, based on Berkeley Physics Course), 3 vols., 901 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1979).


Y. Kirsh
"Selected Topics in the Physics of Elementary Particles," Manual for an advanced seminar (Hebrew), 24 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv (1981).


Y. Dothan, Y. Kirsh and Y. Verbin
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Structure (Hebrew), 630 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1983).


Y. Kirsh
"Thermally Stimulated Processes" (Hebrew), Unit 9 in The Analysis of Experiments (S. Weiss, ed.), 53 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1984).


Y. Kirsh
"Modern Physics" (Hebrew), 93 pp., Unit 1 in Supplements in Physics and Mathematics, School of Technology - The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1988).


Y. Kirsh
"Electricity and Magnetism, Self-study Guide" (Hebrew), 167 pp., The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1988, 1990).


B. Cohen, Y. Kirsh and U. Ganiel
Physics - Topics in 20th Century Physics (Secondary school textbook, Hebrew), 237 pp., Science Teaching Department, The Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot (1992).


Y. Kirsh
Fundamentals of Physics A, vols. 1, 2, 3 (Mechanics and Electricity) (Hebrew), 640 pp., The Open University of Israel (1999; 2nd ed., 2 vols., 2003).


Y. Kirsh
Fundamentals of Physics B, vols. 1, 2, 3 (Modern Physics) (Hebrew), 616 pp., The Open University of Israel (1998).


Y. Kirsh
Relativity (Hebrew), 136 pp., The Open University of Israel (1999).


Y. Kirsh
Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists A, Study Guide (Hebrew), 45 pp., The Open University of Israel (2002).


Y. Kirsh
Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists B, Study Guide (Hebrew), 48 pp., The Open University of Israel (2002).


  v  3. Scientific Articles


N. Kristianpoller and Y. Kirsh
Effects of X-Irradiation on the Ionic Conductivity of Doped SrF2 Crystals, Phys. Rev. B4, 635-638 (1971).


Y. Kirsh and N. Kristianpoller
Thermally Stimulated Conductivity Induced in SrF2:Tb by UV Light, Solid State Comm. 9, 1291-1293 (1971).


N. Kristianpoller and Y. Kirsh
ITC in Non-Irradiated and in UV Irradiated SrF2:Tb Crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 21, 87-94 (1974).


Y. Kirsh and N. Kristianpoller
Defects Induced in Alkaline Earth Fluorides by Far UV Irradiation, J. de Physique 37, (Supplement, C7) 216-219 (1976).


Y. Kirsh and N. Kristianpoller
UV Induced Processes in Pure and Doped SrF2, J. Lumin. 15, 35-45 (1977).


Y. Kirsh, N. Kristianpoller and R. Chen
Vacuum UV Induced Thermoluminescence in γ Irradiated and Non-Irradiated MgO Powder, Philosophical Magazine 35, 653-661 (1977).


N. Kristianpoller and Y. Kirsh
Thermally Stimulated Polarization Currents in Barium Fluoride, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 12, 1073-1079 (1979).


Y. Kirsh
Problems of Classical Wave Theory as an Introduction to the Schrodinger Equation, in Physical Teaching, Oscillation and Waves (U. Ganiel, ed.), pp. 595-599, Balaban, Glenside, PA (1980).


Y. Kirsh
Courses and Seminars in a Distance Teaching System: Application for Inservice Training of Science Teachers, in Preservice and Inservice Education of Science Teachers (P. Tamir et al., eds.), pp. 307-309, Balaban, Philadelphia and Rehovot (1983).


M. Meidav, Y. Kirsh and H. Moost
Approaches to the Teaching of Special Relativity (Hebrew), The Israeli Physics Teachers' J. (Tehuda) 11 (1), 17-25 (1984).


Y. Kirsh and R. Chen
Radiation Effects in Polarized Electrets: Applications to Radiation Dosimetry, J. of Radiation Effects 83, 161-183 (1984).


Y. Kirsh
Teaching Special Relativity in an Introductory Mechanics Course: Goals and Achievements, in The Many Faces of Teaching and Learning Mechanics (P. L. Lijnse, ed.), pp. 654-659, W.C.C. Utrecht (1985).


R. Chen and Y. Kirsh
TSC Dosimetry, Ch. 7 in Techniques of Radiation Dosimetry (K. Mahesh and D.R. Vij, eds.), pp. 230-248, Wiley Eastern (1985).


Y. Kirsh and M. Meidav
On Teaching Special Relatively Through the Historical Approach (Hebrew), Israeli Phys. Teachers' J. (Tehuda) 11 (3), 24-36 (1985).


Y. Kirsh
Interlacing Various Learning Resources in the Distance Teaching of Science Courses, Int. Counc. for Distance Education, 13th World Conf., Conference File 1031, pp. 1-5 (Melbourne, 1985).


S. Shoval, S. Yariv, Y. Kirsh and H. Peled
The Effects of Alkali-Halides on Thermal Hydrolysis of Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Bromide, Thermochimica Acta 109, 207-226 (1986).


Y. Kirsh and M. Meidav
The Michelson-Morley Experiment and the Teaching of Special Relativity, Physics Education 22, 270-273 (1987).


Y. Kirsh, S. Yariv and S. Shoval
Kinetic Analysis of Thermal Dehydration and Hydrolysis of MgCl2.6H2O by DTA and TG, J. Thermal Analysis 32, 393-408 (1987).


Y. Kirsh and P.D. Townsend
Electron and Hole Centres Produced in Zircon by X-irradiation at Room Temperature, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 20, 967-980 (1987).


Y. Kirsh, S. Shoval and P.D. Townsend
Kinetics and Emission Spectra of Thermoluminescence in the Feldspars Albite and Microcline, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 101, 253-262 (1987).


Y. Kirsh, P.D. Townsend and S. Shoval
Local Transitions and Charge Transport in the TL of Calcite, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 13, 115-119 (1987).


J. Chee, H.L. Oczkowski, Y. Kirsh, A. Scott, W.O. Siyanbola and P.D. Townsend
TL Spectra of Natural Zircons, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14, 35-42 (1988).


M.L. Dalal, Y. Kirsh, H.M. Rendel and P.D. Townsend
TL Emission Spectra of Natural Feldspars, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14, 57-62 (1988).


Y. Kirsh and P.D. Townsend
Speculations on the Blue and Red Bands in the TL Emission Spectra of Albite and Microcline, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14, 43-49 (1988).


N. Kristianpoller, Y. Kirsh, S. Shoval, D. Weiss and R. Chen
Thermoluminescent Properties of Mica, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14, 101-104 (1988).


S. Shoval, S. Yariv and Y. Kirsh
The Study of Thermal Dehydration and Hydrolysis of MgBr2.6HOH by DTA and TG, Thermochimica Acta 133, 263-273 (1988).


Y. Kirsh
On the Kinetic Analysis of DTA Curves, Thermochimica Acta 135, 97-101 (1988).


Y. Kirsh
Kinetic Analysis of Monochromatic TL Curves, Thermochimica Acta 135, 103-110 (1988).


N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, R. Chen and Y. Kirsh
The Application of Thermally Stimulated Processes to the Study of Defects in Perovskite Type Fluorides, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 149, 45-54 (1988).


Y. Kirsh, I. Schnitzer and P.D. Townsend
Radioluminescence of Silver Halide Optical Fibers, J. Opt. Soc. America B 6, 146-150 (1989).


Y. Kirsh, S. Shoval, S. Yariv and N. Kristianpoller
Natural and Beta-Induced Thermoluminescence in Microcline, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 113, 631-636 (1989).


Y. Kirsh, S. Shoval and S. Yariv
Activation Energies of Thermal Decomposition Processes of MgBr2.H2O, Thermochimica Acta 148, 197-203 (1989).


S. Shoval, Z. Erez, Y. Kirsh, Y. Deutsch, M. Kochavi and E. Yadin
Determination of the Intensity of an Early Iron Age Conflagaration at Tel Hadar, Israel, Thermochimica Acta 148, 485-492 (1989).


Y. Kirsh, J.E. Townsend and P.D. Townsend
Kinetic Analysis of the New Sensitization Effect in the TL of Silica Optical Fibres, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 114, 739-747 (1989).


M. Meidav, N. Margalit and Y. Kirsh
Difficulties in the Concept of Gravitational Potential Energy (Hebrew), The Israeli Physics Teachers' J. (Tehuda), 13 (2), 38-45 (1989).


P.D. Townsend and Y. Kirsh
Spectral Measurement during Thermoluminescence - an Essential Requirement, Contemporary Physics 30, 337-354 (1989).


Y. Kirsh, U. Ganiel and R. Cohen
Goals and Limitations of Teaching Modern Physics in High school, in Science and Mathematics Teaching - Interaction between Research and Practice, pp. 344-348 (Proc. 2nd Jerusalem Convention on Education, 1989, S. Vinner, ed.) Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1989.


Y. Kirsh, N. Kristianpoller and S. Shoval
Kinetic Analysis of Natural and Beta-Induced TL in Albite, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 33, 63-66 (1990).


Y. Kirsh and R. Chen
Analysis of the Blue Phosphorescence of X-Irradiated Albite Using a TL-Like Presentation, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 18, 37-40 (1991).


R. Chen, Y. Kirsh and P.D. Townsend
Models for the Sensitization of Thermoluminescence in Silica Fibres, Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 18, 13-17 (1991).


Y. Kirsh, P.D. Townsend and J.E. Townsend
The Effect of Thermal Annealing on Luminescence Centers in Ge:Silica Fibers, J. Thermal Analysis 37, 1153-1160 (1991).


S. Shoval, P. Beck, Y. Kirsh, D. Levy, M. Gaft and E. Yadin
Rehydroxylation of Clay Minerals and Hydration in Ancient Pottery from the Land of Geshur, J. Thermal Analysis 37, 1579-1592 (1991).


Y. Kirsh
The Kinetics of the Red and Blue Bands in the Phosphoresence of X-Irradiated Albite, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 127, 265-273 (1991).


Y. Kirsh
Kinetic Analysis of Thermoluminescence - Theoretical and Practical Aspects (Review), Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 129, 15-48 (1992).


S. Shoval, M. Gaft, P. Beck and Y. Kirsh
Thermal Behavior of Limestone and Monocrystalline Calcite Tempers During Firing and Their Use in Ancient Vessels, J. of Thermal Analysis 40, 263-273 (1993).


M. Meidav and Y. Kirsh
Approaches to the Teaching of Special Relativity and Suggestions for Improving the Historical Approach [Hebrew], in Education Towards the 21st Century (David Chen, ed.), pp. 345-360, Ramot, Tel Aviv University, 1995.


M. Meidav, Y. Ben-Dov and Y. Kirsh
Scientific and Didactic Models in Physics Teaching [Hebrew], in Theory and Practice in Teaching Mathematics, Science and Technology (Dina Tirosh and Ruth Setavy, eds.), Ramot, Tel Aviv University, 1998.


M. Meidav, Y. Kirsh and Y. Ben-Dov
Co-Existence of 'Didactic' and 'Scientific' Models in the Teaching of Physics and Technology (Hebrew), The Israeli Physics Teachers' J. (Tehuda), 20 (2), 17-24 (1999).


  v  4. Works Presented at Scientific Meetings


N. Kristianpoller, M. Gershenson and Y. Kirsh
Effects of Irradiation of SrF2 Crystals, Conf. Digest; Intl. Conf. on Colour Centres, p. 200 (Reading, UK, 1971).


N. Kristianpoller and Y. Kirsh
Ionic Thermocurrents in SrF2:Tb3+ Crystals, Bull. Israel Phys. Soc., p. 75 (1973).


Y. Kirsh and N. Kristianpoller
Excitation Spectra of Thermoluminescence in SrF2 Crystals, Bull. Israel Phys. Soc., p. 34 (1974).


N. Kristianpoller and Y. Kirsh
Effects of Vacuum-Ultraviolet Radiation on Pure and Doped SrF2 Crystals, Conf. Digest; Intl. Conf. on Colour Centres, p. 58 (Tohoku, Japan, 1974).


N. Kristianpoller, Z. Davidzon, Y. Kirsh and A. Rehavi
Studies of Defects induced by VUV Radiation in Ionic Crystals, Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics 2, pp. 107-109 (Montpellier, France, 1977).


N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman and Y. Kirsh
Formation of Hole Centres in BaF2 by Non-Ionizing Radiation and Annihilation of these Centres, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Defects in Ionic Crystals, p. 251 (Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1977).


N. Ben-Zvi and Y. Kirsh
An Intimate Look at the Properties of Matter: A Nonconventional Approach in a Distance Teaching System, 6th Int. Conf. on Chemical Education (Maryland, 1981).


Y. Kirsh
Introducing Concepts of Modern Physics: Difficulties and Solutions, Bat-Sheva Seminar, Abst. Bull., p. 41 (Rehovot, 1983).


Y. Kirsh and S. Shoval
Thermoluminescence of Feldspars, 30th Anniversary Meeting of the Israel Physical Society, Abst. Bull., p. 81 (Jerusalem, 1984).


Y. Kirsh
On the Analysis of Complex Glow Curves, Bull. Israel Phys. Soc., p. 66 (1986).


S. Shoval, S. Yariv and Y. Kirsh
Solid State Chemical Reactions Between Minerals Caused by Grinding, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., p. 119 (1986).


Y. Kirsh and S. Shoval
Correlation between Spectral Bands in the Thermoluminescence of Feldspars, 7th Conf. of the Israeli Group for Thermal Analysis (Tel Aviv 1987).


N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, R. Chen and Y. Kirsh
Thermally Stimulated Conductivity and Luminescence in Fluoro-perovskites, Proc. Int. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals, pp. 455-456 (Parma, Italy 1988).


S. Shoval, Z. Erez, Y. Deutch, Y. Kirsh, M. Kochavi and L. Vinitzky
Thermal Analysis of Basaltic and Calcareous Clay Soils from the Land of Geshur, ICTA 9th Int. Congress on Thermal Analysis, Abst. Bull., p. 66 (Jerusalem 1988).


S. Shoval, Z. Erez, Y. Deutch, Y. Kirsh, Z. Herzog. and S. Krieger
Thermal Analysis of Pottery and Local Raw Materials from Tel-Michal, Israel, ICTA 9th Int. Congress on Thermal Analysis, Abst. Bull., p. 67 (Jerusalem 1988).


Z. Erez, S. Shoval, Y. Deutch, Y. Kirsh and Z. Erzog
A middle bronze age kiln or silo?, ICTA 9th Int. Congress on Thermal Analysis, Abst. Bull., p. 68 (Jerusalem 1988).


S. Shoval, Z. Erez, Y. Kirsh, Y. Deutch, R. Knafo, M. Kochavi and E. Yadin
Mineralogy and Petrography of Groups of Pottery from Tel Hadar, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., p. 151 (Ramot 1989).


S. Shoval, P. Beck, Y. Kirsh, E. Yadin, E. Dekel and D. Levy
Raw Materials used in Pottery at Tel Hadar, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., p. 77 (Eilat 1990).


S. Shoval, Y. Kirsh, P. Beck, E. Yadin, E. Dekel and D. Levy
Evaluation of Firing Temperatures of Ancient Pottery, 10th Conf. of the Israeli Group for Thermal Analysis. Abst. Bull., p. 17 (Tel Aviv 1990).


Y. Kirsh
Kinetic Data from Phosphorescence, 10th Conf. of the Israeli Group for Thermal Analysis. Abst. Bull., p. 21 (Tel Aviv 1990).


S. Shoval, P. Beck, E. Yadin, L. Vinitzky, Y. Kirsh and D. Levy
Characteristics of Clay Constituents in Pottery from the Land of Geshur, Annual Meeting of the Israel Soc. of Clay Res. Abst. Bull., p. 13 (Jerusalem 1990).


S. Shoval, P. Beck, D. Levy, M. Gaft, Y. Kirsh, E. Yadin
Reconstruction of Clay Minerals in Ancient Pottery from Land of Geshur, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., p. 99 (Akko 1991).


M. Gaft, S. Shoval, Y. Kirsh and Y. Nathan
Application of Luminescence Methods for the Beneficiation of Negev Phosphorites, 1st Gentner Int. German-Israeli Conf. on Geoscience, Abst. Bull., p. 17 (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem 1991).


S. Shoval, P. Beck, E. Yadin, M. Gaft, Y. Kirsh and D. Eisenberg- Levy
Ceramical Advantages in the Technology of Iron Age Cooking Pots Preparation, Tel-Hadder (Hebrew), 18th Archaeological Conf., Israel Exploration Society and Israel Antiquities Authority, Abst. Bull., pp. 35-36 (Tel Aviv 1992).


M. Gaft, S. Shoval and Y. Kirsh
Investigation of Israel Minerals and Rocks by Photoluminescence, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., pp. 47-48 (Ashqelon 1992).


S. Shoval, P. Beck, Y. Kirsh, D. Eisenberg-Levy and E. Yadin
Using Calcareous and Noncalcareous Clays as Raw Materials for Iron Age Vessels, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., p. 136 (Ashqelon 1992).


S. Shoval, M. Gaft, P. Beck, Y. Kirsh and E. Yadin
The Preference of Monocrystalline Calcite Tempers Upon Limestone Ones in Preparation of Iron Cooking Pots, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., pp. 137-138 (Ashqelon 1992).


S. Shoval, M. Gaft, N. Goldman and Y. Kirsh
Presence and Distribution of Uranyl-Ion in Mishash Cherts Investigated by Luminescence, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geol. Soc. Abst. Bull., pp. 139-140 (Ashqelon 1992).


Y. Kirsh, R. Chen and I. Kirsh
Kinetic Analysis of Isothermal Reactions Using a Peak-Like Presentation, 10th Congress of the Int. Conf. for Thermal Analysis, Abst. Bull., p. 106 (Hatfield, UK, August 1992).


Y. Kirsh and E. Yafe
B.A. Before Matriculation: Gifted High School Students at The Open University of Israel, Int. Conf. of International Council for Distance Education, Abst. Bull., p. 86 (Nonthabury, Thailand, November 1992).


Y. Kirsh
On the Double Role of Philosophers of Science in Physics: Outside Observers and Inside Actors, 7th Annual Conference of The New Israeli Philosophy Association (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, February 2004).


Y. Kirsh
Time machines, G?del's Universe and Mach's Principle, Annual meeting of the Israeli Physical Society, Section: Astrophysics and cosmology (theoretical), Abst. Bull., p. 9 (The Technion, Haifa, December 2004).


Y. Kirsh
The Philosophy of the Halakhah from the Viewpoint of Natural Sciences", A Lecture at the Second Conference on the Philosophy of the Halakhah, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 4-6 January, 2005.


Y. Kirsh
On the Validity of Cosmological Thought Experiments, 8th Annual Conference of The New Israeli Philosophy Association (Haifa University, February 2005).


Y. Kirsh
The Unexpected Examination Paradox and the Logic of Surprise, 9th Annual Conference of The New Israeli Philosophy Association (Ben-Gurion University, Be'er-Sheva, February 2006).


  v  5. Encyclopaedia Entries


Y. Kirsh
Aviv - Youth Encyclopaedia (Hebrew). All the entries on Natural Sciences, Technology and Mathematics, vols. 5-16, Massada, Israel, 1975-1979.


Y. Kirsh
16 entries on Physics and Technology in Encyclopaedia Hebraica (Hebrew), vols. 28-32, Massada, Israel, 1976-1981.


  v  6. Miscellaneous (Notes, Manuals, Non-Technical Articles, etc.)


Y. Kirsh
Experiments with Laser Light (Hebrew), in Laboratory Manual for 2nd Year Physics Students, 9 pp., Tel Aviv University (1972).


Y. Kirsh
Experiments with Ultrasound Waves (Hebrew), in Laboratory Manual for 2nd Year Physics Students, 7 pp., Tel Aviv University (1974).


Y. Kirsh (Ed.)
Laboratory Manual for 2nd Year Physics Students, 121 pp., Tel Aviv University (1972).


Y. Kirsh
The Laser's Wondrous Light, a series of 3 articles (Hebrew), Lada'at 2, nos. 6, 8 and 9-10 (1972).


Y. Kirsh
The Clock Paradox Solved (Hebrew), Mada 17(2), 81-83 (1972).


Y. Kirsh
The H-Bomb, a series of 2 articles (Hebrew), Lada'at 4, nos. 1 and 2 (1973).


Y. Kirsh
The 1972 Physics Nobel Prize for a Theory of Superconductivity (Hebrew), Mada 17(5-6), 308-311 (1973).


Y. Kirsh
Hydrogen: the Fuel of the Future (Hebrew) Mada 18(4), 206-209 (1973).


Y. Kirsh
Energy Resources and the Energy Crisis, a series of 4 articles (Hebrew), Lada'at 4, nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9-10 (1974).


Y. Kirsh
The Tunnel Effect (Hebrew), Mada 18(5), 282-286 (1974).


Y. Kirsh
The Story of the Neutrino (Hebrew), Mada 19(2), 93-97 (1974). Reprinted in Philosophy of Science - An Anthology, The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv, 1978 (pp. 452-456).


Y. Kirsh
Relativity - a Simple Matter, a series of 3 articles (Hebrew), Lada'at 5, nos. 6, 7 and 9 (1975).


Y. Kirsh
Various Methods of Uranium Enrichment (Hebrew), Mada 20(4-5), 207-211 (1976).


Y. Kirsh
Particles and Elementary Particles (Hebrew), Lada'at 8(7-8), 20-32 (1978).


Y. Kirsh
The Neutron Bomb (Hebrew), Mada 24(1), 30-32 (1980).


Y. Kirsh
Magnetic Monopoles (Hebrew), Lada'at 11(9-10), 20-23 (1981).


Y. Kirsh
Is There Evidence for the Quarks' Existence? (Hebrew), Lada'at 12(1), 20-21 (1981).


Y. Kirsh and R. Chen
More on Writing, Physics Today, May 1982 (p. 132-134).


Y. Ne'eman and Y. Kirsh
Quarks Carrying Beauty and Truth (Hebrew), Mada 27(2), 63-70 (1983).


Y. Kirsh
Lustre in the Shred - Dating by Thermoluminescence (Hebrew), Lada'at 15(8), 3-6 (1985).


Y. Kirsh
The Universities in Israel (Hebrew), Lada'at 19(2), 6-11 (1989).


E. Yafe, E. Goder, M. Ganor and Y. Kirsh
The Success of High School Students in Academic Courses at the Open University of Israel (Hebrew, 19 pp.), Working Paper No. 420/89, The Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv (1989).


Y. Kirsh
Cold Nuclear Fusion - a Solution to the Energy Problem? (Hebrew), The Israeli Physics Teachers' J. (Tehuda) 13(2), 30-37 (1989).


Z. Erez, Y. Kirsh, Y. Deutsch and S. Shoval
The Conflagration at Tel Hadar (Appendix to "The Land of Geshur Project: Regional Archaeology of the Southern Golan, 1987-1988 Seasons" by M. Kochavi), Israel Exploration J. 39(1-2), 16-17 (1989).


Y. Kirsh
High-Tech Industries in Israel (Hebrew), Lada'at 20(5), 12-16 (1990).


Y. Kirsh
On the Uncertainty Principle (Hebrew), Gilayon July 1993, 11-15.


Y. Kirsh
Zen and the Art of Yacht Maintenance - on the Philosophy of Robert Pirsig (Hebrew), Davar Lit. Supp., p. 22, (30.9.94).


Y. Kirsh
Becoming Religious and Leaving Religion as Processes of Developing Moral Judgment (Hebrew), Gilayon - The Journal of Ne'emaney Tora Va'avoda, Jerusalem, Aug. 1995, pp. 27-31.


Y. Kirsh
Democracy and the Autonomy of the Elites (Hebrew), A review of Prof. Eva Etziony-Halevy's book: The Elite Connection: Problems and Potential of Western Democracy, Ha'aretz Books Supplement, 20.12.1995, p. 10.


Y. Kirsh
The Atom and the Free Will (Hebrew), Mosaic - A Supplement of Ha'aretz and The Open University of Israel, 1996.


Y. Kirsh
Philosophers and Scientists Speak of God (Hebrew), Gilayon - The Journal of Ne'emaney Tora Va'avoda, Jerusalem, May 1997, pp. 19-27.


Y. Kirsh
Quantum Theory and Free Will (Hebrew), in A New Look at the Religious Zionist Movement, Section 4: Religion and Science (Meir Rott, Ed.), pp. 270-276, Ne'emaney Tora Va'avoda, Tel Aviv 1998.


Y. Kirsh
Religion and State Relations in Israel - The Philosopher's Point of View (Hebrew), A review of Prof. Elazar Weinreb's book, Religion and State - Philosophic Aspects, Ha'aretz Books Supplement, 21.6.2001.


Y. Kirsh
Who Leads the Halakha - The Development of the Halakha in the Era of Decentralized Ruling (Hebrew), Deot - Amudim 14, p. 34-36, August 2002.


Y. Kirsh
Evolution as Well as Revolution (Hebrew), Hazofe Saturday Supplement, 2911.02.


Y. Kirsh
What Happened to the Ritual Immersion [Tevila] of Men? (Hebrew), Deot 16, p. 46, June 2003.


Y. Kirsh
Education for Excellency - the Parent's Duty (Hebrew), Ksharim ve'Kishurim - Bulletin of Dr. Erika Landau's Institute for Promotion of Creativity and Excellence, p. 1-2, Tel Aviv, October 2003.


Y. Kirsh
Can a Cat Foresee Its End? (Hebrew), A review of the book Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point - New directions for the Physics of Time, by Hue Price, Ha'aretz Books Supplement, p. 15, 25.2.2004.


Y. Kirsh
The Woman's Position in the Religious Zionist Society - Struggles and Achievements (Hebrew), in Religious Zionism: An Era of Changes (Asher Cohen, Ed.), pp. 386-421, The Bialik Institute, Jerusalem, 2004.
