The Open University of Israel
Prof. Yoav Yair

Prof. Yoav Yair

Department of Natural Sciences

Updated: September 2010



Tel: Home: 972-9-7669454
Office: 972-9-7781044
Fax: 972-9-7780661


Born: Israel, 1958
Status: Married, 2 daughters



1982-1985 B.Sc. (summa cum laude), Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
1986-1988 M.Sc. (magna cum laude), Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
Thesis: A numerical model for the charging of polydispersed aerosol particles by attachment of atmospheric ions
Advisor: Prof. Zev Levin
1989-1995 Ph.D. (with distinction), Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
Dissertation: Jupiter’s water clouds - a detailed numerical model of cloud growth charge separation and lightning formation
Advisors: Prof. Zev Levin and Dr. Shalva Tzivion

Fields of Research


Academic Positions

2008 Assoc. Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Israel
2005 Senior Lecturer, Department of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Israel
1998 Lecturer, Department of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Israel
1998 Lecturer, Astronomy and Meteorology, Kibbutzim College, Tel Aviv

Other Professional Activities

2004-2007 Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel-Aviv University, Project coordinator for the Israel-Italy Joint Environmental Research Initiative
2004 - Principal Investigator, ILAN Project (Imaging of Lightning-induced Atmospheric emissions), funded by the Israeli Academy of Sciences
2003 Mission scientist and coordinator of MEIDEX on the space shuttle Columbia, from mission control at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. In charge of the science team, data collecting, payload identification (after the accident)
2001-2003 Coordinator, science team and flight control team, finalizing space procedures and payload readiness
1998-2003 Project Coordinator of the ISA-TAU-NASA space shuttle MEIDEX project (Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment - first Israeli astronaut mission). Multiple responsibilities of MOU agreements, negotiations and contracts with foreign companies, budget structure and allocation. Coordination between SELA, IAF, TAU and NASA.
1994-2002 Head developer and writer of educational software in astronomy, space and earth sciences, Center for Educational Technology, Tel Aviv
1991-1999 Scientific advisor for educational programs developed by the School of Education, Tel Aviv University, in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences
1991-1998 Mission Scientist in airborne measurements of clouds and aerosols in Israel and Italy, for the Cloud Physics Lab, Tel Aviv University. Also in charge of lightning detection systems.
1985-2000 Center for Educational Technology, Tel Aviv. Specialized in computerized instruction and tutoring; Software designer for educational, military and instructional applications

Administrative Activities

2009 Dean of Development and Educational Technology, The Open University of Israel
2004-2009 Director, Center for Technology in Distance Education (Shoham), The Open University of Israel
2001-2003 Head, Projects department, The Center for Technology in Distance Education, over-seeing projects in Internet-based distance education and satellite-based teaching, The Open University of Israel
2000-2001 Head, Department of Telecommunications and Tele-learning (Telem), The Open University of Israel

Grants and Awards

2006-2009 EC, 6th Framework Programme Call: FP6-2005-Global-4: FLASH - observations, analysis and modeling of lightning activity in thunderstorms, for use in short term forecasting of flash floods
2006-2009 ISF, Investigation of the network behavior of lightning flashes in spatially distant thunderstorms based on space and ground based data
2005 The Open University of Israel Research Authority grant for "The relationship between African lightning activity and Atlantic Hurricanes"
2003-2006 ISF grant for "Global and local observations of TLEs"
2001-2004 BSF grant for "Measurements of dust from the space shuttle"
1993 Recipient of the Rashi Scholarship for distinguished doctoral students

Membership in Professional Societies

1985 - American Geophysical Union, Atmospheric Section
1985-2001 Israel Association for Aerosol Research (IAAR)
1988 - Israel Meteorological Society (IMS)
1992 - American Astronomical Society, Division of Planetary Sciences
1999 - International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
2006 - American Meteorological Society (AMS)

Professional Committees

2004-2006 Israel Ministry of Education, academic committee for the MUTAV program (science literacy for non-specializing high school students)
2004-2006 Israel Ministry of Education, task-force for the preparation of the PISA/TIMMS assessment tests

Teaching Responsibility for OUI Courses

1991-2004 Introduction to Meteorology
1997-2004 Modern Problems in Atmospheric Science
1997-2001 Introduction to Astronomy
2000-2001 Fundamentals of Astronomy
1991-2004 Atmospheric Chemistry
2003-2004 Atoms and Molecules
2003-2004 Physical Principles in Medicine
2004 - Laboratory in Physics I and II

Open University course development

1991-1994 Introduction to Meteorology (with B. Ziv)
1995-1999 Introduction to Astronomy (with E. Leibowitz)
1996-1998 Modern Problems in Atmospheric Sciences
1998-2001 Fundamentals of Astronomy (with N. Brosch, M. Meidav)
2002-2003 Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry (with I. Dotan)
2003 - Introduction to Geophysics (by A. Ginzburg; as internal OU consultant)
2003 - Laboratory in Meteorology (with B. Ziv)

Other Teaching Experience

1989-1992 Teaching assistant, Tel Aviv University (atmospheric sciences)
1998-2004 The Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel Aviv (astronomy and atmospheric sciences)
1996-2003 On-line courses in astronomy and meteorology for science teachers, as part of the TAMID project (teacher training) at the Open University
2003-2004 The Lewinsky College of Education (astronomy)

Membership on Editorial Boards

1999-2001 Eureka - Educational publication for science teachers
2001 - National Geographic, Israeli version: Scientific advisor

List of Publications

Books and Monographs

Y. Harel, Y. Yair and S. Meiri
In View of the Sky, A textbook in astronomy for 7th-9th grade students. Ramot University Press, Israel (1997, Hebrew).

Y. Yair, R. Mintz and S. Litvak
Touch the Sky, Touch the Universe, K-12 Educational CD-ROM on astronomy and space science. Tel Aviv: Center for Educational Technology (1997).

Y. Yair, R. Klein and R. Mintz
Sea-Wind, K-12 Educational CD-ROM on atmospheric sciences. Tel Aviv: Center for Educational Technology (1998).

Y. Schur, Y. Yair and R. Brandt
A Thinking Journey to Mars, Astronomy textbook for the MUTAV program. Tel Aviv: Center for Educational Technology (150 pp., 2002, Hebrew).

Yair, Y., Segev, M. and B. Savir
Journey through the Atmosphere: Selected topics in weather and climate. A textbook in geography for 7-9 grade students. Tel Aviv: Center for Educational Technology (108 pp., 2006, Hebrew).


Edited Books

Y. Eshet, A. Caspi and Y. Yair (eds.)
The learning man in the technological era, Proceedings of the 1st Chais conference on instructional technology research, Open University Press, Israel, 291 pp. (2006, Hebrew).

Y. Eshet, A. Caspi and Y. Yair (eds.)
The learning man in the technological era, Proceedings of the 2nd Chais conference on instructional technology research, Open University Press, Israel, 382 pp. (2007, Hebrew).

F. Leblanc, K.L. Aplin, Y. Yair, R.G. Harrison, J.P. Lebreton and M. Blanc (eds.)
Planetary Atmospheric Electricity, Space Sciences Series of ISSI, vol. 30, 532 pp. (2008).


Chapters in Books

Yair, Y.
eLearning in Israel: A case study of technology in distance education: the Open University of Israel. In U. Demirai (ed.), Cases on challenges facing E-learning and national development: Institutional Studies and Practices, Vol. I, 293-317 (Anadolu University, Turkey, 2010).

Meishar-Tal, H., Y. Yair and E. Tal-Elhasid
Institutional Implementation of Wikis in higher education: the case of the Open University of Israel (OUI). In G. Veletsianos (ed.), Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, 215-230 (Athabasca University Press, Canada, 2010), ISBN 978-1-897425-76-3.

Fischer, G., D. A. Gurnett and Y. Yair
Extraterrestrial lightning and its past and future investigation. In Lightning (NOVA publication, in press).

E. R. Williams and Y. Yair.
The microphysical and electrical properties of sprite producing thunderclouds. In M. Fullekrug et al. (eds.), Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning Discharges, 57-83 (Springer, 2006).


Open University Publications (in Hebrew)

Yair, Y. and B. Ziv
An Introduction to Meteorology (1994, 411 pp.)

Yair, Y.
"The Universe," Study guide for the course “Introduction to astronomy” (1999, 180 pp.)

Yair, Y. and I. Dotan
"Topics in atmospheric chemistry," Study guide (2003)

Ziv, B. and Y. Yair
Laboratory in Meteorology (2006, 100 pp.)


Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Y. Yair and Z. Levin (1989). Charging of polydispersed aerosol particles by attachment of atmospheric ions. Jour. Geophys. Res., 94, D11, 13,085-13,091.
  2. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion (1992). Water-cumulus in Jupiter's atmosphere: Numerical experiments with and axisymmetric cloud model. Icarus, 98, 72-81.
  3. Y. Yair and Z. Levin (1994). Intra-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning discharges in Israeli thunderstorms. Bull. Israeli. Met. Soc., 3 (1) 20-28 (Hebrew).
  4. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion (1995). Lightning generation in a Jovian thundercloud: Results from an axisymmetric numerical cloud model. Icarus, 114, 278-299.
  5. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion (1995). Microphysical processes and dynamics of a Jovian thundercloud. Icarus, 115, 421-434.
  6. Z. Levin, Y. Yair and B. Ziv (1996). Positive cloud-to-ground flashes and wind shear in Tel-Aviv thunderstorms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 23 (17), 2231-2234.
  7. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion (1998). Model interpretation of Jovian lightning activity and Galileo’s probe results. J. Geophys. Res., 103, D12, 14, 157-14, 166.
  8. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and O. Altaratz (1998). Lightning phenomenology in the Tel-Aviv area from 1989 to 1996. J. Geophys. Res., 103, D8, 9015-9025.
  9. O. Altaratz, Z. Levin and Y. Yair (1998). Positive ground flashes in Israel thunderstorms. Bull. Isr. Met. Soc, 5 (1), 27-36.
  10. Y. Yair, R. Mintz and S. Litvak (2001). 3D-Virtual reality in science education: Implications for astronomy teaching. Jour. Comp. Math. Sci. Educ., 20 (3), 293-305.
  11. O. Altaratz, Z. Levin and Y. Yair (2001). Winter thunderstorms in Israel – A study with lightning location systems and weather radar. Month. Weath. Rev, 129 (5), 1259-1266.
  12. M. Füllekrug, C. Price, Y. Yair and E. Williams (2002). Intense oceanic lightning. Annal. Geo., 20, 133-137.
  13. Y. Yair, Y. Schur, and R. Mintz (2003). A "Thinking Journey" to the planets using scientific visualization technologies. Jour. Science Ed. Tech., 12 (1), 43-49.
  14. Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin, J. Joseph, P. Israelevitch, A. Devir, M. Moalem, B. Ziv and M. Asfur (2003). Sprite observations from the space shuttle during the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX). J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 65, 635-642.
  15. R.R. Hsu, H.T. Su, A.B. Chen, L.C. Lee, M. Asfur, C. Price and Y. Yair (2003). Transient luminous events in the vicinity of Taiwan. J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 65, 561-566.
  16. O. Altaratz, Z. Levin, Y. Yair and B. Ziv (2003). Lightning activity over land and sea on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. Month. Weath. Rev., 131, 2060-2070.
  17. Y. Yair and Y. Yair (2004). "Everything comes to an end": An intuitive rule in physics and mathematics. Science Education, 88 (4), 594-609.
  18. B. Ziv, Y. Yair, K. Pressman and M. Füllekrug (2004). Verification of the aviation center global forecasts of mesoscale convective systems. Jour. App. Meteor., 43 (5), 720-726.
  19. Y. Yair, P. Israelevich, A.D. Devir, M. Moalem, C. Price, J.H. Joseph, Z. Levin, B. Ziv, A. Sternlieb and A. Teller (2004). New observations of Sprites from the space shuttle. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D15201.
  20. P. Israelevich, Y. Yair, A.D. Devir, J.H. Joseph, Z. Levin, I. Mayo, M. Moalem, C. Price and A. Sternlieb (2004). Transient airglow enhancement observed from the space shuttle Columbia during the MEIDEX sprite campaign. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L066124, doi:10.1029/2003GL019110.
  21. C. Price, E. Greenberg, Y. Yair, G. Satori, J. Bor, H. Fukunishi, M. Sato, P.L. Israelevich, M. Moalem, A. Devir, Z. Levin, J.H. Joseph, I. Mayo, B. Ziv and A. Sternlieb (2004). Ground-based detection of TLE-producing intense lightning during the MEIDEX mission on board the space shuttle Columbia. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L20107, doi:10.1029/2004GL020711.
  22. Y. Yair, C. Price, B. Ziv, P. L. Israelevich, D.D. Sentamn, F.T. Sao-Sabbas, A. Devir, M. Sato, C. Rodger, M. Moalem, E. Greenberg and O. Yaron (2005). Space shuttle observation of an unusual transient atmospheric emission. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, D15201.
  23. H. Gazit, D. Chen and Y. Yair (2005). Emerging conceptual understanding of complex astronomical phenomena by using a virtual solar system. Jour. Science Ed. Tech., 14, 5/6, 459-470.
  24. Y. Yair (2006). Observations of transient luminous events from earth orbit. IEEJ Trans. FM, 126, 4, 244-249.
  25. Y. Yair, R. Aviv, G. Ravid, R. Yaniv, B. Ziv and C. Price (2006). Evidence for synchronicity of lightning activity in networks of spatially remote thunderstorms. Jour. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 68, 1401-1415.
  26. H. Yang, V. Pasko and Y. Yair (2006). Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain modeling of the Schumann resonance parameters on Titan, Venus and Mars. Radio Science, 41, RS2S03, doi:10.1029/2005RS003431.
  27. H. Gazit, Y. Yair and D. Chen (2006). The gain and pain in taking the pilot seat: Learning dynamics in virtual reality environments. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, Virtual Reality, 10, 3-4, 10.1007/s10055-006-0053-3.
  28. C. Price, Y. Yair and M. Asfur (2007). East African Lightning as a Precursor of Atlantic Hurricane Activity. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L09805, doi:10.1029/2006GL028884.
  29. M. Ganot, Y. Yair, C. Price, B. Ziv, Y. Sherez, E. Greenberg, A. Devir and R. Yaniv (2007). First detection of transient luminous events associated with winter thunderstorms in the Eastern Mediterranean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L12801, doi:10.1029/2007GL029258.
  30. B. Ziv, H. Saaroni, Y. Yair, M. Ganot, H. Baarad and D. Isaschari (2008). Atmospheric factors governing winter thunderstorms in the coastal regions of the eastern Mediterranean. Theor. Appl. Clim., 10.1007/s00704-008-0008-6.
  31. R. G. Harrison, K. L. Aplin, F. Leblanc and Y. Yair (2008). Planetary atmospheric electricity. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 5–10, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9419-z.
  32. Y. Yair (2008). Charge generation and separation processes. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 119–131, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9348-x.
  33. Y. Yair, G. Fischer, F. Simoes, N. Renno and P. Zarka (2008). Updated review of planetary atmospheric electricity, Space Sci. Rev., 137: 29–49, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9349-9.
  34. F. Simões, M. Rycroft, N. Renno, Y. Yair, K.L. Aplin and Y. Takahashi (2008). Schumann resonances as a means of investigating the electromagnetic environment in the solar system. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 455–471, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9398-0.
  35. Y. Takahashi, J. Yoshida, Y. Yair, T. Imamura and M. Nakamura (2008). Lightning detection by LAC onboard the Japanese Venus climate orbiter, Planet-C. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 317–334, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9400-x
  36. J. H. Joseph, O. Yaron, E. Yaroslavich, P. Israelevich, I. Koren, Y. Yair, A. Devir, E. Hilsenrath, P. Kischa, Z. Levin, M. Moalem, B. Ziv (2008). Determination of the most probable height of desert dust aerosol layer from space, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D20S93, doi:10.1029/2007JD009646.
  37. Y. Yair, R. Aviv, and G. Ravid (2009). Clustering and synchronization of lightning flashes in adjacent thunderstorm cells from lightning location networks data, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D09210, doi:10.1029/2008JD010738
  38. Y. Yair et al. (2009). Optical observations of transient luminous events associated with winter thunderstorms near the coast of Israel. Atmospheric Research, 91, 2-4, 529-537.
  39. C. Price, M. Asfur and Y. Yair (2009). Maximum hurricane intensity preceded by increase in lightning frequency, Nature Geoscience, 2, 5, 329-332.
  40. R. Yaniv, A. D. Devir, Y. Yair, C. Price, B. Ziv and N. Reicher (2009). Calibration of CCD cameras for sprites and elves measurements, Amer. Inst. of Phys. Conf. Proc., 1118, 92-98.
  41. Y. Yair, Y. Takahashi, R. Yaniv, U. Ebert and Y. Goto (2009). A study of the possibility of sprites in the atmospheres of other planets. J. Geophys. Res. – Planets, in press.
  42. E. Greenberg, C. Price, Y. Yair, C. Haldoupis, O. Chanrion and T. Neubert (2009). ELF/VLF signatures of sprite-producing lightning discharges observed during the 2005 EuroSprite campaign. Jour. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2009.05.005.
  43. P. Israelevich, J. Joseph, Z. Levin and Y. Yair (2009). First observation of glory from space. Bull. Am. Met. Soc., in press.
  44. Y. Yair, B. Lynn, C. Price, V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos, E. Morin, A. Mugnai, and M. d. C. Llasat (2010). Predicting the potential for lightning activity in Mediterranean storms based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model dynamic and microphysical fields, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D04205, doi:10.1029/2008JD010868.
  45. B. Lynn and Y. Yair (2010). Prediction of lightning flash density with the WRF model, Adv. Geosci., 23, 11-16, doi:10.5194/adgeo-23-11-2010.
  46. D. Dubrovin, S. Nijdam, E. M. van Veldhuizen, U. Ebert, Y. Yair, and C. Price (2010). Sprite discharges on Venus and Jupiter-like planets: A laboratory investigation, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A00E34, doi:10.1029/2009JA014851.
  47. O. Altaratz, I. Koren, Y. Yair, and C. Price (2010). Lightning response to smoke from Amazonian fires, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07801, doi:10.1029/2010GL042679.
  48. N. Harats, B. Ziv, Y. Yair, V. Kotroni, and U. Dayan (2010). Lightning and rain dynamic indices as predictors for flash floods events in the Mediterranean, Adv. Geosci., 23, 57-64, doi:10.5194/adgeo-23-57-2010.
  49. M. C. Llasat, M. Llasat-Botija, M. A. Prat, F. Porcú, C. Price, A. Mugnai, K. Lagouvardos, V. Kotroni, D. Katsanos, S. Michaelides, Y. Yair, K. Savvidou, and K. Nicolaides (2010). High-impact floods and flash floods in Mediterranean countries: the FLASH preliminary database, Adv. Geosci., 23, 47-55, doi:10.5194/adgeo-23-47-2010.
  50. S. Rozalis, E. Morin, Y. Yair and C. Price (2010). Flash flood prediction using an uncalibrated hydrological model and radar rainfall data in a Mediterranean watershed under changing hydrological conditions. J. Hydrol., doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.03.021.
  51. Submitted for publication

  52. Y. Reuveni, C. Price, Y. Yair and R. Yaniv, The connection between meteor showers and VLF atmospheric noise signals. Submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett.
  53. A. Mäkelä T. Kantola, Y. Yair and T. Raita, Observations of TLEs above the Baltic Sea on Oct 9, 2009. Submitted to Geophysica.

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. Y. Yair and Z. Levin, "Charging of polydispersed aerosol particles by attachment of atmospheric ions". Proceedings of the 8th ICAE meeting (pp. 100-105), Uppsala, Sweden (June, 1988).
  2. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion, "An investigation of the Jovian water cloud using an axisymmetric cloud model". Proceedings of the AMS conference on Cloud Physics (pp. 518-521), San-Fancisco, CA (July, 1990).
  3. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion, "Detailed evaluation of cloud growth and lightning formation in Jupiter’s clouds". Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences, Washington, DC (1994), Bull. Amer. Ast. Soc., 26, 1101.
  4. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion, "The location of charge centers and lightning activity in Jupiter’s H2O clouds". The XI meeting of IUGG, Boulder, CO (July, 1995).
  5. Z. Levin, Y. Yair, O. Altaratz and B. Ziv, "On the occurrence of positive ground flashes in Tel-Aviv thunderstorms". Proceedings of the 10th ICAE Meeting (pp. 640-643), Osaka, Japan (1996).
  6. Y. Yair, Z. Levin and S. Tzivion, "Lightning activity on Jupiter". Proceedings of the 10th ICAE Meeting (pp. 460-463), Osaka, Japan (1996).
  7. Z. Levin, Y. Yair and O. Altaratz, "Morphology of thunderstorms in Israel". Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Meteorological Society (p. 32), Jerusalem (March, 1998).
  8. R. Mintz, R. Nachmias, Y. Yair and S. Litvak, "Multimedia-Web hybrid learning environments in science and technology education". Proceedings of ICCE’98, The Sixth International Conference on Computers in Education (Vol. 2, pp. 422-424), Beijing, China (October, 1998).
  9. Y. Yair, O. Altaratz and Z. Levin, "Two types of PGF-producing clouds in winter thunderstorms in Israel". Proceedings of the 11th ICAE Meeting (pp. 460-463), Guntersville, AL (1999).
  10. O. Altaratz, Z. Levin and Y. Yair, "Electrical and radar observation of thunderstorms in the eastern Mediterranean". Proceedings of the 11th ICAE Meeting (pp. 468-471), Guntersville, AL (1999).
  11. Y. Yair, R. Mintz, S. Litvak, A. Feld, N. Fahima and E. Cegla, "The use of virtual simulations in astronomy teaching". Proceedings of the 45th meeting of the Israeli Physical Society (p. 156), Tel-Aviv University (1999).
  12. Y. Yair, R. Mintz, S. Litvak and S. Maoz, "The 3-dimensional solar system - Virtual reality made real". Computers in Education (MOACH) Conference, Tel-Aviv (July, 1999, Hebrew).
  13. Y. Yair, E. Yafe and Y. Holtzman-BenShalom, "Teachers are teaching astronomy – together and by themselves, through TAMID". Computers in Education (MOACH) Conference, Tel-Aviv (July, 1999, Hebrew).
  14. Z. Levin, J. Joseph, Y. Mekler, Y. Yair, A. Devir, E. Ganor, P. Israelevich, E. Klodz and T. Reisin, "Study of desert aerosols in the Mediterranean area – an Israeli hitchhiker experiment (MEIDEX)". Proceedings of the 1999 Shuttle Small Payloads Symposium (pp. 307-318), Annapolis, MD (September, 1999).
  15. Y. Yair, R. Mintz and S. Litvak, "3-D journey in the solar system: A visual cognitive adventure". Euro-Med Conference TELE99, Tel-Aviv (October, 1999).
  16. Y. Yair, R. Mintz and S. Litvak, "Virtual reality in astronomy teaching". Ed-Media 2000, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Montreal, Canada (2000).
  17. Y. Yair and R. Mintz, "From Jupiter to Jerusalem: Harnessing virtual reality and visualization technologies to teaching planetary sciences". Proceedings Ed-Media 2001 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Communications (pp. 2097-2098), Tampere, Finland (2001).
  18. Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin and A. Devir, "Sprite observations from the space shuttle during MEIDEX". Proceedings of AP-RASC meeting (p. 314), Tokyo, Japan (August, 2001).
  19. R. Mintz, B. Savir, Y. Yair and Y. Harel, "Surfing to space and learning astronomy together". Proceedings of the 17th MOACH conference (p. 132), Tel Aviv (December, 2001).
  20. O. Altaratz, T. Reisin, Y. Yair and Z. Levin, "Simulation of the electrification of thunderclouds using the RAMS model". The 5th RAMS User Workshop, Santorini, Greece (2002).
  21. Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin, A. Devir, J. Joseph, P. Israelevitch, B. Ziv, M. Moalem and M. Asfur, "Coordinated global measurements of TLEs from the space shuttle during the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX)". The URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, The Netherlands (August, 2002).
  22. Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin, J. Joseph, P. Israelevitch, A. Devir, M. Moalem, B. Ziv and M. Asfur, "Initial results of sprite observations from the space shuttle during the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX)". The 2nd SPECIAL II Annual Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany (February, 2003).
  23. Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin, J. Joseph, P. Israelevitch, A. Devir, M. Moalem, B. Ziv and S. Clodman, "Coordinated observations of sprites and other TLEs from the space shuttle during the MEIDEX". Proceedings of the XII ICAE meeting (pp. 313-316), Versailles, France (June, 2003).
  24. O. Altaratz, Z. Levin, T. Reisin, S. Tzivion and Y. Yair, "Simulation of the development and structure of the electric field in a 3-dimensional electrically active cloud field using the RAMS model". Proceedings of the XII ICAE meeting (pp. 127-130), Versailles, France (June, 2003).
  25. S. Clodman and Y. Yair, "TLE detection by instrument and by proposed human vision system for space-based missions". Proceedings of the XII ICAE meeting (pp. 317-320), Versailles, France (June, 2003)
  26. O. Altaratz, Z. Levin, Y. Yair and B. Ziv, "Differences in winter lightning activity over land and sea across the eastern coast of the Mediterranean". Proceedings of the XII ICAE meeting (pp. 73-76), Versailles, France (June, 2003)
  27. Y. Yair, C. Price, P. Israelevich, A. Devir, M. Moalem, B. Ziv, Z. Levin, J. Joseph, I. Koren and M. Asfur, "Sprites, elves and other transient luminous events (TLEs) observed from the space shuttle Columbia during the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment" (invited). Proceedings of the IUGG meeting (vol. 2, p. 195), Sapporo, Japan (June-July, 2003).
  28. Y. Yair, C. Price, P. Israelevich, A. Devir, M. Moalem, B. Ziv, Z. Levin and J. Joseph, "New space shuttle observations of transient luminous events during the MEIDEX" (invited). Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE41B-01 (2003).
  29. E. Greenberg, C. Price, Y. Yair, Z. Levin, P. Israelevich, A. Devir, M. Moalem, G. Satori, M. Sato, Y. Takahashi, M. Füllekrug, "Geo-location of sprites observed from the space shuttle Columbia during STS-107 using ELF methods". Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE41B-02 (2003).
  30. E. Gazit, D. Chen and Y. Yair, "'A visual journey in the solar system': To study astronomical concepts through interaction with virtual reality software". Proceedings of the 19th MOACH conference (p. 80), Tel Aviv (January, 2004).
  31. Y. Yair, R. Mintz and Y. Schur, "Using virtual-reality for flying over Mars and the Moon: An intermediated learning scheme based on high-tech visualizations". Proceedings of the 19th MOACH conference (p. 81), Tel Aviv (January, 2004).
  32. E. Gazit, D. Chen and Y. Yair, "Developing understanding of basic astronomical concepts by using a virtual solar system". Sixth International Conference of the Learning Sciences "Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences" (edited by Y. B. Kafai, W. A. Sandoval, N. Enyedy, A. S. Nixon & F. Herrera, p. 601), University of California, Los Angeles (June, 2004).
  33. Y. Yair, "Thunderstorm electrification". NATO Advanced Study Institute, Summer School on Intense Lightning and Sprites, Corsica, France (July, 2004).
  34. Y. Yair, C. Price, B. Ziv, P. Israelevich, D. D. Sentman, F. T. Sao-Sabbas, A. Devir, M. Sato, C. J. Rodger, M. Moalem, E. Greenberg and O. Yaron, "Possible detection of a conjugate sprite". Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31B-0170 (poster) (2004).
  35. Y. Yair, C. Price, E. Greenberg, P. Israelevich, A. Devir, M. Moalem, Ziv, B. Levin and J. Joseph, "Space-based Observations of Thunderstorms and TLEs during the MEIDEX-sprite campaign". Proceedings of the Joint Earth and Planetary Sciences meeting, Tokyo, Japan (May, 2005).
  36. Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin, J. Joseph, B. Ziv, M. Moalem, E. Greenberg, "Space-based observations of thunderstorms and TLEs during the MEIDEX sprite campaign". Proceedings of IAMAS (G-17), Beijing, China (August, 2005).
  37. O. Yaron, J. Joseph, P. Israelevich, Y. Yair, I. Koren and B. Ziv, "Spatial and optical characteristics of a smoke plume determined by observations from a multispectral, absolutely calibrated camera on the space shuttle Columbia". Proceedings of IAMAS (A-107), Beijing, China (August, 2005).
  38. O. Yaron, P. Israelevich, J. Joseph and Y. Yair, "Space-borne observation of buoyancy waves in a dusty atmosphere". Proceedings of IAMAS (A-122), Beijing, China (August, 2005).
  39. J. Joseph, O. Yaron, P. Israelevich, P. Kischcha, I. Koren, A. Devir and Y. Yair, "Simultaneous and co-located determination of spectral optical depth in the UV, visible and NIR parts of the solar spectrum". Proceedings of IAMAS (A-126), Beijing, China (August, 2005).
  40. P. Israelevich, Y. Yair, C. Price, Z. Levin, J. Joseph, A. Devir and B. Ziv, "ELVES observed from the space shuttle Columbia during the MEIDEX sprite campaign". Proceedings of IAMAS (G-18), Beijing, China (August, 2005).
  41. Y. Yair, "Observations of transient luminous events from space - a review". Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society (WS-5) Salvador Bahia, Brazil (September, 2005).
  42. Y. Yair, R. Aviv, G. Ravid, R. Yaniv, B. Ziv and C. Price, "Evidence for synchronicity of lightning activity in spatially remote thunderstorms obtained from space shuttle observations". Eos Trans. AGU, 84 (46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE21A-0983 (poster) (2005).
  43. C. Price, Y. Yair, M. Ganot, E. Greenberg, Y. Sherz, R. Yaniv, A. Devir and E. Katz, "Ground-based observations of Sprites and other Transient Luminous Events in Eastern Mediterranean winter thunderstorms". First International Symposium on Lightning Physics and its Effects, COST Action P-18: Lighting discharge and its effects, Vienna (3-4 April 2006).
  44. Y. Yair, "Observations of transient luminous events from Earth orbit". 33rd European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Kiruna,Sweden (27-31 August 2006).
  45. M. Ganot, Y. Yair, C. Price, B. Ziv, Y. Sherez, E. Greenberg, A. Devir and R. Yaniv, "Observations of sprites and elves associated with winter thunderstorms in the Eastern Mediterranean". Eos Trans. AGU, 87 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE41A-05 (2006).
  46. Y. Yair, C. Price, M. Ganot, E. Greenebrg, B. Ziv, R. Yaniv, Y. Sherez, A. Devir, K. Ehrlick and E. Vadislevski, "Summary of the 2005/6 and 2006/7 winter sprite campaigns in Israel". 2nd International Symposium on Lightning Physics and its Effects, COST Action P-18, Vienna, p. 13 (19-20 April, 2007).
  47. C. Price, Y. Yair and M. Asfur, "East African lightning as a precursor of Atlantic hurricane activity". 2nd International Symposium on Lightning Physics and its Effects, COST Action P-18,Vienna, p. 11 (19-20 April, 2007).
  48. Y. Yair, Aviv, R., Price, C., Asfur, M. and Ravid, G., "Can spontaneous synchronization of lightning flashes occur in a network of distant thunderstorms?" Geophys. Res. Abs., 9, 03235, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (15-20 April, 2007), SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-03235.
  49. C. Price, Yair, Y. and Asfur, M., "East African Lightning as a Precursor of Atlantic Hurricane Activity". Geophys. Res. Abs., 9, 02652,EGU General Assembly, Vienna (15-20 April 2007), SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-02652.
  50. C. Price, Yair, Y., Mugnai, A., Lagouvardos, K., Llasat, M.C. and Michaelides, S., "FLASH: A new EU project related to Mediterranean flash floods". Geophys. Res. Abs., 9, 02638, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (15-20 April 2007).
  51. C. Price, Y. Yair, A. Mugnai, K. Langovardos, M. C. Liasat, S. Michaelides, "FLASH: A new EU project using lightning data to study Mediterranean flash floods". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 553-556, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  52. C. Price, Y. Yair and M. Asfur, "Lightning as a precursor of Atlantic Hurricane activity". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 577-580, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  53. B. Ziv, H. Saaroni, Y. Yair, M. Ganot and A. Baharad, "Atmospheric factors governing winter lightning activity in the area of Tel-Aviv, Israel". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 682-685, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  54. Y. Yair, C. Price, M. Ganot, B. Ziv, Y. Sherez, E. Greenberg, A. Devir, R. Yaniv, J. Bor and G. Satori, "Winter thunderstorms in the eastern Mediterranean and associated transient luminous events". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 760-763, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  55. E. Greenberg, C. Price, Y. Yair. M. Ganot, J. Bor and G. Satori, "ELF transients associated with TLEs observed during ILAN2006 campaign". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 785-788, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  56. Y. Yair, D. Sentman, Y. Takahashi and R. Yaniv, "On the possibility of sprites in other planetary atmospheres". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 790-793, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  57. Y. Takahashi, J. Yoshida, S. Ueda, T. Ushio, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Yair and M. Galand, "Lightning detection in Venus by Venus Climate Orbiter, PLANET-C". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 846, Beijing, China (August 13-17, 2007).
  58. Y. Yair, R. Aviv, G. Ravid, M. Asfur and C. Price, "Transient synchronization and coupling of lightning activity in severe Mediterranean winter thunderstorms". Proceedings, 9th Plinius conference on Mediterranean storms, p.36, Varenna, Italy (10-13 September, 2007).
  59. Y. Yair, R. Aviv and G. Ravid, "Transient synchronicity and coupling of lightning flashes" Eos Trans. AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE-41A-02 (2007).
  60. D. M. Smith, J. R. Dwyer, B. W. Grefenstette, B. J. Hazelton, Y. Yair, J. Bor, E. H. Lay and R. H. Holzworth, "Unusual RHESSI TGFs: Electron Beams and Others", Eos Trans. AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31A-0051 (2007).
  61. Y. Takahashi, Y. Yair, Y. Goto, D. Sentman, Y. Yoshida, M. Sato and N. Hoshino, "Sprites and lightning in Venus: constraints for observations by the Planet-C mission", Eos Trans. AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31A-0042 (2007).
  62. E. Vadislavsky, Y. Yair, C. Ehrlich, C. Price, R. Yaniv, M. Ganot, N. Reicher and B. Ziv, "Indications for a circular symmetry in the 3-dimensional structure of column sprites". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-04785, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-04785, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008 (poster).
  63. C. Price, M. Asfur and Y. Yair, "Lightning activity in Atlantic hurricanes". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008- 02495, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-02495, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
  64. B. H. Lynn and Y. Yair, "Lightning Power Index: A new tool for predicting the lightning density and the potential for extreme rainfall". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-01571, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-01571, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
  65. E. Vadislavsky, Y. Yair, C. Ehrlich, C. Price, "An investigation of the three dimensional spatial organization of sprite elements in the mesosphere". 3rd International Symposium on Lightning Physics and its Effects, COST Action P-18, p. 33, Vienna (14-15 April, 2008).
  66. S. Rozalis, E. Morin, C. Price and Y. Yair, "Flash flood modeling using radar rainfall data in Mediterranean catchments in Israel". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-02863, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-02863, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2008.
  67. C. Price, M. Asfur and Y. Yair, "Lightning activity in Atlantic hurricanes". 3rd International Symposium on Lightning Physics and its Effects, COST Action P-18, p. 44, Vienna (14-15 April, 2008).
  68. Y. Yair, "Observations of Transient Luminous Events from space and the ground: Review of 5 years of research since the MEIDEX". Japan Geosciences Union Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (25-30 May 2008).
  69. Y. Yair, G. Fischer, F. Simoes, N. Renno and P. Zarka, "Updated review of lightning activity on other planets". 2nd TLE workshop, p. 86, Corte, France (23-27 June 2008).
  70. Y. Yair, C. Price, M. Ganot, E. Greenberg, R. Yaniv, B. Ziv, Y. Sherez, A. Devir, E. Vadislavsky and C. Erlick, "Observations of winter sprites in the eastern Mediterranean: results from the 2006-2008 ILAN campaigns". 2nd TLE workshop, p. 77, Corte, France (23-27 June 2008).
  71. E. Tal-Elhasid, Y. Yair and H. Meishar-Tal, "Open Books: Free Opening of Academic E-Books, Audio-Books and Educational Resources at The Open University of Israel: Lessons from the First Year". IADIS International association for development of the information society, e-society 2009, Barcelona, Spain (2009).
  72. B. Lynn, Y. Yair, C. Price, V. Kotroni, K. Langouvardos, E. Morin, A. Mugnai, M. Llasat, "Flash flood prediction using lightning density derived from WRF model dynamic and microphysical fields". Plinius Conference Abstracts, 10, PLINIUS10-A-00021, 10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Nicosia, Cyprus (22-24 September 2008).
  73. B. Ziv, H. Saaroni, Y. Yair, M. Ganot, A. Baharad, and D. Isaschari, "Atmospheric factors governing winter lightning activity in the eastern Mediterranean and coastal Tel-Aviv area". Plinius Conference Abstracts, 10, PLINIUS10-A-00029, 10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Nicosia, Cyprus (22-24 September 2008).
  74. M. Formenton, C. Adamo, C. Casella, A. Mugnai, C. Price, and Y. Yair, "An investigation of lightning/microphysics relationships by means of a cloud electrification model: Application to the FLASH project case studies". Plinius Conference Abstracts, 10, PLINIUS10-A-00109, 10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Nicosia, Cyprus (22-24 September 2008).
  75. N. Harats, B. Ziv, V. Kotroni, Y. Yair, B. Lynn, and U. Dayan, "Dynamic and thermodynamic predictors for lightning and flash floods in the Mediterranean". Plinius Conference Abstracts, 10, PLINIUS10-A-00126, 10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Nicosia, Cyprus (22-24 September 2008).
  76. S. Rozalis, E. Morin, T. Grodek, C. Price, and Y. Yair, "Flash Flood Prediction in Changing Hydrological Conditions Using a Continuous Hydrological Model". Plinius Conference Abstracts, 10, PLINIUS10-A-00063, 10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Nicosia, Cyprus (22-24 September 2008).
  77. Y. Yair, B. Lynn, C. Price, V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos, E. Morin, A. Mugnai, M. Llassat, "Predicting lightning density in Mediterranean storms based on the WRF model dynamic and microphysical fields". Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31A-0258 (2008).
  78. C. Hanuise, E. Blanc, N. Crosby, U. Ebert, E. Mareev, T. Neubert, H. Rothkael, O. Santolik, Y. Yair and P. Gille, "E-CANES: A Research Network dedicated to Electromagnetic Coupling of the Atmosphere with Near-Earth Space". Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE13A-0315 (2008).
  79. C. Price, M. Asfur and Y. Yair, "Lightning-wind intensity relationship in hurricanes". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-11853 (2009).
  80. R. Yaniv, A. Devir, Y. Yair, C. Price, D. Dubrovin, N. Reicher, and N. Tsur, "New results from calibrated radiometric observations of TLEs in Mediterranean winter thunderstorms". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-130, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (19-24 April, 2009).
  81. Y. Yair, G. Binshtok and C. Price, "Urban Effects on Lightning Flash Density in the Coastal Region of Israel". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-13615, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (19-24 April, 2009).
  82. S. Rozalis, E. Morin, Y. Yair and C. Price, "Flash Flood Modeling in Changing Hydrological Conditions Using a Hydrological Model and Radar Rainfall Data". Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-1777, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (19-24 April, 2009).
  83. Y. Yair, "Extraterrestrial sprites". Japan Geosciences Union Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (16-21 May, 2009).
  84. Y. Yair, "From the MEIDEX to the ILAN winter campaigns: results from 6 years of sprite research in Israel". [invited] Proceedings Chapman Conference on the effects of thunderstorms and lightning in the upper atmosphere, p 12, Penn-State University, State College, PA, (10-14 May 2009).
  85. Y. Yair, E. Vadislavsky, C. Erlick, C. Price, R. Yaniv, E. Greenberg and N. Reicher, "The spatial organization of column sprite elements associated with Eastern Mediterranean winter thunderstorms". [poster] Proceedings Chapman Conference on the effects of thunderstorms and lightning in the upper atmosphere, p. 43, Penn-State University, State College, PA (10-14 May 2009).
  86. E. Greenberg, C. Price, Y. Yair, C. Haldoupis, O. Chanrion and T. Neubert, "ELF/VLF signatures of sprite-producing lightning discharges observed during the 2005 EuroSprite campaign". Proceedings Chapman Conference on the effects of thunderstorms and lightning in the upper atmosphere, p. 27, Penn-State University, State College, PA (10-14 May 2009).
  87. S. Nijdam, D. Dubrovin, E. van Veldhuizen, U. Ebert, Y. Yair and C. Price, "Laboratory Experiments Simulating Sprites on Earth, Venus and Jupiter". Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE23A-08, San-Francisco, CA (12-17 December 2009).
  88. Y. Yair, Y. Takahashi, U. Ebert, C. Price, R. Yaniv, D. Dubrovin, S. Nijdam and E. van Veldhuizen, "Sprites on other planets". Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE43A-0253, San-Francisco, CA (12-17 December 2009).
  89. R. Yaniv, Y. Yair, C. Price, J. Bor, M. Sato, Y. Hobara, and A. Devir, "Lightning charge-moment-change relationships with the physical and optical properties of column sprites". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-1381, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (02-07 May, 2010).
  90. Y. Takahashi, K. Nakajima, S. Takeuchi, K. Sugiyama, M. Sato, T. Fukuhara, S. Sato, Y. Yair, K. Aplin, and G. Fischer, "Jovian thundercloud research with ground-based telescope and spacecraft". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-12168, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (02-07 May, 2010).
  91. O. Altaratz, I. Koren, Y. Yair, and C. Price, "The response of thunderstorms and lightning to smoke from Amazonian fires". Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-2850, EGU General Assembly, Vienna (02-07 May, 2010).
  92. Y. Yair and B. Lynn, "Lightning flash density prediction with the WRF model". AEM012-06, Japan Geosciences Union Meeting, Chiba, Japan (23-28 May, 2010).

Papers in Local Conference Proceedings

  1. Z. Levin, Y. Yair, and O. Altaratz, "Morphology of thunderstorms in Israel". Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Israeli Meteorological Society, p.32, Jerusalem (23-24 March 1998).
  2. Y. Yair, R. Mintz, S. Litvak, A. Feld, N. Fahima, E. Cegla, "The use of virtual simulations in astronomy teaching". Proceedings of the 45th meeting of the Israeli Physical Society, p. 156, Tel-Aviv University (1999).
  3. Y. Yair, E. Yafe and Y. Holtzman-BenShalom, "Teachers are teaching astronomy – together and by themselves, through TAMID". Proceedings of MOACH (computers in education) conference, Tel-Aviv (6-7 July 1999).
  4. Y. Yair, R. Mintz, S. Litvak and S. Maoz, "The 3-Dimensional Solar System – Virtual Reality made real". Proceedings of MOACH (computers in education) conference, Tel-Aviv (6-7 July 1999).
  5. R. Mintz, B. Savir, Y. Yair and Y. Harel, "Surfing to space and learning astronomy together". Proceedings of the 17th MOACH conference, p. 132, Tel-Aviv (10-11 December 2001).
  6. E. Gazit, D. Chen and Y. Yair, "A Visual Journey in the Solar System: to study astronomical concepts through interaction with a virtual reality software". Proceedings of the 19th MOACH conference, p. 80, Tel-Aviv (12-13 January 2004).
  7. Y. Yair, R. Mintz and Y. Schur, "Using virtual-reality for flying over the Mars and the Moon: an intermediated learning scheme based on high-tech visualizations". Proceedings of the 19th MOACH conference, p. 81, Tel-Aviv (12-13 January 2004).
  8. L. Chernovich, Elhasid-Tal, E., Har-Even, I. and Y. Yair, "The Pe'er project: free and open access to books and on-line study materials at the Open University of Israel". Proceedings of the 6th Meytal conference, p. 128-130, Haifa (6 August 2008).
  9. S. Rozalis, E. Morin, Y. Yair and C. Price, "Modeling extreme flood events by utilizing radar-derived rain data". Ann. Conf. Isr Met. Soc., Tel-Aviv (25 March 2008). Metorol. Israel, p. 17.
  10. B. Lynn, Y. Yair, C. Price and E. Morin, "The Lightning Power Index: testing a new tool for predicting the lightning density and the potential for extreme rainfall in Mediterranean storms". Ann. Conf. Isr. Met. Soc., Tel-Aviv (25 March 2008). Metorol. Israel, p. 13.
  11. H. Meishar-Tal, E. Tal-Elhasid, and Y. Yair, "Wikis in Academic Courses: An Institutional Perspective", Learning in the Technological Era: Proceedings of the 3rd Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, pp. 79-83, Y. Eshet, A. Caspi, and N. Geri (eds.), Raanana, Open University of Israel (2008, in Hebrew).
  12. M. Hans, Y. Kali, and Y. Yair, "Added value of integrating computerized and physical models for the development of learners’ spatial abilities with regards to the moon phases". Proceedings of the 4th Chais conference on Instructional Technologies Research, pp. 54-63. Raanana, The Open University (2009, in Hebrew).