The Open University of Israel

Prof. Itzhak Dotan

Department of Natural Sciences

Updated: March 2014



Tel: 972-9-7781128

Fax: 972-9-7782661




1964-1967B.Sc., Chemistry and Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1967-1969 M.Sc., Physical Chemistry Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Thesis: Photochemistry and flash photolysis of aqueous solutions.
Supervisor: Prof. Gideon Czapski
1970-1975 Ph.D. studies, Isotope Department, The Weizmann Institute of Science. Supervisor: Prof. F.S. Klein.
Dissertation: Negative Ion-Molecule Reactions at Low Energies

Professional Experience

1975-1977Postdoctoral Research Associate, The National Research Council of USA, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) Administration, Boulder, Colorado. Scientific Advisor: Dr. D.L. Albritton. Research topics: Ion-molecule reactions and mobilities of ions in various gases
1978-1981Isotope Department, The Weizmann Institute of Science. Research subjects: ion-molecule reactions; laser excitation of ions; negative ions; kinetics and dynamics of gas phase reactions; charge transfer reactions; isotope effects; mass spectrometry
1978-Promotion to Senior Scientist
1981-1985Design and performance calculations, Weizmann Institute Solar Central Receiver System, project headed by Prof. I. Dostrovsky
1984-1985Visiting Professor, University of Colorado and NOAA, Boulder, Colorado
1986-1987Director-General, Tel-Aviv College
1987-1989Chief Chemist, Cubital Ltd. - UV Curing; Photopolymers; Radiation Systems; Coatings
1989-The Open University of Israel
1992-Associate Professor
1992-1995Head, Teaching Administration, The Open University of Israel
1993-1999Head of the Open University study program in the CIS
1995, 1996Research Fellow, Phillips Laboratory, U.S. Air Force
1997-1998Chairman, Subcommittee for Natural and Life Sciences
1998-1999NRC Senior Research Fellow, Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA, USA
1999-2003Head, Department of Natural Sciences
2000 -Professor
2004-2006Dean of Academic Studies
2006-2007NRC Senior Research Fellow, Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA, U.S.A.
2008 -Head, The Avinoam Adam Department of Natural Sciences
2012, 2013, 2014 Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia.

List of Publications


  1. D. Behar, G. Czapski and I. Duchovny, “Carbonate radical in flash photolysis and pulse radiolysis of aqueous solutions,” J. Phys. Chem. 74, 2206 (1970).
  2. I. Dotan, D.L. Albritton and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “Comparison of the energy dependences and branching ratios of the reactions of Ar+ and N2+ with SO2,” J. Chem. Phys. 64, 4334 (1976).
  3. I. Dotan, W. Lindinger and D.L. Albritton, “Mobilities of various mass-identified positive and negative ions in helium and argon,” J. Chem. Phys. 64, 4544 (1976).
  4. I. Dotan, D.L. Albritton, W. Lindinger and M. Pahl, “Mobilities of CO2+, N2H+, H3O+.H2O and H3O+.(H2O)2 ions in N2,” J. Chem. Phys. 65, 5028 (1976).
  5. D.L. Albritton, I. Dotan, W. Lindinger, M. McFarland, J. Tellinghuisen and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “Effects of ion speed distributions in flow-drift tube studies of ion-neutral reactions,” J. Chem. Phys. 66, 410 (1977).
  6. I. Dotan, D.L. Albritton and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “Mobilities of F-, C1-, Br- and I- ions in He,” J. Chem. Phys. 66, 2233 (1977).
  7. I. Dotan and D.L. Albritton, “Mobilities of F-, C1-, Br- and I- ions in argon,” J. Chem. Phys. 66, 5238 (1977).
  8. I. Dotan, J.A. Davidson, G.E. Streit, D.L. Albritton and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “A study of the reaction O3- + CO2 ↔ CO3- + O2 and its implications on the thermochemistry of CO3 and O3 and their negative ions,” J. Chem. Phys. 67, 2874 (1977).
  9. I. Dotan, W. Lindinger and D.L. Albritton, “Mobilities of H2O+ and H3O+.nH2O (n=0,1,2) ions in He,” J. Chem. Phys. 67, 5969 (1977).
  10. F.C. Fehsenfeld, I. Dotan, D.L Albritton, C.J. Howard, and E.E. Ferguson, “Stratospheric positive ion chemistry of formaldehyde and methanol,” J. Geophys. Res. 83, 1333 (1978).
  11. J.A. Davidson, A.A. Viggiano, C.J. Howard, I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld, D.L Albritton and E.E. Ferguson, “Rate constants for the reactions of O2+, NO2+, NO+, H3O+, CO3-, NO2- and halide ions with N2O5 at 300 K,” J. Chem. Phys. 68, 2085 (1978).
  12. W. Lindinger, I. Dotan, D.L. Albritton and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “Reactions of N4+ with O2, CO2, H2 and D2 and mobilities of N4+ in nitrogen,” J. Chem. Phys. 68, 2607 (1978).
  13. I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Energy dependence of the reaction of O2+ with CH4,” J. Chem. Phys. 68, 5665 (1978).
  14. I. Dotan, D.L. Albritton, F.C. Fehsenfeld, G.E. Streit and E.E. Ferguson, “Rate constants for the reactions of O-, O2-, NO2-, CO3- and CO4- with HCl and ClO- with NO, NO2, SO2 and CO2 at 300K,” J. Chem. Phys. 68, 5414 (1978).
  15. I. Dotan, J.A. Davidson, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Reactions of O2+.O2 with CO2, O3 and CH4, and O2+.O3 with H2O and CH4 and their role in stratospheric ion chemistry,” J. Geophys. Res. 83, 4036 (1978).
  16. I. Dotan and F.S. Klein, “Negative ion/molecule reactions at low collision energies,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 29, 137 (1979).
  17. I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Reactions of S+(4S0) ions with O2 and NO at relative kinetic energies from 0.04 to 3eV,” J. Chem. Phys. 71, 2728 (1979).
  18. A.A. Viggiano, F. Howorka, J.H. Futrell, J.A. Davidson, I. Dotan, D.L. Albritton and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “Reactions of Kr++, Xe++ and C++ with atoms and molecules at 300K,” J. Chem. Phys. 71, 2734 (1979).
  19. I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Rate constants for the reactions of metastable NO+(a3+) ions with SO2, CO2, CH4, Ar, N2, H2, D2 and O2 at relative kinetic energies 0.04-2.5 eV,” J. Chem. Phys. 71, 3280 (1979).
  20. I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “On the product ratios of the reactions of Ar+ with NO and NO+ (a3+) with Ar at 300K,” J. Chem. Phys. 71, 3289 (1979).
  21. D.L Albritton, A.A. Viggiano, I. Dotan and F.C. Fehsenfeld, “Production of NO+(a3+) ions in the reactions of N+ ions with O2 at 300 K,” J. Chem. Phys. 71, 3295 (1979).
  22. I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Mobilities of C+, S+ and F- ions in helium,” J. Chem. Phys. 71, 4762 (1979).
  23. S.L. Lin, J.N. Bardsley, I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Cross section for the reaction O-+O2 → O2-+O at relative kinetic energies from threshold to 3eV,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 34, 113 (1980).
  24. I. Dotan, W. Lindinger, B. Rowe, D.W. Fahey, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Rate constants for the reactions of H2O+ with NO2, O2, NO, C2H4 and H2 measured at relative kinetic energies 0.04 - 2eV,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 72, 67 (1980).
  25. F. Howorka, I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld and D.L. Albritton, “Kinetic energy dependence of the branching ratios of the reactions of N+ ions with O2,” J. Chem. Phys. 73, 758 (1980).
  26. I. Dotan, “Rate constants and branching ratios for the reactions of 18O+ and 18O18O+ with 16O16O at relative kinetic energies 0.04 - 2 eV,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 75, 509 (1980).
  27. I. Dotan, Z. Karpas and F.S. Klein, “Elucidation of mechanisms of ion-molecule reactions by ICR,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 37, 77 (1981).
  28. W. Lindinger, F. Howorka, J.H. Futrell and I Dotan, “Reactions of Ar+ with various neutrals,” J. Chem. Phys. 74, 4750 (1981).
  29. D.W. Fahey, I. Dotan, F.C. Fehsenfeld, D.L. Albritton and L.A. Viehland, “Energy dependence of the rate constant of the reaction N++NO at collision energies 0.04 to 2.5 eV,” J. Chem. Phys. 74, 3320 (1981).
  30. C. Lifshitz, Y. Gleitman, S. Gefen, U. Shainok and I. Dotan, “Ion-molecule reactions in Propyne, 1-Butyne and Allene by photoionization, ICR and trapped ion mass spectrometry,” Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. Ion Phys. 40, 1 (1981).
  31. C. Lifshitz, D. Gibson, K. Levsen and I. Dotan, “The gas phase chemistry of C4H4+,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 41, 157 (1981).
  32. I. Dotan and W. Lindinger, “Energy dependences of the reactions of Ar+ with H2, N2, CO, CO2, N2O and COS,” J. Chem. Phys. 76, 4972 (1982).
  33. D.L. Albritton, I. Dotan, G.E. Streit, D.W. Fahey, F.C. Fehsenfeld and E.E. Ferguson, “Energy dependence of the O- transfer reactions of O3- and CO3- with NO and SO2,” J. Chem. Phys. 78, 6614 (1983).
  34. I. Dotan, S.E. Barlow, and E.E. Ferguson, “Vibrational relaxation of NO+(ν) by O2(1Δg),” Chem. Phys. Lett. 121, 38 (1985).
  35. J.M. Van Doren, S.E. Barlow, C.H. DePuy, V.M. Bierbaum, I. Dotan, and E.E. Ferguson, “Chemistry and structure of the CH3O2+ product of the O2++CH4 reaction,” J. Phys. Chem. 90, 2772 (1986).
  36. S.C. Barlow, J.M. Van Doren, C.H. DePuy, C.H. Bierbaum, I. Dotan, E.E. Ferguson, D. Smith, N.G. Adams, B.R. Rowe, J.B. Marquette, G. Dupegart, M. Durup-Ferguson, “Studies of the reaction of O2+ with deuterated methanes,” J. Chem. Phys. 85, 3851 (1986).
  37. I. Dotan, A. A. Viggiano and R. A. Morris, “Rotational temperature dependence of the branching ratio for the reaction of Kr+ (2P3/2) ions with HD,” J. Chem. Phys. 96, 7445 (1992).
  38. A. Petrank, M. Iraqi, I. Dotan and C. Lifshitz, “Proton transfer reactions of C2H4+: the bond energy D(C2H3-H),” Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. Ion Proc. 117, 223 (1992).
  39. I. Dotan, M. Iraqi, A. Petrank and C. Lifshitz, “Gas phase relative proton affinities from Selected - Ion Flow Tube (SIFT) rate constant measurements,” Rap. Comm. Mass Spectrom. 6, 579 (1992).
  40. I. Dotan and A. A. Viggiano, “Temperature, kinetic energy and rotational temperature dependences for the reactions of Ar+(2P3/2) with O2 and CO,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 209, 67 (1993).
  41. I. Dotan, M. Iraqi and C. Lifshitz, “Reactions of C2 H2+ with CF3 COOC2 H5, ClCH2 CN and CH3OH; The bond energy D(C2H-H),” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 124, R21 (1993)
  42. P.M. Hierl, J.F. Friedman, T.M. Miller, I. Dotan, M. Mendenez-Barreto, J. Seeley, J.S. Williamson, F. Dale, P.L. Mundis, R.A. Morris, J. F. Paulson and A.A. Viggiano, “A flowing afterglow apparatus for the study of ion-molecule reactions at high temperatures,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 2142 (1996).
  43. P.M. Hierl, I. Dotan, J.V. Seeley, J.M. Van Doren, R.A. Morris and A.A. Viggiano, “Rate constants for the reactions of O+ with N2 and O2 as a Function of Temperature (300-1800K),” J. Chem. Phys. 106, 3540 (1997).
  44. I. Dotan, P.M. Hierl, R.A. Morris and A.A. Viggiano, “Rate constants for the reactions of N+ and N2+ with O2 as a function of temperature (300-1800K).” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 167/168, 223 (1997).
  45. I. Dotan and A.A. Viggiano, “Rate constants for the reaction of O+ ions with NO as a function of temperature (300-1400K),” J. Chem. Phys. 110, 4730 (1999).
  46. I. Dotan, A.J. Midey and A.A. Viggiano, “Rate constants for the reactions of Ar+ with CO2 and SO2 as a function of temperature (300-1500 K),” J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom. 10, 815 (1999).
  47. S.T. Arnold, S. Williams, I. Dotan, A.J. Midey, R.A. Morris and A.A.Viggiano “Flow tube studies of benzene charge transfer reactions from 250-1400K,” J. Phys. Chem. A. 103, 8421 (1999).
  48. A.J. Midey, S. Williams, S.T. Arnold, I. Dotan, R.A. Morris and A.A. Viggiano, “Rate constants and branching ratios for the reactions of various positive ions with naphthalene from 300 to 1400 K,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 195/196, 327 (2000).
  49. S.T. Arnold, I. Dotan, S. Williams, A.A.Viggiano and R.A. Morris, “Selected ion flow tube studies of air plasma cations reacting with alkylbenzenes,” J. Phys. Chem. A 104, 928 (2000).
  50. A.A.Viggiano, I. Dotan and R.A. Morris, “Ion-molecule branching ratios at high temperature: vibrational energy promotes formation of new channels in the reaction of O2+ with CH4,” J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 122, 352 (2000).
  51. I. Dotan, A. J. Midey and A.A. Viggiano, “Kinetics of the reactions of N2+ with CO2 and SO2 from 300-1400 Kn,” J. Chem. Phys. 113, 1732 (2000).
  52. I. Dotan and A. A. Viggiano, “Kinetics of the Reaction of O2+ with CH4 from 500 to 1400 K: A Case for State-Specific Chemistry,” J. Chem. Phys. 114, 7112 (2001).
  53. A.A. Viggiano, W.B. Knighton, S. Williams, S.T. Arnold, A.T. Midey and I. Dotan, “A reexamination of the temperature dependence of the reaction of N+ with O2,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 223-224, 397 (2003).
  54. A.J. Fernandez, A.A.Viggiano, T.M. Miller, S. Williams, I. Dotan, J.V. Seeley and J. Troe, “Collisional stabilization and thermal dissociation of highly vibrationally excited C9H12+ ions from the reaction O2+ + C9H12→O2 + C9H12+,” J. Phys. A 108, 9652 (2004).
  55. A. I. Fernandez, I. Dotan, T. M. Miller, J. Troe, J. F. Friedman and A.A. Viggiano, “Collisional stabilization of highly vibrationally excited o-, m-, and p-xylene ions (C8H10+) from 300-900 K and 1-250 Torr,” Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 249-250, 379 (2006).
  56. A. Midey, I. Dotan, S. Lee, W. T. Rawlins, M. A. Johnson and A. A. Viggiano, "Kinetics for the reactions of O- and O2- with O2 (a1Δg) measured in a selected ion flow tube at 300 K,” J. Phys. Chem. A. 111, 5218-5222 (2007).
  57. A.J. Midey, I. Dotan and A.A. Viggiano, "Temperature Dependence (200-700 K) for the Reactions of O- and O2- with O2(a1Δg) using a Chemical Generator," J. Phys. Chem. A. 112, 3040-3045 (2008).
  58. A.J. Midey, I. Dotan and A.A. Viggiano, "Reactions of POxCly- Ions with O2(a1Δg), H2O and Cl2 at 298 K," Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 273, 7-10 (2008).
  59. A.J. Midey, I. Dotan, J.V. Seeley and A.A. Viggiano, "Reactions of Small Negative Ions with O2(a1Δg) and O2(X3Σg-)," Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 280, 6-11 (2009).
  60. David Osborne Jr., Nigel G. Adams and Itzhak Dotan, "Electron-ion dissociative recombination rate constants: Effects for benzenes analogs with varying degrees of methylation" Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 356, 46-48 (2013).

  61. David S. Osborne Jr., Itzhak Dotan and Nigel G. Adams, "Trends in electron-ion dissociative recombination of benzene analogs with functional group substitutions: Positive Hammett σpara constants." Int.J. Mass Spectrom. 360, 24-27 (2014).

  62. David Osborne Jr., Patrick Andrew Lawson, Nigel Adams and Itzhak Dotan "Trends in electron-ion dissociative recombination of benzene analogs with functional group substitutions: Negative Hammett spara values." Icarus 235 1-4 (2014).

  63. Marcin Ziolkowski, George C. Schatz, A.A.Viggiano, Anthony Midey and Itzhak Dotan, "O2(X3Σ-g) and O2(a1Δg) charge exchange with simple ions". J.Chem.Phys. 140 214307 (1 – 12) (2014).


Book Chapter

I. Dotan, Z. Karpas and F.S. Klein, “Elucidation of the transfer mechanism in ion-molecule reactions by ICR,” in Lecture Notes in Chemistry, H. Hartmen and K.P. Wanczek (eds.), Berlin: Springer Verlag, 152-163 (1982).


List of Reports in Central Receiver Project

  1. Itzhak Dotan, “Design and Performance Calculations of the Weizmann Institute Central Receiver System,” WICR-HLF-01-82, Rehovot, 1982.
  2. Itzhak Dotan, “Six rows (54 mirrors) Field-Mirrors as Viewed from the Sun and Aim Point,” WICR-HLF-02-82. Rehovot, 1982.
  3. Itzhak Dotan, “A Solar Tower without a Tower,” WICR-HLF-03-82, Rehovot 1982, in Hebrew.
  4. Itzhak Dotan, “Design and Performance Calculations of the 64 Heliostats Field.” WICR-HLF-01-83, Rehovot 1983.
  5. Itzhak Dotan, “Performance Calculations of the High Temperature Receiver,” WICR-HLF-02-82, Rehovot, 1983.
  6. Itzhak Dotan, “Heliostats’ Specifications: I. Pointing Accuracy and Reflective Surface Quality.” WICR-HLF-03-83, Rehovot, 1983.
  7. Itzhak Dotan, “Heliostats’ Specifications: II. Focus.” WICR-HLF-04-83, Rehovot, 1983.
  8. Itzhak Dotan, “Heliostats’ Specifications: II. Focus, Appendix A,” WICR-HLF-05-83, Rehovot, 1983.
  9. Itzhak Dotan, “Tower Dimensions and Shadowing,” WICR-HLF-06-83, Rehovot, 1983.
  10. Itzhak Dotan, “Preliminary Design of a Field of First-Generation Heliostats and Comparison with a Field of Second-Generation Heliostats,” WICR-HLF-07-83.
  11. Itzhak Dotan, “Weizmann Institute Central Receiver System: Project Safety,” WICR-HLF-01-84 (Hebrew).