- Personal
- Education
- Academic Positions
- Fields of Research
- Honors and Academic Awards
- Sponsored Research
- Graduate Student Supervision
- List of Publications
- Selected Presentations at Scientific Conferences
Office tel.: 972-9-778-1954
Fax: 972-9-778-0632
E-mail: galby@openu.ac.il
The Open University of Israel
The Dorothy de Rothschild Campus
1 University Road, P.O.B. 808
Raanana 43107 Israel
2004 | Ph.D., Brain and Behavioral Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
1998 | M.Sc., Neurobiology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
1996 | B.Sc., Biology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Academic Positions
2009 – | Visiting Senior Lecturer, The Open University of Israel |
2003 – 2009 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Pittsburgh and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, PA |
Fields of Research
- Cognitive and perceptual processes in reading
- Developmental Dyslexia
- Cross-linguistic influences on reading in bilinguals
- Working memory and reading skill
- Reading comprehension in digital environments
- The neural basis of reading and related perceptual processes
Honors and Academic Awards
1998 – 2003 | Ph.D. Merit Based Scholarship, Dept. of Neurobiology, Hebrew University |
1996 – 1997 | M.Sc. Merit Based Scholarship, Dept. of Neurobiology, Hebrew University |
Sponsored Research
2012 – 2013 | The German-Israeli Foundation Young Scientist Research Grant, The word inversion effect in developmental dyslexia. (20,455 Euro) |
2005 – 2008 | NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award for postdoctoral research, Impact of native writing system on 2nd language reading (NIH F32 HD051390) |
Graduate Student Supervision
Dorit Shulman (M.A.). The contribution of vocabulary strategies to reading comprehension in 3rd grade. (2012)
List of Publications
Articles in Refereed Journals
Ben-Yehudah, G., & Fiez, J. A. (2008). Impact of cerebellar lesions on reading and phonological processing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1145: 260-274.
Ben-Yehudah, G., Guediche, S., & Fiez, J. A. (2007). Cerebellar contributions to verbal working memory: beyond cognitive theory. The Cerebellum, 6(3), 193-201.
Ben-Yehudah, G., & Ahissar, M. (2004). Sequential spatial frequency discrimination is consistently impaired among adult dyslexics. Vision Research, 44(10): 1047-1063.
Ben-Yehudah, G., Banai, K., & Ahissar, M. (2004). Patterns of a deficit in auditory temporal processing among dyslexic adults. Neuroreport, 15(4): 627-631.
Amitay, S., Ben-Yehudah, G., Banai, K., & Ahissar, M. (2003). Reply to Visual magnocellular deficits in dyslexia . Brain, 126(9): E3.
Amitay, S., Ben-Yehudah, G., Banai, K., & Ahissar, M. (2002). Disabled readers suffer from visual and auditory impairments but not from a specific magnocellular deficit. Brain, 125(10): 2272-2285.
Ben-Yehudah, G., Sackett, E., Malchi-Ginzberg, L., & Ahissar, M. (2001). Impaired contrast sensitivity in dyslexics is specific to retain-and-compare paradigms. Brain, 124(7): 1381-1395.
Ahissar, M., Laiwand, R., Kozminsky, G., & Hochstein, S. (1998). Learning pop-out detection: building representations for conflicting target-distractor relationship. Vision Research, 38(20): 3095-3107.
Chapters in Books
Ben-Yehudah, G., & Fiez, J. A. (2007). Development of verbal working memory. In: D. Coch, K. Fischer & G. Dawson (Eds.), Human Behavior, Learning, and the Developing Brain: Typical Development. New York: The Guilford Press.
Ben-Yehudah, G., Banai, K., & Ahissar, M. (2005). Frequency and intensity discrimination in dyslexia. In: J. Syka & M. Merzenich (Eds). Plasticity and Signal Processing in the Auditory System (pp. 243-249). New York: Springer.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings
Allon, A. S., Lozin, M., Ben-Yehudah, G. (2011). Investigating visual degradation costs in word recognition. In: D. Algom, D. Zakay, E. Chajut, S. Shaki, Y. Mama, & V. Shakuf (Eds.), Fechner day 2011 (pp. 273-278). Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics. Raanana, Israel: The International Society for Psychophysics.
Other Publications
Guediche, S., Ben-Yehudah, G., & Fiez, J. A. (2011). Cerebellum. In: P. C. Hogan (Ed.). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
Selected Presentations at Scientific Conferences
Ben-Yehudah G & Shulman, D. (2012). Instructional order of contextual and morphological strategies influences reading comprehension in 3rd grade. Paper to be presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montreal, Canada.
Allon AS & Ben-Yehudah, G (2012). The influence of visual degradation on word recognition. Paper to be presented at the 6th annual meeting of the Israel Association for Literacy and Language, Kiryat Uno, Israel.
Durisko C, Ben-Yehudah G, Fiez JA (2011). Neural correlates of text inversion. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA.
Ben-Yehudah G, Lozin M, Allon AS (2011). Investigating visual degradation costs in word recognition. Poster presented at the 27th annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Herzliya, Israel.
Ben-Yehudah G & Lozin M. (2011). Turning words upside-down: investigating perception-language interactions in visual word recognition. Paper presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
Ben-Yehudah G & Shulman, D. (2011). Instructional order of strategies to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word impacts reading comprehension in 3rd grade. Paper presented at the 5th annual meeting of the Israel Association for Literacy and Language, Kiryat Uno, Israel.
Ben-Yehudah G., Tricomi E & Fiez JA (2009). Exploring individual differences in hemispheric lateralization of fusiform activity during reading. Paper presented at the Israel Society for Neuroscience 18th annual meeting, Eilat, Israel. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 39 (Suppl 1): S17.
Ben-Yehudah G., Tricomi E & Fiez JA (2008). Exploring individual differences in lateralization of fusiform activation during reading. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 15th annual meeting in San Francisco, USA.
Ben-Yehudah G. & Fiez JA (2007). Native writing system influences second language reading. Paper presented at the 6th International Symposium on Bilingualism in Hamburg, Germany.
Ben-Yehudah G., Moore M & Fiez JA (2006). Individual differences in adult reading skill: A role for verbal working memory? Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Houston, USA.
Guediche S, Ben-Yehudah G. & Fiez JA (2006). Examining the neural basis of the phonological similarity effect in verbal working memory. Poster presented at the 14th annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco, USA.
Ben-Yehudah G., Stefko, S & Fiez JA (2005). Task and modality effects in verbal working memory. Poster presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington DC, USA.
Ben-Yehudah G. & Fiez JA (2005). Impact of cerebellar lesions on reading and verbal working memory. Poster presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in New York, USA.
Ben-Yehudah G., Banai K & Ahissar M (2003). Frequency and intensity discriminations of adults with a specific reading disability are impaired only for short inter-stimulus intervals. Poster presented at the 6th International Brain Research Organization meeting, and the satellite symposium on Plasticity of the Central Auditory System and Processing of Complex Acoustic Signals, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ben-Yehudah G. & Ahissar M (2003). Auditory temporal processing in dyslexia - a new approach. Poster presented at the mid-winter meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Ben-Yehudah G. & Ahissar M (2002). Visual and auditory "retain-and-compare" deficits in dyslexia. Paper presented at the Israel Society for Neuroscience meeting, Eilat, Israel.