Dr. Esther Eisenmann

Updated: December 2007



Telephone Office:  972-9-7781408
Email E-mail: estiei@openu.ac.il
Date and Place of Birth:   2.7.1967 Ramat-Gan, Israel
Status:  Married + 5
Military Service:  1986-1987 as teacher in Kiryat Shmona, and as NCO



2002 Ph.D., Jewish Philosophy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Dissertation: Ahabah ba-Ta’anugim: A 14th-Century Encyclopedia of Science and Judaism
Supervisor: Prof. W. Z. Harvey
1996 M.A., Jewish Philosophy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Thesis: Demons and Evil in Hasdai Crescas’ Thought
Supervisor: Prof. W. Z. Harvey
1992 Teaching Certificate, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1991 B.A., History and Jewish Philosophy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Professional Experience

2007-present Tel-Aviv University, Lecturer, Course: “The Guide of the Perplexed”
2006-present The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Lecturer, Course: "The Guide of the Perplexed"
2005-present Lander College, Jerusalem, Lecturer, Course: "Jewish Philosophy of the Middle Ages"; "Joy and Happiness in Jewish Philosophy of the Middle Ages"
2000-present The Open University of Israel, Course coordinator: "Ashkenazi Hasidism in the History of Jewish Thought"
1998-present The Open University of Israel, Course coordinator: "Law and Philosophy: Perspectives on Maimonides Teaching"; "Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages from Sa’adiah Ga’on to Maimonides
1988-present Bravender’s College of Judaism, Jerusalem, Lecturer, Courses: "The Guide of the Perplexed"; "Nefesh Ha-Hayyim of R. Hayyim Volozhin"; Jewish Thought
2001-2003 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Lecturer, Course: "The Guide of the Perplexed"
1998-2001 Branch of The Alcala University of Madrid, Tel-Aviv, Lecturer, Course: "Jewish Philosophy in Medieval Spain"
1997-1998 Matans’ College of Judaism, Jerusalem, Lecturer, Courses: "The Kabbalistic Ground in Modern Thought" and "An Introduction to Jewish Philosophy"
1994-1997 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Assistant, Course: "The Guide of the Perplexed"


Academic Awards and Grants

  • The Dean’s Award, 1990

  • The Dean’s Award, 1991

  • Institute of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University,
    Scholarship for the years 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001

  • The Open University Research scholarship for 2001

  • Research grant, The Open University, 2004 ($2,300)

  • The Open University Research scholarship for 2006

  • Research grant, The Open University, 2006 ($10,500)

  • Research grant, The Open University, 2007 ($8,000)

  • Grant Research, Memorial Foundation for Jewish studies, 2008 (4,000$)



1 "Jacob’s Dream and the Self-Image of Maimonides" (Hebrew) Acadamot, 6 January 1999, pp. 47-58
2 "’Ahavah ba-Ta'anugim’: A Fourteenth-Century Encyclopedia of Science and Theology", in The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy, Proceedings of the Bar-Ilan University Conference, Dordrecht, 2000, pp.429-440
3 "The Structure and Content of R. Hayyim Volozin’s Nefesh- Ha-Hayyim" (Hebrew), in The Vilna Gaon and his Disciples, Ramat-Gan, 2003, pp.185-196
4 "The Created Glory and the Created Light in Maimonides’ Thought" (Hebrew), Da'at, 55 (2004) pp. 41-58
5 "A 13th Century Commentary on the Thirteen Pricebles of Maimonides" (Hebrew) Kobetz Al Yad (Minora Manuscripta Hebraica), Vol. XIX (XXIX), Jerusalem, 2006, pp. 161-196.
6 "Some Comments on the Devine Attributes and Maimonides Regard towards Matter" (Hebrew), Be-Darkei Shalom: Shalom Rosenberg Jubilee Volume, On the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday , Jerusalem, 2007, pp.265- 272.
7 "Katz, Joseph Ben Elijah," Encyclopedia Judaica, second edition, second edition, 2007 .
8 "Moses Ben Judah, Noga," Encyclopedia Judaica, second edition , second edition, 2007.
9 "The Kabala and the Philosophy Maimonides in ’Ahavah ba-Ta'anugim’," (Hebrew), Proceedings of the Bar Ilan University Conference "Maimonides and Jewish Mysticism," 2004 (forthcoming)
10 "Ahabah ba-Ta'anugim: A 14th Century Maimonidean Encyclopedia," Maimonides - the Man and his Image Conference, Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval (forthcoming)
11 "Medieval Jewish Philosophy," The Encyclopedia of Love in World Religion, Yudit Kornberg Greenberg (ed.), ABC CLIO, California, 2007, pp. 406-408
12 "Philosophical Allegory of Song of Songs," The Encyclopedia of Love in World Religion, Yudit Kornberg Greenberg (ed.), ABC CLIO, California, 2007, pp. 463-464
13 "Mordecai Comtino and the Jewish Philosophical Culture in Constantinople," Proceedings of the International Symposium First Historic-Cultural Hispano-Turco-Sephardic Encounter, University of Ankara (forthcoming).
14 "The Sinaitic Revelation in Maimonides Thought" (Hebrew), Iggud- Selected Articles in Jewish Studies, Vol.1 (forthcoming).
15 "Moses Prophecy and the Cherubim"(Hebrew), Moses- the Master of the Prophets: Proceedings of the Bar-Ilan University Conference, (forthcoming)
16 "Moses ben Yehuda and the Scholasticism after Thomas Aquinas" (Hebrew), The Golden Ages: Proceeding of the Bar-Ilan University and the Public University of Tudela Conference. (forthcoming)
17 "Another Commentary on the Thirteen Pricebles of Maimonides" (Hebrew), Da'at(forthcoming)



  • "The First Matter as Potency in Jewish Philosophy" (Hebrew).

  • "Political Principles in Ralbag's Thoght" (Hebrew)

  • "Man's memory and God's memory in Jewish philosophy of the middle ages"


Conference Presentations

1 "Moses ben Judah’s Ahavah ba-Ta'anugim: A Fourteenth-Century Encyclopedia of Science," Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy, 11-14 January 1998, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
2 "The Structure and Content of R. Hayyim Volozin’s Nefesh- Ha-Hayyim," The Thought of the Vilna Gaon, 7 January 1998, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
3 Participant at the ’’Culture, Science and Coexistence in Social and History Spain’ Colloquium, 14-15 February 2000, Haifa.
4 "A Philosophic Notion of The ’Gilgul’ In Ahabah Ba-Tacanugim," The 13th International Congress For Jewish Studies, 11-15 August 2001, Jerusalem.
5 Maimonides and the Kabala in "Ahabah ba-Tacanugim," Maimonides and Mysticism, 8-10 July, 2004, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
6 "Ahabah ba-Tacanugim: A 14th Century Maimonidean Encyclopedia," Maimonides, the Man and his Image, 15-17 June, University College London.
7 "Moses ben Judah’s Ahavah ba-Ta'anugim: A Fourteenth-Century Encyclopedia of Science," The fifth annual conference of the Israeli Scientific Foundation, 16-17 March 2005, Van-Leer Institution, Jerusalem.
8 "Moses Prophecy and the Cherubim," Moses - The master of the Prophets, 7-9 March 2005, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat- Gan.
9 "The Sinaitic Revelation in Maimonides’ Thought," The 14th International Congress For Jewish Studies, 31 July-4 August 2005, Jerusalem.
10 "Mordecai Comtino and the Jewish Philosophical Culture in Constantinople," International Symposium First Historic-Cultural Hispano-Turco-Sephardic Encounter, 28-30 November 2005, University of Ankara, Faculty of Language, History & Geography.
11 "Moses ben Yehuda and the Scholasticism after Thomas Aquinas, The Golden Ages of Spain, 4-6 September 2006, Bar-Ilan University and the Public University of Tudela, Tudela, Spain.
12 Man's memory and God's memory in Jewish philosophy of the middle ages", The concept of memory in Judaism and Asians cultures, Haifa University, 6th of December 2007
