Dr. Dorota Czarkie

Updated: August 2007



Telephone Tel: 972-9-778-1781
Fax Fax: 972-9-778-2661
Email E-mail: dorotac@openu.ac.il



B.Sc., Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University
M.Sc. (cum laude), Organic Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University.

Thesis: Transannular Reactions in Cembranes.
Advisor: Prof. Yoel Kashman
Teaching Certificate, Chemistry, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University
Ph.D., Organometallic Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University

Dissertation: Catalytic Activity of New Types of Cyclopentadienone Ruthenium Carbonyl Complexes and Others.
: Prof. Youval Shvo


Honors and Awards

Weinberg Award, The Zalman and Sima Weinberg Foundation
The Engineers Association Award for Achievements in Research

The Dean's Award, Tel-Aviv University


Research and Development Experience

M.Sc. Research Scientist, Organic Synthesis, Tel-Aviv University
Research Chemist, Department of Organic Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University
Ph.D. Research Scientist, investigated the Mechanism of Water-Gas-Shift-Reaction in the Presence of Ruthenium Catalyst and the Structures of those Ruthenium Complexes, Tel-Aviv University.
Experience with various information processing software programs that interpret X-Ray Spectrum and Molecular Orbital Energies (HOMO and LUMO) of Organic Complexes of Ruthenium.
Teaching Assistant for M.Sc. students of Organometallic Chemistry
1992 - Developed and wrote a laboratory course on General Chemistry - Pathways in Chemistry Laboratories, The Open University of Israel.
Participated in developing a multimedia software program in Organic Chemistry.
Planned, developed and applied Qualification Courses in Chemistry for high-school and junior high-school teachers.
Planning and applied several distance-learning courses in Chemistry.
Developed and wrote the Computer Applications course for Science courses.
Developed and wrote the Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry.
Developed and wrote a General Chemistry course, based on Peter Atkins and Loretta Jones (2004) Chemical Principles – The Quest for Insight. New York: W.H. Freeman and Co.
Developed and wrote an Organic Chemistry course, based on P.Y. Bruice (2004) Organic Chemistry. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


Teaching Experience

Tel-Aviv University Guided B.Sc. Students of Life Science in the Organic Chemistry.
Tel-Aviv University Guided B.Sc. Students of Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Lab. Taught Chemistry in the Preparatory Courses for Science Studies and for Medicine Studies.
The Abin School for Chemical Engineers Instructor, Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
The Open University of Israel Coordinate and teach courses on General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry (1991-present)


List of Publications

Y. Kashman, A. Groweiss, S. Carmely, Z. Kinamoni, D. Czarkie and M. Rotem (1982). Recent research in marine natural products from the Red Sea. Pure & Applied Chemistry, 23.
D. Czarkie, S. Carmely, A. Groweiss and Y. Kashman (1985). Attempted acid-catalyzed transannular reactions in the Cembranoids. Tetrahedron, 41, 1049.
D. Czarkie and Y. Shvo (1985). Stable imine complexes of Tungsten-carbonyls. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 280, 123.
Y. Blum, D. Czarkie, Y. Rahamim and Y. Shvo (1985). (Cyclopentadienone) Ruthenium Carbonyl Complexes – A New Class of Homogeneous Hydrogenation Catalysts. Organometallics, 4,1459.
Y. Shvo and D. Czarkie (1986). Catalysis with Tricarbonyl-n4-Cyclopentadienone-Ruthenium(0) complexes: A water-gas type reaction. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 315, C25.
Y. Shvo, D. Czarkie, Y. Rahamim and D. F. Chodosh (1986). A new group of Ruthenium Complexes: Structure and Catalysis. Journal of American Chemical Society, 108, 7400.
M.J. Mays, M.J. Morris, P.R. Raithby, Y. Shvo and D. Czarkie (1989). X-Ray Structure, Reactivity, and Catalytic Properties of a (Cyclopentadienone) Ruthenium Dimer, [(C4Ph4CO)(CO)2Ru]2. Organometallics, 8, 1162.
Y. Shvo and D. Czarkie (1989). Catalytic reduction of nitroaromatics with Carbon - Monoxide and Water using Tricarbonyl Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone Ruthenium (0). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 368, 357.
Y. Shvo, I. Goldberg, D. Czarkie, D. Reshef and Z. Stein (1997). New  Ruthenium Complexes in the Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alkynes: A Study of Structure and Mechanism, Organometallics, 16, 133.


Conference Presentations

1986 Y. Shvo and D. Czarkie, M.J. Mays, M.J. Morris and P.R. Raithby. Catalytic Properties and X-Ray Characterization of Ruthenium Tetraphenylcyclopenta-dienone Dicarbonyl Dimer. Fourth IUPAC Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry directed toward Organic Synthesis, Canada.
2001 Ahuva Leopold, Dorota Czarkie, Chava Gal, Alit Epstein. E-Learning: A New Approach. Software uses Spectroscopic Methods for Assigning Structure of Organic Compounds. The Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel-Aviv.
2001 Ahuva Leopold, Dorota Czarkie, Chava Gal, Alit Epstein. E-Learning: A New Approach. Software uses Spectroscopic Methods for Assigning Structure of Organic Compounds. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, ED-EDIA 2001, Finland.
2002 Ahuva Leopold, Dorota Czarkie, Chava Gal, Alit Epstein, E-Learning: A New Approach. Software uses Spectroscopic Methods for Assigning Structure of Organic Compounds. First MEITAL Annual Conference (The Israeli Inter-University Center for E-Learning - IUCEL).
2002 Dorota Czarkie, Chava Gal, Zvia Kinamoni. Distance Teaching-Learning (E-learning): Integrating the Web into School-Teaching. Moach, The Israeli Association for Information Technologies in Education, 2002, Tel-Aviv.
2002 Ahuva Leopold, Dorota Czarkie, Chava Gal, Alit Epstein. Integration of Software as part of a Didactic Environment in E-learning in Basic Courses in Chemistry. Seventeenth International Conference on Chemical Education ICCE, 2002, China.
2003 Ahuva Leopold, Dorota Czarkie, Chava Gal, Alit Epstein. Integration of software as part of a Didactic Environment in E-learning in Basic Courses in Chemistry. Sixth International Conference on Computer-Based Learning in Science, 2003, Cyprus.
