Tel: 972-9-7781378
E-mail: amirho@openu.ac.il
Office hours: Tue 16-18, or
by appointment
Research Fields
- Philosophy of mind and cognitive science
- Philosophy of language
- Experimental philosophy
- Philosophy of law and ethics
- Epistemology
- Philosophy of football
Selected Publications
- Horowitz, A. (1992). Functional role and intentionality. Theoria, 58, 197-218.
- Horowitz, A. (1996). Putnam, Searle and externalism. Philosophical Studies, 81, 27-69.
- Horowitz, A. (1999). Is there a problem in physicalist epiphenomenalism? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 59, 421-434.
- Horowitz, A. (2000). Legal interpretation, morality, and semantic fetishism. American Philosophical Quarterly, 37, 335-357.
- Horowitz, A. (2001). Contents just are in the head. Erkenntnis, 54, 321-344.
- Horowitz, A. & Jacobson-Horowitz, H. (2005). The knowledge arguments and higher-order properties. Ratio, 18, 48-64.
- Horowitz, A. (2005). Externalism, the environment, and thought-tokens. Erkenntnis, 63, 133-138.
- Horowitz, A. (2005). How not to argue for a module of language. Logique et Analyse, 48, 223-230.
- Horowitz, A. (2006). Disobedience and moral asymmetry: The case of principled disobedience of the political left and right in Israel. Iyyun, 55, 195-213 (Hebrew).
- Horowitz, A. (2007). Computation, external factors, and cognitive explanations. Philosophical Psychology, 20, 65-80.
- Horowitz, A. (2009). Turning the zombie on its head. Synthese, 170, 191-210.
- Eylon Y. and Horowitz, A. (2010) What Luck got to do with it. In Richards T. (ed.), Soccer and Philosophy, Open Court.