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OUI research on polygamy attracts media interest
The third annual conference of the Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims focused on Family – Cultural Dynamics and Dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims. The history of polygamy was only one of several research topics on the agenda which attracted national media coverage. During the conference, Prof. Bat-Zion Eraqi-Klorman. Director of the Center, pointed out that although Jewish polygamy ceased in Europe in the 11th century following Rabbi Gershom's prohibition, the practice continued in the Muslim world as late as the 19th century. The practice was restricted under the influence of European colonialism, and eventually was eliminated through Israel's civil laws. See:,
Prof. Bat-Zion Eraqi-Klorman addressing conference.
Graphic arts exhibit raises disability awareness
The OUI marked International Day of People with Disability with an annual event for faculty, administrative staff, and students, in addition to an exhibit of graphic art by designers from the OUI Publishing House. The OUI is proud of the unique learning technologies which characterize its study methods and which make an OUI degree accessible to people with disability. Campus and study center accessibility is complemented by study materials adapted to a range of disabilities, including hearing and visual impairments, and mobility limitations.

Other institutions of higher education have commissioned the OUI exhibit for their own symposia. Explanations of the exhibited works have been made accessible via Braille and audio devices. The catalog produced for the event serves as another tool for increasing awareness.
From the exhibit for International Day of People with Disability.
Honors student, Debate Club founder, takes pride in first Hebrew MOOC
The world's first Hebrew and Arabic MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) were launched this semester, joining MOOCs already offered by the OUI in Russian, and soon to be followed by an English-language online course. From the OUI broadcasting studios in Ra'anana, courses on the Modern Middle East (Hebrew), Educational Psychology (Arabic) and Jews and Christians in Western Europe (Russian) have been broadcast to individuals around the globe. Participants have included students from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Morocco, Germany, Italy, North America and Israel. Registration for Genocide (in English) is through the MOOC webpage at:

Itai Tevel Cohen, a founder of the OUI Debate Club, and an honors student in the prestigious OUI program in Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences, leaves no room for debate about the MOOCs. Upon receiving a scholarship for academic excellence, he chose to express his pride in the OUI as "the first Israeli university to offer MOOCs, and to provide individuals around the world with an opportunity to pursue the realization of their potential and enhance their personal developmen." Tevel Cohen praised the OUI for its unique study methods, which have made it possible for him to balance the pursuit of his degree with his personal and professional life.

Please join us in making higher education accessible by contacting Boaz Nol at
OUI President, Prof. Kobi Metzer awards scholarship for academic excellence to Itai Tevel Cohen.

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