Virtual Learning
Lectures that Don't Evaporate When the Lecturer Finishes
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Higher Degree of Satisfaction: Video conference attendees registered greater satisfaction in terms of content, organization and management of lectures. 56% found video conferencing more convenient, and fully one-third appreciated the fact that videos enabled them to learn at their own pace. Surprisingly, less than 10% of those questioned mentioned experiencing technological problems.
The general conclusions from both pedagogues and students is that technology applications definitely improve learning. While it's true that most students prefer face-to-face encounters -- indeed 56% of those questioned -- as do most of the pedagogues participating in this project -- all agree that video conferencing offers powerful educational benefits that must be leveraged.
The Future is Now
Prof. Hagit Messer Yaron, President of the Open University, has a goal: all courses will have a set of videos available by the end of 2012.
Based on this study, there is no doubt that videos help re-enforce learning on every level. With all the new technology now available and the new ideas on the table for additional applications of videos, Ofek is planning to build three more ulpans to handle the load. Boaz Marmelstein, Head of Broadcast and Video Conferencing at Ofek, explains "we can custom design presentations to meet whatever needs a lecturer may have. We have the ability to use animation, integrate live people in videos and powerpoint presentations and use some of the most advanced visual techniques available -- all within the guidelines of the individual lecturer."