
DL You mentioned the presence of cruelty. Could you say a bit more about that? LA VR is so realistic, you can terrify your viewers, you can induce strong emotions. I don't agree with it but many artists and filmmakers make films to create empathy. VR is rich in being so close to you. DL You have compared the virtual reality experience to being in some ways evocative of the in-utero state. LA Indeed. This is one of the reasons why I fell in love with this medium. I thought it also gives you the potential to regress. The way you experience sound and the way you experience yourself, being gravityless in space: there must be something there that is subconsciously evoked in the participant of the VR film. DL Can you say something about the directions your work is moving in now? LA I really want to explore VR further. … I think it's a very powerful medium in the hands of artists, and I think that now, with the meta-universe around the corner, it is important for artists to engage with what our future will look like.