....developed approaches to generate a parser and parse tree representation based on a syntactic specification of the language and the desired parse tree. The Genoa system [Dev92] supports a wide range of user defined analyses of parse trees created from existing compiler front ends. The SOOP system [GL94] takes as input a specification for the grammar of the source language to be analyzed and a specification of the parse tree to be created, and generates a parser to transform source code into an object oriented form of the parse tree that may be accessed by client analysis programs. These ....
J. Gil and D.H. Lorenz. SOOP -- A Synthesizer of an Object-Oriented Parser. Technical Report 9404, Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, April 1994.
....accuracy of extracted source models, for ease in specifying the parser. In contrast to my lexical technique, which makes similar trade offs, the cost of building an approximate parser is generally more than a few hours. Other systems, including Software Refinery s DIALECT, TXL, and the SOOP system [Gil and Lorenz 1994], have addressed the problem of creating a parse tree through parser generators. These approaches trade the cost of developing the necessary syntax and parse tree specifications for the ability to create more source models. The GENOA system makes a similar tradeoff using a slightly different ....
Gil, J. and Lorenz, D. 1994. SOOP--a synthesizer of an object-oriented parser. Technical Report 9404, Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Israel.