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....general purpose patterns for object oriented design. Since Design Pattern s publication, a large number of other patterns have been identified and published [5, 3, 2, 6, 28, 17] More recently, different types of patterns have been identified, including Composite Patterns [25] and Pattern Tilings [14]. A design pattern is written in pattern form, that is in one of a family of literary styles designed to make patterns easy to apply. A design pattern has a name to facilitate communication about programs in terms of patterns, a description of the problems for which the pattern is applicable, an ....
....between patterns a pattern can use, be used by, generalise, specialise, or provide an alternative to another pattern. Other patterns or collections of patterns describe other relationships between patterns and recent work has discussed compositional and reflexive relationships between patterns [27, 25, 14]. We are engaged in a long term project called Found Objects that aims to organise patterns for object oriented design [19, 20, 21, 23] As part of this project, we have analysed existing patterns to determine their relationships to other patterns. We have identified new patterns, and then ....
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....class to locate a method named visit which takes a single argument of type element class, and finally invokes the method found on the element instance. The next adaptation is to find a better way for visitor composition and for combining visitors. The model for visitor combinations proposed in [12] is based on inheritance and templates. In order for a visitor to extend and process another visitor s visit( method, it must subclass that visitor and override either the visit( for that element or one of its related classes. Returning without calling the inherited accept( method consumes the ....
....Object[ fieldData = null; Figure 3: VisitEvent class classed visitor. There is no filtering of visitations. The visit( methods is always called on a visitor regardless of whether the visitor actually handles those elements or not, thus the need for a DEFAULT VISITOR [8]oraNULL VISITOR. [12] 3.3 Visit events Instead of using C templates (which do not yet exist in Java) we shall pack each visitor as a Java bean. Packing visitors as JavaBeans changes the ways visitors are used. Visitors may now report their visiting actions via events which are the natural inter bean ....
D. H. Lorenz. Tiling design patterns - a case study using the interpreter pattern. In Proceedings of the 12 th Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 206--217, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 5-9 1997. OOPSLA '97, Acm SIGPLAN Notices 32(10) Oct. 1997.
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Lorenz D. (1997). "Tiling Design Patterns - A Case Study Using the Interpreter Pattern". Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Conference On Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications 1997.