Pluggable AOP: Designing Aspect Mechanisms for Third-party Composition
Sergei Kojarski, Northeastern University
David H. Lorenz, University of Virginia
Studies of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) usually focus on a language in which a specific aspect extension is integrated with a base language. Languages specified in this manner have a fixed, non-extensible AOP functionality. This paper argues the need for AOP to support the integration and use of multiple domain-specific aspect extensions together. We study the more general case of integrating a base language with a set of third-party aspect extensions for that language. We present a general mixin-based semantic framework for implementing dynamic aspect extensions in such a way that multiple, independently developed aspect mechanisms can be subject to third-party composition and work collaboratively. Principles governing the design of a collaborative aspect mechanism are aspectual effect exposure and implementation hiding.
In International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems and Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, October 16-20, 2005, pages 247-263. OOPSLA 2005, ACM Presss.
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plugaop.pdf (233k)
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