- ... Listing SimpleTracing.java.
- To avoid explaining AspectJ basics we will assume knowledge
of [20] and use some examples similar to the
ones in that paper. In specific discussions about properties of
AspectJ we are referring to version 1.0.6
- ... languages.
- For example,
the Sather programming language separates classes and types
strictly, and supports only the `insert-new-super' for types.
However, the treatment of classes in Sather does not enforce a strict
abstract superclass rule.
Even in Sather it is possible to
inherit from a concrete class.
- ... domination:
- An aspect may declare that the advice in it
dominates the advice in some other aspect . This only
affects the order of execution when advice declarations from both and
are enabled at the same point.
- ... problem.
- From the AspectJ FAQ: ``Weaving
into bytecodes at both compile and load-time will definitely be provided
in a future release.''