הכנס הישראלי השני בתורת המשחקים

לכבודו של פרופסור ישראל אומן, חתן פרס נובל לכלכלה 2005

קריית האוניברסיטה הפתוחה ע"ש דורותי דה רוטשילד, רעננה

אולם נוידרפר


The 2nd Israeli Game Theory Conference

in honor of Professor Yisrael Aumann, 2005 Nobel Laureate in Economics

The Open University of Israel, The Dorothy de Rothschild Campus, Raanana

Neudorfer Auditorium


January 1, 2006      א טבת, ז' חנוכה תשס"ו

Registration and refreshments, Neudorfer Auditorium




Greetings, Gershon Ben-Shakhar – President of the Open University




Yisrael Aumann




Dov Monderer, The Technion


Multipotential Games


Abstract   Full text




Eddie Dekel, Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University


Non-Bayesian Testing of an Expert and A Category Test that cannot be Manipulated (with Yossi Feinberg)


Abstract   Full text1  Full text2




Lunch at the University restaurant




Parallel Session 1, Neudorfer Auditorium




Uri Rothblum, The Technion

A Case Study of the Assignment of Students to Dormitories Using a Stable Matching Model with an Entrance Criterion (with Youlia Celnik and Nitsan Perach)





Alan Miller, California Institute of Technology

Separability in Group Identification

Abstract   Full text




Elad Dokow, The Technion

Aggregation of Binary Evaluations (with Ron Holzman)

Abstract  Full text




Parallel Session 2, Senate Hall




Eilon Solan, Tel Aviv University

On a Markov Game with Incomplete Information (with Johannes Horner, Dinah Rosenberg and Nicolas Vieille)

Abstract   Full text




Amir Ronen, The Technion

Prediction Games (with Lyron Wahrmann)

Abstract   Full text




Itai Ashlagi, The Technion

Resource Selection Games with Unknown Number of Players (with Dov Monderer and Moshe Tennenholtz)

Abstract   Full text




Parallel Session 3, Horace Goldsmith classroom 12




Joel Guttman, Bar Ilan University

Public Good Contributions, Signalling, and the Evolution of Trust

Abstract   Full text




Bezalel Peleg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Nash Consistent Representation of Effectivity Functions Through Lottery Models (with Hans Peters)

Abstract    Full text




Igal Milchtaich, Bar Ilan University

The Equilibrium Existence Problem in Finite Network Congestion Games





Coffee break, Neudorfer Auditorium




Yuval Heller, Tel Aviv University


A Minority-Proof Cheap-Talk Protocol


Abstract  Full text




Surprises Session


A video of an 1980 interview (in Hebrew) on Game Theory with Prof. Yisrael Aumann by Meir Shalev, for the Open University "Game Theory" course. Part of the video was screened at the conference. .


Yisrael Aumann's academic "family tree", with his PhD students, their PhD students, etc. There are 5 generations in the tree, with 113 academic descendants of Yisrael Aumann, in 19 countries.




Yakar Kannai, Weizmann Institute


Strategic Behavior in Financial Markets (with Joachim Rosenmüller)


Abstract  Full text




Lighting of Hanukah candles




Photographs from the conference