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Yosef Verbin

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Astrophysics Research Center (ARCO) & Department of Natural Sciences 1 University Road, P. O. Box 808, Raanana 43107
Office:972-9-7781770 Fax:972-9-7780661 Email:verbin@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

Areas of Interest
  • Gravitation Theories: General Relativity and its extensions.
  • Cosmological and small scale implications of Modified Gravity theories.
  • Topological defects in field theory.



Ph.D.,  Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
Mechanisms of Symmetry Breaking in the Presence of Gravity. Supervisor: Prof. A. Casher

1981 - 1985
Teaching Assistant. School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
1985 -1987
Instructor. School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
1987 - 1989
Postdoctoral Fellow. Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
1989 - 1992
Teaching Scientist. Ministry of Education and Physics Group, the Open University of Israel
1992 - 2008
Lecturer & Senior Lecturer. Department of Natural Sciences, the Open University of Israel
2008 - present
Associate Professor. Department of Natural Sciences, the Open University of Israel
2012 - 2014
Chair, Department of Natural Sciences, the Open University of Israel
2014 - 2017
Head, Physics Group, Department of Natural Sciences, the Open University of Israel
De-Shalit scholarship by the Weizmann Institute of Science, 1975.-Shalit scholarship by the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Fullber scholarship by Tel Aviv University
Honorable Mention by the Gravity Research Foundation
Raphael Freund Award for Popular Scientific Writing by the Israel Geological Society.

1981: International School of Subnuclear Physics: Unification of the Fundamental Interactions, Erice, Italy.

1982: School on Supersymmetry and Supergravity, ICTP, Triest, Italy.

1984: Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: Astrophysics and Particle Physics.

1985: Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: Physics in Higher Dimensions.

1985: International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Bari, Italy.

1986: 5th Adriatic Meeting on Particle Physics: Superstrings, Anomalies and Unification, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.

1986: 11th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Stockholm, Sweden.

1988: Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics, Schladming, Austria.

1988: Summer Workshop on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Triest, Italy

1989: Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: Quantum Cosmology and Baby Universes.

1989: 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

1990: Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: 2D Quantum Gravity and Random Surfaces.

1993: Network Meeting in “Theoretical Theory”, NORDITA, Copenhagen.

1996: Summer School on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Triest, Italy.

1996: Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: Dualities and Symmetries.

1997: Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Jerusalem, Israel.

1999: Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: String Theory at the Turn of the Millenium.

2002: International Conference on Theoretical Physics (TH2002), Paris.

2002: Moshe Flato Colloquia in Mathematics and Physics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.

2003: Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rio de Janeiro.

2004: Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology, Cargese, Corsica.

2004: 17 th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Dublin.

2005: Yuval-Fest. 2 day Symposium in honor of the 80th Birthday of Yuval Ne'eman, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

2005: COSMO 05. 9th International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe, Bonn.

2006: Solar and Stellar Physics Through Eclipses, SIDE, Antalya, Turkey.

2006: Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Berlin.

2007: Moshe Flato 2007 Colloquia in Mathematics and Physics, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.

2007: Journees Tourangelles de Relativite and Workshop: Knots and Vortons, Tours, France.

2007: PASCOS-07: 13th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology and Salam + 50 Conference , Imperial College, London.

2008: Black Holes: A Landscape of Theoretical Physics Problems. CERN Theory Institute, CERN, Switzerland.

2009: Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris.

2009: COSMO 09. International Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, CERN, Switzerland.

2010: NEB 14. Recent Developments in Gravity, Ioannina, Greece.

2010: 3rd Winter School on Geometry&Physics, Odense, Denmark.

2011: PASCOS-2011: 17th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Cambridge, UK.

2011: The 29th Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics: Current Trends in Particle Physics and Cosmology.

2012: Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stockholm.

2012: Forty Years of Black Hole Thermodynamics, Jerusalem.

2013: COSMO 2013. International Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Cambridge, UK.

2013:  20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR20), Warsaw, Poland.

2014: PASCOS-2014: International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Warsaw, Poland.

2015: 9th Friedmann Seminar, St.Petersburg, Russia.

2015: Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2015, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt.

2016: Cosmic Strings @ Brazil, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brasil.

2016: Bekenstein Memorial Conference: The Life and Science of Jacob D. Bekenstein, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel.

2017: Gravity – New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions, Benasque, Spain.

2018: Gravity@Malta 2018, COST Action “Gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics”, Valletta, Malta.

2018: The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome

2019: PASCOS-2019: 25th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Manchester, UK.

2019: the 22th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR22), Valencia, Spain.

2019: Fourth CANTATA Meeting: Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions - COST Action CA-15117, Tuzla, Bosnia. 

2020: 3rd meeting of the GWVerse COST action (CA-16104): Gravitational Waves, Black Holes and Fundamental Physics, Triest, Italy.

Member of the International coordinating committee for the Marcel Grossmann Meetings. 2005-2011.

Member of the physics matriculation examination committee, Ministry of Education, 1994-2006; 2009-2010

Chairman of the new 3 unit high school physics program, Ministry of Education, 2005-2008.

Member of high school physics committee, Ministry of Education, 2007-2017.

Member of Management Committee of COST Action 15117, Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions (CANTATA)

Member of Management Committee of COST Action 16104, Gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics

Referee for: Classical and Quantum Gravity, Physics Letters Section B: Nuclear Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Physical Review D, Physical Review Letters

2010 - 2011 Dr. Shimon Rubin, Postdoctoral Fellow (Department of Natural Sciences, OUI)

Y. Verbin, Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the Presence of Gravitational Fields, Nucl. Phys. B272 739 (‏1986‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, About the Vacuum of Scalar Field Theory in Anti-de Sitter Space, Phys. Lett. B197 55 (‏1987‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Yang-Mills Instantons in Closed Friedmann Universes, Phys. Lett. B223 296 (‏1989‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and A. Davidson, Quantized Non-Abelian Wormholes, Phys. Lett. B229 364 (‏1989‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Gravitational Suppression of Y. Verbin, Gravitational Suppression of Vacuum Tunneling in Yang-Mills Theories, Class. Quantum Grav. 7 L89 (‏1990‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and A. Davidson, Wormholes from Conformal Matter, Nucl. Phys. B339 545 (‏1990‎)‏.

A. Davidson and Y. Verbin, Kaluza-Klein Bottle Coupled to Tolman-Hawking Wormhole, Mod. Phys. Lett. A6 1547 (‏1991‎)‏.

A. Davidson and Y. Verbin, SU(‏N‎)‏/ZN Self-Interactions of Closed Strings, Phys. Lett. B276 24 (‏1992‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and A.L. Larsen, Classical Circular Strings with Pure SU(‏2‎)‏ Charge, Jour. Phys. A26 7479 (‏1993‎)‏.

A. Davidson, N.K. Nielsen and Y. Verbin, Kinematical Classification of Evolving Loops and Bubbles, Nucl. Phys. B412 391 (‏1994‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Lower Dimensional Gravity, Phys. Rev. D50 7318 (‏1994‎)‏.

J. Colding, N.K. Nielsen and Y. Verbin, Physical Interpretation of Cylindrically Symmetric Gravitational Fields, Phys. Rev. D56 3371 (‏1997‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Cosmic Strings in the Abelian Higgs Model with Conformal Coupling to Gravity, Phys. Rev. D59 105015 (‏1999‎)‏.

M. Christensen, A.L. Larsen and Y. Verbin, Complete Classification of the String-like Solutions of the Gravitating Abelian Higgs Model, Phys. Rev. D60 125012 (1999‎)

Y. Verbin, S. Madsen, A.L. Larsen and M. Christensen, Classification of String-like Solutions in Dilaton Gravity, Phys. Rev. D65 063503 (‏2002‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, S. Madsen, and A.L. Larsen, Self-Dual Cosmic Strings and Gravitating Vortices in Gauged Sigma Models, Phys. Rev. D67 085019 (‏2003‎)‏.

X. Hernandez, T. Matos, R. Sussman and Y. Verbin, Scalar Field "Mini-MACHOs": A New Explanation for Galactic Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. D70 043537 (‏2004‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and A.L. Larsen, Non-Singular Stationary Global Strings, Phys. Rev. D70 085004 (‏2004‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and N.K. Nielsen, On The Origin of Kaluza's Idea of Unification and its Relation to Earlier Work by Thirring, General Relativity and Gravitation 37 427 (‏2005‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Sigma Model Q-balls and Q-stars, Phys. Rev. D76 085118 (‏2007‎)‏.

Y. J. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Superconducting and Spinning Non-Abelian Flux Tubes, Phys. Rev. D77 105019 (‏2008‎)‏.

Y. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Spherical Structures in Conformal Gravity and its Scalar-Tensor Extension, Phys. Rev. D80 124048 (‏2009‎)‏.

Y. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Spherical Non-Abelian Solutions in Conformal Gravity, Phys. Rev. D81 044041 (‏2010‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and Y. Brihaye, Exact String-Like Solutions in Conformal Gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation 43 2847 (‏2011‎)‏.

Y. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Perfect Fluid Spherically-Symmetric Solutions in Massive Gravity, Phys. Rev. D86 024031 (‏2012‎)‏.

Aharon Davidson, Shimon Rubin and Yosef Verbin, Can an evolving Universe host a static event horizon? , Phys. Rev. D86 104061 (‏2012‎)‏.

Y. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Self-gravitating spherical solutions of the nonminimally coupled non-Abelian Higgs model, Phys. Rev. D91 064021 (2015).

Y. Brihaye, Th. Delplace and Y. Verbin, Proca Q balls and their Coupling to Gravity, Phys. Rev. D96 024057 (2017).

L. Barack et al, Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap,   Class.  Quant. Grav.  36, 143001 (2019).

Y. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Scalarized compact objects in the vector-tensor Horndeski gravity, Phys. Rev. D102 124021 (2020).

Y. Verbin, Magnetic black holes in the vector-tensor Horndeski theory, arXiv: 2011.02515​,  to be published in Phys. Rev. D.

Y. Brihaye and Y. Verbin, Scalarized dyonic black holes in the vector-tensor Horndeski gravity, Phys. Rev. D104. 024047 (2021). 

D. Polarski, A.A. Starobinsky and Y. Verbin, Bouncing Cosmological Isotropic Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Gravity, JCAP 01 (2022) 052; arXiv: 2111.07319 

Y. Verbin, Flux tubes in the vector-tensor Horndeski gravity, in preparation.

D.J. Amit and Y. Verbin, Statistical Physics: An Introductory Course, 565pp (‏World Scientific Publishing Co. 1999‎)‏.

R. Ruffini and Y. Verbin (‏eds‎)‏, Matter Particled, Patterns, Structure and Dynamics, Selected Papers of Yuval Ne'eman, 875pp ‏(Imperial College Press & World Scientific Publishing Co. 2006‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Introduction to chapter 1: SU(‏3‎)‏, Quarks and Symmetry Breaking, in: R. Ruffini and Y. Verbin (‏eds‎)‏, Matter Particled, Patterns, Structure and Dynamics, Selectrd Papers of Yuval Ne'eman, [details as above].

Y. Verbin, Space-Time Curvature and Symmetry Breaking, in: "Superstrings, Anomalies and Unification", proceedings of the 5th Adriatic Meeting on Particle Physics, ed. M. Martinis and I. Andric (World Scientific Publishing Co. 1987), 567.

Y. Verbin, The Yang-Mills Vacuum in Anti-de Sitter Space, Presented at the Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics, Schladming, Austria, March 1988. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin, Yang-Mills Instantons in Closed Friedmann Universes. Presented at the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 1989. Abstract No. D3:38. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin and A. Davidson, Non-Abelian Wormholes. Presented at the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 1989. Abstract No. D3:38a. Unpublished.

J. Colding, N.K. Nielsen and Y. Verbin, Physical Interpretation of Cylindrically Symmetric Gravitational Fields. In: Proceedings of The Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Jerusalem 1997, ed. T. Piran (World Scientific Publishing Co. 1999), 319.

Y. Verbin, S. Madsen, and A.L. Larsen, Gravitating Self-Dual Cylindrical Solutions in Gauged Sigma Models, in: Proceedings of The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rio de Janeiro 2003, ed. M. Novello and S. P. Bergliaffa (World Scientific Publishing Co. 2006), 2389.

Y. Verbin and A.L. Larsen, Non-Singular Global Cosmic Strings, in: Proceedings of the Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology, Cargese, Corsica 2004, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20, 2374 (2005).

Y. Verbin and A.L. Larsen, Non-Singular Global Cosmic Strings,  Presented at the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Dublin, July 2004. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin and N. K. Nielsen, On the Origin of Kaluza's Idea of Unification, in: Proceedings, Solar and Stellar Physics Through Eclipses, SIDE, Antalya, Turkey, 2006, Ed. O. Demircan, S. O. Selam and B. Albayrak (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol 370 , 2007), 363.

Y. Verbin, Solitonic and non-Solitonic Q-Stars, in: Proceedings of The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Berlin 2006, ed. H. Kleinert, R. T. Jantzen and R. Ruffini (World Scientific Publishing Co. 2008), 2313.

Y. Verbin, Sigma Model Q-Balls and Q-Stars, Invited talk at: Journees Tourangelles de Relativite, Tours, France, 29 May - 1 June, 2007. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin, Sigma Model Q-Balls and Q-Stars, in: Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology 2007, Ed. A. Rajantie, C. Contaldi, P. Dauncey and H. Stoica (American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Vol 957, 2007), 275.

Y. Verbin and Y. Brihaye, Spherically-Symmetric Gravitational fields in Conformal Gravity and their Sources, in: Proceedings of The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris 2009, ed. T. Damour, R. T. Jantzen and R. Ruffini (World Scientific Publishing Co. 2012).

Y. Verbin, Cylindrically-Symmetric Solutions in Conformal Gravity, Invited talk at: 3rd Winter School on Geometry&Physics, Odense, Denmark, November 1-5, 2010. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin, Spherically-Symmetric Polytrope Solutions in Massive Gravity, in: Proceedings of The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stockholm 2012, ed. R. T. Jantzen and K. Rosquist (World Scientific Publishing Co. 2015).

Y. Verbin, Self-Gravitating non-Abelian Flux Tubes, Invited talk at: Cosmic Strings @ Brazil, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brasil. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin, A. de Padua-Santos and E. R. Bezerra de Mello, Self-Gravitating non-Abelian Flux Tubes, Invited talk at: Bekenstein Memorial Conference: The Life and Science of Jacob D. Bekenstein, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin, Charged Boson Stars and Black Holes in Horndeski Gravity, in: Gravity@Malta 2018, COST Action “Gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics”, Valletta, Malta. Unpublished.

Y. Verbin, Charged Boson Stars and Black Holes with Horndeski-like coupling to Gravity, in: Proceedings of The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome 2018, to be published by World Scientific Publishing Co. 2020.

Y. Verbin, Bouncing Cosmological Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Gravity. Presented at PASCOS-2019: 25th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Manchester, UK., June 2019.

Y. Verbin, Bouncing Cosmological Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Gravity. Presented at the 22th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR22), Valencia, Spain, July 2019.

R. Aviv, R. Chen, R. Gilad, Y. Verbin and Y. Shabtai, Introduction to Electricity and Electronics, Chapters 1-5, 326pp (‏The Open University of Israel, 1978‎)‏.

Y. Kirsh, Y. Verbin and Y. Shapir, Introduction to Modern Physics, Vol. I-III, 823pp (‏The Open University of Israel, 1980‎)‏.

Y. Dothan, Y. Kirsh, Y. Verbin and A. Kapitulnik, Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Structure, 658pp (‏The Open University of Israel, 1983‎)‏.

Y. Verbin and S. Shoenbrunn, Second Year Physics Experiments, 167pp (‏Tel Aviv University, 1985‎)‏.

A. Armoni and Y. Verbin, Electricity and Magnetism - Problems and Solutions, 341pp (‏The Open University of Israel, 1998‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Quantum Theory A, 819pp (‏The Open University of Israel, 2001‎)‏.

Y. Kirsh and Y. Verbin, Electricity and Magnetism – Study Guide, 250pp (‏2nd edition, The Open University of Israel, 2004‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Analytical Mechanics – Study Guide (‏242pp 1st edition, The Open University of Israel, 2000; 248pp 2nd edition, The Open University of Israel, 2007‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Analytical Mechanics – Study Guide (‏242pp 1st edition, The Open University of Israel, 2000; 248pp 2nd edition, The Open University of Israel, 2007‎)‏.

D.J. Amit and Y. Verbin, Statistical Physics, (‏502pp 2nd edition, The Open University of Israel, 1995; 579pp 3rd edition, The Open University of Israel, 2008‎)‏.

D.J. Amit and Y. Verbin, Statistical Physics, (‏502pp 2nd edition, The Open University of Israel, 1995; 579pp 3rd edition, The Open University of Israel, 2008‎)‏.

Y. Verbin, Analytical Electromagnetism – Study Guide, Problems and Solutions, 138pp (‏The Open University of Israel, 2010‎)‏.

D. Gorbonos, M. Kroyter and Y. Verbin, Mechanins, Vol. I-II, 931pp 2nd edition (‏The Open University of Israel, 2020‎)‏.