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Tamir Tassa, Professor

Prof. Tamir Tassa
Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Open University One University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 43107, Israel
Office:972-9-7781272 Fax:972-9-7780605 Email: tamirta [at] openu [dot] ac [dot] il

Additional Information

Ph.D., Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University. One-sided Lipschitz stability and its applications for nonlinear conservation laws. Advisor: Professor Eitan Tadmor
M.Sc. (summa cum laude), Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University. Thesis: Applications of compensated compactness to scalar hyperbolic conservation laws. Advisor: Professor Eitan Tadmor
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics (summa cum laude), School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University.
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Open University
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tel Aviv University
Head of the master program in Computer Science, The Open University
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Open University
Chair, Department of Computer Science, The Open University
Senior lecturer, Department of Computer Science, The Open University
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Ben Gurion University​
Lecturer and researcher, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Lecturer, School of Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzelia

Lecturer, School of Computer Science, The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo

Lecturer and researcher, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Assistant Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, UCLA
1994, summer
Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Metz
Instructor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Graduate Fellow, Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

9/2002-3/2003  Lead Scientist – Maya Software Technologies Ltd. Conducted research in the areas of elliptic and hyperelliptic curve based cryptography.

12/2000-11/2001 Senior Algorithm Engineer – Bigband Networks Ltd.
 Developed algorithms for video processing, transmission, quality evaluation and broadcast management. 

4/1999-10/2000  Chief Technical Officer – Algorithmic Research Ltd. Responsibilities included: evaluating new data security technologies for decision making regarding future company activity; scientific and technical supervision and assistance in current company activity; managing intellectual property issues; managing standardization issues. 

1/1997-3/1999 Chief Scientist – Orcast (a subsidiary of Cylink Ltd.) The company produced conditional access solutions as well as other components and applications for digital Pay TV systems.  

LATIN 2008 (The 8th Latin American Theoretical Informatics)

SAC 2010  (Selected Areas in Cryptography)

ECML PKDD 2010 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases)

ICITS 2011 (The 5th International Conference on Information Theoretic Security)

PAKDD 2011 (The 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

PAKDD 2012 (The 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

WSDM 2013 (The 6th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)

PAKDD 2013 (The 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

ICITS 2013 (The 7th International Conference on Information Theoretic Security)

PAKDD 2014 (The 18th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

PSD 2014 (The 6th Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases)

IPDPS 2015 (The 29th IEEE International Parallel& Distributed Processing Symposium)

DBSec 2015 (The 29th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy)

ICDE 2016 (The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering)

DBSec 2016 (The 30th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy)

PSD 2016 (The 7th Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases)

ARES 2016 (The 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security; Workshop on Future Access Control, Identity Management and Privacy Preserving Solutions in Internet Services)

ICDM 2016 (IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)

PDDM 2016 (The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Privacy and Discrimination in Data Mining) --- Chair

DBSec 2017 (The 31st Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy)

DBSec 2018 (The 32nd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy)

PSD 2018 (The 8th Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases)

ICDM 2018 (IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)​

DBSec 2019 (The 33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy) 

IJCAI 2019 (The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

WPES 2019 (Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society)

AAAI 2020 (The 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

ICDM 2020 The 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

PSD 2020 (The 9th Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases)

AAAI 2021 (The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

IJCAI 2021 (The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

WPES 2021 (The 20th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society)

CSCML 2022 (The 6th International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptology and Machine Learning)

PSD 2022 (The 10th Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases)

AAMAS 2023 (The 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems)

IJCAI 2023 (The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence) 

PSD 2024 (The 11th Conference on Privacy in Statistical Databases)

ICDM 2024 (The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)

AAMAS 2025 (The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems)

IJCAI 2025 (The 34th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence) 

GAIW 2025 (The 7th Games, Agents and Incentives Workshop)

E. Tadmor and T. Tassa On the piecewise smoothness of entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 18 (1993), pp. 1631-1652. 

H. Nessyahu, E. Tadmor and T.Tassa, The convergence rate of Godunov type schemes, Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 31 (1994), pp. 1-16. 

H. Nessyahu and T. Tassa, Convergence rate of approximate solutions to conservation laws with initial rarefactions, Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 31 (1994), pp. 628-654.

T. Tassa, Regularity of weak solutions of the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 3 (1996), pp. 475-490. 

E. Tadmor and T. Tassa, On the homogenization of oscillatory solutions to nonlinear convection-diffusion equations, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 7 (1997), pp. 93-117.

T. Tassa, Uniqueness of piecewise smooth weak solutions of multidimensional degenerate parabolic equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 210 (1997), pp. 598-608.

T. Tassa, Homogenization of two-dimensional linear flows with integral invariance, Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 57 (1997), pp. 1390-1405. 

T. Tassa, On the homogenization of nonlinear convection-diffusion equations with oscillatory initial and forcing data. Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 10 (1997), Nonlinear Waves, pp. 493-501.

T. Tassa, Homogenization with multiple scales, Asymptotic Analysis, Vol. 20 (1999), pp. 61-96.

A. Fiat and T. Tassa, Dynamic traitor tracing, Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 14 (2001), pp. 211-223.

T. Tassa, On finite closures of homogenized solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations, Asymptotic Analysis, Vol. 34 (2003), pp. 55-76.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Vector assignment problems: a general framework, Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 48 (2003), pp. 360-384.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Approximation schemes for the min-max starting time problem, Acta Informatica, Vol. 40 (2004), pp. 657-674.

T. Tassa, Low bandwidth dynamic traitor tracing schemes, Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 18 (2005), pp. 167-183.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Optimal preemptive scheduling for general target functions , Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 72 (2006), pp. 132-162.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Vector assignment schemes in asymmetric settings, Acta Informatica, Vol. 42 (2006), pp. 501-514.

N. Kogan and T. Tassa, Improved efficiency for revocation schemes via Newton interpolation, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Vol. 9 (2006), pp. 461-486.

T. Tassa, A linear algebraic approach in teaching interpolation, Mathematics And Computer Education, Vol. 41 (2007), pp. 37-45.

T. Tassa, Hierarchical threshold secret sharing, Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 20 (2007), pp. 237-264. 

J. Goldberger and T. Tassa, A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on the Hungarian method, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 29 (2008), pp. 1632–1638.

A. Beimel, T. Tassa and E. Weinreb, Characterizing ideal weighted threshold secret sharing, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 22 (2008), pp. 360-397.

O. Blayer and T. Tassa, Improved versions of Tardos' fingerprinting scheme, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 48 (2008), pp. 79-103.

T. Tassa and J.L. Villar, On proper secrets, (t,k)-bases and linear codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 52 (2009), pp. 129-154. 

T. Tassa and N. Dyn, Multipartite secret sharing by bivariate interpolation. Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 22 (2009), pp. 227-258. 

A. Gionis and T. Tassa, k-Anonymization with minimal loss of information. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 21 (2009), pp. 206-219.

J. Goldberger and T. Tassa, Efficient anonymizations with enhanced utility. Transactions on Data Privacy, Vol. 3 (2010), pp. 149-175.

D. Berend and T. Tassa, Improved bounds on Bell numbers and on moments of sums of random variables. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 30 (2010), pp. 185-205.

T. Tassa, Generalized oblivious transfer by secret sharing. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 58 (2011), pp. 11-21.

B. Kenig and T. Tassa, A practical approximation algorithm for optimal k-anonymity. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 25 (2012), pp. 134-168. 

T. Tassa and E. Gudes, Secure distributed computation of anonymized views of shared databases.  Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 37 (2012), pp. 11:1-11:43.

T. Tassa, Finding all maximally-matchable edges in a bipartite graph. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 423 (2012), pp. 50-58.

E. Shmueli, T. Tassa, R. Wasserstein, B. Shapira and L. Rokach, Limiting disclosure of sensitive data in sequential releases of databases. Information Sciences, Vol. 191 (2012), pp. 98-127.

T. Tassa, A. Mazza and A. Gionis, k-Concealment: An alternative model of k-type anonymity. Transactions on Data Privacy, Vol. 5 (2012), pp. 189-222.

P. Boldi, F. Bonchi, A. Gionis and T. Tassa, Injecting uncertainty in graphs for identity obfuscation. Proceedings of the Very Large Databases Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 5 (2012), pp. 1376-1387.

T. Tassa and D. Cohen, Anonymization of centralized and distributed social networks by sequential clustering Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 25 (2013), pp. 311-324.

C. Clifton and T. Tassa, On syntactic anonymity and differential privacy. Transactions on Data Privacy, Vol. 6 (2013), pp. 161-183.

T. Tassa, A. Jarrous and Y. Ben Yaakov, Oblivious evaluation of multivariate polynomials Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, Vol. 7 (2013), pp. 1-29.

M. Last, T. Tassa, A. Zhmudyak and E. Shmueli, Improving accuracy of classification models induced from anonymized datasets. Information Sciences, Vol. 256 (2014), pp. 138-161.

T. Tassa, Secure mining of association rules in horizontally distriburted databases. Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 26 (2014), pp. 970-983.

B. Ezair, T. Tassa and Z. Shiller, Planning high order trajectories with general initial and final conditions and asymmetric bounds. International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 33 (2014), pp. 898-916.

F. Bonchi, A. Gionis and T. Tassa, Identity obfuscation in graphs through the information theoretic lens.  Information Sciences, Vol. 275 (2014), pp. 232-256.

E. Shmueli, T. Zrihen, R. Yahalom and T. Tassa, Constrained obfuscation of relational databases. Information Sciences, Vol. 286 (2014), pp. 35-62.

E. Shmueli and T. Tassa, Privacy by diversity in sequential releases of databases. Information Sciences, Vol. 298 (2015), pp. 344-372.

J. Herranz, J. Nin, P. Rodriguez and T. Tassa, Revisiting distance-based record linkage for privacy-preserving release of statistical datasets. Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 100 (2015), pp. 78-93.

S. Hajian, T. Tassa and F. Bonchi, Individual privacy in social influence networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining journal, Special Issue on "Diffusion of Information and Influence in Social Networks", Vol. 6 (2016), pp. 1-14.

M. Davidson, T. Tassa and E. Gudes, Content sharing schemes in DRM systems with enhanced performance and privacy preservation. Journal of Computer Security, Vol. 24 (2016), pp. 667-688.

T. Grinshpoun and T. Tassa, P-SyncBB: a privacy-preserving branch and bound DCOP algorithm. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 57 (2016), pp. 621-660.

T. Tassa, R. Zivan and T. Grinshpoun,Privacy preserving implementation of the Max-Sum algorithm and its variants. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 59 (2017), pp. 311-349.

T. Grinshpoun, T. Tassa, V. Levit and R. Zivan, Privacy preserving region optimal algorithms for symmetric and asymmetric DCOPs. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 266 (2019), pp. 27-50.

G. Barshap and T. Tassa, Privacy-preserving planarity testing of distributed graphs, Transactions on Data Privacy, Vol. 12 (2019), pp. 117-144.

B. Edizel, F. Bonchi, S. Hajian, A.  Panisson and T. Tassa, FaiRecSys: Mitigating algorithmic bias in recommender systems, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Vol. 9 (2020), pp. 197-213.

E. Shmueli and T. Tassa, Mediated secure multi-party protocols for collaborative filtering. Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol. 11 (2020), 15:1-15:25.

L. Dery, T. Tassa, and A. Yanai, Fear not, vote truthfully: Secure multiparty computation of score based rules, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 168 (2021), 114434.

T. Tassa, T. Grinshpoun and A. Yanai, PC-SyncBB: A privacy preserving collusion secure DCOP algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 297 (2021), 103501​.

T. Tassa and A. Ben Horin, Privacy preserving collaborative filtering by distributed mediation, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol. 13 (2022), 102:1-102:26.

P. Kogan, T. Tassa, and T. Grinshpoun, Privacy preserving solution of DCOPs by mediation, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 319 (2023), 103916.

D. Pessach, T. Tassa, E. Shmueli, Fairness-driven private collaborative machine learning, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol. 15 (2024), pp. 27:1-27:30

T. Tassa, On the homogenization of nonlinear convection-diffusion equations with oscillatory initial and forcing data,  Proceedings of the 4th MSJ International Research Institute on "Nonlinear Waves", July 1995, Sapporo, pp. 478-486.

A. Fiat and T. Tassa, Dynamic traitor tracings, Proceedings of Crypto 99, August 1999, Santa Barbara,pp. 354-371.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Vector assignment problems: a general framework, Proceedings of the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), September 2002, Rome, pp. 461-472.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Approximation schemes for the min-max starting time problem, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), August 2003, Bratislava, pp. 408-418.

T. Tassa, Hierarchical threshold secret sharing, Proceedings of the Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC), February 2004, MIT, Cambridge, pp. 473-490.

L. Epstein and T. Tassa, Optimal preemptive scheduling for general target functions , Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), August 2004, Prague, pp. 562-573.

A. Beimel, T. Tassa and E. Weinreb, Characterizing ideal weighted threshold secret sharing , Proceedings of the Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC), February 2005, MIT, Cambridge, pp. 600-619.

A. Jaffe, M. Naaman, T. Tassa and M. Davis, Generating summaries for large collections of geo-referenced photographs, Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), May  2006, Edinburgh, pp. 853-854.

T. Tassa and N. Dyn, Multipartite secret sharing by bivariate interpolation, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), Part II, July 2006, Venice, pp. 288-299.

A. Jaffe, M. Naaman, T. Tassa and M. Davis, Generating summaries and visualization for large collections of geo-referenced photographs, ACM Multimedia Workshop On Multimedia Information Retrieval, October 2006, Santa Barbara, pp. 89-98.

A. Gionis and T. Tassa, k-Anonymization with minimal loss of information. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), October 2007, Eilat, pp. 439-450.

A. Gionis, A. Mazza and T. Tassa, k-Anonymization revisited, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April 2008, Cancun, pp. 744-753.

J. Goldberger and T. Tassa, Efficient anonymizations with enhanced utility, ICDM Workshop on Privacy Aspects of Data Mining, December 2009, Miami, pp. 106-113.

F. Bonchi, A. Gionis and T. Tassa, Identity obfuscation in graphs through the information theoretic lens. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April 2011, Hannover, pp. 924-935.

B. Ezair, T. Tassa and Z. Shiller, Multi-axis high order trajectory planning. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, workshop on Real-time Motion Planning: Online, Reactive, and in Real-time, October 2012, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 73-78.

C. Clifton and T. Tassa, On syntactic anonymity and differential privacy. ICDE Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Data Publication and Analysis (PRIVDB), April 2013, Brisbane, pp. 88-93.

T. Tassa and F. Bonchi, Privacy preserving estimation of social influence. International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 2014, Athens, pp. 559-570.

T. Grinshpoun and T. Tassa, A privacy-preserving algorithm for distributed constraint optimization. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), May 2014, Paris, pp. 909-916.

M. Davidson, E. Gudes and T. Tassa, Efficient and enhanced solutions for content sharing in DRM systems. Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec), July 2014, Vienna, pp. 373-381.

T. Tassa, R. Zivan and T. Grinshpoun, Max-Sum goes private. Int'l Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), July 2015, Buenos Aires, pp. 425-431.

D. Feldman and T. Tassa, More constraints, smaller coresets: Constrained matrix approximation of sparse big data. ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2015, Sydney, pp. 249-258

T. Tassa, R. Zivan and T. Grinshpoun, Preserving privacy in region optimal DCOP algorithms. Int'l Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), July 2016, New York, pp. 496-502.

R. Gonen and T. Tassa, Privacy preserving computations for viral marketing: the case of rational players. 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), August 2016, Salzburg, pp. 677-686.

T. Tassa and D. Cohen, Anonymization of centralized and distributed social networks by sequential clustering (abstract) . International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci-X), January 2017, Tel Aviv.

G. Asharov, F. Bonchi, D. García Soriano and T. Tassa, Secure centrality computation over multiple networks, 26th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), April 2017, Perth, pp. 957-966.

E. Shmueli and T. Tassa, Secure multi-party protocols for item-based collaborative filtering, 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), August 2017, Como, pp. 89-97.

G. Barshap and T. Tassa, Privacy-preserving planarity testing of distributed graphs, Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec), July 2018, Bergamo, pp. 131-147.

T. Tassa, T. Grinshpoun  and A. Yanai, A privacy preserving collusion secure DCOP algorithm, Int'l Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), August 2019, Macau, pp. 4774-7480.

A. Ben Horin and T. Tassa, Privacy preserving collaborative filtering by distributed mediation, 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), September-October 2021, Amsterdam, pp. 332-341.

L. Dery, T. Tassa, A. Yanai and A. Zamarin, Demo: A secure voting system for score based elections, The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), November 2021, Seoul, pp. 2399-2401.

P. Kogan, T. Tassa and T. Grinshpoun, Privacy preserving DCOP solving by mediation, 6th International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptology and Machine Learning (CSCML), June-July 2022, Beer Sheva, pp. 487-498.

T. Tassa and L. Dery, Towards secure virtual elections: Multiparty computation of order based voting rules, The 4th Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop (GAIW), International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), May 2022, Auckland.

A. Ben Arie and T. Tassa, Distributed protocols for oblivious transfer and polynomial evaluation, The 24th International Conference on Cryptology in India (Indocrypt), December 2023, Goa, pp. 62-83.

T. Tassa and A. Yanai, The multiple millionaires’ problem: New algorithmic approaches and protocols, The 24th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), July 2024, Bristol, Issue 4, pp. 784–796.

T. Tassa and L. Dery, Towards secure virtual elections: Multiparty computation of order based voting rules, The 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), July-August 2024, Vienna.

T. Tassa (Inventor), Bigband Networks Ltd. (Assignee), Method for allocating media unit sequences among a plurality of output channels, US patent 6914936.

R. Oz and T. Tassa (Inventors), Bigband Networks Ltd. (Assignee), Method and Systems for providing enhanced television services, US patent 7787439.

מאמר זה מהווה תגובה למאמר מיום 19 באוגוסט.
המאמר מסוקר במאמר מדעי זה בכתב העת Social Studies of Science

© אין לעשות כל שימוש בפרסומים אלו ללא התר מהמחבר ומכתב העת בו פורסם המאמר.

Privacy: Privacy-preserving data mining and publishing, privacy-preserving solution of DCOPs (distributed constraint optimization problems), secure voting
Cryptography: secret sharing, data security in broadcasting networks (broadcast encryption, traitor tracing, watermarking), multi-party computation.
Combinatorial optimization: polynomial time approximation schemes, scheduling and assignment problems, mathematical programming.
Mathematical analysis: hyperbolic conservation laws and degenerate parabolic equations, finite difference and spectral method approximations, homogenization.

Yonatan Ben Yaakov, Oblivious Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials and Applications, 2006

Oded Blayer, Improved Versions of Tardos Fingerprinting Scheme, 2007

Arnon Mazza, Anonymization of Databases: New Models and Algorithms, 2007

Batya Kenig, Practical Approximation Algorithms for Optimal k-Anonymity, 2009

Ido Tamir, Secure Distributed Computation of Anonymized Views of Shared Databases, 2010

Dror Cohen, Anonymization of Centralized and Distributed Networks by Sequential Clustering, 2011

Keren Semel, Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases, 2013

Ben Ezair, Efficient Multi-axis Trajectory Planning, 2013

Michal Davidson, Content Sharing Schemes in DRM Systems with Enhanced Performance and Privacy Preservation, 2015
Guy Barshap, Privacy-Preserving Planarity Testing of Distributed Graphs, 2018
Slava Radune, Coding for Interactive Communication beyond Threshold Adversaries, 2019 (External supervisor: Dr. Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky, Ariel University)
Artiom Radune, Polynomial Secret Sharing Schemes, 2019 (External supervisor: Dr. Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky, Ariel University)
Yehuda Shriki, Autonomous Landing Mechanism for a Qaudcopter on a Boat, 2020 (External supervisors: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Technion, and Dr. Oren Gal, University of Haifa)
Alon Ben Horin, Privacy Preserving Collaborative Filtering by Distributed Mediation, 2021
Ofri Nevo, Simple, Fast and Malicious-Secure Multi-Party Protocols for Private Set Intersection, 2022 (External supervisor: Dr. Avishay Yanai, VMware 
Constantin Sukernik, Constantin Sukernik, Privacy Preserving Collaborative Filtering Protocols, 2022
Pablo Kogan, Privacy Preserving Solution of DCOPs by Mediation, 2022
Asaf Lev, Robust Multidimensional Assignment of Point Sets Minimizing Sum of Squared Euclidean Distances, 2022 (External supervisor: Prof. Dan Feldman, University of Haifa)
Avi Levin, EGBoost – a Generic Method to Fit Interpretable and Trustworthy GAMs with Interactions, 2022 (External supervisors: Prof. Oded Margalit and Prof. Gera Weiss, Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
Tom Leibovich, Cryptography Based Secure Electronic Voting Systems, 2023
Aviad Ben Arie, Distributed Protocols for Oblivious Transfer and Polynomial Evaluation, 2023
Vladimir Ponomarev, Role Mining given Separation of Duty Constraints, 2024