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Ronit Bogler, Professor

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Department of Education and Psychology 1 University Road
Office:972-9-7781469 Fax:972-9-7780632 Email:ronitbo@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

Areas of Interest
  • Educational administration
  • Educational leadership

Ph.D., School of Education, Stanford University, California Dissertation: Academic Researchers and Funding Sources: A Resource Dependence Analysis Supervisors: Bernard P. Cohen, Henry M. Levin, Seymour M. Lipset
M.A., Sociology, Stanford University, California
M.Sc., Behavioral & Management Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
B.A., Sociology & Anthropology and Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mathematical Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel
Brandeis University, Education Studies, Boston, MA, Visiting scholar
Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
Fordham University, School of Education, New York, Visiting scholar
Associate Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2005 -2012
Senior Lecturer, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
Lecturer, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
Teaching Fellow, School of Education, Haifa University
1990-1991, 1993-1994
Lecturer, School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research assistant, School of Education, Stanford University
Teaching assistant, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Research assistant, School of Social Work, University of Haifa

2002-2020 Member of the Board of Directors, Achva College of Education. 

2000-2001 Member of the academic committee organizing the School-Based-Management Conference held in Israel, April 2001. (Representative of The Open University). 

1994-1996  Member of the steering committee of "Tomorrow 98" project (to advance the sciences and technology studies in the education system), Chief Scientist Office, Israeli Ministry of Education & Culture. 

1995-1996  Member of the steering committee and representative of Haifa University in the Rethinking Higher Education Program, a joint program of the Israeli Academy of Sciences, the Israeli Council of Higher Education, and the Jerusalem Van Leer Institute. 

2017-2018 - Head, Ethics Committee (Institutional committee)

2013-2021 - Head, Education Division - Head, Education Division

2012-2021 - Head, M.A. Program in Educational Administration, Policy & Leadership

2011-2013. Chair, Research Committee, Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies

2011-2013 Member, Research Committee, Research Institute for the Study of Policy, Political Economy and Society

2011-2013 -Chair, Education and Psychology Subcommittee

2010-2013 - Chair, Social Sciences Subcommittee

2008-2012 CHE, Quality Assessment Coordinator

2009-2013 Member, "Bridges to Other Universities" Forum

2006-2013 Member, Economics and Management Subcommittee

2005-2008  Chair, Department of Education and Psychology 

2005-2018  Member, Ethics Committee (Institutional committee)

2013-2018 - Ethics Committee (Departmental committee)

2005-cont. Member of the Senate

2004-2008  Member, Steering Committee for MA studies in Education 

1997-2018 - Member, Social Sciences Subcommittee 

1997-2011  Member, Study Programs Approval Committee 

2019- Member, The Open University Council

2017-2021 Chair, Faculty council

2013-2018 Member, Committee for the Appointments of lecturers and senior lecturers

2013-2021  Head, Education Division in the Department of Education and Psychology

2012-2021 Head, M.A. Program in Educational Administration, Policy and Leadership

2011-2013 Chair, Education & Psychology Subcommittee

2010-2013 Chair, Social Sciences Subcommittee

2011-  Chair, Research Committee, Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies

2011-2018 Member, Research Committee, Research Institute for the Study of Policy, Political Economy and Society

2008-2012 Quality Assessment Coordinator for the CHE

2009-2013 Member, Committee for Transfer Tracks

2006-2013 Member, Economics and Management Subcommittee

2005-2008 Chair, Dept. of Education and Psychology

2005-  Member of the Senate

2005-2018 Member, Ethics Committee (Institutional committee)

2017-2018 Head, Ethics Committee (Institutional committee)

2013-2018 Head, Ethics Committee (Departmental committee)

2004-2008 Member, Steering Committee for the MA Studies in Education

1997-2018 Member, Social Sciences Subcommittee

1997-2011 Member, Study Programs Approval Committee

Bogler, R., Tenne-Gazit, O. (2021). Leadership in Education. Raanana: The Open University of Israel.

Bogler, R., Berkovich, I., Rosenkrantz, O. (2021). Sociology of Education. Raanana: The Open University of Israel.

Bogler, R. (2003). Choice in Education: Schools and Alternative Processes. Tel-Aviv: The Open University of Israel. (Updated version, April 2017).

Bogler, R. (2002). Leadership in Organizations. Tel-Aviv: The Open University of Israel. (New version, August 2014, with Prof. Wasserman and Dr. Tenne-Gazit).

Bogler, R. (1999). Leadership and its Applications in Education. Tel-Aviv: The Open University of Israel. (Updated version, June 2011).

Bogler, R. (2014). The elusive character of the school superintendent role: The Israeli case. In A. E. Nir (Ed). The Educational superintendent: Between trust and regulation. An international perspective. NY: Nova Science Pub. pp. 75-90.

Bogler, R. (2005). Teacher empowerment as a mediating factor between teachers' participation in decision-making and their professional commitment, in E. Paldi (Ed.), Education and the Challenge of Time (Tel-Aviv: Ramot, in Hebrew).

Bogler, R. (2004). Future trends in the development of schools and their implications on the professional development of teachers, in S. Guri-Rosenblit (Ed.), Teachers in a Changing World: Trends and Challenges (Tel-Aviv: The Open University, in Hebrew).

Nir, A. E. & Bogler, R. (2003). Organizational vision in self-managing schools: Walking on thin ice, in A. Volanski and I. A. Friedman (Eds.), School-Based Management. An International Perspective (Jerusalem: Ministry of Education, English, pp. 141-154; Hebrew, pp. 135-148).

Bogler, R. & Shye S. (2000). Higher education as a social resource: Mapping criteria for just distribution by a systemic model, in S. Guri-Rosenblit (Ed.), Access to Higher Education: Social Perspectives and Selection Mechanisms (Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute, pp. 26-36, Hebrew).

Birani-Nasraldin, D., Somech, A. & Bogler, R. (2024). The relationship between leaders' psychological capital and organizational outcomes: A crossover model. European Journal of Educational Management, 7(1), 59-72. 

Birani-Nasraldin, D., Somech, A., & Bogler, R.  (2024). How does school management team empowerment relate to teachers' organizational citizenship behavior? A moderated mediation model, International Journal of Educational Management.

Birani-Nasraldin, D., Bogler, R., & Somech, A. (2024). Translating team-member exchange relationships to school outcomes: the mediating role of leader-member exchange, Journal of Educational Administration.

Nir, A. E.., Bogler, R., Inbar, D., Zohar, A. & Ben-David, A. (2024). Promoting 21st century pedagogy: Can school autonomy and school-based professional development processes make a difference? Education Inquiry. https://doi.org/10.1080/20004508.2024.2318841

Zilka, A., Nussbaum, S. & Bogler, R. (2023). The relationships among growth mindset, flow, critically reflective behavior and teacher burnout, International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 11(4), 367-379. 

Bogler, R. & Somech, A. (2023). Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) above and beyond: Teachers' OCB during COVID-19, Teaching and Teacher Education, 130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104183 

Bogler, R. & Berkovich, I. (2022). A systematic review of empirical evidence on teachers' organizational commitment 1994-2018. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(3), 440-457. https://doi.org/10.1080/15700763.2020.1774783

Nir, A. E.., Ben-David, A. Inbar, D. Bogler, R. & Anat Zohar, (2022). Balancing leaders' control and teachers' professional autonomy: The case of successful schools, International Studies in Educational Administration, 50(1), 124-143.

Zilka, A., Grinshtain, Y., & Bogler, R. (2022). Fixed or growth: Teacher perceptions of factors that shape mindset. Professional Development in Education, 48(1), 149-165. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2019.1689524

Nir, A., & Bogler, R. (2021). International examiners’ participation of the Viva: a ritual or an actual indicator of research quality? Quality Assurance in Education,. 49(3), 410-429.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/QAE-01-2021-0005

Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2020). Conceptualising the mediating paths linking effective school leadership to teachers' organisational commitment. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143220907321

​Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2019). The relationship between school leadership standards and school administration imperatives: An international perspective. School Leadership & Management, 40(4), 321-334. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13632434.2019.1682538

Bogler, R., & Somech, A. (2019). Psychological capital, team resources and organizational citizenship behavior. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 153(8), 784-802. doi: 10.1080/00223980.2019.1614515

Somech, A., & Bogler, R. (2019). The pressure to go above and beyond the call of duty: Understanding the phenomenon of citizenship pressure among teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education (83), 178-187. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2019.04.014 

Caspi A., Bogler, R., & Tzuman, O. (2019). “Judging a Book by Its Cover”: The dominance of delivery over content when perceiving charisma. Group and Organization Management, 44(6), 1067-1098. doi:10.1177%2F1059601119835982

Berkovich, I., & Bogler, R. (2018). DESCP factors: The "invisible" impediments to reforms in education. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 51(3), 239-255. doi:10.1080/00220620.2018.1540465 

Bogler, R. & Nir, A. (2017). Metaphors we supervise by: Israeli superintendents’ views of th​​eir role in transitional times. International Studies in Educational Administration, 45(1), 56-69.​ 

Nir, A.E., Ben-David, A., Bogler, R., Zohar, A., & Inbar, D. (2016) School autonomy and 21st century skills in the Israeli educational system: Discrepancies between the declarative and operational levels. International Journal for Educational Management, 30(7), 1231-1246.​

Bogler, R. & Nir, A. E. (2015). The contribution of perceived fit between job demands and abilities to teachers' commitment and job satisfaction. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 43(4), 541-560.

Pinchevsky, N., & Bogler R. (2014). The influence of teachers’ perceived self-efficacy and role impact on their preferences to adopt strategies to solve conflict situations with students. International Studies in Educational Administration, 42(2), 111-125.

Bogler, R., Caspi A., Roccas, S. (2013). Transformational and passive leadership: An initial investigation of university instructors as leaders in a virtual learning environment. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 41(3), 372-392.

Nir, A. E. & Bogler, R. (2012). Parental involvement in school governance and decision making in Israel. Journal of School Public Relations, 33(3), 216-236.

Bogler, R. and Nir, A. E. (2012). The importance of teachers' perceived organizational support to job satisfaction: What's empowerment got to do with it? Journal of Educational Administration, 50(3), 287-306.

Sheaffer, Z., Bogler, R. & Sarfati, S. (2011). Leadership attributes, masculinity and risk-taking as predictors of crisis proneness. Gender in Management, 26(2), 163-187.
* The paper received the 2012 Highly Commended Award for Excellence by Emerald Literati Network.

Nir, A.E., Bogler, R. (2008). The antecedents of teacher satisfaction with professional development programs. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(2), 377-386.

Bogler, R., & Somech, A. (2005). Organizational citizenship behavior in school: How does it relate to participation in decision-making? Journal of Educational Administration, 43(5), 420-438.
* The paper received the 2006 Highly Commended Award for Excellence by Emerald Literati Network. 

Bogler, R. (2005). Satisfaction of Jewish and Arab teachers in Israel. The Journal of Social Psychology, 145, 19-33.

Bogler, R. (2005). The power of empowerment: Meditating the relationship between teachers' participation in decision making and their professional commitment, Journal of School Leadership, 15, 76-98.

Bogler, R. & Somech, A. (2004). Influence of teacher empowerment on teachers' organizational commitment, professional commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in schools, Teaching and Teacher Education, 20(3), 277-289.

Bogler, R. (2002). When principals carry pistols, Educational Leadership, 60(2), 80.

Somech, A. & Bogler, R. (2002). Antecedents and consequences of teacher organizational and professional commitment, Educational Administration Quarterly, 38(4), 555-577.

Bogler, R. (2002). Two profiles of schoolteachers: A discriminant analysis of job satisfaction, Teaching and Teacher Education, 18(6), 665-673.

Bogler, R. (2002). Changing schools in changing times: Implications for educational leadership, International Journal of Educational Reform, 11(3), 216-227.

Bogler, R., & Somech A. (2002). Motives to study and socialization processes: The case of university students, The Journal of Social Psychology, 142(2), 233-248.

Bogler, R. (2001). The influence of leadership style on teacher job satisfaction, Educational Administration Quarterly, 37(5), 662-683.

Bogler, R. and Nir, A. E. (2001). Organizational vision: The other side of the coin, The Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(2), 135-144.

Somech A. & Bogler, R. (1999). Tacit knowledge in academia: Its effects on student learning and achievement, The Journal of Psychology, 133(6), 605-616.

Bogler, R., & Kremer-Hayon, L. (1999). The socialization of faculty members to university culture and norms, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 23(1), 31-40.

Bogler, R. (1999). Rewards and Costs: How do they affect the choice by university researchers of the preferred funding source? Higher Education Policy, 12(2), 159-175.

Bogler, R. (1994). University researchers' view of private industry: Implications for educational administration, academicians, and the funding sources, Journal of Educational Administration, 32(2), 69-86.

Bogler, R. (1994). The impact of past experience on people's preference: The case of university researchers' dependency on funding sources, Higher Education, 28, 169-187.

Research grant from the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Education for an International study on school autonomy and learning (IS 699,600), in collaboration with Prof. A. Zohar, Prof. A. Nir, Prof. (Emeritus) D. Inbar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. A. Ben-David.
Research grant from the Research Authority, The Open University (IS36,000) for a graduate student stipend, Ofir Tzuman, in collaboration with Dr. Avner Caspi.
Research grant from the Research Authority, The Open University (IS 31,835) for conducting a large-scale study on superintendents (with Dr. A. E. Nir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an international team).
Research grant from Chais Research Center for studying leadership styles in an Internet learning environment (IS 10,000), in collaboration with Dr. Sonia Roccas and Dr. Avner Caspi.
Research grant from the Ministry of Education for evaluating school-based-management schools (IS 453,750), in collaboration with Prof. H. Gaziel, Bar-Ilan University and Dr. A. E. Nir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research grant from the School of Education at the University of Haifa for studying the socialization processes of university students.