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Oren Soffer

Prof. Oren Soffer
Contact Info

The Open University The Dorothy De Rothschild Campus One University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 43107, Israel
Office:972-9-778-1044 Fax:972-9-778-1046 Email: orenso@openu.ac.il

Oren soffer is Professor in Communication Studies and Dean of Development and Learning Technology at the Open University of Israel.  His research interests include the study of new media, while using traditional media theories to better understand new social and media phenomena. He is also engaged with the study of nineteenth-century Hebrew newspapers using computational tools. Oren has extensively published on teams such as digital orality, user comment and the spiral of silence, nationalism in the digital era and Hebrew journalism. He was affiliated as a lecturer or visiting scholar with several universities, such as MIT, University of Manchester, Rutgers, and University of Toronto.

Gordoni, G., & Soffer, O. (2021, February 5). Understanding intent, behavior and emotion in user comments. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/bfu4t

Soffer, O. (2019). Algorithmic Personalization and the Two-Step Flow of Communication. Communication Theory. Published online: 30 April 2019.

Soffer, O. (2019). From textual orality to oral textuality: The case of voice queries. Convergence. Published online: 06 February.

Ben-David, A. & Soffer, O. (2018). User Comments across Platforms and Journalistic Genres. Information, Communication & Society.  Published online: 03 May.

Soffer, O. & Gordoni, G. (2018). To Post or Not to Post? Anonymous User Comments in the Israeli Journalistic Sphere. Journalism Studies 19(10), 1390-1408.

Soffer, O. (2017). Assessing the Climate of Public Opinion in the User Comments Era: A New Epistemology. Journalism:  Theory, Practice & Criticism. Published online: June 27.

Soffer, O. & Gordoni, G. (2017). Opinion Expression via User Comments on News Websites: Analysis through the Perspective of the Spiral of Silence. Information, Communication & Society 21, 388-403.

Soffer, O. (2016). The Oral Paradigm and Snapchat. Social Media + Society, 2(3).