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Dr. Omrit Filtser, Senior Lecturer

Omrit Filtser
Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 1 University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office:09-7782605 Email:omritf@openu.ac.il

Areas of Interest
  • Discrete and computational geometry
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Trajectory analysis

Omrit Filtser is a lecturer of computer science. Her research interest is in discrete and computational geometry, focusing on geometric optimization problems, trajectory analysis, similarity of curves and other geometric objects, data structures and algorithms.
Before joining the Open University Omrit was a postdoctoral researcher at Stony Brook University, hosted by Prof. Joseph (Joe) Mitchell. She received several scholarships and awards including the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences, the Israeli Council for Higher Education fellowship for postdoctoral women fellows, and BGU scholarship for postdoctoral women fellows abroad. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, advised by Prof. Matthew (Matya) Katz.

Recently, Omrit has been selected as one of eight Rising Stars in the Symposium on Theory of Computing (2021).

Static and Streaming Data Structures for Fréchet Distance Queries.
Arnold Filtser and Omrit Filtser. SODA 2021.

A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Guarding a WV-Polygon.
Stav Ashur, Omrit Filtser, and Matthew J. Katz. WAOA 2020.

Efficient Nearest-Neighbor Query and Clustering of Planar Curves.
Boris Aronov, Omrit Filtser, Michael Horton, Khadijeh Sheikhan, and Matthew J. Katz. WADS 2019.

Algorithms for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation.
Omrit Filtser and Matthew J. Katz. SWAT 2018.

Guarding orthogonal art galleries with sliding cameras.
Stephane Durocher, Omrit Filtser, Robert Fraser, Ali D. Mehrabi, and Saeed Mehrabi. CGTA 2017.

On the Chain Pair Simplification Problem.
Chenglin Fan, Omrit Filtser, Matthew J. Katz, Tim Wylie, and Binhai Zhu. WADS 2015.

The Discrete Fréchet Distance with Shortcuts via Approximate Distance Counting and Selection Techniques.
Rinat Ben Avraham, Omrit Filtser, Haim Kaplan, Matthew J. Katz, and Micha Sharir. SoCG 2014.