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Dr. Gil Alon, Senior Lecturer

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science 1 University Road, P. O. Box 808, Raanana 4353701
Office:972-9-778-0776 Email:gilal@openu.ac.il

Since 2017
Senior Lecturer, The Open University of Israel
Since 9/2008
Lecturer, The Open University of Israel
Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Post-Doctoral Fellow, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
Since 2022
Head of the teaching committee of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Open University.
2011-2016, 2018-2022
Head of the Mathematics field at the Open University.
Head of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Open University.
Student seminar coordinator
Secretaty of the Open University Faculty Council
Member of the Accreditation Committee, The Open University
Voluntary research consultant, The Weizmann Institute of Science
Ph.D., Mathematics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
M.Sc, Mathematics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
B.Sc, Mathematics and Computer Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Gil Alon and Ehud de Shalit, On the Cohomology of Drinfeld's p-adic symmetric domain, Israel J. Math 129 (2002), 1-20.

Gil Alon and Ehud de Shalit, Cohomology of Discrete Groups in Harmonic Cochains on Buildings, Israel J. Math 135 (2003), 255-380.

Gil Alon, Cohomology of Local Systems Coming from p-adic Hyperplane Arrangements, Israel J. Math 147 (2005), 189-208.

Gil Alon and Pete L. Clark, On the Number of Representations of an Integer by a Linear Form, Journal of Integer Sequences 8 (2005), 05.5.2. pdf

Gil Alon and Gady Kozma, Ordering the Representations of S_n Using the Interchange Process, Canad. Math. Bull. 56 (2013), 13-30. arXiv

Gil Alon and Gady Kozma, The probability of long cycles in interchange processes, Duke Math. J. 162, Number 9 (2013), 1567-1585. arXiv

Gil Alon, Eigenvalues of the Adin-Roichman Matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 450C (2014), 280-292. arXiv

Gil Alon, Semicharacters of Groups, Communications in Algebra 43, Issue 5 (2015), 1771-1783. arXiv

Gil Alon and Inbal Tuvi Arad, Improved Algorithms for Symmetry Analysis: Structure Preserving Permutations, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 56, 193-212 (2018). Online access

Inbal Tuvi-Arad and Gil Alon, Improved Algorithms for Quantifying the Near Symmetry of Proteins: Complete Side Chains Analysis, Journal of Cheminformatics, 11:39, 1-11 (2019). Online access

Gil Alon, François Legrand and Elad Paran, Galois groups over quaternion rational function fields, Comptes Rendus Mathématique 358, Number 7 (2020), 785-790

Gil Alon and Gady Kozma, Comparing with Octopi, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré 56, Number 4 (2020), 2672-2685. arXiv

Gil Alon and Gady Kozma, The Mean-Field Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet via Representation Theory, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques Vol. 57, Issue 3, (Jul 2021) ,1203-1228. arXiv

Gil Alon and Elad Paran, A Quaternionic Nullstellensatz, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 225, Issue 4, April 2021. arXiv

Gil Alon and Elad Paran, A Central Quaternionic Nullstellensatz. Journal of Algebra, Volume 574, May 2021, 252-261.

Gil Alon and Elad Paran, Completely prime one-sided ideals in skew polynomial rings. Glasgow Mathematical Journal 64, Number 1 (January 2022), p. 114-121. Online access

Gil Alon, Yuval Ben-Haim and Inbal Tuvi-Arad, Continuous symmetry and chirality measures: approximate algorithms for large molecular structures, Journal of Cheminformatics, 5, 106 (2023). Online access

Inbal Tuvi-Arad, Yaffa Shalit and Gil Alon, CSM Software: Continuous Symmetry and Chirality Measures for Quantitative Structural Analysis, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 64, 14 (2024). Online access

Gil Alon, Angelot Behajaina and Elad Paran, On the stopping type of the Collatz map in F2[x], Finite Fields and Their Applications 99 (2024). Online access Download link

Gil Alon and Elad Paran, On the geometry of zero sets of central quaternionic polynomials, Journal of Algebra 659, 780-788 (2024). Online access Download link

M.Sc. Thesis: Congruence Properties of Modular Forms. Supervised by Prof. Ehud de Shalit. pdf

Ph.D. Dissertation: Geometry of p-adic Symmetric Spaces. Supervised by Prof. Ehud de Shalit.

Gil Alon, Automorphisms of Products of Drinfeld Half Planes. arXiv

Gil Alon, Gady Kozma and Doron Puder, On the Aldous-Caputo Spectral Gap Conjecture for Hypergraphs. arXiv

Gil Alon, Adam Chapman and Elad Paran, On the geometry of zero sets of central quaternionic polynomials II. arXiv

Infinitesimal Calculus 1, Course textbook [Hebrew], The Open University, 2014.

Infinitesimal Calculus 2, Unit 7: Differentiable functions of two variables [Hebrew], The Open University, 2015.

Basics of Mathematics, Course textbook [Hebrew], The Open University, 2020.

Mathematical puzzle corner in Odyssey Magazine [Hebrew]. From issue 22 (January 2014) to issue 29 (October 2015).

Fields of Research

Non-commutative algebra

Random walks on groups

Analytic and algebraic geometry over p-adic fields 

Mathematical Chemistry

Number Theory