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Dr. Alexandra (Sandra) Meiri, Senior Lecturer

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel Department of Literature, Language and the Arts 1 University Road, P. O. Box 808, Raanana 43107
Office:972-3-9381436 Fax:972-3-9013944 Email:sandram@openu.ac.il, sandrameiri@gmail.com

Undergraduate and Graduate Studies

• 1976-1980: English Literature, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev + the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the English Department, B.A., 1980.

• 1987-1988: Philosophy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Department of Philosophy.

• 1991-1993: Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, the Department of Film and Television.

• 1993-1997: Film Studies and Literature, Tel Aviv University, the Department of Comparative Literature, M.A. (magna cum laude), 1997.

• 1997-2004: Film Studies, Tel Aviv University, the Department of Film and Television, Ph.D., 2004.

• Post-Doctoral Studies:

​2005-2006:  the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Department of Communication and Journalism (Lady Davis Fellowship).

Tel Aviv University, the Department of Film and Television, Teaching Assistant.
Tel Aviv University, the Department of Film and Television, Instructor.
the Open University of Israel, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art, visiting lecturer and teaching coordinator.
the Open University of Israel, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art, Lecturer.
The Open University of Israel, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art, Senior Lecturer.

• The OU Committee for the M.A. Program in Cultural Studies (member; consultant; writer, 2008---)

• The OU Accreditation Committee ― in charge of Humanities (2012-2014).

• The OU Committee for the Allocation of Scholarships (2015---).


• Annual lectures on film to OU advisors (1998-2006).

• "On Existentialism" – lecture given to the teaching coordinators in cinema studies, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Arts (2000).

• "Film and Masquerade" ― lecture given to the academic and administrative staff, the Open University (2003).

• "Crossing Sex and Gender Boundaries in Narrative Cinema": lecture given to the academic staff, in the Departmental seminar, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art, the Open University (2004).

• "The Musical" ― lecture given to the academic and administrative staff, the Open University (2005).

• "Cross-Gender and Subjectivity" ― lecture given to the academic staff, the departmental seminar, the Department of Communication and Journalism, HUJI (2005).

• "Understanding Movies" ¬― lecture given at the Tel-Aviv Cinemateque as public relations for OU film courses (2006).

• "On Lacan, Anamorphosis and Film" ― lecture given at the OU and TAU film departmental seminar (the Department of Literature, OU, 2006).

• "Rancière and Herzog" ― lecture given to the OU and TAU film departmental seminar (the Department of Film and Television, TAU, 2006).

• (with Ron Weidberg): "Sound and Image in Stanley Kubrick's Work"—open lecture to the public, The Open University (2012).

• "Film and Artificial Intelligence", OU, the Science Day, 2013.

• "On Burning Mooki and transgenerational post-trauma, TA Cinemateque (event in honor of Slava Chaplin, 2014).

• (with Odeya Kohen Raz) “Shutter Island – Film and History,” Wadi Ara Campus, June 2016.

• (with Odeya Kohen Raz) "Narrative Cinema and Subjectivization" – lecture given for the Departmental Seminar (Dep. of Literature, Linguistics and Art, OU), March 2017.

Annual Grant of Excellence for M.A. students, Tel Aviv University (1500 NIS).
The Lola Beer-Ebner Doctoral Fellowship in Fine Arts, Tel Aviv University (18,000 NIS).
: Grant of Excellence for Doctoral Students, the Open University of Israel (20,000 NIS).
The Lady Davis Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (60,000 NIS).
Hebrew teacher; translator of poetry
In charge of Academic Committees, and Oversees Law Studies, Faculty of Law, HUJI; Executive Director, the Board of Governors, HUJI.

The Society for Cinema and Media Studies

Association for Israel Studies

European Association for Israel Studies

The ISF Committee for the Allocation of Grants for Academic Publications and Translation of Academic Books.
Script Reader and Member of the Committee for the Allocation of Funds for feature films, TA, The Rabinovich Foundation.
The Committee for the Revaluation and Restructure of Film Studies in High-Schools, the Ministry of Education (member).
Committee for the Allocation of Grants, ISF.


• Between the Masquerade of Representation and the Masquerade of Spectatorship, 1997, Hebrew, TAU (supervisor: Dr. Anat Zanger). Magna cum laude

• Pret-à-Porter: Functions and Characterizations of Transgender in the Cinema, 2004, Hebrew, TAU (supervisor: Prof. Mihal-Régine Friedman).

• Just Images: Ethics and the Cinematic, ed. Boaz Hagin, Sandra Meiri, Raz Yosef, and Anat Zanger (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011). [English]

• Identities in Transition in Israeli Culture, ed. Sandra Meiri, Adia Mendelson-Maoz, Yael Munk, and Liat Steir-Livny (Ra'anana: The Open University of Israel Press, 2013). [Hebrew]

• "Introduction"; "Jung"; "Lacan", in "Theories of Subjectivity" (3 chapters in Study Guides, Theories and Approaches in Cultural Studies (MA course in Cultural Studies).

• The History of Cinema II (1940-1980).

• (With Benny Ben David) Introduction to Film Theories: (Book – 8 chapters, 557 pp; introductory course in film theory, compulsory for film students enrolled in the 2 OU cinema programs).

• (With Benny Ben David) Gaze and Experience: Advanced Film Theories (Book, 7 chapters, 577 pp.).

• Judd Ne'eman", Israeli Cinema EBOOK, ed. Raya Morag & Shmuel Duvdevani, 2016 [Hebrew]

• "Paratroopers", Israeli Cinema EBOOK, ed. Raya Morag & Shmuel Duvdevani, 2016 [Hebrew]


• 1998: "Performativity, Reiteration and Ideology in the Open Serials", La Longue Durée, the 2nd Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2000: "The FTM Horror Picture Show: Why Hollywood is Afraid of Female-to-Male Transsexuals", Not To Be Looked At, the 3rd Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2002 (with Odeya Kohen-Raz):"From Hitchcock's Psycho to September 11: on Cinematic Trauma", the 4th Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2004: "Gender and Sexuality: Two Constitutions of the Subject", Playing the Field: The Politics and History of Gender and Sexuality, Columbia University, New York (PRESENTER).

• 2006 (with Odeya Kohen-Raz): "Spectatorship at the Crossroads: Between the Actor's Body and the Character", the 6th Tel Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2007: "A Boy's Best Friend is his Mother" - The Transvestite as Monster in the Horror Film", the 2007 Popular Culture/American Culture Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (PRESENTER).

• 2007: (with Yael Munk): "On Castration and Immigration: Kosashvilli's Film Gift from Heaven", 23rd Annual AIS Conference – Israel as an Immigrant Society: Between the Melting Pot and Multiculturalism, The Open University of Israel (PRESENTER).

• 2008: "The Ethics of Judd Ne'eman's  Camera: From The Night the King Was Born to Nuzhat Al-Fuad, the 7th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2008: "The Revival of Cultural Amnesia", Cultural Memory: Forgetting to Remember/Remembering to Forget, University of Kent, Canterbury, England (PRESENTER).

• 2009:  "War and Art in Udi Aloni's Local Angel", The (In)visibility of War in Literature and Media, II CECC Conference on Culture and Conflict, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal (PRESENTER).

• 2010: "'Creative Memory': Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary Israeli Cinema", 26th Annual AIS Conference – "Israel in the World", Toronto, Canada (PRESENTER).

• 2010 (Invited Lectures): (1) "Israeli Cinema, Exile and the Question of Identity: Fragments of a Jewish Future?"; (2) "Between Judaism and Zionism"; (3) "Local Angels: Filming Dialogue", at: Encountering the Jewish Future, a Global Interfaith Conversation, Center for Jewish Studies, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA (PRESENTER).

• 2011: "The Revival of Jewish Thought and Subjectivity in Contemporary
 Israeli Film", Annual SCMS (Society of Cinema and Media Studies) Conference, New Orleans, USA (PRESENTER).

• 2012: "Violence by Women against Women: On the Trauma of Intersubjectivity and Social Trauma", 8th European Feminist Research Conference, Budapest, Hungary (PRESENTER).

• 2012: "The Aftermath of Sexual Violence during the Holocaust", The Horrors of Trauma, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel (PRESENTER).

• 2012: "Sexualised Violence in the Holocaust: Lina and Slava Chaplin's Burning Mooki", Film and Media 2012, London, England (PRESENTER).

• 2012: "Parallel Chronologies: On the Historical Coincidence of the Eichmann Trial and the Stalags", The Ninth Tel Aviv International Colloquium on Cinema and Television Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel (PRESENTER).

• 2013: "Intergenerational Trauma in Israeli Cinema", Annual SCMS Conference, Chicago, USA (PRESENTER).

• 2013: "Visual Pleasure in Crisis: Actors, Characters, Spectators", Film and Media), London, England (PRESENTER).

• 2013: "The Controversy of Sexual Violence in the Holocaust", European Association for Israel Studies, London, England (PRESENTER).

• 2013: (with Odeya Kohen Raz) "The Film is Out of Joint: Mainstream Cinema and Fantasy", FILMASIA, Osaka, Japan (PRESENTER).

• 2014: "Contesting Memories: Israeli Documentaries and the Return to Extermination and Forced Labor Camps", 9th International Conference on the Arts and Society, Rome, Italy (PRESENTER).

• 2014: (with Odeya Kohen Raz), "Intersubjective Truths: Body-Character Breach Films", Documentary Truth: Re-Thinking the Politics of the Index Jerusalem, The Smart Institute, the Department of Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (PRESENTER).

• 2014: "Women's Trauma and Israeli Narrative Films", 10th Tel Aviv International Colloquium on Cinema and Television Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel (PRESENTER).

• 2015: "Reenactment of Myths of Suicide and Political Activism in Israeli Documentary Cinema", Dilemmas Of Recognition in Asymmetric Conflicts, The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in a Comparative Prospective, The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, HUJI, Jerusalem and the Walter Libach Institute, TAU, Tel Aviv (PRESENTER).

• 2015: (with Odeya Kohen Raz): "Historical Justice and Ethics: Traumatic Memory, Guilt and Dreams in Contemporary Cinema", EuroMedia2015, The European Conference on Media & Mass Communication, Brighton, England. (PRESENTER)

• June, 2016 (with Odeya Kohen Raz): “Shutter Island and Historical Representation”, Strangers to Ourselves, the Biannual International Film Colloquium, the Steve Tisch School for Film and television, Tel-Aviv University. (PRESENTER)

• July, 2016 (with Odeya Kohen Raz): “The Cultural Value of the Cinematic Dream”, the Annual London Film and Media Conference, London. (PRESENTER)

• September, 2016: “The Ethical Function of Representing Sexualised Violence against Women during the Holocaust in Israeli Narrative Cinema,” The Annual European Association of Israel Studies, London. (PRESENTER)

• December, 2016 (with Odeya Kohen Raz): “Bodiless-Character-Films, the Replacement of ‘Object a’, and the Dynamic of Desire/Fantasy in Narrative Film,” Replacement Conference, Birkbeck, University of London, London. (PRESENTER)

• August, 2017: “Pornography in Israel in the 1960s”, Visible Evidence Annual Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina (PRESENTER).


1997: "Gender and Masquerade: Cross-dressing in Classical Cinema", the 5th NCJW Women Studies Forum Annual Convention, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 1998: "Form and Content: the Literary Genius and Gender in Virginia Woolf's Orlando", the 6th NCJW Women Studies Forum Annual Convention, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2000: "The Phallic Economy and the Ontology of Nothingness", Peeping Toms, Roosters and Other Israelis, the Cinema of Uri Zohar, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2000: Binarism, Cultural Homogeneity: Judith Butler and Transgender in Cinema, the 8th NCJW Women Studies Forum Annual Convention, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2004: "Kristeva vs. Butler: The Unjustified Fear of the Pre-Oedipal Relation to the Mother", An Other Sex 04, The Fourth Annual Lesbian and Gay Studies and Queer Theory Conference, Tel Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2007: "Post-Memory, Auto-Fiction and the films of Chantal Akerman", Colloquium in Honor of Mihal Friedman, Tel-Aviv University (PRESENTER).

• 2007: "Little Closet on the Prairie": Calamity Jane and the Wild West", An Other Sex 07, The Seventh Annual Lesbian & Gay Studies and Queer Theory Conference, Tel Aviv University.

• December, 2017: “Jerusalem of Poetry, Architecture and Tourism - Interdisciplinary Session”, Jerusalem in Cinema and Culture – Imaginary Palimsest, Tel-Aviv University and HUJI (CHAIR).

• 2000: "On Existentialism" – lecture given to the teaching coordinators in cinema studies, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Arts.

• 2003: "Film and Masquerade" ― lecture given to the academic and administrative staff, the Open University.

• 2004: "Crossing Sex and Gender Boundaries in Narrative Cinema": lecture given to the academic staff, in the Departmental seminar, the Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art, the Open University.

• 2005: "The Musical" ― lecture given to the academic and administrative staff, the Open University.

• 2005: "Cross-Gender and Subjectivity" ― lecture given to the academic staff, the departmental seminar, the Department of Communication and Journalism, HUJI.

• 2006: "Rancière and Herzog" ― lecture given to the OU and TAU film departmental seminar (the Department of Film and Television, TAU).

• 2006: "On Lacan: Anamorphosis and Film" ― lecture given at the OU and TAU film departmental seminar (the Department of Literature, OU).

• "Understanding Movies" ¬― lecture given at the Tel-Aviv Cinemateque as public relations for OU film courses (2006).

• 2010: (1) "Israeli Cinema, Exile and the Question of Identity: Fragments of a Jewish Future?" (seminar); (2) "Between Judaism and Zionism" (Colloquium talk); (3) "Local Angels: Filming Dialogue" (lecture presenter), at: Encountering the Jewish Future, a Global Interfaith Conversation, The Center for Jewish Studies, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.

• 2012: "The Aftermath of Sexual Violence during the Holocaust", The Horrors of Trauma, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel.

• 2012: (with Ron Weidberg): "Sound and Image in Stanley Kubrick's Work"—open lecture to the public, The Open University.

• 2013: "Film and Artificial Intelligence", OU, the Science Day.

• 2014: "On David Perlov's In Jerusalem", Jerusalem: A Point of Reference. Meaning, Culture, Image and Local Reality in the Space of Jerusalem, The Second Yad Ben-Zvi Intranational Conference for the Study of Jerusalem.

• 2014: "On Burning Mooki and transgenerational post-trauma, TA Cinemateque (event in honor of Slava Chaplin).

• 2015: "Reenactment of Myths of Suicide and Political Activism in Israeli Documentary Cinema", Dilemmas Of Recognition in Asymmetric Conflicts, The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in a Comparative Prospective, The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, HUJI, Jerusalem and the Walter Libach Institute, TAU, Tel Aviv.

• (with Odeya Kohen Raz) “Shutter Island – Film and History,” Wadi Ara Campus, June 2016.

• 2017: (with Odeya Kohen Raz) "Narrative Cinema and Subjectivization" – lecture given for the Departmental Seminar (Dep. of Literature, Linguistics and Art, OU).

• 2018:  “Cinememory: Israeli Cinema and the Poetics of Post-trauma of Female Holocaust Survivors”, Yotzrot Mar'ot, Tel-Aviv University.


• Co-organizer, the Colloquium in Honor of Prof. Mihal-Régine Friedman, Film Under Influence: Memory, Nationality and Text, Tel Aviv University, January 2007.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 7th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2008.

• Co-organizer, Identities in Transition in Israeli Culture, Conference in Honor of Prof. Nurith Gertz, June 2009.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 8th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2010.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 9th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2012.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 10th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2012.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 11th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2014.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 11th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2016.

• Co-organizer and committee member, the 11th Tel- Aviv International Colloquium in Cinema Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2018.


• 2013: The Transmission of Trauma, Annual SCMS Conference, Chicago, USA (organizer and presenter).

Departmental Seminars​

• 2003-2006: The film departmental seminar, the OU Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art and the TAU Department of Film and Television (organizer, member and presenter of lectures).

• 2015 - The film departmental seminar, the OU Department of Literature, Linguistic and Art.

• (With Yael Munk): "The Return of the Repressed: Sexual Stereotypes of the Old Jew and the Case of Gift from Heaven" in Jews and Sex, ed. Nathan Abrams (Nottingham: Five Leaves Publications, 2008), 66-76. [English]

• "The Foreigner Within and the Question of Identity in Fictitious Marriage and Streets of Yesterday" in Identities in Motion: an Israeli Cinema Reader, ed. Miri Talmon Bohm & Yaron Peleg (University of Texas Press, 2011), 241-256. [English]

• "The (Po)Et(h)ics of Horror: The Transvestite Killer Revisited" in Just Images: Ethics and the Moving Image, ed. Boaz Hagin, Sandra Meiri, Raz Yosef & Anat Zanger, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2011), 192-211. [English]

• "Trauma and Ethics" in Udi Aloni's Forgiveness, in Identities in Transition in Israeli Culture, ed. Sandra Meiri, Adia Mendelson-Maoz, Yael Munk, and Liat Steir-Livny (Ra'anana: The Open University of Israel Press, 2013). [Hebrew]

• "From War to Creation and Redemption: On Udi Aloni's Local Angel and Forgiveness, in Trauma und Film: Inszenierungen eines Nicht-Repräsentierbaren, ed. J.B.  Köhne (Berlin: Kadmos-Verlag, 2013), 327-347. [English]

• "Transgenerational Trauma: On the Aftermath of Sexual Violence Suffered by Women during the Holocaust in Israeli Cinema", in The Horrors of Trauma, in Cinema, ed. Michael Elm, Kobi Kabalek and Julia B. Koehne (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), 272-293. [English]

• (With Odeya Kohen-Raz): "Visual Pleasure in Crisis: Actors, Characters, Spectators", the London Film and Media Reader 2013: The Pleasure of the Spectacle (London, 2014), 243-254 [English].

• (With Odeya Kohen-Raz): "Replacement, objet a and the Dynamic of Desire/Fantasy in Rebecca, On Replacement: Cultural, Social and Psychological Representations, eds. Jean Owen & Naomi Segal (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).

• "Performativity, Reiteration and Ideology in the Open Serials"  
     Assaph Kolnoa, Studies in Cinema &Television, no. 2 (2001), 161-173. [English]

• "Masquerade and Bad Faith in Peeping Toms", Shofar, vol. 24, no. 1 (2005), 107-
      124. [English]

•  "History, Trauma and Ethics in Judd Ne'eman's Cinematic Oeuvre", 
  Israel: Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, History, Society, Culture, no. 14
   (2008), 35-69. [Hebrew]

•  "'Let me Die with the Philistines: Israeli Documentaries as a Critique of the
    Reenactment and Function of Ancient Myths in Israeli Society", Studies in
    Documentary Film, vol. 6, no. 3 (2012), 307-322. [English]

•  "In the Shadow of Sexualized Trauma: Coming of Age in Holocaust-Related
      Israeli Films", Journal of Literature and Art Studies, no. 4, vol. 4:29 (2014), 264-
      276.  [English[

"Visual Responses: Women's Experience of Sexual Violence as Represented in
       Israeli Holocaust-Related Cinema", European Journal of Women Studies, vol. 22,
      no. 4 (2015), 443-456.  [English]

• (With Odeya Kohen-Raz): "Mainstream Body-Character Breach and
     Subjectivization", The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (Film Section) 98
     (2017), 201-217.  [English]

(With Odeya Kohen-Raz): "Revisiting Metz: Bodiless-Character Films and the
     Dynamic of Desire/Fantasy in Narrative Cinema", New Review of Film and
    Television Studies, 16:1 (2018), 62-80. [English]

• (With Odeya Kohen-Raz): "Visual Pleasure in Crisis: Actors, Characters, Spectators", the London Film and Media Reader 2013: The Pleasure of the Spectacle (London, 2014), 243-254 [English].

• Any Sex You Can Do I Can Do Better: Cross- Gender in Narrative Cinema (Tel-Aviv: Hakkibutz Ha'Meuhad, Migdarim Series, 2011).  [Hebrew]

• (with Odeya Kohen Raz) Narrative Cinema and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis: Desire, Fantasy, and Subjectivization, accepted for publication by Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., NY: New York (estimated year of publication: 2019).  [English]

• English translation of poems by Raquel Chalfi. In Burning Air and a Clear Mind, Contemporary Israeli Women Poets, ed. Myra Glazer (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1981), 61-65.



Film theory; Israeli Cinema; Representation of sexual abuse against women in Israeli cinema; psychoanalysis and film; gender and sexuality, queer studies, trans- and narrative film; feminism and women studies; film language and history; the ontology and aesthetics of film (narrative in particular); ethics and aesthetics in film; spectatorship.

• 2009: Researcher, "The Notion of Exile in Contemporary Israeli Cinema", submitted to the Israel Science Foundation - ISF (grade: VERY GOOD, received 20,000 NIS from the OU Research Authority).

• 2016: Researcher (with Odeya Kohen Raz), "Narrative Cinema and Subjectivization", submitted to and approved by the ISF (80,000 NIS yearly, for 3 years).



  • • 1995-1998: "Motion Fiction: Israeli Fiction in Film", the Open University of Israel (Instructor).
  •  • 1998-2006: "Understanding Movies", the Open University of Israel (instructor and coordinator--increased enrollment in the course from 30 to 600 students over a period of 3 semesters by enriching its studying materials substantially; meeting with directors of colleges throughout the country; and tutoring instructors).
  • • 2006-2018--: teaching responsibility (academic supervisor) : Understanding Movies; Cinema as History; Trauma, Memory and Fantasy in American Cinema; The Romantic Comedy, The Thriller; Introduction to Film Theories; The History of Cinema 1; The History of Cinema 2;  Theories and Approaches in Cultural Research; Gaze and Experience: Advanced Film Theories.
  • • 1993-1997: "Film Theory I", "Film Theory II", the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University (+ teaching coordinator).
  • • 1994-1997: "The Language of Cinema", the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • 1997-2004: "Theory III", the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • 1998-2000:  "Transgender in Cinema", the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • 2001-2003: "Sex and Gender in the Cinema"; "Film Theories", the MFA Program (The Graduate Program in Film Making), the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • 2003/4 "Sexuality and Cinema – A Psychoanalytic Approach", the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • 2005/6: "A Male Bride – Cross-Gender in Cinema", the Department of Communication and Journalism, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • • 2005/6: Contemporary Film Theories, the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • 2006: "Film Language" – seminar given to high school teachers, The Open University in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
  • • 1996-2006: "Understanding Movies – Introduction to Film Art", the Open University.
  • • 2010-11: "Psychoanalysis and Film: A Seminar on Methodology", MA Program, the Department of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University.
  • • Chen Sheinberg: The Uprooted Eye: The Formless Form—The Conflation of the Eye Motif with Birth in Avant-garde Cinema (The Film and Television Department, Tel Aviv University 2011-2013). M.A. [not completed]
  • • Eran Shahar: Mind Control in Post 9/11 American Cinema (The Film and Television Department, Tel Aviv University 2012---). M.A [not completed]
  • • Evi Kaufman: A Minor Case: Mihal Bat-Adam's Authorship (The Interdisciplinary Program in the Arts [Graduate Program]: Film & Television Track, Tel Aviv University, 2012-2013). M.A.
  • • Orit Hasson: Reenactment in Film and Video (The Interdisciplinary Program in the Arts [Graduate Program]: Film & Television Track, Tel Aviv University, 2012---). M.A. [work unfinished]
  • • Orit Dudai: Primitive Mental States and the Cinema: Psychoanalytic Concepts Examined Through the Cinematic Language (The Interdisciplinary Program, Bar Ilan University, 2013-2017). Ph.D., co-supervisor: Dr. Liran Razinsky, Bar-Ilan University.
  • • Igor Rodin, The Auteur in Cinema as a Matri-Phallic Inflection (thesis supervisor: Prof. Raya Morag), The Department of Communication and Journalism, HUJI (2014-).
  • • Mor Hassid-Levi, Building a National Cinema – The Israeli Film Industry and Evolution of National Identity (1954-2010) (thesis supervisor: Prof. Raya Morag), The Department of Communication and Journalism, HUJI (2012-2015).
  • • Member of the Committee (headed by Prof. Nurit Gertz), Co-Author of the Dual-Disciplinary B.A. Program in Film Studies and in charge with its written presentation to the Israel Council for Higher Education, including the final report before approval (final approval by the ICHE, 2016).
  • • Co-Author (with Head of Department, Dr. Ron Weidberg and Dr. Yael Munk) of the Humanities B.A. Program in the Humanities with Emphasis on Film Studies (approved by the OU Senate, 2011).

• Transmitted Memory and Fiction, Van Leer Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem (member, 2011-2014).