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Ravit Nussinson (Levy-Sadot) , Associate Professor

Dr. Ravit Nussinson (Levy-Sadot)
Contact Info

The Open University The Dorothy De Rothschild Campus One University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 43107, Israel
Office: 972-9-7781425 Fax:972-9-778-0632 Email:ravitnu@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

1995 – 2000
Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, University of Haifa
Dissertation: Experience-based judgments: Building blocks, biases, correctional processes and the implications for issues concerning consciousness.
Supervisor: Prof. Asher Koriat
1993 – 1995
M.A. (cum laude), Cognitive Psychology, University of Haifa
Dissertation: The basis of feeling of knowing: Interactive Influence of cue familiarity and accessibility
Supervisor: Prof. Asher Koriat.
1989 – 1992
B.A. (magna cum laude), Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Tel-Aviv University
2022 - current
Associate Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel.
2019 - 2022
Head, MA program in Social Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2015 - 2022
Senior Lecturer, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2010 - 2015
Lecturer, Deprtment of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2008 - 2010
Guest Lecturer, Deprtment of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2002 - 2004
Post-doctoral Fellow, Psychology Department, New York University
2001 - 2002
Post-doctoral Fellow, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany


“Oz: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level”

The Israel Science Foundation

2016 – 2019

Up there and down here: Perceptual simulation of space along the vertical dimension as an embodiment of psychological distance. 

The Israel Science Foundation

2001 – 2006

 "Metacognition: A window to the conscious and unconscious determinants of behavior" (with Asher Koriat, Morris Goldsmith, Ainat Pansky, Herbert Bless, Dagmar Stahlberg, Klaus Fiedler, Fritz Strack and Michaela Wänke) 

Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation (DIP)

2000 – 2002

 “The mutual effects of monitoring and control processes in metacognition" (with Asher Koriat and Hilit Ma'ayan) 

Israel Science Foundation

1998 – 2000

Experience-based judgments: Processes, biases and the ability to overcome them"

Israel Science Foundation

2001 – 2002 Minerva Fellowship for Post-Doctoral studies

2000 – 2001 University of Haifa Fellowship for Post-Doctoral studies

1993 – 1994 Dean of Graduate Studies, Outstanding Achievement Award

1992 Rector's Outstanding Achievement Award

Anderson, P., Vartanova, I., Västfjäl, D., …. Nussinson R., Mentser, S. and others (2024).  Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies. Scientific Reports

Nussinson, R., Inbar, R., Hatzek, A., Mentser, S., Navon, M., Bar-Anan, Y., Gilead, M., & Liberman, N. (2024). The poetry of psychological distance: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Andrighetto, G., Szekely, A., Guido, A., Gelfand, M.,… Nussinson, R., Mentser, S., and others (2024). Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries. Nature Communications.

Kowal, M., Sorokowski, P., Conroy-Beam, D., Nussinson, R., and others (2023). Validation of the shortened version of Sternberg's Triangular Love Scale. Data from 90 countries. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Kowal, M., Sorokowski, P., Dinic, B. M.,….Nussinson R.,…(2022). Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries. Evolution and Human Behavior. 

Nussinson, R., Elias, Y., Yosef-Nitsan, E., Mentser, S., Zadka, M., Weinstein, Z., & Liberman, N. (2021). Vertical position is associated with construal level and psychological distance. Social Cognition, 39(5), 632-655.

Ericsson, K., Strimling, P., Gelfand, M., ...,  Nussinson, R.,  Mentser, S., and others (2021). Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies. Nature Communications.

Zickfeld, J.,Vingerhoets, A., Schubert, T., ...Nussinson, R., Mentser, S. and others (2021). Tears Trigger the Intention to Offer Social Support: A Systematic Investigation of the Interpersonal Effects of Emotional Crying Across 41 Countries. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 104137.

Mentser, S., & Nussinson, R. (2020). We're not of the same feather: Disgust sensitivity and reduced perceived. Personality and Individual Differences, 163.

Stroch, H., Nussinson, R., Mentser, S. & Bar-Anan, Y. (2019). "Heavy of mouth" and "heavy of tongue": Weight as a conceptual metaphor of disability. Metaphor and Symbol, 34, 1-12.

Nussinson, R., Elias, Y., Mentser, S., Bar-Anan, Y., & Gronau, N. (2019). Bi-directional effects of stimulus verticality and its construal level. Social Psychology.

Nussinson, R., Mentser, S., & Rosenberg, N. (2018). Sensitivity to deviance and to dissimilarity: Basic cognitive processes under activation of the Behavioral Immune System. Evolutionary Psychology, 16(4), **-**.

Zickfeld, J. H., Schubert, T. W., Seibt, B., Blomster, J. K., Arriaga, P., Basabe, N., Blaut, A., Caballero, A., Carrera, P., Dalğar, I., Ding, Y., Dumont, K., Gaulhofer, V., Gračanin, A., Gyenis, R., Chuan-Peng, H., Kardum, I., Lazarević, L., Mathew, L., Mentser, S., Nussinson, R., Onuki, M.,  Páez, D., Pásztor, A., Peng, K., Petrović, B., Pizarro, J. J., Schönefeld, V., Śmieja, M., Tokaji, A., Vingerhoets, A., Vorster, A., Vuoskoski, J., Zhu, L., Fiske, A. P. (2018). Kama Muta: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Experience of Being Moved Across 19 Nations and 15 Languages. Emotion.

Seibt, B., Schubert, T., Zickfeld, J. H., Zhu, L., Arriaga, P., Simão, C., Nussinson, R., & Fiske, A. P. (2018). Kama Muta: Similar emotional responses to touching videos across the US, Norway, China, Israel, and Portugal. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 418-435.

Elias, Y., Nussinson, R., & Roccas, S. (2018). Values and vocational choice: The effect of temporal distance. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 93-99.

Halamish, V., Nussinson, R., & Ben-Ari, L. (2013).In a year memory will benefit from learning, tomorrow it won't: Distance and construal level effects on the basis of metamemory judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. doi: 10.1037/a0032381.

Nussinson, R., Seibt, B. Häfner, M., & Strack, F. (2011). Cognitive consequences of motivational orientation: The effect on perceived similarity between objects. Acta Psychologica, 138, 39-44.

Nussinson, R., Häfner, M., Seibt, B., Strack, F., & Trope, Y. (2011). Approach andavoidance motivation orientations affect self-construal and identification with in-group. Self& Identity.

Nussinson, R., Seibt, B., Häfner, M., & Strack, F. (2010). Come a bit closer: Approach motor actions lead to feeling similar and behaviorally assimilating to othersSocial Cognition, 28, 40-58.

Koriat, A., & Nussinson, R. (2009). Attributing study effort to data-driven and goal-driven effects: Implications for metacognitive judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 35, 1338-1343.

Seibt, B., Neumann, R., Nussinson, R., & Strack, F. (2008). Movement direction or change in distance? Self and object related approach-avoidance movements. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 713-720.

Koriat, A., & Levy-Sadot, R., Edry, E.,& De Marcas, G. (2003). What do we know about what we cannot remember? Accessing the semantic attributes of words that cannot be recalled. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 29, 1095-1105.

Koriat, A., & Levy-Sadot, R. (2001). The combined contributions of the cue familiarity and accessibility heuristics to feelings of knowing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 27, 34-53.

Koriat, A., & Levy-Sadot, R. (2000). Conscious and unconscious metacognition: A rejoinder. Consciousness and Cognition, 9, 193-202

Koriat, A., & Nussinson, R., (2014). What do we know when we forget? In B. Schwartz & A. Brown (Eds.), Tip of the tongue states and related phenomena (Chap. 15, 327-229). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Koriat, A., Nussinson, R., Bless, H., & Shaked, N. (2008). Information-based and experience-based metacognitive judgments: Evidence from subjective confidence. In J. Dunlosky and R. A. Bjork (Eds.), A handbook of memory and metamemory (pp. 117-136). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Koriat, A., & Levy-Sadot, R. (1999). Processes underlying metacognitive judgments: Information-based and experience-based monitoring of one’s own knowledge. In S. Chaiken and Y. Trope (Eds.), Dual-process theories in social psychology (pp. 483-502). New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

Nussinson, R. (2013). Beyn Tchushot Veregashot LeYbud Meida [Between feelings, emotions and information processing].

Myers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Nussinson, R., Inbar, R., Hatzek, A., Mentser, S., Navon, M., Gilead, M., & Liberman, N.  The poetry of psychological distance: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level, The 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland, June, 2023.

Nussinson, R., Inbar, R., Hatzek, A., Mentser, S., Navon, M., Gilead, M., & Liberman, N.  The poetry of psychological distance: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level, Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, Akre, Israel, February, 2022.

Nussinson, R., Inbar, R., Hatzek, A., Mentser, S., Navon, M., Gilead, M., & Liberman, N.  The poetry of psychological distance: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level The Annual Meeting of ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Salzburg, Austria, September, 2021.

Nussinson, R., Mentser, S., & Rosenberg, N. Sensitivity to deviance and dissimilarity: Basic cognitive processes under activation of the behavioral immune system. 30th Human Behavior and Evolution Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherland, July 2018.

Sagiv, L., Roccas, S., Nussinson, R., & Weinstein, Z. How do values affect behavior? The mediating role of perception. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain, July 2017.

 Nussinson, R. Elias, Y., & Gronau, N. Up there and down here: The embodiment of psychological distance and construal level. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain, July 2017.

Nussinson, R., & Roccas, S. Values, Physical contamination and the perceived cleanliness of others. 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July 2016.​

Nussinson, R., & Roccas, S. The embodiment of social identity threat: A threat to distinctiveness as contamination. 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherland, July 2014.

Nussinson, R., & Roccas, S. The embodiment of social identity threat: A threat to distinctiveness as contamination. Forum of Young Social Psychologists. Tel-Aviv, Israel, February 2014.

Koriat, A., Nussinson, R., & Ackerman, R. Judgments of learning depend on how learners interpret study time. The 54st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada, November 2013.

Nussinson, R. & Roccas, S. The embodiment of social identity threat: A threat to distinctiveness as contamination. Workshop. Workshop in Embodied and Relational Social Psychology. Sintra, Portugal, June 2013.

Nussinson, R., Seibt, B., Häfner, M., & Strack, F. Approach/avoidance motivations affect perceived self-other similarity. 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2011.

Nussinson, R., Seibt, B., Häfner, M., & Strack, F. Similarity is in the eyes of the beholder: Unconscious effects of approach /avoidance motivational orientations on perceived similarity. Metacognition: A Window to Conscious and Unconscious Determinants of Behavior: Athematic conference within the framework of German-Israeli Cooperation (DIP), Haifa, Israel, April 2006.

Levy-Sadot, R., & Koriat, A. Experience-based judgments: Biases and the ability to overcome them. 13th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, San Sebastian, Spain, June 2002.

Levy-Sadot, R., & Koriat, A. Experience-based judgments: Biases and the ability to overcome them. 41st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New-Orleans, LA, November 2000.

Levy-Sadot, R., & Koriat, A. Experience-based judgments: Processes, biases and the ability to overcome them and the lesson for consciousness. Psychology After The Year 2000, International Conference on Psychology, Haifa, Israel, 2000.

Levy-Sadot, R., & Koriat, A. The interaction between controlled-aware and automatic-unconscious processes. Second Conference of the Max Wertheimer Minerva Center for Cognitive Processes and Human Performance, Haifa, Israel, September 1998.

Levy-Sadot, R., & Koriat, A. The basis of feeling of knowing: Interactive influence of cue-familiarity and accessibility. 10th Congress of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel, September 1998.

Levy-Sadot, R., & Koriat, A. The basis of feeling of knowing: Interactive influence of cue-familiarity and accessibility. Annual Meeting of the Israel Cognitive Psychology Association, Tel-Aviv, Israel, October 1997.

   * Names of students are in blue font

Anderson, P., Vartanova, I., Västfjäl, D., …. Nussinson R., Mentser, S. and others (2024).  Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies. Scientific Reports. 

Nussinson, R., Inbar, R., Hatzek, A., Mentser, S., Navon, M., Bar-Anan, Y., Gilead, M., & Liberman, N. (2024). The poetry of psychological distance: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 

Andrighetto, G., Szekely, A., Guido, A., Gelfand, M.,… Nussinson, R., Mentser, S., and others (2024). Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries. Nature Communications.

Nussinson, R., Elias, Y. ,Yosef-Nitsan, E., Mentser, S., Zadka, M., Weinstein, Z., & Liberman, N. (2021). Vertical position is associated with construal level and psychological distance. 39(5), 632-655..

Ericsson, K., Strimling, P., Gelfand, M., ...,  Nussinson, R. Mentser, S., and others (2021). Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies. Nature Communications.

Zickfeld, J.,Vingerhoets, A., Schubert, T., ...Nussinson, R., Mentser, S.,and others (2021). Tears Trigger the Intention to Offer Social Support: A Systematic Investigation of the Interpersonal Effects of Emotional Crying Across 41 Countries. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 104137.

Mentser, S., & Nussinson, R. (2020). We're not of the same feather: Disgust sensitivity and reduced perceived. Personality and Individual Differences, 163.

Stroch, H., Nussinson, R., Mentser, S. & Bar-Anan, Y. (2019). "Heavy of mouth" and "heavy of tongue": Weight as a conceptual metaphor of disability. Metaphor and Symbol, 34, 1-12.

Nussinson, R., Elias, Y., Mentser, S., Bar-Anan, Y., & Gronau, N. (2019). Bi-directional effects of stimulus verticality and its construal level. Social Psychology.

Nussinson, R., Mentser, S., & Rosenberg, N. (2018). Sensitivity to deviance and to dissimilarity: Basic cognitive processes under activation of the Behavioral Immune System. Evolutionary Psychology, 16(4), **-**.

Zickfeld, J. H., Schubert, T. W., Seibt, B., Blomster, J. K., Arriaga, P., Basabe, N., Blaut, A., Caballero, A., Carrera, P., Dalğar, I., Ding, Y., Dumont, K., Gaulhofer, V., Gračanin, A., Gyenis, R., Chuan-Peng, H., Kardum, I., Lazarević, L., Mathew, L., Mentser, S., Nussinson, R., Onuki, M., Páez, D., Pásztor, A., Peng, K., Petrović, B., Pizarro, J. J., Schönefeld, V., Śmieja, M., Tokaji, A., Vingerhoets, A., Vorster, A., Vuoskoski, J., Zhu, L., Fiske, A. P. (2018). Kama Muta: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Experience of Being Moved Across 19 Nations and 15 Languages. Emotion.

Elias, Y., Nussinson, R., & Roccas, S. (2018). Values and vocational choice: The effect of temporal distance. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 93-99.

Halamish, V., Nussinson, R., & Ben-Ari, L. (2013). In a year memory will benefit from learning, tomorrow it won't: Distance and construal level effects on the basis of metamemory judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. doi: 10.1037/a0032381.

My research focuses on the manner in which unconscious effects of the body on our thoughts, perceptions and feelings shape our self-perceptions and the perception of others. I further consider the implication of these unconscious effects for interpersonal relationships, inter-group relationships, intra-organizational relationships, product design, urban design and more.

◾Grounded Cognition, body-mind in social cognition
◾Behavioral Immune System
◾Conceptual Metaphors in social psychology
◾Unconscious motivation effects
◾Experience-based judgments
◾Effects of distance on information processing
◾Metamemory judgments

2019 – 2018
Social Cognition (Graduate)
 Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2013 - 2017
Thesis Seminar, (Graduates)
 (together with Ido Liviatan)
 Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2017 – 2021
Research Seminar "Between Body and Mind in Social Cognition", (Graduates)
 Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2013 – 2014
 2016 – 2017
"Between Feelings and Emotions and Information Processing", (Graduates)
 Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2013 – 2015
Research Seminar "Values and Behavior", (Graduates)
 (together with Sonia Roccas)
 Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2008 – 2009
"Research Seminar on Unconcsious Processes in Social Cognition", (Undergraduate)
 Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
2007 – 2008
"Research Seminar on Unconcsious Processes in Social Cognition" (Undergraduate)
 Department of Sciences, Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo
2006 – 2008
"Research Seminar on Unconcsious Processes in Social Cognition" (Undergraduate)
 Department of Psychology, University of Haifa
2006 – 2007
"The Psychology of Learning" (Undergraduate)
 Department of Behavioral Sciences, Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo
2005 – 2008
"Social Cognition" (Graduate)
 Department of Psychology, University of Haifa
2000 – 2001
“Introduction to Psychology” (Undergraduate)
 Department of Nursing, University of Haifa,
2000 – 2001
“Selected Issues in Social Cognition” (Undergraduate)
“Introduction to Psychology” (Undergraduate)
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Haifa,
1998 – 1999
“Selected Issues in Metacognition” (Graduate)
 Co-teaching with Prof. Asher Koriat,
Department of Psychology, University of Haifa