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Yoram Eshet, Professor

Contact Info

The Open University Department of Education Psychology, Academy Building, #314 One University Road, P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office:972-9-7781471 Email:yorames@openu.ac.il

Additional Information

I'm a faculty member at the Open University of Israel, Department of Education & Psychology I am the founder and former Head of the Research Center of Innovation in Learning Technologies (https://www-e.openu.ac.il/innovation/).  Until lately I was the  Head of  the M.A. program in Technology & Learning Systems at the OUI.
My academic and professional background is diverse: B.A in Archeology, M.Sc. in Geology and PhD in Earth & Environmental Sciences. For about a decade, I was the Head of the Instructional Design Program in the Tel Hai Academic College, and a senior researcher in the Geological Survey of Israel.
My major research and publications focus cognitive aspects of working with digital technologies, digital literacy, digital reading, academic dishonesty, digital games, design principles of computer-based learning environments, and technology integration in educational systems. I developed and studied empirically, the well-accepted holistic model of digital literacy, which describes today's literacy of learners through six thinking skills. Accordingly, much of my current research is devoted to tracking changes through time in the proficiency of learners in digital literacy skills, as well as developing strategies to impart literacy skills. Another line of my research deals with reading from digital displays and with the difference between print and digital reading. In recent years, I'm engaged in a wide range of studies on unethical learners' behaviors (academic dishonesty), with special emphasis on digital dishonesty.
In geology, my research focuses on paleontology, chronostratigraphy and pleoenvironmental reconstructions. In this capacity, I created a palynostratigraphic framework for the Permian-Triassic eras in the subsurface of Israel, which has become a pivotal basis for age-determination in oil drillings. I've studied the mass-extinction phenomenon at the Permian-Triassic boundary and discovered the Fungal Event, which is considered today as the best marker for the P-Tr boundary. My empirical studies on the Fungal Event contributed to our understanding of this unique catastrophic event and of the central role of volcanic-triggered acid rain in this mass extinction. In another line of studies, I developed a model that allowed reconstruction of Oxygen and photosynthetic levels in ancient oceans, based on a quantitative analysis of calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.  
I have more than 15 years' experience in developing technology-based instructional solutions for educational systems in Israel and the USA. In this capacity, I was a senior scientist in a computer company, which developed learning environments for schools. I was involved in the design of hundreds of simulations, microworlds, digital games, data-bases, tutorials and large-scale curriculum integration projects.

B.A., Prehistoric Archeology and Physical Geography, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Teaching Diploma, Khofen Teachers College, Jerusalem
M.Sc., Geology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Thesis: Palynostratigraphy, Thermal Maturation and Kerogen Analysis of the Permo-Triassic Succession in the Makhtesh Qatan 2 Well, Negev, Israel
Supervisors: Dr. H. Cousminer (Geological Survey of Israel and U.S. Geological Survey), Prof. Z. Reiss (Hebrew Univ.), Prof. I. Zak (Hebrew Univ.).
Ph.D., Geology and Environmental Sciences, City University of New York, USA
Dissertation: Palynological Aspects of the Permo-Triassic Sequence in the Subsurface of Israel.
Supervisors: Dr. H. Cousminer (US Geological Survey), Prof. G. Friedman (City University of New York), Prof. D. Habib (City University of New York), Dr. E.I. Robbins (US Geological Survey, Reston, VA).
Since 2018
Israel Science Foundation, Education Committee
Since 2016
Steering Committee member, MEITAL - the Inter-University Center for e-Learning (IUCEL)
Visiting scholar, WELTEN Research Institute, The Open University of The Netherlands
Visiting Scholar, New York University
Editor, Learning Technologies section, The Online Hebrew Encyclopedia, Schocken Publishers.
Head, M.A. program in Learning Technologies and Learning Systems, The Open University of Israel
Founder & Head, Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel
Appointed Full Professor, Dept. of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
Coordinator, Educational Technology track, M.A. program in Education, The Open University of Israel ​
2002 – 2006
Member, Online Learning Committee, Planning & Budgeting Committee of the Israeli Council for Higher Education
2002 – 2007
Member, Academic Council, Technology Teaching College, Tel Aviv​
Associate Professor, Dept. of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel
Associate Professor of Science Education, Tel Hai Academic College
Researcher A (equivalent to Associate Professor), Geological Survey of Israel
Researcher B (equivalent to Senior Lecturer), Geological Survey of Israel
Researcher C (equivalent to Lecturer), Geological Survey of Israel.
1984 – 1987
Adjunct Lecturer, Geology Dep., City University of New York.
1980 – 1984
Research Fellow, Geological Survey of Israel.
1977 – 1980
Research Assistant, Ben Gurion University, Dept. of Education.

2012-2014 Head, M.A. Program in Learning Technologies & Learning Systems, The Open University of Israel.

2010-2013 Founder and Head of the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel (the center replaces the Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in Education.

2003-2010 Founder and Head of the Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in Education, The Open University of Israel

 2001-present The Open University of Israel, Dept. of Psychology and Education. Responsibilities include: Managing the Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in Education; Head of the Educational Technologies specialization in the M.A. program in education; developing courses for the M.A. Program in educational technology; Developing new models for online courses at the Open University

1998 – 2005 Tel Hai Academic College. Founder and Head of Instructional Design B.A. program and Head of Teacher Training Program; member of College's Administrative Management. 

1988 – 1998 Curriculum and instructional design supervisor, Edunetics, Inc. (educational multimedia computer company). Responsibilities include coordinating the design and production of educational multimedia learning environments for schools and academia. In this capacity, I supervised the design and production of ~ 800 computer-based instructional modules in science, and ~ 30 microworld simulations and databases.

1988 – 2004 senior Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Israel

1986 – 1987 Science consultant for Prentice Hall Publishers, New Jersey

1977 – 1980 Ben Gurion University, Department of Education; developing the Outdoor Biology Instructional Strategies educational program (OBIS), in cooperation with Prof. H. Thier, UC Berkeley

1976 – 1980 Open School, Jerusalem, High-school teacher

1972 – 1973 Society for the Protection of Nature, Field instructor, Hazeva Field-School.

2018 Program Committee,  HCI Israel Conference

2017 Program Committee,  HCI Israel Conference

2016 Program Committee,  HCI Israel Conference

2014-2015 Program committee member, Conference on Online Hebrew Learning. 10-11.5.15

2014 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2014 Research Conference on Innovation and Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel.

2013 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2013 Research Conference on Innovation and Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel.

since 2012 Member of the Israeli chapter of the Information for All Committee, UNESCO

since 2012 Board member, Avnei Rosha, Israeli Institute for School Leadership

since 2012 The Israeli National Committee for Digital Literacy

2012 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2012 Research Conference on Innovation and Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel.

2011 Online Pedagogy Committee member, Amal School network

2011 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2011 Research Conference on Innovation and Learning Technologies, The Open University of Israel.

since 2010 Member of the Steering Committee, The Unit for Technological Education, Davidson Institute, Weizmann Institute for Science

2010 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2010 Research Conference on Instructional Technologies, The Open University of Israel

2009 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2009 Research Conference on Instructional Technologies, The Open University of Israel

2008 Program Committee member, Meital Conference, Haifa, 2008

2008 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2008 Research Conference on Instructional Technologies, The Open University of Israel

2007 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2007 Research Conference on Instructional Technologies, The Open University of Israel

2006 Chair, Program Committee, Chais 2006 Research Conference on Instructional Technologies, The Open University of Israel

2002 – 2004 Member, Staff Development Committee, Tel Hai Academic College

2002 – 2003 Coordinator, preparations of an M.A. program in Education, Tel Hai, Academic College

2002 Coordinator, preparation of M.Ed. program for the College of Teaching Technology, Tel Aviv

2002 Responsible for the redesign of the Tel Hai Academic College's web site

2001 – 2002 Member, Administrative Management, Tel Hai Academic College

2000 – 2004 Coordinator, "Bimat Tel Hai," Tel Hai Academic College colloquium series

2000 Organizer, Different Spirit, Conference on Alternative Education and Teacher Training, 5-6.4.2000, Tel Hai Academic College

2000 – 2004 Co-founder and Head, Teaching Excellency Center, Tel Hai Academic College

1998 – 2002 Founder and Head, Teacher Training Program, Tel Hai Academic College

1998 – 2004 Joint Head, Educational Technology B.A. Program, Tel Hai Academic College

1998 – 2004 Member, Academic Committee, Tel Hai Academic College

1993 – 2004 Member, Earth Science Curriculum Committee, Ministry of Education

1991 – 1992 Executive Committee, Scientific Council of Research Staff, Geological Survey of Israel

1990 Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Israel, Akko

1990 Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Israel, Eilat

1989 – 1990 Treasurer, Geological Society of Israel

1980 – 1982 Coordinator of outdoor educational programs, Ben Gurion University & The Society for the Protection of Nature

2018 Program Committee, Knowledge Management Conference 2018, Pizza, Italy

2015 Organizing Committee, Well Being in Digital Media (under the Auspice of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO). Ben Gurion University & Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, February, 17-19.2015 

2014 Program Committee, Knowledge Management Conference 2014, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

2013 Program Committee, EADTU Annual Conference 2013, 24-5.10.13

2013 Program Committee,  Knowledge Management Conference 2013, Novi Sad, 25-28.6.2013, Serbia

2011 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA Conference, 2011

2010 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA Conference, 2010

2009 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA Conference 2009

2008 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA Conference,  2008

2008 Member of the expert advisory team for TELRI - Technology Enhanced Learning Research Institute, Athabasca University, Canada, Edmonton

2008 Member, Scientific Committee, IADIS International Conference E-learning, 2008, Amsterdam

2007 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2008, Vienna

2006 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2007, Vancouver, Canada

2005 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2006, Orlando, FL

2004 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2005, Montreal, Canada

2003 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2004, Lugano, Switzerland

2002 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2003, Hawaii

2002 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2002, Denver, CO

2001 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2001, Tampere, Finland

2001 Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Computers in Education, 21-24.11.00, Taiwan

2000 Member, Program Committee, ED MEDIA 2000, 25.6-1.7.00, Montreal, Canada

1997 Organizing Committee, The First International Conference on Application of Micropaleontology in Environmental Sciences

1997 – 2007 Voting member, Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy

1986 Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, New York

2013 Guest editor, The Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning. Special issue dedicated for the EADTU 2013 Conference.

2012 Guest Editor: Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2012, volume. 15.

since 2011 Editorial Board, International Review of Open and Distance Learning

2009 Guest editor, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Volume 10 (2).

2008 –  Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

2008 –  Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Communication Journal

2006 –  Executive Peer-Reviewer, Journal of Educational Technology & Society

2006 –  Reviewer for Journal of Educational Computing Research

2003 – Editorial Board, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

2002 –  Member of the Editorial Review Board, International Journal on E-Learning

2002 –  Member of the Editorial Review Board, Journal of Interactive Learning Research

2002 –  Member of the Editorial Review Board, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia

1999 – 2002 Reviewer for Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia

1995 – 2004 Reviewer for Journal of Nannoplankton Research

1995 – 2004 Reviewer for African Journal of Earth Science

1993 – 2000 Reviewer for Israel Journal of Earth Sciences

1991 – 1993 Science advisor to the book-series Gifts From Nature, Tel Aviv University

1991 – 1992 Co-editor, Current Research Bulletin, Geological Survey of Israel

2010-2013 Informing Science Institute

2001 –  Meital - Association of Learning Technologies Integration in Higher Education

1999 –  Israel Society for Information Technologies (ILA)

1997 –  Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

1997 – 2001 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education

1990 – 2004 International Nannoplankton Association

1984 – 1999 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists

1982 – 2004 Geological Society of Israel (Treasurer, 1989-1990)

I. Blau, A. Caspi, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, N. Geri, Y. Kelman, & T. Lauterman (Eds.) (2021).   Learning in the Digital Era: Proceedings of the 16th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and  Learning  Technologies : Learning in the Digital era, 393 p. Raanana, Israel: Open University of Israel.

Blau, A., Caspi, A. Eshet-Alkalai, Y. Geri, N., Kalman, Y., Etgar, S. & Lauterman, T. (editors) (2020). Learning in the Digital Era: Proceedings of the 15th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies (February, 2020). 380 pp.

Eshet-Alkalaן, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A., Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Etgar, S. (2019).  Learning in the Technological Era XIV: Proceedings of the 14th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, February, 12-13, 2019, 349 pp.

Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A., Etgar, S., Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2018).  Learning in the Technological Era XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 20-21.2.18, 484 pp.

Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2017).  Learning in the Technological Era XII: Proceedings of the 12th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 14-15.2.17, 395 pp.

Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016).  Learning in the Technological Era XI: Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16,  372 p. Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologies. 474 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y.,Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y.,  Silber-Varod, V. (editors)  (2015). Learning in the Technological Era X.: Proceedings of the 10th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 10-11.2.15,  372 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y.,  Silber-Varod, V. and Yair, Y. (2014). Learning in the Technological Era IX: Proceedings of the 9th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 19-20.2.13,  455 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Geri, N., Kalman, Yair, Y. (2013). Learning in the Technological Era VIII: Proceedings of the 8th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana 19-20.2.13,  431 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y and Soffer, O. (eds.). Navigating in the Digital Era: Digital Literacy: Socio-Cultural and Educational Aspects.Journal of Educational Technology & Society,, 2012, vol. 15. 

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., Yair, Y. and Kalman, Y. (2012) (editors). Learning in the Technological Era VII: Proceedings of the 7th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana: February, 15th-16th, 2012, 440 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Geri, N., eds. (2011). Learning in the Technological Era VI: Proceedings of the 6th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 17.2. 2011, The Open University of Israel, 393 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Geri, N., Yair, Y. (eds.) (2010). Learning in the Technological Era V: Proceedings of the 5th Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research 10.2. 2010, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, 381 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Hakan-Aydin, C., eds. (2009). Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Learning Technologies in the Middle East,, Special issue, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Geri, N., eds. (2009). Learning in the Technological Era IV: Proceedings of the 4th Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 2009, 18.2. 2009, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, 421 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Geri, N., eds. (2008). Learning in the Technological Era III: Proceedings of the 2nd Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Raanana, Israel, The Open University, 450 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., and Yair, Y., eds. (2007). Learning in the Technological Era II: Proceedings of the 1st Chais Conference 2007 on Instructional Technologies Research,, 20.2.07, Raanana, Israel, The Open University, 382 pp.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., and Yair, Y., eds. (2006). Learning in the Technological Era I: Proceedings of the 2006 Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research,, 1.3.06, Raanana, Israel, The Open University, 291 pp.

Eshet, Y. (2016). Micropaleontological examination. In: Herzog, Z. and Singer- Avitz, L. Beer Sheva III: The Early Iron IIA Enclosed Settlement and the Late Iron IIA-Iron IIB Cities. Monograph Series, Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, Chapter 18, pp. 1046-7.

Eshet, Y., Klemes, Y., Henderson, L. (2010). The Plano Project: An innovative approach to alternative thematic learning, curriculum integration and implementation of instructional technologies in school systems. In: Ben-Noon, C. (ed.), Self Remaking: The Child and the Adult: Renewing Culture, Part I. Sha'arei Mishpat College Press, pp. 4-22.

Eshet, Y. (2008). Real-time thinking in the digital era, in M. Khosrow-Pou (ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 2nd edition, London, Idea Group Inc. pp. 3219-3223.

Eshet, Y. (2008). A holistic model of thinking skills in the digital era, in Rogers, P., Berg, G., Boettcher, J., Howard, C., Justice, L., Schenk, K. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Distance and Online Learning, 2nd edition, Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference. pp. 1088-1093.

Eshet, Y. and Chajut, E. (2007). Synchronous Reading in Real-Time Environments, in J. Jacko (ed.), Human-Computer Interaction, Part IV, Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 245-254.

Eshet, Y. (2005). Micropaleontological examination of a bowl bearing the Linear A Inscription, in D. Hussishkin (ed.), The Renewed Archeological Excavations in Lachish, Tel Aviv University, Inst. of Archeology, Monograph Series # 22, pp. 1637-1649.

Benjamini, Ch., Hirsch, F. and Eshet, Y. (2005). The Triassic in Israel. In Hall, J.K., Krasheninnikov, V.A., Hirsh, F., Benjamini, Ch., Flexer, A. (eds.), Geological framework of the Levant, vol. II, The Levantine Basin and Israel, Historical Productions Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 331-360.

Eshet, Y. (2005). Thinking skills in the digital era, in C. Haward, J.V. Bottcher, L. Justice, K. Schenk, P.L. Rogers, and G.A. Berg (eds.), Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, vol. I, London, Idea Group Inc., pp 1840-1845.

Schwindt, D.M., Rampino, M., Steiner, M.B. and Eshet, Y. (2003), Stratigraphy, paleomagnetic results and preliminary palynology across the permian-triassic )P-tr) boundary at carlton heights, southern Karoo Basin (South Africa), in C. Coeberl, & F. Martinez-Ruiz (eds.), Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record, Springer, Berlin, pp 293-314.

Habib, D., Eshet, Y. and Van Pelt, R. (1994). Palynology of sedimentary cycles, in A. Traverse (ed.), Sedimentation of Organic Particles, Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 311-335 (reviewed).

Eshet, Y. (1992). Reconstructing paleoaridity from Triassic index taxa, in A. Horowitz (ed.), Palynology of Arid Lands, Elsevier Publishers, pp. 456 465.

Eshet, Y. (1992). The palynofloral succession and palynological events in the Permo Triassic boundary interval in Israel, in W.C. Sweet (ed.), Permo Triassic Events in the Eastern Tethys: Stratigraphy, Classification, and Correlation with the Western Tethys, Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 134 145.

Gerry, E., Honigstein, A., Rosenfeld, A., Hirsch, F. and Eshet, Y. (1990). The Carnian Salinity crisis: Ostracodes and palynomorphs as indicators of paleoenvironment, in: R. Whatley and C. Maybury (eds.), Ostracoda and Global Events, Chapman and Hall, New York, pp. 85-97.

    Ben-Yehudah, G. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2021). Print vs. digital reading comprehension tests: does the congruency of study and test medium matter? British Journal of Educational Technology. vol. 5 (1) (426-440)

Blau, I., Goldberg, S., Friedman, A., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., 2020). Violation of Digital and Analog Academic Integrity through the Eyes of Faculty Members and Students: Do Institutional Role and Technology Change Ethical Perspectives?".  Journal of Computing in Higher Education.  DOI 10.1007/s12528-020-09260-0 

Rampino, M. R., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Koutavas, A., & Rodriguez, S. (2020). End-Permian stratigraphic timeline applied to the timing of marine and non-marine extinctions. Palaeoworld, 3, pp. 577-589.

Etgar, S., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2019). White-collar Crime in Academia: Trends in Digital Academic Dishonesty over Time and Their Effect on Penalty Severity. Computers & Education, Ms. Ref. No.: CAE-D-18-01642R4

Ben-Yehudah, G. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2018). The contribution of text-highlighting to comprehension: A comparison of print and digital reading. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 27 (2), 153-178

Silber-Varod, V., Geri, N., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2019). Tracing research trends of 21st century learning skills. British Journal of Educational Technology, doi:10.1111/bjet.12753.

Sidi, Y., Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2019). How is the Ethical Dissonance Index Affected by Technology, Academic Dishonesty Type, and Individual Differences? British Journal of Educational Technology

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2018). How do medium naturalness, teaching-learning interactions and Students' personality traits affect participation in synchronous E-learning?. The Internet and Higher Education, 37: 40-51.

Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). The ethical dissonance in digital and non-digital learning environments: Does technology promote cheating among middle school students? Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 629-637.

Blau, I., Weiser, O. Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). How do medium naturalness and personality traits shape academic achievement and perceived learning?  An experimental study of face-to-face and synchronous e-learning. Research in Learning Technology 2017, 25: 1974 http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v25.1974

Rampino, M.R. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). The fungal and acritarch events as time markers for the latest Permian mass extinction: An update. Geoscience Frontiers,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2017.06.005

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2016). Analyzing the discourse of Chais Conferences for the study of innovation and learning technologies via a data-driven approach.  Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Life Long Learning, 12, 297-313.

Friedman, A., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Cheating and feeling honest: Committing and punishing analog versus digital academic dishonesty behaviors in higher education.. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Life Long Learning, 12, 193-205.

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2016). Culturomics: Reflections on the Potential of Big Data Discourse Analysis Methods for Identifying Research Trends.Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 4 (1),

Barzilai, S., Tzadok, E., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). Sourcing while reading divergent expert accounts: Pathways from views of knowing to written argumentation. Instructional Science, 43(6), 737-766.

Barzilai, S.,& Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). The role of epistemic perspectives in comprehension of multiple author viewpoints. Learning and Instruction, 36, 86-103

Eden, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y.  (2014). The effect of digital games and game strategies on young adolescents' aggression. Journal of educational computing research, 50(4), 449-466.

Avidov-Ungar, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). Islands of Innovation: A critical analysis of a model for innovation implementation in school systems. Adult Education in Israel, 13, pp.  61-90.

Avidov-Ungar, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). TPACK revisited: A systemic perspective on measures for predicting effective integration of innovative technologies in school systems. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 13 (1), pp. 19-31.‏

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Soffer, O. (2012). Guest editorial-Navigating in the digital era: Digital literacy: Socio-cultural and educational aspects. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 1-1.‏

Avidov-Ungar, O. and Eshet-Alkalay, Y. (2012). The islands of Innovation model: Analyzing the causes of success and failure in the integration of innovative educational technologies (In Hebrew). Ma'of Uma'aseh: Journal  of  Theory & Research in Education, 14, 1-21.

Eshet, Y. (2012). Digital literacy: A revised model. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, (9), 267-276.

Eden, S. and Eshet, Y. (2012). The Effect of Format on Performance: Editing Text in Print versus Digital Formats. British Journal of Educational Technology,  44 (5),pp. 675–880. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01332.x

Avidov, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2011). Teachers in a World of Change: Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Implementation of Innovative Technologies in Schools. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (7), 291-303

Avidov-Ungar, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2011). The Islands of Innovation Model: Opportunities and Threats for Effective Implementation of Technological Innovation in the Education System. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 8, 363-376.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2010). Does the medium affect the message? The effect of congruent versus incongruent display on critical reading. Human Systems Management, 29(4), 243-251. DOI:10.3233/HSM-2010-0730.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2010). You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks: The Factors That Affect Changes over Time in Digital Literacy.Journal of Information Technology Education, p: 173-181.

Precel, K., Eshet, Y., Alberton, Y. (2009). Pedagogical and design aspects of learning in an online course. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(2).

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2009). Changes over time in digital literacy. Cyberpsychology& Behavior, 12. DOI: 10.1089=cpb.2008.0264.

Soffer, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2009). Back to the Future: An historical perspective on the pendulum-like changes in literacy.. Minds and Machines, Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, 19 (1): 47-59.

Henderson, L., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Klemes, J. (2008). Digital gaming: A comparative international study of youth culture in a peaceful and war zone country. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Games Culture, 2 (1): 73-103.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (in 2008). Humans under bombardment, Inroads – The SIGCSE Bulletin, 39 (4): 57-61

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Geri, N. (2007). Does the medium affect the message? The influence of text representation format on critical thinking, Human Systems Management, 26: 269-279.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2007). Living Books: The incidental bonus of playing with multimedia, Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia, 16 (4): 377-388.

Eshet, Y. (2007). Teaching online: survival skills for the effective teacher. Inroads- The SIGCSE Bulletin, 39(2): 16-20.

Ben-Shir, D., Eshet, Y., Chajut, E., Shalev-Mevorach, L., and Schupak A. (2006). Identity construction processes in people with brain injuries: A narrative approach, Mediterranean Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 42 Suppl. 1 (3): 37-48.

Sandler, A., Eshet, Y., and Schilman, B. (2006). Evidence for a fungal event, methane-hydrate release and soil erosion at the Permian-Triassic boundary in southern Israel,  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  242, 68-89.

Eshet, Y. and Aviram, R. (2006). Towards a theory of digital literacy: Three scenarios for the next steps, European Journal of Open Distance E-Learning, I (On-line).

Eshet, Y. and Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2004). Experiments in digital literacy, Cyber Psychology and Behavior, 7 (4), 425-434.

Eshet, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: Thinking skills in digital environments, Script, 7-8, 61-77 (in Hebrew).

Eshet, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: A conceptual framework for survival skills in the digital era, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 13 (1), 93-106.

Steiner, M.B., Eshet, Y., and Rampino, M. (2003). Fungal abundance spike and the Permian-Triassic boundary marine in the Karoo Supergroup (South Africa), Palaeogeography, Palaeoceanography, Palaeoecology, 194, 405-414.

Segev, A., and Eshet, Y. (2003). Significance of Rb/Sr ages of Early Permian volcanics and late Precambrian schist, Helez Deep 1A borehole, central Israel, Africa Geoscience Review, 10 (4), 333-345.

Almogi-Labin, A., Buchbinder, B., Siman-Tov, R., Grossowicz, L., Eshet, Y., and Rosenfeld, A. (2001). Stratigraphic and environmental analysis of the Romi-1 borehole, offshore Israel (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 7/01, 24 pp.

Sandler, A., Nathan, Y., Eshet, Y., and Raab, M. (2001). Diagenesis of trioctahedral clays in a Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary-magmatic sequence in the Dead-Sea Rift, Israel, Clay Minerals, 36, 29-47.

Buchbinder, B., Siman-Tov, R., Eshet, Y., Grossowicz, L. and Almogi-Labin, A. (2000). Stratigraphic and environmental analysis of the Nir-1 well, offshore Israel (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 33/00, 21 pp.

Henderson, L., Eshet, Y., and Klemes, J. (2000). Under the Microscope: Factors influencing student outcomes in a computer integrated classroom, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 19 (3), 211-236.

Henderson, L., Klemes, J., and Eshet, Y. (2000). Just playing a game? Educational simulation software and cognitive outcomes, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 22 (1), 105-129.

Eshet, Y. (2000). Frontiers Ahead! A computerized educational simulation of becoming an earth scientist, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 22 (2), 96-8.

Singer-Avitz, L. and Eshet, Y. (1999). Beersheba – A Gateway Community in Southern Arabian Long-Distance Trade in the Eighth Century B.C.E. Long-Distance Trade in the Eighth Century B.C.E., J. Inst. Archeol., Tel Aviv Univ., 26 (1), 3-75.

Buchbinder, B., Grossowicz, L., Peri, M., Eshet, Y., Rosenfeld, A., Siman-Tov, R. and Druckman, Y. (1998). Stratigraphy of the Gevim-1 borehole (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 18/98, 16 pp.

Hirsch, F., Conway, B., Eshet, Y., Grossowicz, L., Rosenfeld, A., Siman-Tov, R., and Peri, M. (1997). Stratigrapy of the Gevar'am-3 borehole (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 22 97, 18 pp.

Wilpshaar, M., Abbasov, A.B., Aliev, G.A., Alizade, A.K., Eshet, Y., Gadijeva, T.M., Hakhverdijev, N.T., Schnabel, G.W., Tagiyev, M.F., and Zeyniyev, O.A. (1997). Early Cretaceous deposits of the Great Caucasus (Azerbaijan): An overview, Mineralia Slovaca, 29, 284-290.

Eshet, Y. (1996). Micropaleontological examination of a chalky bowl from Lachish, in M. Finkelberg, A. Uchitel, D. Ussishkin, A Linear A Inscription from Tel Lachish (Lach ZA 1) with Appendix by Yoram Eshet, Journal of the Institute of Archeology, Tel Aviv Univ., 23 (2), 180-208.

Eshet, Y. (1996). Obtaining rich nannofossil assemblages from "barren" samples: Processing organic-rich rocks in nannofossil investigations, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 18 (1), 17-22.

Eshet, Y. and Hoek, R (1996). Palynological processing of organic-rich rocks, or: How many times have you called a palyniferous sample 'barren'?, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 94, 101-109.

Visscher, H., Brinkhuis, H., Dilcher, D. L., Elsik, W.C., Eshet, Y., Looy, C.V., Rampino, M.R., and Traverse, A. (1996). The terminal Paleozoic fungal event: Evidence of terrestrial ecosystem destabilization and collapse, Proc. National Acad. Sci., USA, 93, 2155-2158.

Hoek, R., Eshet, Y., Almogi-Labin, A. (1996). Dinoflagellate cyst zonation of Campanian-Maastrichtian sequences in Israel, Micropaleontology, 42, 125-150.

Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A. (1996). Calcareous nannofossil paleoproductivity indicators in Upper Cretaceous organic-rich sequences in Israel, Marine Micropaleontology, 29, 37-61.

Eshet, Y. (1996). Obtaining rich nannofossil assemblages from 'barren' samples: processing organic-rich rocks in nannofossil investigations, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 18, 17-21.

Gill, D., Conway, B., Eshet, Y., Lipson, S., Perelis-Grossowicz, L., Rosenfeld, A., and Siman Tov, R. (1995). The stratigraphy of the Yam West 1 borehole (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 13/95, 43 pp.

Buchbinder, B., Perelis-Grosowicz, L., Eshet, Y., Rosenfeld, A. and Peri, M. (1995). Emunah-1: Jurassic-Triassic stratigraphy and petrography (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 15/95, 10 pp.

Eshet, Y. and Moshkovitz, S. (1995). New Nannofossil biostratigraphy for Upper Cretaceous organic-rich carbonates in Israel, Micropaleontology, 41, 321-341.

Baer, G., Heimann, A., Eshet, Y., Weinberger, R., Musset, A. and Sherwood, G. (1995). The Saharonim Basalt, Late Triassic-Early Jurassic intrusion in southeastern Makhtesh Ramon, Israel, Israel Journal of Earth Science, 44, 1-10.

Zaslavskaya, N., Eshet, Y., Hirsch, F., Weissbrod, T. and Gvirtzman, G. (1995). Recycled Lower Paleozoic microfossils in the Carboniferous of Sinai (Egypt) and Permo-Triassic of the Negev (Israel): paleogeographic considerations, Newsletters of Stratigraphy, 32, 57-72.

Druckman, Y. Conway, B., Eshet, Y., Gill, D., Perelis-Grossowicz, L., Lipson, S., Moshkovitz, S., Rosenfeld, A. and Siman Tov, R. (1994). The stratigraphy of the Yam Yafo 1 borehole (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 28/94, 27 pp.

Druckman, Y., Eshet, Y., Gill, D., Grossowicz, L., Rosenfeld, A., Siman Tov, R., and Weissbrod, T. (1994). Stratigraphy of the Besor 1 borehole (confidential), Geological Survey of Israel Bull. 11/94, 16 pp.

Eshet, Y., Almogi-Labin, A. and Bein, A. (1994). Dinoflagellate cysts, paleoproductivity and upwelling systems: a Late Cretaceous example from Israel, Marine Micropaleontology, 23, 231-240.

Eshet, Y., Moshkovitz, S., Habib, D., Benjamini, C. and Magaritz, M. (1992). Calcareous nannofossil and dinoflagellate stratigraphy across the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary at Hor Hahar, Israel, Marine Micropaleontology, 18, 199 228.

Almogi Labin, A. Eshet, Y., Flexer, A., Honigstein, A., Moshkovitz, S. and Rosenfeld, A. (1991). Detailed biostratigraphy of the Santonian/ Campanian boundary interval in northern Israel, Journal of Micropaleontology, 10, 39 50.

Cirilli, S. and Eshet, Y. (1991). First discovery of Samaropollenites and the Onslow Microflora in the Upper Triassic of Israel and its phytogeographic implications, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 85, 207 212.

Eshet, Y. (1990). Mesozoic Paleozoic palynology of Israel: I. Palynological aspects of the Permo Triassic succession in the subsurface of Israel, Geol. Surv. Isr. Bull. 81, 57 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1990). The palynostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary in Israel: Two approaches to biostratigraphy, Isr. J. Earth Sci., 39, 1-15.

Conway, B.H., Cousminer, H.L., Eshet, Y. and Hirsch, F. (1990). Palynozones at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in Israel, Chahiers Univ. Catho. Luon, S?r. Sci., 3, 137-149.

Eshet, Y., Druckman, Y., Cousminer, H.L, Habib, D. and Drugg, W.S. (1988). Reworked palynomorphs and their use in the determination of sedimentary cycles, Geology, 15, 662-665.

Eshet, Y. and Robbins, E.I. (1986). Sedimentologic and tectonic patterns in the Dead Sea rift and their application to hydrocarbon exploration, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., 70 (5), 587.

Eshet, Y. and Cousminer, H.L. (1986). Palynozonation and correlation of the Permo Triassic succession in southern Israel, Micropaleontology, 32 (3), 193-214.

Eshet, Y. (1984). New Palynologic evidence for the Permian-Triassic boundary in southern Israel, Pollen et Spores, 26 (2), 285-292.

Blau, I., Goldberg, S., Friedman, A., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., 2020). Violation of Digital and Analog Academic Integrity through the Eyes of Faculty Members and Students: Do Institutional Role and Technology Change Ethical Perspectives?".  Journal of Computing in Higher Education.  DOI 10.1007/s12528-020-09260-0

Geri, N., Blau, I., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y., Silber-Varod, V., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). Beyond the Walls of the Classroom: Introduction to the IJELL Special Series of Chais Conference 2017, Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 13(1), 143-150.

Geri, N, Blau, I., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, V., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Introduction to the IJELL special series of Chais conference 2016 best papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Life Long Learning, 12, 163-168.

Geri, N, Blau, I., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, V., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). A decade of Chais conferences: Introduction to the IJELL special series of Chais conference 2015 best papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Life Long Learning, 11, 149-157.

Geri, N., Caspi, A., Kalman, Y. M., Silber-Varod, Y., Yair, Y., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). Introduction to the IJELLO special series of Chais Conference 2014 best papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 10, 123-130. 

Geri, N., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Kalman, Y. M., Yair, Y., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2013). Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2013 Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 9, 193-199.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Soffer, O. (2012).  Editorial: Navigating in the Digital Era: Digital Literacy: Socio-Cultural and Educational Aspects. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15 (2).

Geri, N., caspi, A., eden, S., kalman, Y., yair, Y.  & Ehset-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Introduction to  IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2012 Best Papers.  Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 8: 65-71.

Geri, N., Yair, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2011). Learning and Teaching in the Technological Era: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2011 Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (7), 205-211.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., Tal-Elhasid, E. & Yair, Y. Challenges of Integrating Technologies for Learning: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2010 Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 6 (2010), 239-244.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., & Yair, Y. (2009). Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5(1), 181-186.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Hakan-Aydin, C., eds. (2009). Editorial: Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Learning Technologies in the Middle East. Middle East Regional Focus Issue: A Bridge over Troubled Waters. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10 (2).

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., and Yair, Y. (2009). Editorial: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2009 Best Papers. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5, 181-186

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Geri, N. (2019). Identifying research trends of learning skills.  In: Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and tgar, S. (2019).  Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 12-13.2.19, p. 134-139.

Etgar, S., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2019). White-collar Crime in Academia: Trends in Digital Academic Unethical Behavior over Time and Their Effect on Punishment Decisions. Subjective probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM) 2019. 18-22.

 ​Yondler, Y., Blau, I., Ben-Yehuda, G., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2018). Different but equally effective? Four models for technology-enhanced optimal teaching of digital literacy skills. In Proceedings of the EARLI - Instructional Design & Educational Technology Meeting: Instructional Design and Technology for 21st Century Learning: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions. Bonn, Germany. 

Yondler, Y., Moyal, M., Malka, A., Blau, I., Gal Ben-Yehudah, G.,   Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Shamir-Inbal, T. (2018) The “Four Sons”: Prototypes and models of optimal teaching of digital literacy skills.  In Eshet-Alkalai et al., Proceedings of the 13th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 20-21 .2.17. p. 71-84.

Sidi, Y.,  Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2018). Ethical dissonance: What affects digital and analog academic dishonesty of Israeli school students? In: Eshet-Alkalai et al., Proceedings of the 13th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 20-21 .2.17. p. 113-120.

Blau, I., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Friedman, A. (2017). Close Educational Gap by Cheating? Comparing Faculty, Majority and Minority Students' Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty. EdMedia 2017 - Washington, DC, United States, June 20-23, 2017.

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Geri, N. (2017). Identifying digital literacy research trends in the educational field. Proceedings – Knowledge Management  Conference 2017 – June 21-24, 2017, Novo Mesto. http://www.iiakm.org/conference/proceedings/KM2017_RefereedProceedingsAbstracts.pdf

Weigelt-Marom, H., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. & Ben-Yehudah, G. (2017). Eye-movement behavior during reading-while-listening. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). 3-6.9.17, Potsdam.

Ben-Yehudah, G., Azulay, Gilutz, Y., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). Digital learning behavior: An eye-movement study of text and multimedia integration. European Society for Cognitive Psychology onference, September, 2017 

Houminer, D., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, I. (2017).  Developing Digital Literacy Skills from the Perspective of Teachers and Students: Preliminary Results  In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016).  Learning in the Technological Era XII. :Proceedings of the 12th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 14-17.2.17.

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Geri, N. (2017). Identifying Digital Literacy Research Trends in the Educational fields. Knowledge Management conference,   Novo Mesto, Slovenia - June 21 - 24, 2017.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Learning again from the beginning: Learning proicesses after a severe brain injury. Annual Conference of te Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Bar Ilan Univ, July, 2016

Friedman, A., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). How and why students cheat?  The role of technology in academic dishonesty and the penalties for conducting academic dishonesty. The 8th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies-EDULEARN2016. 4-6.7.16,  Barcelona, Spain.

Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). How digital technologies affect academic dishonesty behavior of school students?  International Conference on Internet Studies – NETs2016. Osaka, Japan, 22-24.7.16

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). The role of pedagogy media and students' personality in synchronous learning: comparing face-to-face and videoconferencing participation. Presented at the 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference - INTED2016, 7-9.3.16, Valencia, Spain.

Rotem, I., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Academic Dishonesty in the Digital Era: Perceptions and Coping Strategies of School Teachers and Parents. In Proceedings of Global Learn 2016 (pp. 397-401). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Limerik, Ireland, 28-9.4.16.

Blau, I., Weiser, O., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Face-to-face versus one-way and two-way videoconferencing: How medium naturalness and personality traits influence achievement and perceived learning? In Proceedings of the 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies - CISTI'2016, Workshop on New Pedagogical Approaches with Technologies.15-18.6.16, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

Taub, R., Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Integrated Learning of Science and Creative Computing through Simulation Design (Poster). In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16, p. 276-278.

Rotem, I., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Academic Dishonesty in the Digital Era: Perceptions and Coping Strategies of School Teachers and Parents. In Proceedings of Global Learn 2016 (pp. 397-401). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Limerik, Ireland, 28-9.4.16.

Rotem, I., Blau, I., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Academic Dishonesty in the Israeli Public School System: Teachers' and Parents' Perspectives. In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16, p. 198-208.

Friedman, A., Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Digital and Analog Dishonesty in the Academia: Prevalence, Motivations, and Penalties. In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16, p. 182-191.

Silber-Varod, V., Eshet-Alkalai. Y. and Geri, N. (2016). Analyzing the discourse of the articles of Chais Conferences for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies via a data-driven approach. In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16, p. 101-113.

Weiser, O., Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, I. (2016). Synchronous Learning – Face-to-face, One-way and Two-way Videoconferencing: The Role of Teaching-Learning Strategies, Personality Traits and Media Naturalness. In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016). Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16, p. 91-101.

Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Predictors of digital and analog academic Dishonesty among
school Students: The role of ethics. In: Eshet-Alkalay, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. (2016).  Learning in the Technological Era XI. :Proceedings of the 11th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 16-17.2.16,  p. 32-43.

Ben-Yehudah, G, Caspi, A. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Do interactive animations influence comprehension of electronic picture books? 23rd annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto, Portugal.

Friedman, A., Blau, I., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). The Faculty of Dishonesty Studies: Coping with Academic Dishonesty in Academia – Crime and Punishment. In: Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Blau, I., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y. and Silber-Varod, V. . Proceedings of the 10th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologiesp. 250-251.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014. Bioethical issues in rehabilitation: the injured person's perspective. Rehabilitation 2014 Conference, 4-5.11.14, Jerusalem 

Barzilai, A., Tzadok, E., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). When Experts Disagree: Sourcing Practices While Reading Conflicting Online Information Sources. The 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Boulder, Colorado, June 2014.

Barzilai, S., Tzadok, E. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). Who Wrote That? Thinking About the Sources of Conflicting Online Information.  In: Eshet, Y., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y.,  Silber-Varod, V. and Yair, Y. Proceedings of the 9th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologiesp. 17-28

Blau, I. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). Inappropriate but Common: The Perception of Academic Dishonesty in Print and Digital Formats Among School Students.  In: Eshet, Y., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y.,  Silber-Varod, V. and Yair, Y. Proceedings of the 9th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologiesp. 18-29.

Ben Yehudah, G. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). The Influence of Text Annotation Tools on Print and Digital Reading Comprehension. In: Eshet, Y., Caspi, A.,Geri, N., Kalman,Y.,  Silber-Varod, V. and Yair, Y. Proceedings of the 9th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologiesp. 28-35

Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014, January). School students' perception of academic dishonesty with and without digital tools: Not acceptable, but common. Paper presented at the International Conference on Advanced Education and Management - ICAEM2014. Beijing, China.

Barzilai, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2013). Epistemic Perspectives on Source Perspectives: The Role of Epistemic Thinking in Understanding Multiple Socio-Scientific Perspectives. Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction. EARLI 2013 Conference, Munchen, 27-31.8.13. 

Barzilai, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2013). The Role of Epistemic Thinking in Comprehension of Multiple Online Source Perspectives.  In: Eshet, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S. and Geri, N., Kalman, Yair, Y. (2013). Proceedings of the 8th Chais conference for Innovation in Learning technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 19-20.2.13, pp. 11-17.

Stalker, J.D., Levy, Y., Eshet, Y. and Parrish, J.L. (2012). A Reading Preference and Risk Taxonomy for Printed Proprietary Information Compromise in the Aerospace and Defense Industry. Ppre-ICIS workshop on Information Security and Privacy
(SIGSEC). Paper # 10. http://aisel.aisnet.org/wisp2012/10.

Dubi, T., Eden, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Games and aggression: the impact of violent digital games and game-strategy on aggression among children. In: Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., Yair, Y. and Kalman, Y. (editors). Learning in the Technological Era. Proceedings of the 7th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana: February, 15th-16th, 2012, pp. 70-80.

Eden, S, and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Print versus digital: the effect of format on performance in digital text. In: Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., Yair, Y. and Kalman, Y. (editors). Learning in the Technological Era. Proceedings of the 7th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana: February, 15th-16th, 2012, pp. 13-22.

Avidov-Ungar, O. and Eshet-Alkalay, Y. 2011). Islands of Innovation in education: Opportunities and risks in effective technology-integration in educational systems. In Eshet, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (eds.), Learning in the Technological Era VI: Proceedings of the 6th Chais Conference, 178.2.2009, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, pp.11-22.

Aharon, M, Chajut, E., Eshet, Y. (2010). Comparative study of online and face-to-face friendship among Israeli school students. In Eshet, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (eds.), Learning in the Technological Era V: Proceedings of the 2010 Chais Conference, 10.2.2010, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, pp. 10-17 (in Hebrew).

Precel, K., Webman, R., Eshet, Y., and Engelberg-Behr, B. (2009). How should I read this word? The influence of vowelization in deep language orthography on online text comprehension. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, HCII 2009, part III, LNCS 5616, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 110-119.

Precel, K., Eshet-Alkakai, Y., and Alberton, Y. (2009). Learning by design in a digital world: Students' attitudes toward a new pedagogical model for online academic learning. In M.J. Smith and G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human Interface, HCI 2009, part II, LNCS 5618, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 679-688.

Eshet, Y., Geri, N. (2009). Congruent versus incongruent display: The effect of page layout on critical reading in print and digital formats. In Eshet, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (eds.), Learning in the Technological Era IV: Proceedings of the 2009 Chais Conference, 18.2.2009, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, pp. 73-80.

Eshet, Y. & Chajut, E. (2009). The way we think in the digital era: Changes over time in digital thinking skills. In: Nunes, M.B, Isias, P. and Powell, P. (eds.), Information Systems 2009. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Information Systems. Barcelona, 25-27.2.2009. IADIS Press, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 431-434.

Precel, K., Eshet, Y. and Alberton, Y. (2008). Bridging the gap: Students' attitudes towards a new pedagogical model for online academic learning. Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN) 2008, Las Vegas, November, 17-21, 2008, pp. 1909-1916.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Geri, N. (2008). The effect of display format on critical reading. In E. Maes & S. Ainsworth (eds.), Exploiting the opportunities: Learning with textual, graphical and multimodal representations– EARLI Special Interest Group – Text and Graphics Conference, August 27-29, 2008. Tilburg University, The Netherlands, pp. 55-58.

Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2008). Experience or age? Changes through time in digital literacy: a follow-up study. Proceedings of the Chais 2008 Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 6.2.2008, Raanana, Israel, The Open University of Israel, pp. 26-31

Precel, K., Eshet, Y. and Alberton, Y. (2008). Bridging the gap: Students' attitudes towards a new pedagogical model for online academic learning. E-Learn-2008 Conference, Las Vegas, November, 17-21, 2008

Precel, K., Eshet, Y. and Alberton, Y. (2008). Students' attitudes towards a new pedagogical model for a fully-online course. Proceedings of the Chais 2008 Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 6.2.2008, Raanana, Israel, The Open University of Israel, pp. 157-164

Precel, K., Webman, R., Eshet, Y. and Engelberg-Behr, B. (2007). Making reading easier: The influence of vowelization in a deep language orthography on online text comprehension, Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction, Part IV, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 969-974.

Eshet, Y. and Chajut, E. (2007). Synchronous reading in real-time environments, Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction, Part IV, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 245-254.

Eshet, Y. and Geri, N. (2007). Print versus digital: Critical reading of information, Proceedings of the New Learning 2.0. EDEN Conference, 13-16.6.2007, Naples, pp. 72-78.

Eshet, Y. and Geri, N. (2007). Print or digital? Critical thinking in reading news in the information era, Learning in the Technological Era: Proceedings of the Chais 2006 Conference, 1.3.06, Raanana, Israel, The Open University, pp. 34-43.

Eshet, Y. and Chajut, E. (2006). Living books: The effect of simultaneous audio and visual representation on learning, Text and Picture Comprehension, Proceedings of the SIG 2 Conference, Nottingham, 30.8-1.9.06, pp. 59-62.

Eshet, Y. (2006). Multimedia storey-telling: On the contribution of living books to incidental learning, in P. Isaias, M. McPharson and F. Bannister (eds.), Proceedings of the E-Society Conference, IADIS, 13-16.7.06, Dublin, pp. 144-149.

Eshet, Y. and Chajut, E. (2006). Living books: On the acquisition of reading skills in multimedia environments, in Y. Eshet, A. Caspi & Y. Yair (eds.), Learning in the Technological Era: Proceedings of the Chais Conference, 1.3.06, Raanana, Israel, The Open University, pp. 61-66.

Eshet, Y. (2005). Human Interaction with Computers, in Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 6: Human Factors Issues in Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NA, pp. 127-135.

Eshet, Y. (2005). Computers and cognition: Cognitive skills employed in digital work. In: P. Isaias, M.B. Nunes, A.P. Reis (eds.), Proceedings of the Multi 2005 Virtual Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, IADIS, pp. 51-59.

Eshet, Y. (2004). Learning with technology: The way we think in the digital era, in Kinshuk, D.G. Sampson, and P. Isias (eds.), Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2004), Lisbon, IADIS, pp. 305-310

Sandler, A. and Eshet, Y. (2004). Palynological, sedimentological and chemical characteristics of the Permian-Triassic boundary in southern Israel, 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 14-20.4.04, Thessalonica, Greece.

Eshet, Y., Epstein, A., Hammer, R., and Tal, E. (2003). Bridging the gap: A constructivistic pedagogical model for distance learning in the academia, in D. Lassner and C. McNaught (eds.), Proceedings of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Hawaii, pp. 1265-8.

Henderson, L., Klemes, J., and Eshet, Y. (2002). Researching teenagers' recreational video/computer gameplaying, in P. Barker and S. Rebelsky (eds.), Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, pp. 761-762.

Eshet, Y. (2002). Digital literacy: A new terminology framework and its application to the design of meaningful technology-based learning environments, in P. Barker and S. Rebelsky (eds.), Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, pp. 493-498

Eshet, Y., Klemes, J., Henderson, L., and Jalali, S. (2000). A model of successful technology integration in school systems: Plano's Curriculum Integration Project, in T. Ottman & I. Tomek (eds.), Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, pp. 275-280.

Sandler, A., Nathan, Y., Eshet, Y. and Raab, M. (1998). Diagenesis of trioctahedral clays in a sedimentary-magmatic sequence in the Jordan Valley (Dead-Sea rift), Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Aveiro, 2, 96-101.

Henderson, L., Eshet, Y., and Klemes, J. (1998). Educational multimedia implementation in schools: Producer-teacher-student links, in T. Ottman and I. Tomek (eds.), Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Charlottesville: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 579-585.

Technology and Disciplinary Learning, Study guide (2006), 58 pp. (Academic supervision).

From Search for Information to Construction of Knowledge, Study guide (2006), 73 pp. (Academic supervision).

Eshet, Y. (2006). Models in Developing Technology-Rich Instructional Systems, Reader, 211 pp.; Study guide, 85 pp.

Eshet, Y. and Hammer, R. (2006). Designing Computer-Based Learning Environments, Reader, 357 pp.

Different Kinds of Learning Technologies, Study guide (2005), 65 pp. (Academic supervision).

Eshet, Y. and Chajut, E. (2004). Technology and Learning, Reader, 580 pp.; Study guide, 85 pp.

Segev, M. and Savir, B. (2004).A Journey into the Earth: Selected Topics in Physical Geography, Tel Aviv, Center of Educational Technology.

Raz, S., ed. (2002). Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life, volumes A-B, The Open University, 1737 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1990). Woody plants - Evolution and distribution since the Tertiary, Isr. J. Earth Sci., 39, p. 48.

Blau, I.& Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). Cheating through digital technologies from the perspective of Israeli students, teachers and parents - patterns and coping strategies.  Research report for the Chief Scientist Foundation, Ministry of Education. [in Hebrew]

Eshet, Y. and Sandler, A. (2002). Reconstruction of sedimentary environments and ecological processes at the Permian-Triassic boundary from drill hole cores in Israel. Report submitted to the Earth Science Administration, Ministry of National Infrastructures, Isr. Geol. Surv., Report GSI/11/02, 49 pp.

Buchbinder, B., Siman-Tov, R., Grossowicz, L., Calvo, R., Eshet, Y., Rosenfeld, A. and Almogi-Labin, A. (2002). Stratigraphic and environmental analysis of the Nordan-1 Well, offshore Israel, Isr. Geol. Surv., Report GSI/12/02, 18 pp.

Eshet, Y. and Siman Tov, R. (2000). Subsurface biostratigraphy of the Paleocene in Ramat Hovav area, Geol. Surv. Isr., Curr. Res.,12, 193-196.

Adar, E., Nativ, R., Siman Tov, R., and Eshet, Y. (1999). Deep core hole (RH-323) in Ramat Hovav, Isr. Geol. Surv. GSI/6/99, 23 pp.

Siman-Tov, R., Eshet, Y., Almogi-Labin, A., Conway, B., Rosenfeld, A., Moshkovitz, Z.S., Ber, T. (1995). Preparation techniques used in the micropaleontological lab (Hebrew), Geological Survey of Israel. G-GSI/2/95, 12 pp.

Rosensaft, M., Eshet, Y., and Weiss, M. (1995). A computerized paleontological data base at the Geological Survey of Israel. Geol. Surv. Isr., Rep. GSI/2/95, 12 pp.

Eshet, Y., Hoek, R. and Almogi-Labin, A. (1994). A new Dynocyst-based biostratigraphic framework for Campanian-Maastrichtian organic-rich carbonate sequences in Israel, Geol. Surv. Israel, Report GSI/2/94, 24 pp.

Eshet, Y., Almogi-Labin, A. and Bein, A. (1993). Analysis of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages for the evaluation of paleoproductivity in Upper Cretaceous organic-rich carbonates in Israel, Geol. Surv. Isr., Curr. Res., 8, 87-89.

Eshet, Y., Moshkovitz, S., Habib, D., Benjamini, C. and Magaritz, M. (1991). Distribution of palynomorphs and calcareous nannofossils across the K/T boundary at Hor Hahar, the Negev, Israel: paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphical aspects, Geol. Surv. Isr., Rep. GSI/2/91, 46 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1989). The palynostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary in Israel, Geol. Surv. Isr., Rep. GSI/23/89, 21 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1988). Palynological data on the Zafir Formation, Halal 1 borehole, NE Sinai, Geol. Surv. Isr. Curr. Res., 6, 62-64.

Eshet, Y. (1985). Palynostratigraphy of the Permo Triassic interval in Zuk Tamrur 1 and Zuk Tamrur 2 wells, southern Israel. Internal report, National Oil Company (HANA), 25 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1984). Preliminary observations on the Permo-Triassic palynostratigraphy in Pleshet 1 well, southern Israel. Geol. Surv. Isr., Rep. GSI/39/84, 7 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1984). Palynostratigraphic correlation in the Permo-Triassic succession of Israel - preliminary results, Geol. Surv. Isr., Curr. Res. (1983-84), pp. 26-28.

Eshet, Y. (1983). Palynostratigraphy,Thermal Alteration Index and kerogen analysis of the Permo Triassic succession in Makhtesh Qatan 2 well, Negev, Israel, Isr. Geol. Surv. Rep. S/12/83, 172 pp.

Eshet, Y. (1982). Palynostratigraphic study of the Permo-Triassic succession in Makhtesh Qatan 2 well, Negev, Israel, Geol. Surv. Isr., Curr. Res., 15-20.

Eshet, Y., Ravid, D. & Tendler, R. (2009). Designing a Social Network for School Principals in Israel. Avnei Rosha, 56 p.

Eshet, Y. (2006). Thinking and instruction in a digital world, Kriat Beinaim, 9, 22-27 (Hebrew).

Eshet, Y. and Pieterse, E. (2006). Models in design and development of technology-based instructional systems, Tslil Mekuvan, 6 (Hebrew).

Eshet, Y. and Harsegor, M. (2005). Mass extinctions: The driving engine of evolution, Galileo, 80, 20-26 (Hebrew).

Eshet, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: Thinking skills in the digital era, Networked Magazine, 4 (Hebrew).

Eshet, Y. (2004). M.A. in education at the Open University: The instructional technology program, Tslil Mekuvan (Hebrew).

Eshet, Y. (2003). Cognition and thinking in the digital world, Galileo, 63, 50-57.

Eshet, Y. (2003). The brain damage entrapment: First-hand evidence, Galileo, 57, 32-39.

Eshet, Y. (2003). The greatest mass extinction: A new perspective, Galileo 56, 58-65.

Eshet, Y. (1998). The mother of all extinctions, Galileo, 31, 44-50 (Hebrew).

Eshet, Y., Siman-Tov, R., and Moshkovitz, S. (1998). Paleocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Har Zin section, Negev, GSI Cur. Res., 11, 53-56.

Eshet, Y. (1997). TBC Working Group meeting and excursion to the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan). Project 362, Tethyan and Boreal Newsletter, 10, 3.

Eshet, Y. (1995). The earth changes its face, Mishkafaim, 66, 43-46 (Hebrew).

Moshkovitz, S., Eshet, Y. and Benjamini, C. (1990). K/T transition sequence at Har Zin, Cretaceous Field Conference, Jerusalem, 5-15.9.90. Guidebook, pp. 48-52.

Eshet, Y., Or, Y. and Chen, B. (1979). Outdoor Learning Strategies Program (Pele), Ben Gurion Univ., Dept. of Education.

 Educational technology
Technology integration in learning systems; Digital literacy; print versus digital reading; designing technology-based learning environments; the digital games culture; aggression in digital games; friendship in the digital era; Digital academic dishonesty.
 Geology and Environmental Science
Biostratigraphy (mainly Permo-Triassic and Cretaceous periods); paleoenvironmental reconstruction; models of organisms' mass extinction in earth's history.
 Brain injuries
Narratives, self identity and rehabilitation after brain injuries (Comment: This field of interest is rooted in a severe war brain injury I suffer from).
 (with Dr. Ina Blau and Dr. Gal Ben-Yehudah). Developing core competencies in digital literacy: Improving Hebrew language instruction in  Hebrew-speaking and Arabic-speaking schools  with effective use of digital textbooks and content. Chief Scientist Foundation, Israeli Ministry of Education, 1,500,000 NIS.
(with Dr. Ina Blau). Learning in  synchronous video conference.  MEITAL - the Inter-University Center for e-Learning (IUCEL), 12,000 NIS
with Dr. Gal Ben-Yehudah. Annonation as a learning strategy in reading text from print and from digital displays. 40,000 NIS
(with Dr. Ina Blau). Academic dishonesty in the Israeli school system. Chief Scientist Foundation, Israeli Ministry of Education, 290,000 NIS
with Dr. A. Caspi and Dr. G. Ben-Yehudah. Develop and study an innovative technology-based environment for early-reading skills acquisition. 150,000 NIS
(with Dr. Sigal Eden). The nature of Digital and Print  Reading: An eye-tracking study. 50,000 NIS
 OUI (with Dr. Sarit Barzilai). The Role of Epistemic Thinking in Comprehension of Multiple Online Source Perspectives. 40,000 NIS
with Dr. Ina Blau). Digital Dishonesty in the Israeli School Systems. Research grant from the Ministry of Education, 200,000 NIS
OUI (with Dr. S. Eden). Reading from Print Versus Digital Displays. NIS, 30,000.
OUI with Dr. S. Eden) Navigation in VR Environments. NIS 30,000
Chais Research Center (with M. Aharon and E. Chajut): Friendship in the digital era, NIS 10,000
Chais Research Center (with Dr. J. Klemes): The computer games culture, NIS 10,000
OUI (with Dr. D. Ben-Shir, Dr. E. Chajut, and Dr. L. Shalev-Mevorach): Identity-establishment processes in people with severe brain damage. $3,000
OUI (with Dr. J. Klemes and Dr. L. Henderson): Studying the computer games culture among school children, $2,000
TeleTeens Project (Cooperating investigator): Developing a computer-based learning environment for students restricted to hospitals, European Community, EU 1,200,000
Research grant from James Cook University, Australia (with L. Henderson and J. Klemes): Technology Integration in School System, $3,000
Jerusalem Project: Developing a technology-based curricular program NIS 60,000
California Adoption Project: Developing a computer-based thematic-curriculum for California Middle schools. $70,000
1990 – 1991
Bilateral Research Grant from the European Community (with A. Fiorentino, A. Almogi-Labin and S. Moshkovitz): Biostratigraphic correlations of Campanian-Maastrichtian sections in Israel and Italy, $50,000
1992 – 1998
Plano Project (Cooperating member): Developing a technology-based thematic curriculum for the Plano Independent School District (k-6th grade), $10,000,000
1990 – 1994
Research grant from the Ramon Science Center: Triassic Palynostratigraphy in Makhtesh Ramon, $15,000
Research grant from the CNR, Italy (with S. Cirilli): Cross-Mediterranean Triassic palynostratigraphic correlations, $20,000
Belfer Grant (with I. Zak), Israel Academy of Sciences: The Triassic palynology of Israel, $25,000

1984 – 1987  Babette Kornblith Scholarship (City Univ. of New York), $45,000

1984 - Fulbright Scholarship, $10,000

1980 – 1984  Research scholarship, Ministry of Defense, Israel, $10,000

1980 – 1983  Research scholarship, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Israel, $50,000

2013 Fellow and Distinguished Scholar Award. International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management.

2013 Lifetime Academic Achievement Award. International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management

2013 The paper  by Eshet-Alkalai Y.&  Chajut E (2009) "Changes over time in digital literacy" (Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12(6),  713-5), was selected by BioMedLib for the Top Twenty articles published on the same topic since its publication. 

2007  The paper Steiner, Eshet & Rampino (2003), Received the "Most Cited Paper 2003 to 2007" award from Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology.

2005  The article "Experiments in digital literacy" (Eshet & Hamburger, 2004) was selected for the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) list of Top Twenty instructional articles for 2004.

2003  Teaching Excellency Award, Tel Hai Academic College

2002  The paper by Visscher, et al., 1996, in which I am a co-author, was cited by Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA among the Top Five internationally cited articles in ecology.

2000  The Plano Integration Curriculum project (1992-1998), for which I was the pedagogical and curriculum leader, won the Leadership for Learning Award from the American Association of School Administrators.

1999  Grady's Weather Window, a microworld simulation developed under my pedagogical supervision, received the EdPress Golden Lamp Award.

1999  The computer educational simulation Message in a Fossil, produced under my design and supervision, received the TECH-LEARNING Award.

1999  Frontier Ahead!, an educational microworld simulation developed under my pedagogical supervision, received the ComputEd Gazette 1999 Education Software Review Award.

1998  The computer educational simulation Message in a Fossil, produced under my pedagogical design and supervision, received the Media and Methods Magazine Awards Portfolio.

1997  The computer educational simulation Message in a Fossil, produced under my pedagogical design and supervision, received the Technology and Learning Award for Excellency.

1997  The educational multimedia database Our Environment, produced under my pedagogical supervision, received the Book It National Reading Incentive Program Recommendation.

1997  The computer educational simulation Message in a Fossil, produced under my design and pedagogical supervision, received the Children's Software Revue Recommendation.

1996  The computer educational simulation Message in a Fossil, produced under my pedagogical design and supervision, received the Best Children's Educational Software Award from the ComputEd Gazette.

1996  My research (Eshet et al., 1996) on ecological extinctions in the geological record was cited by Geotimes among the Top Ten researches of the year.

1996  Recipient of the Freund Award for Best Research of the Year. Awarded for the development of an alternative model for the ecological crisis and recovery across the mass-extinction event at the Permian-Triassic boundary.

1995-1996  The computer educational simulation Message in a Fossil, produced under my pedagogical design and supervision, received the Top 100 District Choice Award from the journal Curriculum Administrator, for the years 1995-6.


  • M.A. program in Educational Technology

  •  Principles of Designing Computer-Based Learning Environments (M.A)

  •  Technology and Learning (M.A)

  •  Models of Developing Technology-Rich Instructional Systems (M.A.)

  •  Digital Technologies in Learning and Training Systems (M.A.)

  •  M.A. Thesis Seminar

  •  Curriculum planning (B.A.) one  unit on digital technologies)

  •  Technology and Learning in the Information Society (academic supervision)

  •  From Information to Knowledge (academic supervision)

  •  Learning Technologies (academic supervision)

  •  Curriculum Integration of Technology (academic supervision)

  •  Digital Technologies Workshop (academic supervision - for the Communication department).

  • 2017- Dana Fiedelman (M.A.) Promoting vocabulary using tangible hybrid game among children at risk for learning disability  

  • 2016- Debie Houminer (M.A.). Strategies for teaching digital literacy skills.

  • 2016- Heili Weinglat-Marom (Postdoc.): Read-aloud vs. silent reading

  • 2015-2016 Rivka Taub (Post doc.). Learning by constructing simulations

  • 2015- Eynav Tzadok. M.A student (epistemology and think-aloud

  • 2014-2015 Galit Ben-Tzadok (Post doc). Learning strategies from text and from multimedia

  • 2014- Adi Friedman. Academic dishonesty: University students' and faculty perspectives. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 2014-2016 Orli Weiser. Online bi-directional video: The learners' experience. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 2013-2015 Haim Shani, M.A. Academic dishonesty among school students in the Israeli religious sector. M.A. Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 2013-2015 Idit Rotem. Academic dishonesty among school students in the Israeli secular sector. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel.

  • 2012-2013 Josh Slalker, Ph.D., NOVA Southwest University, USA.

  • 2012-2015 Sharon Gablinger. The perception of ICT among teachers. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 2011-2013 Tamar Schwartz. Integrating interactive whiteboard in school systems: The stakeholders' perspectives. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 2010-2012 Tami Dubi. Violent games and aggression. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 2006 –2009  Michal Aharon. Digital friendship among adolescents. M.A., Educational Technologies, The Open University of Israel

  • 1997 – 2001  Jeff Dodik, Ph.D., Weizmann Institute (member of Advisory Committee). Other supervisors: N. Orion, E. Mazor

  • 1995 – 1998  Ayelet Moses, M.Sc., Hebrew University. Other supervisors: H. Ron, A. Almogi-Labin

  • 1993 – 1998  Simon Vollin, M.Sc., Ben Gurion University. Other supervisors: H. Kisch, H. Beniamini

  • 1993 – 1994  Ramses Hoek, M.Sc., Utrecht University. In collaboration with the Lab. of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht University. Sponsored by a grant from the Ramon Science Center. Other supervisors: H. Visscher, W.A. Brugman

  • 1991 – 1992  Andrea Fiorentino, M.Sc., University of Roma. Sponsored by grant from the European Community

  • 1990 – 1993  Michiel Van Houte, Ph.D., Utrecht University. In collaboration with Utrecht University, under a Dutch-Israel student-exchange program. Other supervisors: H. Visscher, W.A. Brugman

  • since 2015 Teaching Thesis Seminar, M.A. Program in Technology & Learning Systems, OUI

  • since 2003 Developing graduate-level courses and academic supervision, The Open University of Israel (Dep. of Education & Psychology).

  • 1998 – 2004  Teaching Instructional Design & Educational Technology courses in Tel Hai Academic College, Dept. of Education.
     Introduction to Design and Development of Computer-Based Learning Environments
     Computer-Based Learning Environments Design seminar
     The Internet as a Learning Environment
     Learning with Computers
     Concept Design for Instructional Designers
     The World as a Children's Game (the basics of designing engaging learning environments)

  • 1989  Lecturer, Introduction to Stratigraphy course, Ben Gurion University, Geology Dept.

  • 1984 – 1987  Adjunct Lecturer, Introductory Geology (101), City University of New York

  • 1978 – 1980  Lecturer, Environmental Education, Khofen Teachers Seminar, Jerusalem

  • 1976 – 1977  High-school teacher (geography), Open School, Jerusalem

  • 2013-2014 Academic advisor,  the "No Secrets" project for developing early childhood reading skills

  • 2008  Expert advisory team for  the foundation of TELRI - Technology Enhanced Learning Research Institute, Athabasca University, Canada, Edmonton, 1-2.5.2008

  • 2004  Netwise Project: Life-long learning in digital environments, Israel Internet Association

  • 2003  House on Mars Exhibition: Science and pedagogy consultant, Youth Science Museum, Jerusalem

  • 1999 – 2001  Technology & Curriculum advisor for a technology-oriented elementary school in Queens College, New York

  • 1997 – 1999  TeleTeens Project, supported by the European Community to develop a networked, computer-based learning environment for handicapped or ill students in hospitals

  • 1995 – 1998  Aviv Virtual School Project: Pedagogy and content consultant to online course developers, Ort, Israel

  • 1994 – 1998  Plano Project: Development of a technology-based thematic k-6 curricular program for the Plano Independent School District, Edunetics Co., sponsored by the Plano Board of Education

  • 1993 – 1995  Geology consultant for the Tamid Project: A distance learning program for training middle school science teachers, Open University

  • 1993  California Adoption Project: Development of a computer-based thematic-curriculum program for the California middle schools system, Edunetics Co.
    Jerusalem Project: Development of a technology-based curricular program for middle schools in Israel, Ministry of Education, Israel
  • 1989 – 1991  Designing a program for teaching geology in middle schools, Israel

  • 1988 – 1992  Rediscover Science: Development of a computer-based curricular program in Science for K-12 in the USA (over 1000 modules of educational software, translated into 7 languages), Edunetics Co.

  • 1988 – 1990  Co-founder and Management Board Member, En Yael Outdoor Educational Museum for ancient agricultural technologies, sponsored by the Jerusalem Fund

  • 1980  Co-founder of the Center for Outdoor Education, Society for the Protection of Nature, Har Gilo

  •  Technology supervision and managing the design and production of the following software educational titles and projects:

  •  Message in a Fossil: A microworld simulation in geology and scientific thinking

  •  Frontiers Ahead!: A microworld simulation on geographic exploration

  •  Grady's Weather Window: A microworld weather simulation

  •  Map Room: Interactive electronic atlas
  •  US History on Maps: A map-tool to investigate the US history through maps

  •  Our Environment: Data base on environmental issues
  •  Weather and Climate: A database on weather, climate and people

  •  The Restless Earth: Data base in earth sciences
  •  Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries: Internet-based project of tracking bird migration patterns in Israel

  •  Technology-based instructional solutions for industrial customers in the Upper Galilee :

  •  Tel Hai Photography Museum
  •  Tzuk Manara Park
  •  Nature and National Parks Authority
  •  Migal
  •  Tel Hai Museum
  •  Kefar Giladi, Hashomer Museum
  •  Designing paleontological databases for the Geological Survey of Israel

  •  Keynote lecture:  Rehabilitation processes: The patient perspective. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Physiotherapists, 9.5.17

  •  Keynote lecture: Catastrophes and evolution. Scientists' Night, The Open University of Israel, 19.9.2017

  •  Keynote lecture: Thinking in the digital era: Changes through time in cognitive skills among youth and adults.   IACEP Biennial International Conference: Cognition, Education, Brain and Technology. Athens, July 6-8, 2015.

  •  Keynote lecture: A conceptual and empirical model of digital literacy. Educating the Net-Generation: Political and Cultural Aspects, 23-2.3, 2015. Beit Berl Academic College.

  •  Keynote lecture: Cognition reconstruction after brain injury: A narrative-psychological perspective.1st International Conference of Logotherapy. Haifa, 9-11.3.15.

  •  Plenary lecture: Digital literacy and well being. International Conference on Well Being in Digital Media (under the Auspice of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO). Ben Gurion University & Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, February, 17-19.2015

  •  Plenary lecture: Regaining learning skills after a severe brain injury. Center for Neurological Computation, The Hebrew University, 19.3.14

  •  Keynote lecture: Digital Reading. Minerva 2013 Conference on Digital Heritage. Jerusalem,  12-13.11.2013

  •  Keynote lecture:  Back to the future: A historical perspective on the evolution of literacy and technology. MEITAL Conference of Online Learning, Jerusalem, 20.6.13

  •  Keynote lecture: The blessing and the curse in learning technologies. Analogical Lecturers in a Digital World conference. Bar Ilan university,  10/4/13

  •  Keynote lecture: The factors that affect changes through time in digital literacy. How to Teach the Y Generation? Symposium, Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College, 11.3.13.

  •  Invited lecture: Between Sickness and Illness. Medical Education Conference, hadasah hospital, Jerusalem, 18.2.13.

  •  Invited lecture: Brain injury, Trauma and Memory. Trauma and PTSD Research Center, Columbia University, 23.10.12.

  •  Invited lecture: Friendship in social media: Anything new under the sun? Conference on Internet Empowerment, Herzeliya Interdisciplinary Center, 3.7.12.

  •  Keynote lecture:  A shattered world: the power of narrative in coping with a brain trauma. The trauma conference, Shiba Hospital, 8.6.12

  •  Keynote lecture: The curse and blessing in learning technology.  Innovation in the Digital Era Conference. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 4.6.12

  •  Keynote lecture: Shattered world: The power of narrative in coping with brain injuries. The 10th Conference for Educational Psycho-Sociology, Ramat Efal, 18.4.12

  •  Invited lecture: Reading in the digital era. The Open University of The Netherlands, 8.3.12.

  •  Keynote lecture: Trauma and narrative. Sixty Years of War Trauma in Israel Conference. NATAL, Tel Aviv, 26.2.12.

  •  Keynote lecture: Between illness and sickness: Ethical   issues concerning the patients' perspective of their injury. Conference on ethical issues in the work of health multi-professional teams. Haifa University, 23.2.12.

  •  Invited lecture: A shattered world: identity and cognition-Construction after a brain injury. Rehabilitation through a time-perspective: 8th Homesh Conference for Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv, February, 14th-15th, 2012.

  •  Keynote lecture: Narratives and brain injuries. Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, 13-14.12.11.

  •  Invited lecture: A shattered World: Identity construction after a severe brain injury. Identities in Crisis Conference. Bar Ilan University, December, 5th, 2011.

  •  Keynote lecture: Narrative writing: an effective mechanism in the rehabilitation from a severe brain injury. Internet Accessibility Conference, Center for Educational Technology, Tel Aviv, 4.7.2011

  •  Keynote lecture: Rewriting your life story: Rehabilitation from severe brain injury. To tell in Order to Remember; to remember in Order to Tell. Annual Bibliotherapy Conference, Haifa University, March, 1st, 2011.

  •  Keynote lecture: Narrative: An effective tool in coping with a severe brain injury.  Opening Gates in Teacher Education. Education and Teacher Education in the Age of Globalization. The Third international Online Conference, Mofet, January, 25-26, 2011.

  •  Invited lecture: Printed vs. digital: The effect of the medium of the medium of presentation on reading in the digital era. Invited lecture, International Research Workshop: Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk. Tel Aviv, November 1-3, 2010.

  •  Invited lecture: Printed vs. digital: The effect of the medium of the medium of presentation on reading in the digital era. Invited lecture, International Research Workshop: Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk. Tel Aviv, November 1-3, 2010.

  •  Plenary lecture: Personal theories as a lever for rehabilitation from a brain injury. Dep. Of Cognitive Sciences, The Hebrew University, 10.6.2010.

  •  Keynote lecture: Changes through time in digital literacy. Ort Braude Academic College, 21.10.2009.

  •  Invited lecture: Reproduction in the digital era: On the interface between authenticity and plagiarism. Symposium on Ethical Code for Academic research in Israel, he Open University of Israel, 31.3.2009.

  •  Plenary lecture: Learning with a damaged brain: A personal perspective on cognitive-based learning processes. Plenary lecture, The Interdisciplinary Center for Neurological Computation, The Hebrew University, 12.3.2009

  •  Self-images and personal theories: Powerful tools in recovering from severe brain injuries. Plenary lecture, Weizmann Institute, Dep. of Neurobiology, 18.1.2009

  •  Invited seminar: Thinking in the digital era. Eindhoven University, School of Education, 8.12.2008

  •  Invited lecture: Reading and digital text design. World Usability Day, The Open University of Israel, 13.11.2008

  •  Keynote lecture: Digital thinking: The challenge of designing usable environments for the naïve user. World Usability Day, UPA, Open University of Israel, 8 November 2008

  •  Invited seminar: Invited lectures on digital thinking and reading at the British Open University (Institute of Educational Technology and Knowledge Media Institute), 2-3.9.2008

  •  Invited workshop: Research in the cyberspace – current trends in Internet research. 4th Annual CIDER Workshop – Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research. Banff, Canada, 27.4.2008

  •  Invited lecture: Thinking in the digital era. Annual conference of the History and Philosophy, Jerusalem, 16.3.2008

  •  Plenary lecture: The brain damage entrapment: Narratives, private theories and rehabilitation. The Israel Democracy Institute, 30 January 2008

  •  Keynote lecture: Insights on reading in the digital era. Online Learning Conference, Ramat Gan, 1.11.2007

  •  Invited lecture: Trapped in the web: On children and adolescents in the digital era. Adolescents in the Internet: Characteristics, Needs and Challenges. Tel Aviv University, 19.3.2007

  •  Invited lecture: Mass extinctions: The engine that drives evolution. The Violent Earth Conference, The Open University of Israel, 7.3.2007

  •  Keynote lecture: Approaches to the integration of technologies in educational systems, Data Base Media Conference, The Open University of Israel, 22.2.2007

  •  Keynote lecture: Learning with an injured brain: A personal perspective on cognitive-oriented learning processes, 57th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine, Tel Aviv, 1.12.2006

  •  Keynote lecture: Games people play, Multi Conference, IADIS, 17.5.2006

  •  Plenary lecture: Games people play: On the digital games culture among youth, Dept. of Communication, Ben Gurion University, 8.5.2006

  •  Plenary lecture: Brain injuries and rehabilitation: Personal perspectives, Birmingham University, Neuropsychology Research Center, 25.4.2006

  •  Harry Potter, chats and digital games: What characterizes present-day users of digital libraries?, Info 2006, Tel Aviv, 31.3.2006

  •  Plenary lecture: Digital gaming world for children: A culture in the making, Caesarea-Rothschild Institute & The Center for the Study of the Information Society, Haifa University, 30.3.2006

  •  Plenary lecture: Digital games: An emerging culture, Netvision Institute for Internet research, 9.3.2006

  •  What does your child do behind the blinking screen? Digital games among children, 10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Internet Association, Tel Aviv, 1-2.2.2006

  •  Keynote lecture: Mass extinctions: The trigger of Evolution. Earth Day, Geological Society of Israel, Emeq Hayarden College, 1.1.2006

  •  Technology, pedagogy and industry: Do they make marriage? Annual conference of the Instruction and Human Resources Association, Tel Aviv, 23.5.2005

  •  Keynote lecture: Computers and cognition: Cognitive skills employed in digital work, Multi 2005 Virtual Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 11-29.4.2005

  •  Technology and learning: The challenges that await us, Moah (Computers in Education) 2005, Tel Aviv, 28-9.3.2005

  •  Plenary lecture: Models of technology integration in educational systems: The Plano project, Technion, Science Teaching Dept., 8.3.2005

  •  The Cyberspace: Social and cognitive aspects of working in digital networks, Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, 16-18.2.2005, Tel Hai Conference abstracts, p. 99.

  •  Shattered worlds: A personal view on a (right-lateral) brain injury, Innovations in Interdisciplinary Medical Rehabilitation: Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tel Aviv, 25-26.11.2004

  •  Keynote lecture: Thinking with technology, Info2004, Tel Aviv, 11.6.2004

  •  Pedagogy and technology: How can we mate them?, Surfing the Internet, Tel Aviv, 5.6.2004

  •  Keynote lecture: Survival cognitive skills in the digital era, Annual meeting, Israel Internet Society, 9.3.2004, Tel Aviv, 2004

  •  Plenary lecture: Computers and thinking, The Technion, Haifa, 2003

  •  Plenary lecture: User's perception of the digital space, Oholo Teachers College, 2003

  •  Keynote lecture: Cognitive skills utilized in digital environments. Conference on Didactic Tools in Distance Learning, 22.5.2003, Tel Aviv

  •  Keynote lecture: Digital thinking: A survival skill in the digital era, Annual Meeting, Israeli Internet Association, 8-9.3.2003

  •  Mass extinctions and evolution patterns, Seminar lecture, Tel Hai Academic College, 2003

  •  Mass-extinctions: The major trigger for evolution, Seminar lecture, Open University, 2003

  •  Plenary lecture on digital literacy to the Information Society, Haifa University, 2002

  • Plenary lecture: National Archives Organization: Modern approaches to data management and databases design, 6/12/2000

  •  Seminar lectures on Curriculum and Technology Integration in Education Systems, Queens College, New York, 16-19.5.2000

  •  "Pedagogical Technology - the real challenge," Plenary lecture to Meital - Center for Learning Technologies Integration in Higher Education, 1998

  •  Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Israel, Haifa, 1997

  •  "Computer Applications in Education," Short course, Steck-Vaughn Co., 1997

  •  AAPG Conference, Dallas (Marine Micropaleontology Research Group meeting), 1997

  •  National Science Teachers Association Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1997

  •  Plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Israel, 1995

  •  Plenary lecture, City University of New York, Dept. of Geology, 1994

  •  Dino V Conference, 1993

  •  8th Int. Palynological Congress, Aix en Provence, 1992

  •  Lecture series at Perugia University, Italy, 1988

  •  American Association of Petroleum Geologists Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1985

  • Weigelt-Marom, H., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Ben-Yehudah, G. (2018). Does narration improve reading processes? Eye-movement behavior of higher-education students with and without dyslexia. Paper presented at the 3rd International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Azulai, O., Gilutz, Y., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. & Ben-Yehudah, G. (2017). Reading comprehension in a multimedia environment: Integration of textual and visual information. Paper presented at the 11th annual meeting of the Israel Association for Literacy and Language, The Open University, Israel.

  • Azulay, O., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Ben-Yehudah, G. (2017). Reading and comprehension characteristics of multimedia-embedded text: evidence from eye-movement patterns. Annual Conference of Learning Disabilities. Bar Ilan University, 6.4.17.

  • Azulay, O., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Ben-Yehudah, G. (2017). Eye-movement research in the study of Reading and comprehension characteristics of multimedia-embedded text: evidence from eye-movement  patterns. Annual Conference of Learning Disabilities. Bar Ilan University, 6.4.17.

  • Ben-Yehudah, G., Azulai, O., Gilutz, Y., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). Digital learning behavior: An eye-movement study of text and multimedia integration. Paper presented at the 20th annual meeting of European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Weigelt-Marom, H., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Ben-Yehudah, G. (2017). Eye-movement behavior during reading-while-listening. Paper presented at the 20th annual meeting of European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Weigelt-Marom, H., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. & Ben-Yehudah, G. (2017). Silent reading during listening to narration? A comparison of university students with and without reading disabilities. Paper presented at the 11th annual meeting of the Israel Association for Literacy and Language, The Open University, Israel.

  • InSite 2017 conference. July, 31-August 5, 2017, RMIT University, Saigon South, Vietnam

  • Friedman, A., Blau, I., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Who is fooling who in the academia? Students' and instructors' perceptions of academic dishonesty.14th MEITAL Annual Conference, Bar Ilan University, 22.6.16. 

  • Weiser, O., Blau, I., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Dialog and monolog in the classroom: How teaching-learning interactions affect students' participation in synchronous lessons, using ZOOM technology. 14th MEITAL Annual Conference, Bar Ilan University, 22.6.16.

  •  Friedman, A., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015.). The role of technology in academic dishonesty. 13th MEITAL Annual Conference, Technion, Haifa, 30.6.15

  • Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). Print versus digital: A clash between two reading modes.  IACEP Biennial International Conference: Cognition, Education, Brain and Technology. Athens, July 6-8, 2015.

  •  Eden, S.& Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). Reading Comprehension from tablets and from printed books.  IACEP Biennial International Conference: Cognition, Education, Brain and Technology. Athens, July 6-8, 2015.

  • Ben-Yehudah, G. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). Investigating digital reading comprehension: the effect of congruency in the study and the test medium.  IACEP Biennial International Conference: Cognition, Education, Brain and Technology. Athens, July 6-8, 2015.

  • Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014).  Keynote: Cyclical Changes in Literacy through History: A Technological Approach. The 2nd International Conference of Judaica-Collection Curators, The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, November 4th-6th, 2014.

  •  Schwartz, T., Avidov-Ungar, O., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). The gaps between expectations and perspectives of stakeholders in the integration of technological innovation in schools: The interactive whiteboards case. Between Cultures and Pedagogies Conference. Kay College, 25-26.3.14.

  • Barzilai, A., Tzadok, E., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). When Experts Disagree: Sourcing Practices While Reading Conflicting Online Information Sources. The 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (CLS), Boulder, Colorado, June 2014.

  • Barzilai, S., Tzadok, E.& Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). Who Wrote That? Thinking About the Sources of Conflicting Online Information. Paper accepted to the 9th Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Ra'anana, Israel.

  • Blau, I., Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Rotem, I. (2014, March). Cheating and e-cheating: A qualitative investigation of expanding an academic dishonesty framework into digital learning settings. Paper to be presented at the 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference - INTED2014. Valencia, Spain

  •  Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2014). School students' perception of academic dishonesty with and without digital tools: Not acceptable, but common. The International Conference on Advanced Educational and Management - ICAEM2014. Beijing, China.

  •  Barzilai, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2013). Epistemic Perspectives on Source Perspectives: The Role of Epistemic Thinking in Understanding Multiple Socio-Scientific Perspectives. EARLI 2013 Conference, Munchen. Proceedings volume,  pp. 27-31.

  •  Koohang, A., Levy, Y., Terrel, S., Eshet, Y. & V. Dreher, H. (2013). Research methods as a cornerstone for scientific exploration. Knowledge Management Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-28.6.2013.

  • Eshet, Y. (2012). Online learning: What should be done in order to make  it successful?  Education in Israel: Between contradicting pedagogies. Tel Aviv University, 24.6.12

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). A shattered world: the power of narrative in coping with a brain trauma. The trauma conference, shiba hospital, 8.6.12

  • Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012).  The curse and the blessing in learning technologies.  Innovation in the Digital Era Conference. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 4.6.12

  •  Dubi, T., Eden, S. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Games and aggression: the impact of violent digital games and game-strategy on aggression among children. In: Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., Yair, Y. and Kalman, Y. (editors). Learning in the Technological Era. Proceedings of the 7th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana: February, 15th-16th, 2012.

  •  Eden, S, and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Print versus digital: the effect of format on performance in digital text. In: Eshet-Alkalai, Y., Caspi, A., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N., Yair, Y. and Kalman, Y. (editors). Learning in the Technological Era. Proceedings of the 7th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel, Raanana: February, 15th-16th, 2012.

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Making a meaningless event meaningful: Narrative writing as a tool in identity-construction after a brain injury. Annual Conference for Qualitative Research. Ben Gurion University, February, 6th-8th, 2012.

  • 21.Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2012). Narrative writing: a powerful tool in coping with post-trauma and a severe brain-injury: the injured person's perspective. International Conference on Trauma through the Life-Cycle from a Strengths-Based Perspective. Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, 8-10.1.2012

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2011). Narratives and brain injuries. Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Tel Aviv, 13-14.12.11

  • Soffer, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2011). Cyclical Changes in Literacy Through History.  InSite 2011 Conference, Novi Sad, 18-23.6.11, Proceedings Volume, p. 117.

  •  Avidov-Ungar, O. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2011). The Islands of Innovation Model: Opportunities and Threats for Effective Implementation of Technological Innovation in Education Systems. InSite 2011 Conference, Novi Sad, 18-23.6.11, Proceedings Volume, p. 25.

  • Eshet, Y. (2011). Digital reading: What do we know from research? Info 2011 Conference, 16.5.2011, Tel Aviv.

  •  Eshet, Y. (2011). Printed vs. digital: The effect of the medium of the medium of presentation on reading in the digital era. Invited lecture, International Research Workshop: Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk. Tel Aviv, November 1-3, 2010.

  •  Eshet, Y. (2011). Narrative: An effective tool in coping with a severe brain injury.  Opening Gates in Teacher Education. Education and Teacher Education in the Age of Globalization. The Third international Online Conference, Mofet, January, 25-26, 2011.

  •  Eshet, Y. (2011). The power of narratives in coping with brain injuries. International Disability Studies Conference, Tel Aviv, 30-31.12.2011.

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2010). Living Books: The role of Multimedia in the Acquisition of a Foreign Language Skills. The Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for Literacy and Language. Haifa University, 4-5.7.2010.

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2010). Living Books: The role of Multimedia in the Acquisition of a Foreign Language Skills. The Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for Literacy and Language. Haifa University, 4-5.7.2010.

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2010). You can teach old dogs new tricks: The factors that affect changes over timer in digital literacy. Informing Science and IT Education Conference. 19-24.6.2010, Cassino, Italy. Proceedings volume, p. 62.

  • Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2010). From planning to screening: Changes in information retrieval skills over the last decade. Info 2010, Tel Aviv, 5.5.10.

  •  Ahron, M., Chajut, E. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2010) Friendship in cyberspace: A new form of interpersonal communication? In Eshet, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (eds), Learning in the Technological Era IV: Proceedings of the 2009 Chais Conference, 18.2. 2009, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, pp. 175-17.

  •  Ahron, M., Chajut, E. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2010) Friendship in cyberspace: A new form of interpersonal communication? In Eshet, Y., Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (eds), Learning in the Technological Era IV: Proceedings of the 2009 Chais Conference, 18.2. 2009, Raanana, The Open University of Israel, pp. 175-17.

  •  Precel, K., Eshet, Y. and Alberton, Y. (2008). Bridging the gap: Students' attitudes towards a new pedagogical model for online academic learning. Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN) 2008, Las Vegas, November, 17-21, 2008, pp. 1909-1916.

  •  Tzarfati, K., Shaham, N., Soroker, N., Bogler, R., Harpaz-Gordisky, G., Caspi, D., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2008). Participation and quality of life after CVA: a new rehabilitation model. Rehabilitation 2008 conference, Tel Aviv, 3-4.12.2008.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Geri, N. (2008). The effect of display format on critical reading of news. EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of Text and Graphics. Tilburg, The Netherlands, 27-29.8.2008.

  •  Precel, K., Eshet, Y. and Alberton, Y. (2008). Bridging the gap: Students' attitudes towards an innovative online academic course model. Meital Conference, Haifa, 6.8.2008

  •  Henderson, L., Klemes, Y. and Eshet, Y. (2008). Adolescent Digital Natives: Digital Gamers and Implications for Pedagogical Transformation. Australian Council for Computers in Education, Canberra, 29.10-2.11.2008.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Geri, N. (2008). Print versus digital: The effect of text format on critical reading of online and offline information. CNIE Conference, 2008 - Canadian Network of Innovation in Education, Banff, 28-30.4.2008. Program Abstracts, p. 141.

  •  Henderson, L., Eshet, Y. and Klemes, Y. (2008). Adolescent Digital Natives: Digital Gamers and Implications for Pedagogical Transformation. Australian council of Computers in Education, Canberra, 29.9-1.10, 2008

  •  Precel, K., Eshet, Y. and Alberton, Y. (2008). Students' attitudes towards a new pedagogical model for a fully-online course. Chais 2008 Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 6.2.2008, Raanana, Israel, The Open University of Israel.

  • Precel, K., Webman, R., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Engelberg-Ber B. (2008). The Effect of Online Text Vowelization of Homographs in Context on Reading Comprehension among L1 and L2 Hebrew Speakers. Chais 2008 Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 6.2.2008, Raanana, Israel, The Open University of Israel.

  •  Aharon, M., Chajut, E. and Eshet-Alkalay, Y. (2008). Friendship in Cyberspace: A New Form of Interpersonal Communication? Chais 2008 Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 6.2.2008, Raanana, Israel, The Open University of Israel.

  •  Eshet-Alkalai, Y. and Chajut, E. (2008). Experience or age? Changes through time in digital literacy: a follow-up study. Chais 2008 Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, 6.2.2008, Raanana, Israel, The Open University

  •  Eshet, Y., 2007. Insights on reading in the digital era. Online Learning Conference, 1.11.2007, Ramat Gan.

  •  Precel, K., Webman, R., Eshet, Y., Engelberg-Behr, B., 2007. Making reading easier: The influence of vowelization in a deep-language orthography on on-line text comprehension. Human Computer Interaction Conference, Beijing, 22-27.7.2007.

  •  Eshet, Y., Geri, N., 2007. Print versus digital: Critical reading of information. New Learning 2.0. ENEN Annual Conference, Naples, 13-16.6.2007. Book of Abstracts, p. 68.

  •  Eshet, Y., Chajut, E., 2007. Synchronous reading in real-time environments. Human Computer Interaction Conference, Beijing, 22-27-7.07.

  •  Eshet, Y., Chajut, E., 2007. Living Books: The Acquisition of Reading Skills in Multimedia Environments. Worth Reading: International Conference on Books and Reading. Jerusalem, 21.2.07.

  •  Eshet, Y., Geri, N., 2007. Print or digital? Critical thinking in reading news in the information era. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais 2007 Conference, 20.2.07, Raanana, Israel, The Open University, pp. 34-43.

  •  Ben-Shir, D., Eshet, Y., Chajut, E., Shalev-Mevorach, L., Schupak A., 2006. Identity construction processes in people with brain injuries: a narrative approach. Europa Medicophysica: 6th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Algrave, Portugal, 18-21.10.06, Abstracts volume, pp. 232-235.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. Living books: The effect of simultaneous audio and visual representation on learning. Text and Picture Comprehension. Proceedings of the SIG 2 Conference, Nottingham, 30.8-1.9.06, pp 59-62.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. Multimedia story-telling: On the contribution of living books to incidental learning. E-Society Conference, International Association for Development of Information Society, Dublin, 13-16.7.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. The characteristic of present-day library users. Info 06, Tel Aviv, 31.5.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. The digital language: Major trends in the evolution of a modern language. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for the Research of Language and Society. The Open University of Israel, 4.6.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. Games people play. Multi Conference, 2006, 17.5.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. Living books: On the acquisition of reading skills in multimedia environments. Learning in the Technological Era. Chais Conference, The Open University of Israel, Raanana, 1.3.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. The world is a children's game - social aspects of the digital games culture. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Society, Bar Ilan University, 22-23.2.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2006. What does your child do behind the blinking screen? Digital games among children. 10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Internet Association, Tel Aviv, 1-2.2.06.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2005. Computers and cognition: Cognitive skills employed in digital work. Multi 2005: Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2005. Human Interaction with Computers. HCI 2005 Conference, Las Vegas, 22-27.7.05.

  • Eshet, Y., 2005. An innovative constructivistic model for on-line learning in the academia: A case from an on-line Open University course. 4th Meital Annual Meeting, Beer Sheva, 8.6.05.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2005. Computers and cognition. IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2005), 29.4.05.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2005. Technology and learning: The challenges that await us. Moah (Computers in Education) 2005, Tel Aviv, 28-9.3.05.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2005. The Cyberspace: Social and cognitive aspects of working in digital networks. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, 16-18.2.05, Tel Hai. Conference abstracts, p. 99.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2004. Learning with technology: The way we think in the digital era. International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2004). 14-17.12.04. Lisbon. Proceedings volume, pp. 305-310.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2004. Surviving in the cyberspace. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Tel Aviv, 2.11.04.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2004. Thinking with technology. Keynote lecture. Info2004, Tel Aviv, 11.6.04.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2004. Pedagogy and technology: How can we mate them? Learning With the Internet 5, Tel Aviv, 1.6.04.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2004. Constructivist principles in bridging the gap between academy and industry: The instructional design case. Meital Conference, Tel Aviv, 26.2.04.

  •  Sandler, A. & Eshet, Y., 2004. Palynological, sedimentological and chemical characteristics of the Permian-Triassic boundary in southern Israel. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessalonica, Greece, 14-20.4.04.

  •  Eshet, Y., Epstein, A., Hamer, R., Tal, E., 2003. Bridging the gap: A constructivistic pedagogical model for distance learning in the academia. Ed Media, Honolulu, 22-28.6.03.

  • Eshet, Y., Apstein, A., Hamer, R., Tal, E., 2002. A constructivistic model for distance learning in the academy: A pilot for a new type of online learning at the Open University, Israel. Annual meeting of the Israel Association of Information Technology, Tel Aviv, 13.11.02.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2002. Digital literacy: A new terminology framework and its application to the design of meaningful technology-based learning environments. Ed Media, 2002, Denver, 24-30.6.02.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Hamer, R., 2002. Academic degree in Instructional Design: A pioneering program of training instructional designers in the Israeli academia. E-Learning in Academic Teaching - Meital, 1st Annual Conference, Technion, 12.2.02.

  •  Hammer, R., Eshet, Y., Shamai, S., and Shavit, A., 2002. Chronological Content Sequencing, Thematic Sequencing, and PBL PBL 2002, A Pathway to Better Learning. Baltimore, 16-20.6.02, program Abstracts, p. 49.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2001. Digital literacy and its application it developing technology-based learning environments. Values Ethics and Technology in the Digital Era - 17th Moah Conference), 10-11.12.01, Tel Aviv.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2001. Digital literacy and its application in technology-based instruction. Computers in Education Conference, Tel Aviv.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Hammer, R., 2001. Technological Pedagogy: The real challenge. Meital - Center for Learning Technologies Integration in Higher Education, Conference on Distance Learning, 16.10.01, Tel Hai Academic College, Israel.

  •  Steiner, M.B., Eshet, Y., Rampino, M., 2001. Simultaneous Permo-Triassic boundary marine and terrestrial mass extinctions: The Fungal Spike discovered in the Karoo Supergroup (South Africa). Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstracts with Programs, V. 33, 6.

  •  Eshet, Y., 2001. Be a literate earth science teacher: Taxonomy and interesting cases of internet educational applications in earth science. Israel Geol. Soc., Ann. Meeting, Eilat. Program abstracts, p. 31.

  • Eshet, Y., 2000. Frontiers Ahead! A virtual way to become an earth scientist. Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 22 (2): 96.

  • Eshet, Y., Klemes, J., Henderson, L., Jalali, S., 2000. A model of successful technology integration in school systems: Plano's Curriculum Integration Project. Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 2000, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Charlottesville.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1999. Microworlds as mindtools. Moah, Computers in Education Conference, Tel Aviv. Program Abstracts, p. 28 (Hebrew).

  •  Eshet, Y. & Klemes, J., 1999. Technology Integration in school systems - how to cross barriers? Moah, Computers in Education Conference, Tel Aviv, Program abstracts, p. 27 (Hebrew).

  •  Sandler, A., Nathan, Y., Eshet, Y., 1999. Lithological control on trioctahedral clay diagenesis in a deeply-buried section in the Dead Sea rift, Israel. EUROCLAY conference, Krakow, Poland.

  •  Eshet, Y., Henderson, L., Klemes, J., 1999. Breaking the mould in Plano: Technology and systemic change. Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), February, 9-13, Houston.

  •  Sandler, A., Nathan, Y., Eshet, Y. and Raab, M., 1998. Diagenesis of trioctahedral clays in a sedimentary-magmatic sequence in the Jordan Valley (Dead-Sea rift). Proc. Of the 2nd Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Aveiro, 2: 96-101.

  •  Henderson, L., Eshet, Y., & Klemes, J., 1998. Educational multimedia implementation in schools: Producer-teacher-student links. Ed-Media/Ed Telecom Conference, Freiburg, Germany, June, 1998.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1998. Computers in Earth Science education. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Elat, Program Abstracts, p. 26.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Moshkovitz, S., 1998. Paleocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in Israel - preliminary results. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Elat, Program Abstracts, p. 27.

  • Volin, S., Eshet, Y., Kisch, H., 1998. Microfossils help in deciphering a complex metamorphic and paleogeographic enigma. International Nannoplankton Association, La Paraguera, Puerto Rico, February 10-13, 1998.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1998. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in Israel - preliminary results. International Nannoplankton Association, La Paraguera, Puerto Rico, February 10-13, 1998.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1998. The virtual paleontologist, or: Children as real paleontologists. International Nannoplankton Association, La Paraguera, Puerto Rico, February 10-13, 1998.

  •  Wilpshaar, M., Abbasov, A.B., Aliev G.A., Alizade, A.k, Eshet., Y., Gadijeva, T.M., Hakhverdijev, N.T., Schnabel, G.W., Tagiyev, M.F., and Zeyniyev, O.A., 1997. Early Cretaceous deposits of the Great Caucasus (Azerbaijan): An overview. IGCP Project 263, Final Meeting, Prague, 29.9.-5.10.97.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1997. The utility of phytoplankton in the understanding of ancient marine environment. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Israel, Haifa

  •  Eshet, Y., and Hoek, R.P., 1996. An easy method of making 'barren' sampes extremely rich in palynomorphs. 9th International Palynological Congress, Houston. Program Abstracts, p. 40.

  •  Vollin, S., Eshet, Y. and Kisch, H., 1995. Utility of calcareous nannofossils and organic remains in the reconstruction of thermal metamorphism in the Hatrurim Formation (Tertiary, southern Israel). nn. Mtg. Inter. Nannoplankton Assoc., Copenhagen.

  •  Volin, S., Eshet, Y. and Kisch H., 1995. Reconstruction of combustion focii in the Hatrurim Syncline by means of thermal effects in microfossil: methods and preliminary results. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Zikhron Ya'aqov. Program Abstracts, p. 119.

  •  Minster, T., Eshet, Y., and Moshkovitz, S., 1995. Calcareous nannofossil datums and the nature of the oil shale facies in the Rotem Syncline, Northern Negev. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Zikhron Ya'aqov. Program Abstracts, p. 77.

  •  Honigstein, A., Lewy, Z., Eshet, Y., Rosenfeld, A., Flexer, A. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1995. The Santonian-Campanian boundary in Israel. 2nd Int. Symp. Cretaceous Stage Boundaries, Brussels.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Moshkovitz, S., 1995. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in Santonian-Maastrichtian organic-rich carbonate sections in Israel. Ann. Mtg. Inter. Nannoplankton Assoc., Copenhagen.

  • Eshet, Y., Minster, T. and Moshkovitz, S., 1995. Nannofossil datums and their implications to the development of the Rotem Syncline. Ann. Mtg. Inter. Nannoplankton Assoc., Copenhagen.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1995. Calcareous nannofossils and productivity in the Tethys. 2nd Inter. Symp. on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean, Jerusalem, 27.8-1.9.95

  •  Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1995. Calcareous nannofossils: sensitive proxies of productivity in Cretaceous upwelling systems. 5th Int. Conf. on Paleoceanography, Halifax, N.S. Program Abstracts, p. 90.

  • Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1995. Calcareous nannofossils as paleoproductivity indicators in Campanian-Maastrichtian upwelling systems. Ann. Mtg. Inter. Nannoplankton Assoc., Copenhagen.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1995. Calcareous nannofossils in Cretaceous organic-rich carbonates as indicators of paleoenvironments. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg, Zikhron Ya'aqov. Program Abstracts, p. 27.

  •  Rampino, M.R., Eshet, Y. and Lapenis, A., 1994. Abrupt global ecological disaster and mass extinction at the Permian/Triassic boundary. Geological Society of America, Ann. Mtg., Seattle.

  •  Hoek, R., Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1994. A mew palyno-zonation schemefor Campanian-Maastrichtian organic-rich carbonate sequences in Israel. Isr. Geol. Soc. Ann. Mtg, E'n Gev. Program Abstract, p. 41.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 1993. The Peridinioid/Gonyaulacoid (P/G) cyst ratio: a reliable indicator in Upper Cretaceous organic-rich carbonates in Israel. 5th Int. Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (Dino V), Zeist, The Netherlands. Program Abstracts, p. 36.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1993. Phytoplankton and the determination of primary productivity. 5th Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (Dino V), Zeist. Program Abstracts, p. 35.

  •  Zaslavskaya, N., Eshet, Y., Hirsch, F., Weissbrod, T. and Gvirtzman, G., 1992. Recycled chitinozoans and graptolites in the Israeli Permo Triassic and their paleogeographic implications: preliminary results. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg. Program Abstracts, p. 177.

  •  Honigstein, A., Almogi Labin, A., Eshet, Y., Flexer, A., Moshkovitz, S. and Rosenfeld, A., 1992. The biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Santonian/Campanian boundary interval in Kabri. Israel Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Ashqelon. Program Abstracts, p. 171.

  •  Eshet, Y., Almogi Labin, A. and Bein, A., 1992. A multidisciplinary approach for the use of phytoplankton as indicators of paleoproductivity: example from Upper Cretaceous organic rich carbonates in Israel. 4th Int. Conf. on Paleoceanography, Kiel, Program Abstracts, p. 108.

  • Eshet, Y., Almogi Labin, A. and Bein, A., 1992. Phytoplankton in Upper Cretaceous organic rich carbonates "oil shale" in Israel as indicators of paleoproductivity: preliminary results.Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Ashqelon. Program Abstracts, p. 38.

  •  Eshet, Y., Almogi Labin, A. and Bein, A., 1992. Phyto and zooplankton in Cretaceous organic rich carbonates: indicators of paleoproductivity. 8th Int. Palyn. Cong., Aix en Provance, Program Abstracts, p. 42.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1992. Reworked palynomorphs: a key for understanding paleosedimentological processes (invited lectue). 8th Int. Palyn. Cong., Aix en Provence. Program Abstracts., p. 42.

  • Eshet, Y., 1991. Multidisciplinary approach to the study of the K/T boundary: example from southern Israel. Assoc. Palynol. Lang. Franc., XII Symp.: Biogeographie et Palynologie, Caen.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1991. Organic facies (palynofacies): palynological aspects of source rock evaluation. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg, Akko. Program Abstracts, p. 31.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Minster, Z., 1990. Palynofacies, organic facies and paloenvironments in the Maastrichtian section of Mishor Rotem, southern Israel. Cretaceous Field Conference, Jerusalem, Septmber, 5 15.90. Program Abstracts, p. 6.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Minster, Z., 1990. Preliminary palynological results from the organic matter enriched sequence, Ghareb Formation, Mishor Rotem implications on the environment of deposition. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Elat. Program Abstracts, p 28.

  •  Eshet, Y., Brugman, W.A., Van Houte, M. and Druckman, Y., 1990. Palynostratigraphic zonation and palynofacies of the Triassic outcrop of Makhtesh Ramon: the establishment of a Triassic palynologic type section for the Middle East. Isr. Geol. Soc. Ann. Mtg., Elat. Program Abstracts, p. 27.

  • Moshkovitz, S. and Eshet, Y., 1989. Inter relative aspects of calcareous nanno plankton and palynomorphs at the K T boundary, Hor Haar section, southern Israel. Int. Nanoplankton Assoc., Ann. Mtng., Firenze. Program Abstracts, p. 80.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1989. The acritarch and fungi spike at the Permian Triassic transition and their significance in understanding global ecologic catastrophies. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Ramot. Program Abstracts, pp. 38 40.

  •  Gerry, E., Honigstein, A., Rosenfeld, A., Hirsh, F. and Eshet, Y., 1988. The Carnian salinity crisis: ostracodes and palynomorphs as indicators of paleoenvironment. 10th Inter. Symp. on Ostracoda, Aberyswyth, July, 1988. Program Abstracts, p. 34.

  • Eshet, Y. and Druckman, Y., 1988. The distribution of reworked organic debris in the Permo Triassic sequence; a useful tool in paleogeographic reconstruction. Israel Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., 'En Boqeq. Program Abstracts, pp. 23 25.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1988. Palynostratigraphy of the Permian Triassic boundary in Israel. Ann. Mtg. of the Amer. Assoc. Stratig. Palynol., Houston.

  •  Eshet, Y., 1988. The reworked palynofacies and its application in sedimentology. C.I.M.P., Inter. Symp. on Circum Mediter. Palynol., Zeist. Prog. Abstracts, p. 11.

  •  Eshet, Y., Cousminer, H.L. and Habib, D., 1987. A model for using reworked palynomorphs as sedimentological and environmental indicators. 20th Meet. Amer. Assoc. Stratig. Palynol. Lecture published in Palynology, 12: 236.

  • Newman, W., Fairbridge, R.W. and Eshet, Y., 1986. Project Noah: The Dead Sea hydroelectric scheme as a model of world sea level management. 1st Inter. Symp. on Harbours, Port Cities and Coastal Topography. Cities on the Sea Past and Present, Haifa Israel.

  •  Eshet, Y. and Robbins, E.I., 1986. Sedimentologic and tectonic patterns in the Dead Sea rift and their application to hydrocarbon exploration. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Ann. Conven., Atlanta, Ga., June, 1986 (invited lecture), Prog. Abstracts, p. 587.

  •  Eshet, Y., Cousminer, H.L. and Habib, D., 1986. Permo Triassic palynozonation in Israel: Progress report. 19th Ann. Mtg. Amer. Assoc. Stratig.Palynol, New York. Palynology, 11, p. 225.

  • Eshet, Y., 1984. The Permo Triassic palynostratigraphy of Makhtesh Qatan 2 well, northern Negev. Isr. Geol. Soc., Ann. Mtg., Arad. Prog. Abstracts, pp. 26 27.