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Dr. Orli Weiser

Orli Weiser
Contact Info

The Open University of Israel The Dorothy de Rothschild Campus 1 University Road, P.O.B. 808 Ra'anana 43107, Israel
Mobile:972-52-8544852 Email:orli.weiser@gmail.com

Additional Information

Areas of Interest
  • Data Analytics competencies
  • Digital Learning
  • Technological innovations in learning and teaching
  • Information Systems

 Ph.D - Data Analytics Competencies - Identification, Measurement and Evaluation
Industrial Engineering and Management Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
M.A (summa cum laude) 
Learning Technologies and Networks, Department of Education and Psychology, Open University of Israel 
Knowledge acquisition, perceived learning and participation in synchronous face-to-face, one-way and two-way videoconferencing learning:
The influence of personality traits and media naturalness
Political Science & Computer Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Bar-Ilan University
The 2022 ILAIS Ein-Dor Student Prize for Information Systems Research
The 2022 Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies's award for excellence, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 
Collaboration between academy and industry, The Ministry of science & Technology of Israel
Scientific excellence and innovation, The President of Israel
M.A. students' scholarship, Open University of Israel 
University president's scholarship for excellence, Open University of Israel

since  2022      The Open University of Israel, Course coordinator, Strategic Competitive Information Systems, undergraduate course

since  2021      Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Advanced Database Technologies – Not only SQL (NoSQL), undergraduate course

2020-2022            College of Law & Business, NoSQL Databases, undergraduate course

since  2020      Students’ projects evaluator, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Ben-Gurion University

since  2020      Co.Do - Group moderator. Co.Do Work alone togheter  community accompanies researchers by helping them to deal with postponement

since  2020      Coordinator of the “Employment Beyond Academia” seminars in the “Ma’avarim” project, with Prof. David Levi-Faur (founder and moderator), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The “Ma’avarim” project accompanies research-oriented students by creating support networks and transferring knowledge.

2020-2022      Ronit Hurvitz memorial scholarship for mothers in the academy – Founder and facilitator.

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M., Kent, C. & Ravid, G. (2022). 65 Competencies: Which Ones Should Your Data Analytics Experts Have? Communications of the ACM, 65(3), 58-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3467018

Weiser, O., Blau, I. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2018). How do medium naturalness, teaching-learning interactions and Students' personality traits affect participation in synchronous E-learning?. The Internet and Higher Education, 37, 40-51.

Blau, I., Weiser, O. & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2017). How do medium naturalness and personality traits shape academic achievement and perceived learning? An experimental study of face-to-face and synchronous e-learning. Research in Learning Technology 2017, 25: 1974 -http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v25.1974

Shamir-Inbal, T., Weiser, O., & Blau, I. (2022). What is the Difference between Peer Assessment and an “Objective” External Assessment in an Academic Course? In Proceedings of the KM Conference 2022. Ljubljana, Slovenia: The International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management.

Weiser, O., Shamir-Inbal, T., & Blau, I. (2022). Does peer assessment meet the quality requirements? In: Y. Eshet-Alkalai, I. Blau, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Kalman, T. Lauterman (Eds.), Learning in the Technological era. Ra'anana, Israel: The Open University of Israel. [In Hebrew].

Weiser, O., Gradovitch, N. (2022). Changes in Personal Information Management Behavior of Higher Education Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic. In: Y. Eshet-Alkalai, I. Blau, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Kalman, T. Lauterman (Eds.), Learning in the Technological era. Ra'anana, Israel: The Open University of Israel. [In Hebrew].

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Synchronous Learning – Face-to-face, One-way, and Two-way Videoconferencing: The Role of Teaching-Learning Strategies, Personality Traits and Media Naturalness. In: Y. Eshet-Alkalai, I. Blau, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Kalman, V. Silber-Varod (Eds.), Learning in the Technological era (pp. 91-100). Ra'anana, Israel: The Open University of Israel. [In Hebrew].

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M. & Ravid, G. (2022). Competencies of data analysts: measurment and evaluation. Paper presented at the 16th conference of the Israel Association for Information Systems (ILAIS), Ruppin Academic Center, Israel

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M., Kent, C. & Ravid, G. (2021). Data Analytics Competencies. Using 65 data experts, how did we make the research lab better? Presented at the Research Synposia, Open Media and Information Lab. Ra’anana, Israel. The open university of Israel

Weiser, O. (2021). Data Science in IS: Our future, Our Doom, or just more Hype? A panel presented at the 15th conference of the Israel Association for Information Systems (ILAIS), Ra’anana, Israel

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M., Kent, C. & Ravid, G. (2019, June 24). Who is a data analyst? academia vs. industry. Paper presented at the 13th conference of the Israel Association for Information Systems (ILAIS), Tel Aviv, Israel

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M., Kent, C. & Ravid, G. (2019, May 22). What Competencies are Required for Data Analytics tasks? - A Delphi Study. Presented at the Research Symposia, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies. Ra'anana, Israel. The Open University of Israel. ​

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M., Kent, C. & Ravid, G. (2018, June 18). What Competencies are Needed for Data Analytics? - A Delphi Study. Paper presented at the 12th conference of the Israel Association for Information Systems (ILAIS), Ashdod, Israel

Weiser, O., Kalman, Y.M., Kent, C. & Ravid, G. (2018, April 6). A Delphi Study of Competencies and Skills for Data Analytics (WIP). Paper presented at Information Systems Education Conference (ISECON), San Antonio, Texas: Foundation for IT Education. http://proceedings.isecon.org/download/606hi6xdqptcesrnwvtw

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Dialogue and monologues in online classroom: How teaching-learning interactions affect student participation in synchronous lessons conducted through two-way videoconferencing using Zoom technology? In Proceedings of the 14th Annual MEITAL National Conference 2016: New Technologies and Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Bar-Ilan University, Israel. [in Hebrew]

Blau, I., Weiser, O., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). Face-to-face versus one-way and two-way videoconferencing: how medium naturalness and personality traits influence achievement and perceived learning? Paper presented at the 11the Iberian Conference of Information Systems and Technologies-CISTI'2016. Cran Canaria, Canarian Islands, Spain.

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). A Zoom on encouraging students? Participation in learning thourgh two-way videoconferencing: The role of teaching-learning interactions. Presented at the Research Symposia, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies. Ra'anana, Israel. The Open University of Israel. 

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2016). The role of pedagogy media and students' personality in synchronous learning: comparing face-to-face and videoconferencing participation. Presented at the 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference - INTED2016. Valencia, Spain.

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2015). Knowledge acquisition and synchronous learning experience in bidirectional video conference: Remote but face to face? Presented at the Research Symposia, The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies. Ra'anana, Israel: The Open University of Israel.

Weiser, O. (March 2022). The Most Important Data Analytics Competencies. International Day of Women and Girls in STEM. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Weiser, O., Blau, I., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (June, 2020). Online participation: Online lesson characteristics and their impact on students' participation​. Shemurat Teva - Journal for Biology and Environmental Science Teachers, 200, 35-40. [in Hebrew].

Distant but face-to-face: Two-way videoconferencing technology and its impact on perceived learning and knowledge acquisition in synchronous learning. MEITAL – IUCEL: Inter University Center for E-Learning. 12,000 NIS. co-PI, with Prof. Ina Blau & Prof. Yoram Eshet.