"Fellini's Visual Style(s): A Phenomenological Account," in Frank Burke, Marguerite Waller, and Marita Gubareva (eds.), A Companion to Federico Fellini. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2020, 223-236.
“Art and Presence: Investigating Embodiment in a Virtual Art Gallery,” in Hava Aldouby (ed.), Shifting Interfaces: An Anthology of Presence, Agency, and Empathy in Early 21st Century Media Arts. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2020, 59-73.
“Tightrope Walking on the Threshold of Virtual Reality: Phil Solomon’s Filmmaking in Grand Theft Auto,” in Ruthie Abeliovich and Edwin Seroussi (eds.), Borderlines: Essays on Mapping and the Logic of Place. Sciendo (De Gruyter Poland), 2019, 69-90.
“Camminare su una fune tesa sulla soglia della realtà virtuale: Il cinema di Phil Solomon in Grand Theft Auto.” In Matteo Bittanti (ed.), Fenomenologia di Grand Theft Auto. Milan: Edizioni Mimesis, 2019, 275-298 [Italian; translation of previous item].
“Courting Absence, Restoring Presence: Ori Gersht and the Moving Image”, in Hava Aldouby, David Chandler, Al Miner and Mae Petra-Wong, Ori Gersht: History Reflecting. Boston: MFA (Museum of Fine Arts) Publications, 2014.