2020, February 25-26, Annual meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, Bar-Ilan Univeristy, Do algorithms have a right to the city? Waze and algorithmic aptiality, Presenter
2020, January 9-10, Fourth International Conference on Cultural Political Economy, Staffordshire University, UK, Making health data into an epistemic consumption object: An Israeli case study, Presenter (with Zeev Rosenhak
2019, November 13-15, Digital fracturing: Disruptive Technopolitics and Political Order, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, Politics of Algorithms, Presenter
2019, October 30-31, Meaning and Markets: European, North American, and Israeli Perspective, The Hebrew University, Making health data into an epistemic consumption object: An Israeli case study, Presenter (with Zeev Rosenhak)
2019, October 23-25, Algorithmic Knowledge in Culture and in the Media, International, The ledger and the diary: algorithms and subjectivity, Organizer, Presenter, Discussant
2019, September 18-21, 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Ghent, Belgium, The Variant Epistemes of Risk Assessments: The Devil and the Entrepreneur, Presenter (with Yoav Mehozay and Ronit Blumkine)
2019, September 16, About time: human sciences and modern time, Inter-disciplinary workshop, The Open University, iNakba: Co-presence in Time and Space, Presenter (With Norma Musih)
2019, September 4-7, Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Making Health Data into an Epistemic Consumption Object: An Israeli Case-Study, Co-author (with Zeev Rosenhek)
2019, August 20-23, The 14th conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, UK, Do Algorithms have a Right to the City? Waze and Spatial Sovereignty, Presenter
2019, June 27-29, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, New York City, Shifting capitalist critiques: Unionizing discourse in the high-tech sector, Presenter
2019, June 27-29, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, New York City, Making health data into an epistemic consumption object: An Israeli case-study, Presenter
2019, January 21-22, semi-plenary on The Sociology of Digital Economy at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, University of Haifa, The internet as a space for exchange, production, and discipline, Invited speaker
2018, October 3-4, Workshop on Political Thought in Israel, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel, Can algorithmic knowledge about the self be critical?, Workshop participant
2018, September 6-8, Annual meeting of Research Network 18 (media and communication) of the European Sociological Association meeting, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Algorithmic self: the eclipse of reason, Presenter
2018, July 18-21, 10th Beyond Humanism conference, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland, Can algorithmic knowledge about the self be critical, Presenter
2018, April 26, colloquium of the School for Behavioral Science, College of Management – Academic Studies, The algorithmic self: subjectivity between humans and big data, Invited speaker
2018, April 20, Automated Justice: Algorithms, Big Data and Criminal Justice Systems, Zurich University, Switzerland, The epistemological evolution (and revolution) of the effectiveness movement and automated justice, Presenter (with Yoav Mehozay)
2018, February 4, Colloquium for the Study of Digital Culture, Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University, Algorithms and the political self, Invited speaker
2018, January 29-30, the annual conference of the Israel Sociological Association, Ben Gurion University, The algorithmic self: Risk assessment in the criminal justice system in times of big data, Presenter (with Yoav Mehozay)
2018, January 8, The Problem of Theorizing Privacy, workshop at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, Comments on Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Privacy as Protection of the Incomputable Self: From Agnostic to Agonistic Machine Learning, commentator
2017, December 3, Colloquium of the Department of Science and Technology Studies, Bar Ilan University, Can algorithmic knowledge about the self be critical?, Invited speaker
2017, November 2, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, The aesthetics of data visualization: is beauty making a comeback to science?, Invited speaker
2017, November 1, Feeling data: emotion and affect in datafied worlds, Data, Self & Society group at the Consumer Society Research Centre, University of Helsinki, Finland, Can algorithmic knowledge about the self be critical? Lessons from psychoanalysisWorkshop participant
2017, October 31, Colloquium of the Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland, The bifurcation of information online, Invited speaker
2017, August 29-September 1, The 13th conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, When information wanted to be free: Information bifurcation and the origins of Web 2.0, Presenter
2017, May 21-22, Conference on the social facets of surveillance and control, Bar Ilan University, When information wanted to be free: surveillance and the origins of Web 2.0, Presenter
2017, January 30-31, The annual conference of the Israeli Sociological Association, The Open University, How media companies stopped worrying and started loving the notion that information wants to be free: The historical origins of Web 2.0, Presenter
2016, December 7, Colloquium of the Department of Communication, Tel Aviv University, How media companies stopped worrying and started loving the notion that information wants to be free: The historical origins of Web 2.0, Invited speaker
2016, November 25, Colloquium of the Cultural Studies Program, The Open University of Israel, How media companies stopped worrying and started loving the notion that information wants to be free: The historical origins of Web 2.0, Invited speaker
2016, November 14, Colloquium of the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, Audience labour struggles on social media, Invited speaker
2016, July 25, New Direction in Theories of Capitalism, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Information bifurcated: how information became concurrently free and commodified in digital capitalism, Invited Speaker
2016, June 16, A Seminar in Honor of Tova Benski, School of Behavioral Science, College of Management – Academic Studies, The rationalization of emotions in digital media, Invited Speaker
2016, May 17, colloquium of the School of Communication, College of Management – Academic Studies, What does the social media audience do? Lessons from the political economy of the internet, Invited speaker
2016, April 26, Master course ‘Users and Innovation in New Media`, Department Media & Communication Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, How value is created on social media: A Marxist perspective, Invited lecturer
2015, June 29, Consumption and culture in Israel: critical perspectives and social implications, First conference of the section on research on consumption and culture of the Israeli Sociological Association, Audience labour on the internet and in capitalism, Presenter
2015, January 21, Colloquium of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar Ilan University, Marx on Facebook: Value, Labour, and class in social networking sites, Invited speaker
2014, October 24, Free and unpaid work, gratuity, collaborative activity and precariousness, University of Bologna, ItalyFrom safety net to the internet: the promise of technology in capitalism, Invited speaker
2014, September 3-5, The Dynamics of Virtual Work: The Transformation of Labour in a Digital Global Economy, University of Hertfordshire, the UK, Audience labour struggles in social media, Presenter
2014, June 23, Colloquium of the Department of Knowledge and Information Management, University of Haifa, Audience labour in social media: lessons from the political economy of communication, Invited speaker
2014, June 15-17, Workshop on Marx’s labour theory of value in the digital age, The Open University of Israel Audience labour: Social media audience subjectivity between theory and praxis, Workshop participant + co-organizer (with Christian Fuchs)
2013, November 18, Seminar of the Institute for Internet Studies, Tel Aviv University, The centrality of the audience in the political economy of the Internet, Invited speaker
2013, November 7-10, Historical Materialism Conference, London, the UK, The ideology of digital labour, Presenter
2013, October 29, Colloquium of the Hermeneutics and Culture Program, Bar-Ilan University, What does social media audience do? Lessons from the political economy of the internet, Invited speaker
2013, June 17, International Communication Association Preconference: Exploring and Remaking Critical Studies of Advertising, New Media? You Media! Revisiting audience labour in social media; the case-study of Sponsored Stories, Presenter
2013, May 29-30, ICTs and Work: the United States at the Origin of the Dissemination of Digital Capitalism, Université Paris Sorbonne, Between technology and ideology: Wired Magazine and the rise of digital capitalism, Conference keynote speaker
2013, April 23, Communications in Transitions: In honor of Dan Caspi, Department of Communication, Ben Gurion, Marx 2.0: Audience work in social media, Presenter
2013, March 19, Rubin Forum, School of History, Tel Aviv University, Technology discourse from Ford to Google: Transformations in capitalist legitimation, Invited speaker
2012, May 2-4, Critique, Democracy and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society: Towards Critical Theories of Social Media, The Fourth ICTs and Society Conference, Uppsala University, Sweden, How less alienation creates more exploitation? Sociological insights from new media, Presenter
2012, March 15, Colloquium of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University, Work and technology in the discourse of digital capitalism, Invited speaker
2012, February 24-25, Power, Rhetoric, and Political Culture: The Texture of Political Action, Northwestern University, Illinois, US, Flexibility at work: technology, ideology, and labor in contemporary capitalism, Workshop participant
2012, February 8-10, Control's Other Side, the 4th Interdisciplinary Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Germany, Disorganized order: Networks as technology and metaphor for the market economy, Presenter
2012, January 23, Protest in the Network Society, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, A Tenured Bohemian: The Creative Class and the Return of the Social Critique, Presenter
2012, January 1, Colloquium of the Graduate Program of Science, Technology and Society, Bar-Ilan University, The spirit of networks: The discourse on work in digital capitalism, Invited speaker
2011, December 21, Colloquium of the Department of communication, College of Emek Izrael, The discourse on work in the digital age, Invited speaker
2011, November 20, Honors Forum, Sapir College, Labor in the network society, Invited speaker
2011, July 13-17, The annual International Association for Media and Communication Research conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Prosumption in the digital age: Towards a political economy of participatory culture, Presenter
2011, June 30, Social science colloquium at Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Technology, ideology, and capitalism in the digital age, Invited speaker
2011, April 7-9, The First conference of the COST Action IS0906:
Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, University of Zagreb, Old theories, new methodologies: Investigating the political economy of Web 2.0, presenter
2011, March 2, Seminar on Interactive Experience as Marketing Tool, School of Communication, College of Management-Academic Studies, Facebook as playground and as factory: The political economy of social networks, Invited speaker
2011, February, 7-8, The annual meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association, Academic College of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel, Internet as media and technology: What sociology and communication studies can learn from each other?, Presenter
2010, December 21, Colloquium of the Department of Communication, Haifa University, Capitalism in the digital age, Invited speaker
2010, November 23, Colloquium of the Department of Communication, The Hebrew University, Trapped in the net: The digital discourse and the new capitalism, Invited speaker
2010, November 22, Colloquium of the School of Government and Society, Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College, The new terrain of digital capitalism, Invited speaker
2010, May 5, Reflections on the Network Society, conference of the General and Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, Network Society as Risk Society, Invited speaker
2010, February 26, Colloquium of the Department of Communication, Tel Aviv University, Exploitation, alienation and technological change: Work in digital capitalism, Invited speaker
2010, January 7, Colloquium of the Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University, From safety net to the internet: network technology and capitalist legitimation, Invited speaker
2009, December 28, Colloquium of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University, The spirit of network: Network technology and the new capitalism, Invited speaker
2009, December 22, Colloquium of the School for Communication, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Technology discourse and the legitimation of capitalism, Invited speaker
2009, October 7, Critical Internet Theory Workshop, Association of Internet Researchers, “Critical: Internet”, Milwaukee WI, USA, October 7, Internet and New Capitalism, Workshop participant
2009, October 8-11, The 10th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, “Critical: Internet”, Milwaukee WI, USA, Critique of Technology Discourse: Towards a Critical Theory of the Internet, Presenter
2008, September 5-8, First International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain, Digital De-Alienation: Information technology, Work, and The New Spirit of Capitalism, Presenter
2008, July 21, Colloquium of the Department of Human Services, Haifa University, From safety net to the internet: Technology, work, and the spirit of networks, Invited speaker
2007, September 5-7, Conference of the Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change: “Re-Thinking Cultural Economy”, University of Manchester, England, From the Bureaucrat to the Digerati: Work, Technology, and the New Spirit of Capitalism, Presenter
2006, August 10-14, The 101st annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montréal, Canada, ’Upgrading’ Market Legitimation: Revisiting Habermas’s ‘Technology as Ideology’ in Neoliberal Times, Presenter
2001, May 15-17, Annual meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, Washington DC, Historiography and Post-Nationalism in Israel, Presenter