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Dr. Yael Munk, Senior Lecturer

Contact Info

The Open University of Israel 1 University Road P.O.B. 808 Ra’anana 4353701, Israel
Office: 972-9-7781985 Fax:972-9-7782671 Email: yaelmu@openu.ac.il

Areas of Interest
  • Israeli and Palestinian cinemas
  • Holocaust studies
  • Colonialism criticism and postcolonial theory
  • Women documentary
  • Gender studies
  • Israeli cinema
  • Judaism and film
  • Palestinian cinema
  • Israeli television drama

Tel Aviv University
Ph.D., Film and Television
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
M.A., Comparative Literature
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
B.A., French and English Literature
2012 - present
The Open University of Israel, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts
Senior lecturer
2008 - 2012
The Open University of Israel, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts
2003 - 2019
Tel-Aviv University, Department of Film and Television
Adjunct Lecturer
2003 - 2008
Sapir Academic College, School of Audio and Visual Arts
Senior lecturer
2002 - 2003
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Leifer Center for Women and Gender
2000 - 2006
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Adjunct Lecturer
1994 - 2001
Camera Obscura School for the Arts, Tel Aviv
1994 - 2001
Wizo College of Arts, Haifa
Adjunct Lecturer
The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Award (4000$)
The Helen Gartner Hammer scholars in residence program, Brandeis University (July-August)
The Open University Research Authority Grant
The Open University Research Authority Grant
The Schusterman Foundation, Chicago
The Open University Excellency Scholarship for Ph.D. research
Board Member of the Israeli Journal KRYOT (editors Tamar Herman and Edna Lumsky Feder)
Reviewer for the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Journal, Iyunim Be Tkumat Israel (Hebrew), SCMS Cinema Journal, Jewish Film and New Media
Member of the Editorial Board of Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies
Reviewer for AJS – Association for Jewish Studies Review, Shofar-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies
Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Film Studies, Criticism, Wayne University Press, Israel Studies Review, Public Culture, Duke University Press, Politika, Tel-Aviv University, Ethnicities, Sage, Pe'amim, Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, Feminist Media Studies, Israelis – A Bilingual Periodical of Israel Studies, NASHIM – A Journal of Jewish Women
Reviewer for the Journal of Middle Eastern Women Studies Journal, Jewish Film & New Media Journal
Reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation
Reviewer for the Sage Open Journal, Arts & Humanities, Sociology, Dvarim: Interdisciplinary Academic Journal of the Oranim College, Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues, Misgarot Media: The Journal of the Israeli Association for Communication, Media, Culture and Society Journal
Reviewer for the Israeli Science Foundation
Reviewer for the Jewish Film and the New Media Journal, Wayne State University Press, Theory and Criticism (Hebrew), Van Leer Institute [Hebrew]
Reviewer for Signs - Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Rutgers, University of Chicago
Member of the organizing committee conference on: Identities in Transition, Conference in Honor of Prof. Nurith Gertz, The Open University, Israel, June 2009

 NECS – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies

 EAIS – European Association for Israel Studies

 SCMS – Society for Cinema and Media Studies

 AIS - Association for Israel Studies

 NAPH - National Association of Professors of Hebrew

 The Israeli Academy for Film and Television

Noga Shavit, "Woman Politicians in American Television Series", Tel-Aviv University, Cultural Studies Department [Ph.D], Co-Supervisor: Prof. Milette Shamir, in progress

Sigal Yona, “Between Hebrew and Arabic: Voice and Language in Israeli Cinema”, Tel-Aviv University, The Interdisciplinary Program in the Arts [M.A.], co–superviser: Prof. Yehuda Judd Ne’eman, completed August 2018.

Elinor Indich, “Underprivileged women in 2000 Israeli cinema”, The Kibbutzim Seminar [M.A.], completed December 2017.

Ron Yeshua, “Disciplining the Queer Body in Contemporary Israeli Gay Cinema”, University of Haifa, Department of Film Culture [M.A.], co–superviser: Dr. Yvonne Kozlovsky-Golan, completed June 2016.

Liat Savin Ben Shushan, “Structuring the Public Realm in Architecture and Cinema: 1945-1983”, Bar Ilan University, Program for Hermaneutics and Cultural Studies [Ph.d], co-superviser: Prof. Avi Sagi, completed May 2015.

"Borderline Cinema: Space and Identity in Israeli Cinema of the 1990s", Ph.D. Dissertation supervised by Prof. Judd Ne'eman and Dr. Orly Lubin, Tel Aviv University, 2005 [Hebrew].

Monograph On the Margin of History: Israeli Women Filmmakers in Contemporary Israeli Cinema (Leiden: Brill Publishers) (Forthcoming)

Fikzia: The Israeli Television Drama, co-edited with Itay Harlap and Orna Lavie-Flynt, Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University and Am Oved Publishers. 2022 [Hebrew]

"Identities in Transition in Israeli Culture”, co-edited with Sandra Meiri, Adia Mendelson-Maoz and Liat Steir-Livni, The Open University Press, 2013 [Hebrew].

“On Ruins, Trauma and Cinema”, Cinema South Notebooks no.2, co-edited with Eyal Sivan, Pardes Publishers, 2007 [Hebrew].

“On Consciousness and Cinema: Following Judd Ne'eman”, Cinema South Notebooks no.1, co-edited with Eyal Sivan, Pardes Publishers, 2006 [Hebrew].

"Eye to Eye" no. 1, co-edited with Anat Even & Yael Shavit, Babel Publishers, 2003 [Hebrew].

“History of Israeli Cinema (1948-1989)”, revised version, (course study guide, with Amir Farjoun, Dana Massad and Yaara Ozery, 2016.

“Looking Back: A Reviewed History of Israeli Cinema (1948-1989)”, co-authored with Nurith Gerz, 2014.

“History of Israeli Cinema (1948-1989)”, (course study guide, with Amir Farjoun and Dana Massad), 2014.

“Exiled in Their Borders: Israeli Cinema at the Turn of the Century”, 2012.

“Israeli Cinema at the Turn of the Century” (course 10939 study guide, with Amir Farjoun), 2012.

“Gender: Identity and Culture” (course 14212 study guide, with Daphna Hirsch), 2012.

Munk, Yael. "Three Mothers (2006) by Dina Zvi-Riklis: The Repressed Israeli Trauma of Immigration," Arts 9/2 (2020): 71, DOI: 10.3390/arts9020071

Munk, Yael. "Fauda: the Israeli Occupation on a Prime Time Television Drama; or, the Melodrama of the Enemy," New Review of Film and Television Studies (2019): 1-15, DOI: 10.1080/17400309.2019.1666655

Munk, Yael. "The Catastrophic Horizon: Contemporary Israeli Cinema Critique of Neo-Liberal Ideology," Comparative Literature and Culture 21/2 (March 2019) Special Issue: Materiality and the Time of the Present in Israeli Culture, Eds. Oded Nir and Ari Ofengenden, https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol21/iss2/

Munk, Yael. "In the Face of Violence: The Political Reading of IDF Women Soldiers as Represented in Two Recent Israeli Films," Feminist Media Studies. (23 Nov. 2018): 1-15.  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14680777.2018.1546208

Munk, Yael. "Coming of Age: The Post-National New Israeli Cinematic Narrative of the Holocaust," Post Script – Essays in Films and the Humanities 31.7 (University of Texas, Fall 2017) 22-39.  

Munk, Yael. “Arnon Goldfinger's The Flat: Holocaust Memory, Film Noir, and the Pain of Others,” Jewish Film and New Media – An International Journal 4/1 (Spring 2016): 25-42. 

Munk, Yael. "One Level Under: On Political Spaces in the Israeli Television Series Pillars of Fire (Oded Davidov, 2009-2011)” (co-authored with Dana Masad), Slil - Online Journal for History, Film and Television 10 (Winter 2016): 23-39 [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. “'Draft' or Saving the Son from Being of the Nation's Prospects,” Short Film Studies 6/2 (2016): 221-224. 

Munk, Yael. “Nurith Aviv : Cineaste d'un passé perdu – Un regard sur Vaters Land,” Mikhtav Hadash, 3 (July 2015) : 126-131.

Munk, Yael. "The Warrior’s Death Gift: Magic Realism in Avanti Popolo" (co-authored with Judd Ne’eman), Mikan: Journal of Jewish Literature and Culture 13, (2013): 63-86 [Hebrew]. 

Munk, Yael. "Salach Shabati: The Precursor of a Subversive Popular Cinema in Israel", Pe'amim 135, (2013): 145-161 [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. "Investigating the Israeli Soldier’s Guilt and Responsibility," Bulletin du Centre de recherche française à Jerusalem 23 (2012) http://bcrfj.revues.org/6822 (online journal)

Munk, Yael. “Ethics and Responsibility: The Feminization of the New Israeli Documentary,” Israel Studies, 16/2 (2011): 151-164. 

Munk, Yael. "Waltz with Bashir, A Lebanon War Story : lorsqu’un film se transforme en roman graphique,” Témoigner : Entre Histoire et Mémoire. Revue Interdisciplinaire de la fondation Auschwitz, 109 (Mars 2011) : 209-220. 

Munk, Yael. “Dreamers Often Lie” : On “Compromise”, the Subversive Documentation of an Israeli-Palestinian Political Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet,” Altre Modernita (March 2010): 174-182. riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/article/download/522/724 

Munk, Yael. “Déplacement du mythe du Sabra: L’adaptation cinématographique de Pour Inventaire de Yaakov Shabtai par Amos Gitai,” Yod - Revue des études hébraïques et juives, INALCO, 14 (2009): 303-317. 

Munk, Yael. "When the Ghosts of Colonialism Invade the City of Paris: From Mon Oncle to Cache," Scroope – Cambridge Architecture Journal, 19 (June 2009): 94-99. 

Munk, Yael. "Kippur ou l’anatomie d’un traumatisme", CinemAction – Amos Gitai: Entre Terre et Exil 131 (Paris: Corlet Publications):, 110-115.

Munk, Yael. “Schauplatz Tel-Aviv: Dir sakulare Metropole im israelischen Film,” Judischer Almanach der Leo Baeck Institute, 16 (Judischer Verlag im Suhrkamp Verlage): 107-116. 

Munk, Yael. “The Post-Colonial Function of the Virtual Space of Television in Israeli Cinema of the 1990s,” Framework 49/1 (Spring 2008): 83-92.

Munk, Yael. “Israeli Cinema in the Third Decade” (co-authored with Nurith Gertz), Cathedra, ed. Zvi Zameret and Hana Yablonka (Yad Ben Zvi Publishers, 2008): 205-217 [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. “Tel-Aviv, capitale du cinema israelien.” Tzafon: Revue d’Etudes Juives du Nord 55 (Université de Lille, spring/summer 2008): 137-150. 

Munk, Yael. “Le retour du cinema Israelien vers le Judaisme,” Cahiers du Judaisme 20 (Paris, Sep 2006): 4-10. 

Munk, Yael. “False Nostalgia and Cultural Amnesia: The city of Tel-Aviv in Israeli Cinema of the 1990s,” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 24/4 (Summer 2006): 130-143. 

Munk. Yael. “Following Mr. Baum's Naked Body,” Theory and Criticism 18 (Van Leer Institute): 193-197 [Hebrew]. 

Munk, Yael. " Faces of the Enemy in Israeli Television Dramas." In Fiktzia: Israeli Television Drama, Itay Harlap, Orna Lavie Flynt and Yael Munk (eds.). Omek Sadeh Editions: Tel Aviv University and Am Oved Publishers, pp. 171-191. [Hebrew]. 

Munk, Yael. "Hagar Ben Asher's The Slut as the first Transnational Feminist Film Text," Casting a Giant Shadow: The Transnational Shaping of Israeli Cinema, eds. Rachel S. Harris and Dan Chyutin. Indiana University Press, 2021, pp. 316-334. 

Munk, Yael. "The Impossible Homecoming: The Israeli Television Series Prisoners of War (Hatufim)," in Israeli Television: Global Contexts, Local Visions, eds. Miri Talmon and Yael Levy, Routledge, 2020: 84-95. 

Munk, Yael. "The Rise and Fall of the New Man: The Kibbutz in Contemporary Israeli Cinema.” in Between the Private and the Collective in the Jewish Settlement in Eretz Israel, eds. Yhiam Weitz and Ofira Gruweiss (Herzel Institute for the research of Zionism, Haifa University, 2020), 146-163. [Hebrew]

Munk, Yael. “Attempting to Remember What They Never Knew: The Identity Quest of Second and Third Generation Holocaust Survivors as Reflected in Recent Israeli Documentaries,” in Translated Memories: Transgenerational Perspectives on the Holocaust, eds. Bettina Hofmann and Ursula Reuters (Lexington Books, 2020), 291-305.

Munk, Yael. “Israeli Television Documentaries: Their Role in Expanding the Boundaries of Holocaust Memory Discourse” Volkermord zur Prime Time, Der Holocaust im Fernsehem, edited by Judith Keilbach, Bela Rasky and Jana Starek. Wien & Hamburg, New Academic Press, 2019pp. 227-240.

Munk, Yael. "Rafi Bukai's Avanti Popolo: Telling the War from the Traumatized Perpetrator’s Perspective," in New Perspectives on War Films, eds. Clementine Tholas, Janis Goldie and Karen Ritzenhoff (Palgrave McMillan, 2019), 59-79.

Munk, Yael. "The Borders We Cross in Search of a Better World: On Border Crossing in Three of Amos Gitai's Feature Films," in Border Cinema: Reimagining Identity through Aesthetics, eds. Monica D. Hanna and Rebecca A. Sheehan (Rutgers University Press, 2019), 179-194.

Munk, Yael. “Feminist Israeli Cinema: Fighting Prejudices Against Female Prostitution,” in Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking in Women: Israel's Blood Money, eds. Erella Shadmi and Esther Herzog (Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2019), 147-157.

Munk, Yael. "Israeli Cinema's Interpretation of the Biblical Imperative of Colonization," in Colonization and the Bible: Contemporary Reflections from the Global South, eds. Tat-siong Benny Liew and Fernando F. Sergovia (Lexington Books, 2019), 87-101.

Munk. Yael.  "La découverte du visage de l'Autre dans le nouveau cinema israelien," in UL3: Regards sur le Proche Orient Eclate-Complexe-Paradoxal, eds. Francoise Saquer-Sabin et Emmanuel Persyn (Lille: Université de Lille, 2016), 261-370.

Munk, Yael. “La Dépolitisation du Nouveau Cinéma Israélien,” in Israéliens, Palestiniens: Les Cinéastes Témoignent, eds. Janine Halbreich-Euvrard and Carol Shyman (Editions: Riveneuve, 2015), 18-26.

Munk, Yael. "Memory of a Death Foretold: Fathers and Sons in Assi Dayan's 'Trilogy'.” in Deeper than Oblivion: Trauma and Memory in Israeli Cinema, eds. Raz Yosef and Boaz Hagin (New York and London: Bloomsburry, 2013), 147-165.

Munk, Yael. “Father's Truth and Lies Game: On Peter Weir's 'The Truman Show'," in Play: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Survival and Human Development, ed. Emilia Perroni (London and New York: Routledge, 2013), 172-180.

Munk, Yael. "The Palestinian Narrative in Nurith Gertz’s Research," in Identities in Transition in Israeli Culture, eds. Sandra Meiri, Liat Steir-Livny, Adia Mendelson-Maoz and Yael Munk (The Open University Press, 2013) [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. "From National Heroes to Postnational Witnesses: A Reconstruction of Israeli Soldiers’ Cinematic Narratives as Witnesses of History,” in Narratives of Dissident: War in Contemporary Israeli Arts and Culture, eds. Ranen Omer-Sherman and Rachel S. Harris (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2012), 300-316.

Munk, Yael. “The Privatization of War Memories in Recent Israeli War Films,” in Israeli Cinema: Identities in Motion, eds. Miri Talmon and Yaron Peleg (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011), 96-109.

Munk, Yael. “Israeli Cinema Engaging the Conflict” (co-authored with Nurith Gertz), in Film in the Middle East and North Africa: Creative Dissidence, ed. Josef Gugler (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011), 154-166.

Munk, Yael. “Kedma (Amos Gitai): The Birth of Two Nations in 1948” (co-authored with Nurith Gertz and Gal Hermoni), in Film in the Middle East and North Africa: Creative Dissidence, ed. Josef Gugler (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011), 167-176.

Munk, Yael. “Avanti Popolo (Rafi Bukaee): Battle Cry of the Fallen” (co-authored with Judd Ne’eman), in Film in the Middle East and North Africa: Creative Dissidence, ed. Josef Gugler (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011), 177-184.

Munk, Yael. “’This is the Way Terrorists Grow Up’: Some Cinematic Insights on the Occupation,” in 40 Years of Occupation: The Affects on Israeli society, ed. Ephraim Lavie (Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University Press, 2009), 163-170 [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. “’Guarda Loro E Vedrai Noi’: Tendenze Produttive nel Documentario Israeliano Contemporaneo,” in Il Cinema Israeliano Comtemporaneo (Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 2009), 167-184.

Munk, Yael. “I Dissidenti Doc: Amos Gitai, Avi Mograbi, Eyal Sivan,” in Il Cinema Israeliano Comtemporaneo (Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 2009), 185-194.

Munk, Yael. “Amos Gitai: Challenging the Blind Spots of Israeli Identity,” in Munio Weinraub – Amos Gitai Exhibition: Architecture and Film in Israel (Munich: Minerva Editions, 2008) [English and German].

Munk. Yael. “The Return of the Repressed: Sexual Stereotypes of the Old Jew: The Case of Gift from Heaven” (co-authored with Sandra Meiri), in Jew and Sex: An Anthology, ed. Nathan Abrams (Nottingham: Five Leaves Publications, 2008), 66-76.

Munk, Yael. “Motherhood as an Oppositional Standpoint: on Michal Aviad’s For My Children,” in Gender in Conflicts: Palestine-Israel- Germany, eds. Christina von Braun and Ulrike Auga (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2007), 143-148.

Munk, Yael. “Behind Romeo, Behind Juliet: The Conflict,” in Documentaly: Articles on Documentary Cinema in Israel, ed. Ma'ayan Amir (Am Oved Publishers, 2007), 236-244 [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. “Israeli Cinema: Hebrew Identity/Jewish Identity” (co-authored with Nurith Gertz), in New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age (vol. 3), eds. Dan Meiron and Hanan Hever (Keter Publishers, 2007), 269-276 [Hebrew].

Munk, Yael. “Frontières de conflit, frontières de représentation : sur le film d'Anat Even et Ada Ushpiz Enchainées,” in Israéliens, Palestiniens : que peut le cinéma ? ed. Janine Euvrard (Paris : Editions Michalon, 2005)

Munk, Yael. “La maternité comme attitude oppositionnelle : sur For my Children (2002) de Michal Aviad,” in Israeliens, Palestiniens : que peut le cinéma ? ed. Janine Euvrard (Paris: Editions Michalon, 2005)

Munk, Yael. "‘The Truman Show' or ‘when the father collapses’,” in Game: A Look from Psychoanalysis and from Elsewhere, ed. Emilia Perroni (Yediot Aharonot Publishers, 2002) [Hebrew]

Munk, Yael, "Ronit Elkabetz."  in The Shalvi-Heyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women.   British Association of Jewish Studies. https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/elkabetz-ronit

Munk, Yael. "Forbidden Loves and Identity Politics: Jaffa (2009)" Lexicon of Global Melodrama (Global Sentimentality). Edited by Heike Paul / Sarah Marak / Katharina Gerund / Marius Henderson (eds.) Transcript Verlag, Germany (marketed in the US by Columbia University Press and in the UK by Pluto Press). 

Munk, Yael. ."Representations of Women in Israeli Cinema".  The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Edited by Jennifer Sartori, Ph.D, Jewish Women's Archive (online, 2021).

Munk, Yael. "Looking at the Other: Israeli and Palestinian Cinemas", in A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations – From the Origins to the Present, eds. Abdelwahab Meddeb and Benjamin Stora (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2013), 594-603. (Peer-Reviewed)

Munk, Yael. “Film, in Israel” in The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture, co-authored with Nurith Gertz, ed. Judith Baskin (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 176-179. (Peer-Reviewed)

Munk, Yael. “Major Trends in Contemporary Israeli Cinema”, in Routledge Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture, ed. Glenda Abramson (New York and London: Routledge, 2005), 162-165. (Peer-Reviewed))

Munk, Yael. "Rachel S. Harris, Warriors, Witches, Whores: Women in Israeli Cinema: The Untold Story of Israeli Women on Screen and Israeli Women Filmmakers; Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women Studies and Gender Issues, ed. Renee Melamed, 2018.

Munk, Yael. "Hanan Hever, ‘We are Broken Pearls: Trauma Politics in Israeli Literature;" Megamot 53/2 (November 2018): 316-319.

Munk, Yael. "Michal Pick-Hamo, Wounded Homeland: Changes in Trauma Representation in Israeli Cinema; Megamot 53/1 (May 2018): 291-297.

Munk, Yael. "Ariel L. Feldstein, Cinema and Zionism: The Development of a Nation through Film"; H-Judaic, H-Net Reviews (November, 2012), http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=36903

"Bertrand Tavernier: The Director who Missed the Good Old France".Cinematheque. no. 227 March 2022.

"Thoughts about Another Place: on Chantal Akerman's Over There". Edited by Netalie Brown. Takriv: Online Magazine for Discussion and Critique of Documentary Film. No. 22. Winter 2021

"Thoughts about Another Place: on Chantal Akerman's Over There". Edited by Netalie Brown. Takriv: Online Magazine for Discussion and Critique of Documentary Film. No. 22. Winter 2022

Munk, Yael. "Die neuen Feinde in israelischen Fernsehserien (The New Enemies in Israeli TV shows)", Jüdischer Almanach Freundschaften Feindschaften, edited by Gisela Dachs, 2020.  pp. 195-202  

Munk, Yael. "Die Wiedergeburt der misrachishen Frau in israelichen Cinema (The Mizrahi Woman's Rebirth on the Israeli Screen)," Judischer Almanach der Leo Baeck Institut, Edited by Gisela Dachs (Jerusalem and London, 2018): 162-169. 

Aya – An Imagined Autobiography,” Cinema of Israel. 2016 http://www.cinemaofisrael.co.il/איה/

” About Life, Death and Love: On Sylvain Biegeleisen’s Twilight of a Life,” Takriv: Online Magazine for Discussion and Critique of Documentary Film 12 (2016)

Thoughts on Feminine Redemption: A Conversation with Yaelle Kayam,” Cinematheque 199 (May 2016): 4-9.

“The First Step to Liberation: To Take a Wife Revised,” Cinematheque 201 (September 2016): 17-20.

In the Shadow of the Mother: In Memory of Chantal Akerman,” Cinematheque 197 (January 2016): 14-16.

“Judges on Trial: on Ra'anan Alexandrowicz' The Law in these Parts,” La Vie des Idées (3.9.2012).  http://www.booksandideas.net/Judges-on-Trial.html?lang=fr

“A Bare Life on the Mountainside,” Takriv: Online Magazine for Discussion and Critique of Documentary Film 2 (2011)

“’It is Impossible to Think of Nothing’: The Cinematic Legacy of Éric Rohmer,” Cinematheque 162 (2010): 24-27.

“Duki Dror’s Journey of the Displaced,” Cinematheque 138 (January 2006): 45-49.

“Israeli Cinema's Women,” Cinematheque 126 (December 2003): 6-10.

” Oppression Remains Oppression : on Bertolucci's Beseiged,” Cinematheque 105 (January 2000): 19-21.

Andre Bazin. "Qu’est-ce que le cinéma ?" (French to Hebrew). (Forthcoming at the Am Oved and Omek Sadeh Publishers)

Todorov, Tzvetan. “Les Abus de Memoires” by Tzvetan Todorov (French to Hebrew) (with Eyal Sivan). Published in Makhbarot Kolnoa Darom 2 (2007): 9-23

Gilles Deleuze et Michel Foucault. “Les Intellectuels et le Pouvoir: Entretien Deleuze et Foucault” (French to Hebrew). Published in HaMeorer 8 (Summer 1999)