
On February 12, 2019, during the 20th election campaign to the Israeli parliament (Knesset), Prof. Anat Ben-David opened a Twitter account that aims to create a public and transparent sponsored ad archive by collecting screenshots of sponsored political ads, so users can know who is targeting them and why.

The account first twit says as follows:

Have you come across a sponsored political ad? Make a screenshot of the ad, and another screenshot of the information that appears when you click the button next to the ad – "why am I seeing this ad?". Tag us, send as a private message or send to and we will upload anonymously here. Together we can create a public and transparent sponsored ad archive.

Ultimately the archive encompasses ads collected from the three 2019-2020 election campaigns.

Meturgatim Archive was launched in January 2022 with a search engine, data visualizations, and interactive networks.

Description in Hebrew link to PDF​.

An article in HaAretz (15.9.2022) interviewing Prof. Anat Ben David on Meturgatim.  
