Ongoing Research

The Center's research fellows and research associates engage with studies on a variety of topics in the fields of the environment and urban sustainability.

Adaptation and Preparedness for Climate Change

Optimizing The Climatic-Spatial Conditions in Access to the Public-Urban Transportation Network: a Data-Based Approach

Research team: Dr. Or Alexandrovich (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology), Prof. David Perlmutter (Ben Gurion University) and Dr. Daniel Rosenberg (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology)

Developing Remote Sensing-Based Algorithms for Mapping and Predicting Carbon Uptake or Urban Vegetation

Research team: Dr. Oz Kira (Ben Gurion University), Prof. Arnon Karneali (Ben Gurion University)

Urban Resilience

Urban Resilience and Sustainability in Arab Munacipalities in Israel: The Public's Readiness to Take 4 Climate Change Preparedness Measures

Research team: Prof. Maya Negev (University of Haifa), Ms. Alaa Abid (Galilee Association)

Urban Resilience Among Different Groups and Neighborhoods in a Mixed City

Research team: Prof. Yosef Jabarin (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology), Prof. Efrat Eisenberg (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology) and Prof. Tali Hatuka (Tel Aviv University)

Preparedness of Israeli Arab Local Authorities for Extreme Climate Evenets

Research team: Dr. Ahmad Higazy, Dr. Orr Karassin

Urban Renewal

Sustainability and Underground Development: The Potential for Major Urban Renewal Projects

Research team: Prof. Dani Broitman (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology), Dr. Yanai Farja (Tel Hai College)

Examining the Feasibility of Urban Renewal Strategies in Israel

Research team: Prof. Nurit Alfasi (Ben Gurion University), Ms. Yael Ronen (Ben Gurion University)

Fair Division of the Replacement-Units Without an Appraiser in Urban Renewal Processes

Research team: Prof. Rica Gonen (Open University), Dr. Erel Segal-Halevy (Ariel University)

Environmental Attitudes and Perceptions in the Urban Space

Satisfaction with the Place of Residence: Predictive Factors and the Importance of Environmental Aspects

Research team: Dr. Orr Karassin, Dr. Shula Goulden

Survey of Positions of Decision Makers and Residents of Local Authorities on Core Issues of Urban Environmental Quality

Research team: Dr. Shula Goulden, Dr. Dana Kaplan, Dr. Orr Karassin

The Interface between Technology and Place

Social and scientific aspects of using fireplace stoves in different settlements in Israel

Social and Scientific Aspects of Using Fireplace Stoves in Different Municipalities in Israel

Research team: Dr. Dana Kaplan, Miri Lavi-Naman (Arava Institute), Dr. Viktor Chernov (Academic College of Engineering in Brauda)

Barriers and Policies to Promote Small and Distributed Solar Systems in the Urban Area

Research Team: Dr. Benny Furst, Dr. Orr Karassin

Application of circular economy principles to the reduction of food waste in service organizations

Application of Circular Economy Principles to the Reduction of Food Waste in Service Organizations

Research Team: Dr. Orr Karassin, Dr. Tal Golan