July 2024

The June issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here.

17th June 2024

The DHSS Hub seminar will host Dr. Shai Gordin for a lecture titled: The Computational Historian: Historical Hypotheses at the Seam Between Distant Reading and Longue Duree

June 2024

The June issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here.

15th May 2024

The DHSS Hub seminar will host Dr. Yiftach Ashkenazi for a lecture titled: AI for Solving Research Problems without Programmers

April 2024

The April issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here.

16th April 2024

"From Jerusalemite Crumbs to a Growing Edition": an evening
in commemoration of Saul Liberman. For more (in Hebrew).

March 2024

The March issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here.

March 2024

New Publications:

11th March 2024

Dr. Eyal Rabin will give a workshop on ChatGPT. 
The DHSS Hub in collaboration with the Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies.

4th March 2024

The DHSS Hub seminar will host Dr. Nurit Melnik (OUI) for a lecture titled: What Can We Learn about Language when a Machine Learns it?

February 2024

The February issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here.

2nd February 2024

Catalogue Launch of Tom Porat's The Gatekeeper, accompanied by a guided tour of the exhibition.

29th January 2024

The DHSS Hub seminar will host Prof. Hava Aldouby (OUI) for a lecture on the relation between art and artificial intelligence.

25th December 2023

The DHSS Hub seminar will host Dr. Avi Shmidman (Bar-Ilan University) for a workshop on Dicta, an online platform for natural language processing in Hebrew.

December 2023

The December issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here.

 September 2023

.The September issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here


August 2023

Post-Doctorate at the DHSS Hub granted to Dr. Alon Fishman.

 August 2023

.The August issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here

5th July 2023

Opening of “The Gatekeeper”, an art exhibit by the New-Media artist Tom Porat (the exhibition is open until February).

4th July 2023

First day of Summer School: between the 4-7th of July, the DHSS Hub brings together scholars from a variety of universities in Israel for intensive workshops and lectures on image analytics. 

 July 2023

.The July issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter is here

 14th June 2023

The DHSS Hub Seminar is hosting Dr. Daria Vasyutinsky-Shapria, for a lecture on: “Medieval Hebrew Texts and Digital Paleography”.

 June 2023

We are happy to announce the lanuch of the first issue of the DHSS Hub Newsletter.


14th May 2023

DHSS Hub Seminar, first meeting: introductions and a talk by Gilad Gutman, Head of Research Methodologies, on “Mapping the Figurative Language of Early Modern English Tragedies”.  

13th March 2023

The DHSS Hub Launch Event: the official launch event of the Hub at the Open University, with three leading researchers in the field, esteemed guests and art talk with Loukia Alavanou.  

13th March 2023

Opening of “Green Room”, a VR and New-Media art exhibit by Loukia Alavanou (the exhibition is open until the end of March).

2023-Spring Semester

The DHSS Hub awards 3 grants for excellent students participating in the course “Who’s Afraid of Numbers: Math and Programming for the Humanities”.

October 2022

Dr. Zef Segal has been awarded the ISF grant for his research on “Uniformity and Diversity in the US press, 1841-1884: A computational analysis of space, time and content”.

2023-Fall Semester

Post-Doctorate at the DHSS Hub granted to Dr. Daria Vasyutinsky-Shapria.

2023-Fall Semester

The DHSS Hub awards 5 grants for excellent students participating in the course “Textual Analysis in the Digital Age: Theory and Practice”.