Prof. Ofer Levi

Prof. Levi is an associate professor in the industrial engineering and management program at the Open University. Prof. Levy holds bachelor's degrees in mathematics and industrial engineering and management, a master's degree in engineering, industry and management from Ben Gurion University and a doctorate from Stanford University in the field of scientific computation and computational mathematics, where the topic of his thesis was multi-scale geometric analysis of 3D data. Prof. Levi's main research areas are scientific calculation, image and signal processing, optimization, statistics, matrix calculations and inversion problems.

Prof. Levi previously served as a senior lecturer in the Department of Industry and Management at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Director of the Entrepreneurship Lab at Sapir College and a visiting researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University. In addition, Prof. Levi serves as a council member and head of the environment committee in the Lehavim local council.
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