xxi 16:45-17:15 Break and Poster Exhibition (Neudorfer Plaza) 17:15-18:15 Closing Session (Neudorfer Auditorium) Chair: Prof. Yoram Kalman (The Open University of Israel) Presentation of the Outstanding Doctorate Award Winner Back to the Future: Lessons Learned from Twenty Years of Learning Technologies Research at the CHAIS Conferences Sarah Guri-Rosenblit (The Open University of Israel), Rafi Nachmias (Tel Aviv University), Yoram Eshet-Alkalai (The Open University of Israel), Sheizaf Rafaeli (Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art.), Miri Shonfeld (Kibbutzim College of Education), Orli Weiser (The Open University of Israel), Yoram Kalman (The Open University of Israel), 18:15-18:45 A Special Closing Event Honoring 20 Years of Activity and Research at Chase's Conferences (Neudorfer Auditorium)
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