Orit Avdiel, Ina Blau 5E has been found to be an effective coping strategy for such challenges (Velykodna et al., 2023). The literature describes various collaborative strategies among teachers during emergencies, such as teamwork for adapting lesson plans and solving problems (Danylchenko-Cherniak et al., 2023), sharing effective strategies (Gi et al., 2024), mentoring in advanced methods (Delcker & Ifenthaler, 2021), discussing new school policies, sharing experiences, and providing emotional support (Yang et al., 2023). Regarding the effect of collaboration among teachers, research findings indicate that teachers who engage in collaborative practices during emergencies demonstrate higher levels of resilience when facing the challenges of teaching in complex situations (Danylchenko-Cherniak et al., 2023). In addition, teacher collaboration enhances their sense of self-efficacy in coping with the existing situation (Knopik & Domagala, 2022) and even strengthens their confidence to try and implement new teaching methods (Sirk, 2024). Emergencies can cause emotional challenges for students, such as anxiety, restlessness, and depression (Mali et al., 2023). Student collaborative learning , where students work in pairs or small groups, can help address these issues (Sarwat et al., 2024). The literature highlights many benefits of collaborative learning during emergencies: enhancing resilience, reducing isolation, promoting well-being, boosting motivation, maintaining engagement, and improving academic performance (Antonis et al., 2023; Cecchini et al., 2024; Danylchenko-Cherniak, 2023; Mali et al.,2023). However, there is a notable gap between the potential of collaborative learning in emergencies and its actual implementation. Studies show that teachers often use collaborative activities at basic levels, like discussions or simple role distribution (Shamir-Inbal et al., 2023). This may be due to the rapid transition to emergency learning, which limits the time available to develop more complex activities (Kasperski et al., 2023; Sidi et al., 2023). Research Questions This study examines whether and how technological tools were integrated into teaching and learning processes in the temporary learning environments established for evacuated children and adolescents during the 'Iron Sword War'. It also explores whether, and to what extent, collaboration took place between educators and between learners within these emergency learning environments. The research questions examined in the study are: 1. What types of technologies, if any, are integrated into temporary emergency learning environments? What is the level of technology integration according to the e-CSAMR framework in this context? Which pedagogical approaches are reflected in these environments according to Mindtools framework? 2. According to the e-CSAMR model, what are the levels of collaboration among pedagogical teams , if any, in these temporary emergency learning environments? Do these environments encourage the highest level of teamwork between educators? 3. According to the e-CSAMR model, what are the levels of collaboration among learners , if any, in these temporary emergency learning environments? Do these environments foster the highest level of teamwork between learners?
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