8E 'Together We Will Win' – Innovation and Collaboration in Emergency Teaching in Temporary Learning Spaces Table 2. Types of Technology Identified in Interviews and Observations Type of Technology Integration Interviews: N=14 Observations: N=17 Representative Quote Learning from technology Interviews: 12; 86% Observations: 14; 82% "I do use the projector to show videos. Also, credit to... (the hosting institution) for providing us with all the technological tools we need... whether it's using their computers, which are very expensive equipment..." (Interview T.) "At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher explained to the children about the sense of vision using a presentation projected on the large classroom screen." (Observation N.) Learning about technology Interviews: 1; 7% Observations: 0 "This week, a guy came with a huge number of laptops. He conducted an activity, something really nice, an application I wasn't familiar with: animation, various things not available on every computer. He taught them how to use it. The kids were really excited..." (Interview Y.) Learning with technology Interviews: 1; 7% Observations: 3; 18% "Sometimes we let them play 'Kahoot' games in pairs. They don't get computers; they use their phones, and some teachers assist with that. For example, in Kahoot, they use their phones. We also let them use their phones to search for information." (Interview E.) "The children used the phones they brought to class to take pictures of slides they liked during the instruction. Later, they used their phones to practice taking photos according to the photography principles the teacher taught, exploring how these principles affected different photos and images." (Observation D.) It is evident that even when categorizing the types of technological tools based on Jonassen's model, the vast majority of technological use reflected a "learning from technology" process, with fewer instances of 'learning about' technology or constructivist approaches like 'learning with'. Collaboration Between Educators and Among Learners The second research question examined whether collaboration occurred among educators during emergency teaching and learning, and at what level, based on the e-CSAMR model. Analysis of interviews and observations revealed a high frequency of collaboration between educators. Table 3 shows the number and percentage of statements for each level of educator collaboration, including representative quotes from interviews and observations.
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