
Leora Rodrig, Ina Blau, Tamar Shamir-Inbal 17E 1. Which techno-pedagogical principles and competencies do teachers acquire during TPD programs focused on integrating GenAI, and how are these principles reflected in their teaching and learning practices? 2. What challenges and barriers in the classroom level and the school level (Dexter,2005) do teachers encounter when applying these principles in educational settings? Methodology Participants and Context The study involves 17 Hebrew-speaking teachers, across various subjects, in elementary (n=7) and high-school (n=10), with varied teaching experience and balanced gender representation. Participants undergo a 30-hour TPD program organized by the Ministry of Education [IL] and Pedagogical Center (Pisga), covering GenAI in education, digital pedagogy, and tools such as GenAI text and image generators. The TPD program was structured around three main components: AI fundamentals and educational applications, hands-on experience with text-to-text and text-to-image AI tools, and advanced AI tools such as Canva's Magic Studio with AI features for creating educational materials, presentations, and visual content. Throughout the program, teachers engaged in both synchronous online sessions and asynchronous learning activities, with practical workshops focusing on responsible AI integration, prompt crafting, and the development of AI-enhanced learning materials for their specific subject areas while developing pedagogical and technological competencies. Through hands-on application and peer sharing, teachers learn to integrate GenAI in ways tailored to their students’ needs, reflecting on practical classroom implementations. Research Instruments and Procedure This study employed two research instruments: semi-structured interviews and analysis of teacher-designed activities. Seventeen interviews were conducted via Meet or Zoom videoconferencing 2-5 months after TPD program completion, allowing teachers time to implement and reflect on their learning. The 30–45-minute interviews explored participants' integration of GenAI into pedagogy, focusing on areas such as collaboration, critical thinking, prompt crafting, and student engagement as well as implementation challenges. The analysis of 15 learning activities developed during the TPD program provided systematic examination of how teachers applied GenAI tools in their pedagogical contexts. Each participant shared at least one learning activity, detailing the implementation process, technological tools used, and specific ways TPD contributed to the activity's development. These analyzed activities included lesson units using text-to-text AI for content adaptation and differentiated instruction, collaborative student projects utilizing multiple AI tools (text-to-image generation and Canva) for creative design tasks, and interactive educational materials combining AI-generated content with visual elements. These activities, developed across different subjects and grade levels, demonstrated teachers' application of TPD principles in transforming traditional teaching materials into AI- enhanced learning experiences. The data analysis combined inductive and deductive thematic analysis (Seidman, 2013) began with identifying emergent themes regarding GenAI integration in teaching, followed by systematic categorization using predefined theoretical frameworks. To ensure inter-rater reliability, 25% of the data was independently recoded by a second rater –